Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 233



  • meaganmama
    meaganmama Posts: 19 Member
    SW 340. 4
    8/20 338.6 -
    Very very hot today. Also a very stressful day. But with deep breathes and loud music I got through it. So happy I got to end this day with snuggles on the couch with my 9 year old. Best way to end any day.

    8/21 340.4 -
    I'm thinking this is a result of too much sodium and not enough water... Wish there wasn't so much sodium in everything I like. On the plus side I hit my first goal for exercising a total of 60 minutes. I know it doesn't seem like much, but for me it is a great start.

    8/22 DNW -
    Today was such a crazy day from start to finish I kind of forgot to weigh in... But I am setting a reminder on my phone to weigh in tomorrow. Right now I'm just exhausted and ready to call it a night. Today I am starting my second exercise goal. I want to get to 90 minutes, I'm not putting a time frame on these because I don't want to pressure myself and think I have to do it for so long at a certain time.


  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Jen; 46; 5'4"

    About Me:
    This is my fifth round and really appreciated having someplace to stay accountable.
    Thanks to a medication I'm on for my mental health and an overeating habit, I managed to gain a lot of weight in the last year or so. On July 4, I stepped on the scale for the first time since I started the med (that is known to cause weight gain) and decided enough was enough. I buckled down and started actually recording my food for the first time in over five years and started walking every day. Now I need motivation to keep going.

    Previous Rounds:
    RND 229 - SW: 287.8; FW: 280.4 (-7.4)
    RND 230 - SW: 280.4; FW: 276.0 (-4.4)
    RND 231 - SW: 276.0; FW: 267.2 (-8.8)
    RND 232 - SW: 267.2; FW: 262.0 (-5.2)

    * track food every day
    * walk for at least one hour and/or 2.5 miles

    Round 233
    heaviest: 294 (7/4/23)
    SW: 262.0
    GW (short term): 250
    RGW: 257

    8/20 - 260.0 - 2.93 miles - Today was kind of a rough day. Wore my new shoes and all seemed fine for a while and then a little over halfway in, my knee just started aching and by the time I got back to my own street, I was hobbling along. Then the site I do my daily journal on has been offline for days which has put me on edge because I had nowhere to vent my frustrations. Then my husband brought home a carrot cake (my fave), apple pie (also a fave) and two bags of chips (my trigger food). I wanted to cry because I told him last night I was suddenly feeling very "snacky" and having trouble distracting myself from binging on junk. And he wanted burgers with bacon and hot dogs for dinner. Ugh. So I ate way more than I should have (had a burger with no bacon which made me sad, half a serving of mac & cheese and a serving of french fries. I feel blah now and still craving potato chips and pie. According to the site, I'm still under my calories for the day (just barely) so I can't really eat anything else. It's going to be a long night of trying not to think of all the junk in the house I want to eat. I'm so close to my first major goal (250lbs)--I don't want to do any more backsliding with cheat days until I get below 250.

    8/21 - 260.8 - 2.76 miles - Been a tough day. My walk wasn't great and I had to eat up the rest of the pork roast so I had a big lunch and big dinner and don't have room for dessert or a snack and all I want to do is snack on everything. All of these yummy things (apple pie, carrot cake, hot dogs, potato chips) taunting me all day long. Ugh. This is going to be a long week.

    8/22 - 260.4 - 3.29 miles - I think it's conclusive that wearing my old, beat-up Sketchers that are nearly worn all the way through the bottoms means I can walk farther and faster. And not come home in so much pain I can barely move for hours. So frustrating. I'm going to continue breaking in the new Sketchers, but not sure what to do about the other sneakers. I guess I could wear them for shorter walks, but I'm trying to build up to more than 3.5 miles. Anyway, made chicken tortilla soup tonight. The recipe calls for heavy cream (or half & half like I usually use) to make it super creamy. I did not put any cream in. It was still delicious with a half cup of rice, some reduced fat cheese and reduced fat sour cream.

  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,537 Member
    @SModa61 - congrats on the arrival of new baby DGS, hope Mommy & baby are doing well and looking forward to more details later <3
  • datdude1966
    datdude1966 Posts: 16 Member
    I don’t know how to add on to previous post
    8/20 267.6
    8/21 267.4
    8/20 265.6