LESS Alcohol ~ SEPTEMBER 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,620 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Quick fly by.

    I have been working so much that I had to eliminate some time somewhere. It was reading and posting here each day.
    I am keeping track of my A and AF days though. 11AF, 5A

    Leaving for work at 7am today, and by the time that I get home I will officially be on holiday.
    Departing tomorrow morning for the Shushwap for a week. Because I started another new job this year I don't get as many holiday days as usual, so a trip close to home this year's birthday. 6-8 hour drive depending on which route I take.

    I do plan on having drinks while away, specifically Prosecco on my birthday, and cocktails out.
    Some interesting NA drinks on this one menu too for those who are into that (other than NA beer because I don't normally drink beer I don't do Mocktails because they only trigger me to have the "real" thing):

    @MissMay Sorry that job did not work out. I am like you, I organize my life (and jobs) around my schedules, so couldn't handle at all any last minute changes.

    @Womona So glad that you got so much sailing in!

    Not sure how much time that I will be online during my trip, and back to working 2 jobs once I get back. I had 3 jobs until the end of August - doing what I have to do.
    I will try to check in here and there.

    Be well.

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,319 Member
    9 AF
    8 A
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 542 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy It’s great to read your update and hear from you. Have a fantastic birthday trip! Looks beautiful. I do like mocktails with less sugar, and lots of club soda.

    @xbowhunter we have all been there! Today is a new day. And, congrats on your daughter’s wedding.

    Decided to have red wine to pair with a steak dinner last night. It was nice to enjoy a good wine (small bottle) and stay within my limit. Now moving onto AF for the week ahead.

    I have commitments late afternoon and each morning next week - which always makes LA much easier.

    Goal: 20 or more AF days in Sept.
    AF - 10
    A - 6
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    AF last night.

    7 AF
    6 LA
    3 A

  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    Planned A day - getting my wine on with Dark Wave. Bellycat gets her surgery in the morning, a little stressed but confident that all will be well. God knows how I will keep her calm enough to not blow out stitches...

    7 AF, 6 LA, 4 A

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,319 Member
    10 AF
    8 A
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 542 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend and found resolve in your personal choices.
    Posting early for today since it’s an AF day.

    Goal: 20 or more AF days in Sept.
    AF - 11
    A - 7
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,004 Member
    16 AF
    2 A

  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 363 Member
    @mfowler883 ...lottsa treats and pets for Bella Baby.
    I remember how absolutely terrified I was when tiny Catpuccino had his surgery and presented with 4-5 mini seizures afterwards. Even trying to explain them away as "normal" reactions, I was a total basket case for a few months...waiting for...whatever...
    Of course he is now a disgustingly healthy butterfly tabby with 2 speeds...NASCAR & total stop...My Head Of Household.
    Bella is a beautiful Bengal...long may she reign...
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 363 Member
    Not a good month...Upcoming yearly appointment with heart doctor...anxiety...take a few glasses of wine....not a good thing to do...skip the wine for a week...more anxiety...take a few bottles of wine...WTF...then just a few glasses...Wish this was June, no anxiety...Damn, I'm 77 in a few days, can't I just act like a grownup ??
    No "hugs" please...I'd probably be more receptive to a sharp slap across the face...Ugh....Come October it will all be over ...
    As with most doctor appointments...are you having "X " symptoms?" "No" "Have you experienced " Y" "Nope" "Are you okay with "Z" issues ? "no, that's fine " . Okey-Dokey- You're excellent !!
    Meanwhile..."Q" is driving you CRAZY...and you go on to murder your Mother-In -Law...NOT!!!.
    NOT happening in MY world, since I ADORE my MIL...but...

    Gotta get off and attend to other things as my #2 SIL is now e-mailing with some of his MAGA /conspiracy /theory
    issues . No longer defending, etc, just nodding and humming. No disrespect to True Believers, just ....meh.

    Why do I drink ???
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    @mfowler883 ...lottsa treats and pets for Bella Baby.
    I remember how absolutely terrified I was when tiny Catpuccino had his surgery and presented with 4-5 mini seizures afterwards. Even trying to explain them away as "normal" reactions, I was a total basket case for a few months...waiting for...whatever...
    Of course he is now a disgustingly healthy butterfly tabby with 2 speeds...NASCAR & total stop...My Head Of Household.
    Bella is a beautiful Bengal...long may she reign...

    Yeah, dealing with stuff after procedures is crazy stress.

    So we picked up her food at 10 last night. This morning we got up crazy early and packed her into the carrier before she could complain about breakfast, and dropped her off. We picked her up at 3:30 after she woke up, no complications. No surprises: she HATES the e-collar, she refuses to chill out in a crate and she insists on running, jumping and climbing. I guess the fight she puts up with the collar and crate are not worth it, we'll just have to monitor and hope she doesn't hurt herself. At least she takes meds easier than the dogs ever did.


    No drinks today, although I can't say I'm not tempted to go next door and get something before bed.

    I'll hold off on throwing numbers around until tomorrow.

  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 542 Member
    Had a strange experience this afternoon. While waiting at a traffic signal light I was front ended! The gal in front of me backed up and hit the front of my car pretty good. Apparently she had changed her mind about turning left so she wanted to back up and get around the car in front of her to change lanes. I’m shocked but very happy my car didn’t get a scrape. I felt bad for her with two little kids and that she’ll have to deal with her own rear bumper damage (albeit small).

    Told my daughter and she said “wine tonight!” I laughed and said I was startled for a minute but no wine tonight and am following through. I want that scale to move in the right direction this week.

    Goal: 20 or more AF days in Sept.
    AF - 12
    A - 7
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 542 Member
    @forestdweller1 Sounds like you are very aware of what’s going on……health triggers @#$&* and family opinions and life! Today is a new day to start over! And, Happy Birthday!
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    Okay, so I went and got a Stella last night. I'll call it LA. Bella is doing okay. I think she understands in some cat way that she has an injury and if she gets too carried away, she will hurt herself worse.

    Today, I got some errands handled - found a more or less local place that has really good pricing on ammo, so I picked up 700 rounds for the 1911. I need to get on top of doing some dry fire exercises and some range time to prep for this event. Also found a place that sells my favorite brand of gummy, Cycling Frog, so grabbed a fresh bottle of those. I was good for breakfast and lunch, but terrible at dinner. We'll see tomorrow if I'm gonna pay severely for that...anyway, AF today.

    8 AF, 7 LA, 4 A

  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,319 Member
    11 AF
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,004 Member
    17 AF
    2 A