September Day by Day Challenge (OPEN!)



  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member

    OKAY I Forgot to list my goals yesterday

    So today 1. JM Workout in the AM and in the PM - DONE WHOOT WHOOT
    2. Increase water to the 8 cups at the least - SIX
    3. Stay in calorie and carb numbers today -DONE

    September 21 Goals!

    1. JM 30 day shred in the AM and PM
    2. Water Water Water
    3. Calaorie and carb count with in number limits

    I have made it to Week 3 Day 13 of the JM 30 day shred I have actually doubled up on workouts as of Monday morning. So far so good!

    Have a blessed day good luck on your goals!

  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member

    1)84 oz
    got this in
    2) get cs checked mailed so i dont have to deal with her...
    did this
    3) get in 200 crunches for crystals challenge -
    only did 20

    and this is the point in the semester i start falling off.. unfortunately its happening again and the ankle isnt getting better...

    1) 84 oz

    2) here's crystals challenge for those who are doing it.. i wont be doing these. i cant do them the ankle is being overly cranky since the massage therapist massaged it a little.

    3) get far enough in work to determine if i can do the group vegas trip or if i have to stay behind to work so that i can take the month off for the hubby with no issues.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Sept. 20:
    1. WATER!!! --Okay.
    2. Stay on plan!!!--Yes.
    3. Day 3 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.--Yes.

    Another beautiful day yesterday. Managed to get most of the annuals watered and need to try to get the rest done today if nobody else has done them. Supposed to feel like summer today.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Goals for Sept. 21:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay on plan.
    3. Day 4 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    Goals Sept 21

    1) Day 3 Level 1 30 DS- Done
    2)30 minutes of yoga (really need the stretching- Got done at 10 last night, better late than never~
    3) Stay near calorie goal- Done
    4) Get started on inventory at work. Half way through!

    @Shanae'- Wonderful job on JM! I am on D4 L1 I have a hard time sticking with exercise so am getting lots of check ins from my MFP friends! Great work!

    Sept 22
    1) D4 L1
    2) 30 minutes of Wii activity
    3) Clean out basket on desk
    4) Work on inventory
    5) Water

    Okay, so 1 is done already, but better to put in plan :) Have a wonderful day ladies!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Sept. 21:
    1. WATER!!!--Better.
    2. Stay on plan.--Yes.
    3. Day 4 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.--Yes.

    It's my Friday at work. Lots to do! Have a great day!

    Goals for Sept. 22:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay on plan.
    3. Day 5 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member

    Goals for today
    1. laundry
    2. water
    3. walk

    Total fail that day and did nothing yesterday either. I'm getting over a very short cold the last 2 days. I'm glad it was short but man I hate when they hit so suddenly!! I'm still a little stuffy but I feel much better!!!!!

    My dad on the otherhand is in the hospital. He had knee surgery today, total knee replacement actually. I just got off the phone with my mother and he is doing well though he is in alot of pain right now. I'm gonna take my daughter there to see him after I get her from school today. I'm gonna have to help him order his dinner cause he is too doped up to do it himself apparently. lol

    So I don't have a ton of goals today since I'm still not 100% better. I don't wanna push myself too hard and then get sick again. We are going to visit a friend in Chicago this weekend and go to the Adler Planetarium too. We have free lodging and free passed into the planetarium! And we are going to be feed dinner at our friend's house. I would say this is going to be a good weekend and an cheap one. We are taking the train into town too so we don't have to worry about parking or anything.

    So my goals for today
    1. drink lots of water
    2. clean my ktichen since my hubby knows how to make the mess but clean it up...:/
    3. try to squeeze in a walk or a bike ride today since it is beautiful out there!!

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    1) D4 L1- Done
    2) 30 minutes of Wii activity- Super busy at work so actually burned way more calories fast walking (not as much fun!)
    3) Clean out basket on desk= yes
    4) Work on inventory- too busy
    5) Water- yes

    Not a bad day yesterday. Was super busy at work which makes the day go faster, but didn't get any extra paperwork done. Gotta get done this weekend to get order in.

    Sept 23
    1. D5 L1
    2. 30 additional minutes of exercise
    3. Inventory done
    4. Birthday gift/card for granddaughter picked up
    5. Water!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Ravyn- Glad you are feeling better. Praying for speedy recovery for your dad. It sounds like the perfect weekend! Enjoy!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Sept. 22:
    1. WATER!!! --Yes.
    2. Stay on plan.--Mostly (had a candy bar :ohwell: ).
    3. Day 5 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.--Yes.

    Very busy at work yesterday--placed a lot of trees so I guess the candy bar didn't do too much damage!

    Ravyn--Hope your dad feels better soon. Have fun this weekend!

    Goals for Sept. 22:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay on plan.
    3. Day 6 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan. (Rest day so need to watch the food choices!)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    Sept 23
    1. D5 L1- no
    2. 30 additional minutes of exercise- not
    3. Inventory done= no
    4. Birthday gift/card for granddaughter picked up No
    5. Water! OH yeah!!!!!

    Well, didn't do so well with goals yesterday! Did enjoy time with friends after work 9 ( about 70 minutes from home), busy at work, late night into the bed. Just not a great goal day! Since today is granddaughter's birthday, I reckon I will get that done today! Did get in D5 L1 this morning! Will just redo the same goals today! :wink:

    Sept 24

    1. D5 L1
    2. 30 additional minutes of exercise
    3. Inventory done
    4. Birthday gift/card for granddaughter picked up
    5. Water!

    Weekends I am usually really good with food, just not exercise or water. I hope you all make wise choices this weekend!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for Sept. 23:
    1. WATER!!!--Yes.
    2. Stay on plan.--Yes
    3. Day 6 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan. (Rest day so need to watch the food choices!)--Yes--did LOTS of walking today, too!

    Have a great day!

    Goals for Sept. 24:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay on plan.
    3. Day 7 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    Sept 24

    1. D5 L1- done
    2. 30 additional minutes of exercise- No but did 30 extra jumping jacks between customers at work :)
    3. Inventory done- not
    4. Birthday gift/card for granddaughter picked up- Done
    5. Water! Done

    Had fun at party for Grand daughter. Was even early (because I had wrong time written on calendar :blushing: Thought I did well on calories. Extra jumping jacks took care of those few extra calories.

    Today Sept 25
    1. Catch up on D6 and D7 Level 1- Done!!!!!
    2. Water!
    3. Laundry
    4. Mums planted
    5. Grocery

    Hope everyone has so wonderful Sunday!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    So my goals for today
    1. drink lots of water - DID GOOD
    2. clean my ktichen since my hubby knows how to make the mess but clean it up...:/ - GOT IT MOSTLY CLEAN
    3. try to squeeze in a walk or a bike ride today since it is beautiful out there!! - MISSED DOING THIS

    Hope you all have a good day!

    My dad is doind much better already. He didn't even realize it was time for his pain meds cause he wasn't feeling it anymore.:smile:

    Weekend plans got shot but that's because my daughter got really sick and we are going to have to take her to the dr today. She has had a temp up over 100 since Friday afternoon and my MIL is a nurse and said we definitely need to take her today. We always ask her before jumping the gun and taking her right away. Fevers happen but when they last this long we start asking the nurses and doctors in the family before we go to a local doctor. lol Saves us time and money sometimes.

    My friend decided to come down here instead since we couldn't make it up there to see her. :heart: I was so happy to see her!! :heart:

    I don't have any goals for today just having a lazy day with my daughter till she feels better.

    Hope this weekend has been good for you all!:flowerforyou: I'm gonna cuddle up and watch some tv with my girl for awhile.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone! Thought since I had a few moments I would pop in and say Hi! Hope everyone is doing well. Beth, glad to hear your dad is doing better, been praying for him.

    Only 3 more days of my part time job and then I'm back at home and taking care of things here, which means I'll have more time for here again and taking care of other things. I so can't wait until we get back to our own place, not sure how much longer I can deal with the crap I've been dealt lately, but I'm managing....

    This weekend with food has been bad choices all the way around, but with my situation (which Beth knows about) its just a lot easier eating out....

    Well, I'm about to get off of here, clean up for the night and head out. Have a great night! Hoping to see you all in October, will try to pop in before then.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    OOps! Will just say SMILE!!!!!!!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member

    Today Sept 25
    1. Catch up on D6 and D7 Level 1- Done!!!!!
    2. Water!- done
    3. Laundry-in process
    4. Mums planted- still not
    5. Grocery- Yes with husband!!!

    I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.
    Ravyn- glad to hear your dad is doing better, hope your daughter gets to feeling better, And AM so glad your friend joined you this weekend. We all need our tanks filled sometimes!

    Bluerose- we will see you when you get back on. Take care of yourself most importantly!

    Sept 26
    1. Water
    2 inventory
    3. D8 L1 plus

    Have an awesome Monday everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Sept. 24:
    1. WATER!!! --Yes
    2. Stay on plan.--Yes.
    3. Day 7 Week 1 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.--Yes.

    Didn't get here yesterday--I have been very busy. Had a good day and kept to my food and workout plans, though water could have been better!

    Rayvn--Hope your daughter is feeling better soon!

    Bluerose--wishing you peace in your situation--I don't know exactly what it is but I think I can guess (been there!).

    VERY rainy and windy today--I think I will find lots to do in Indoor Garden!

    Take care, everyone, and have a good day.

    Goals for Sept. 26:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay on plan.
    3. Day 2 Week 2 of the ACE Kick Start Workout plan.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member

    September 21 Goals!

    1. JM 30 day shred in the AM and PM -YES
    2. Water Water Water -yes
    3. Calaorie and carb count with in number limits -YES

    September 26 Goals

    1. JM 30 day shred in the AM and the PM ( Got the AM done )
    2. Water at 1/2 my body weight 12 and a half glasses whoooooooooo
    3. Calories and Carbs no dips all week below the required numbers

    Have a blessed day good luck on your goals!

    @ Kymarai Honey lets be friends and keep each other going it is a rough workout but it is really worth it. I was walking at first and I enjoyed it but my schedule had to change when I went to the 20 minutes I felt like I wasnt doing quite enough which is the reason for the double workouts. Great job on thinking of ways of getting extra calories off I am going to use that idea! I never used to like jumping jacks or squats!

  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    okay.. i can do this... yes i can... i really can..

    9/26 goals

    1) 84 oz

    2) Do the bicep curl part of crystals challenge which is 150 each arm

    3) determine if i get to go to vegas.

    4) do the elliptical at the gym today...fingers crossed i didnt over push my ankle on this mornings walk
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Ok well I'm gonna say I have one big goal today and it has to do with cleaning!! My kitchen is a disaster and somehow we forgot about a cooler full of dirty dishes from when we last went camping...over a month ago!!! I'm actually afraid to open it and smell it...:sick: Oh boy this is going to be fun:ohwell:

    Will be back if I finish that and maybe set myself some other goals.If not I'll see you all tomorrow.

    Barb, I know I've been keeping an eye out for you guys for something by me since they seem to be priced fairly deccent. I've also got the number for that landlord who owns the house next door to me. I know he would work with you guys :wink: It will get better!! I'll help ya get there too:smile: I know how much you hate eating out all the time.