Operation: Sexy Claus Week #2 9.26.11 (Closed Group)



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    I had a very similar week, with a 1-pound gain! Ugh! I've been really debating whether I should weight myself every week. I've been so focused on the scale lately and have begun obsessing. In the past, that's when I generally start falling off the wagon. Any thoughts on not weighing in for a couple of weeks?

    And I am also in the same boat of getting my workout schedule back on track. I did only 3 (and a half) good workouts last week where I normally do 6. So this week will be a week of renewal! My goal this week is to be in bed early and to get my bottom in gear in the mornings to get my workouts in.

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    I totally think it depends on the person. I noticed that when I didn't weigh myself every week, it gave me free reign to just be reckless with my eating and excercise. Case in point why I decided to do another challenge :) LOL But of course this is just me!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning!
    LW: 194.4
    CW: 193

    The battle continues! Had TOM last week and my weight bounced all the way up to 198! Happy to see it down today. I have given myself a mini-goal to reach 189 by Canadian Thanksgiving (Columbus Day) and am really nervous that I won't be able to make it. I have been really struggling with the scale since June...I have only lost 5 lbs. And my eating is pretty good, don't go over my cals and if I do then I have to work out to eat the treat!

    This week I work night shift (23:00- 07:00) which I now use to my advantage and try to get in extra workouts in during my break at work (I bring my Walk Away the Pounds dvd) and walk 4 miles! I know I need to get in more strength training.
    Monday: P90X Legs & WATP at night
    Tuesday: The Firm dvd & WATP
    Wed: P90X Arms and shoulders & WATP
    Thurs: 30DS & WATP
    Friday: The Firm
    Saturday: WATP
    Sunday: The Firm

    Jacki I am sorry to hear that your sister is choosing to be mean to you. My brother has been doing the same thing to me for almost two years. It hurts. Just know that she is really missing out on knowing a fantastic person. Keep going forwards, you are worth it!

    This is me! I am so worried about not making my mini-goal, but honestly I thought about it and I said to myself, "It won't be the end of the world...but at least know that you gave it 100% effort!" Whether you make the goal on the date or a little after...you will still make it girl!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Question of the Day: Where did you maybe slip up last week, that you need to improve for this week?

    More exercise... I didn't exercise enough last week... Plus NONE this weekend!!!

    Last week 313
    This week 309

    I am jealous...and you still dropped 4lbs! Dang! I am trying to be like you lol!

    Thanks.... That's because of my killer trainer.... lmao

    I thought about getting a trainer...but with my schedule, I don't think there are enough hours in the day lol
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    Last week was a total bust for me all around! My husband cancelled my gym membership on Saturday, but you better believe I will be up there after work today to reinstate it. Also, I will be working out with one of the gym owners, as she is a good friend! Hopefully this is the kick off to getting back on track for real this time!

    Good luck this week ladies!
  • Khadines
    Khadines Posts: 64 Member
    Question of the Day: Where did you maybe slip up last week, that you need to improve for this week?

    More exercise... I didn't exercise enough last week... Plus NONE this weekend!!!

    Last week 313
    This week 309

    I am jealous...and you still dropped 4lbs! Dang! I am trying to be like you lol!

    Thanks.... That's because of my killer trainer.... lmao

    I thought about getting a trainer...but with my schedule, I don't think there are enough hours in the day lol

    Ur right about that, I have a hard time keeping up!!!!! Plus the holidays are coming up in full speed and I'm starting school in January......
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Last week was a total bust for me all around! My husband cancelled my gym membership on Saturday, but you better believe I will be up there after work today to reinstate it. Also, I will be working out with one of the gym owners, as she is a good friend! Hopefully this is the kick off to getting back on track for real this time!

    Good luck this week ladies!

    Hahaha this made me laugh, "You better believe..." LOL Love it!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    SW/LW: 158.5
    CW: 157.0

    So down 1.5... can't complain, especially since I definitely did not work out enough last week. Need to keep eating well and rev up the work outs this week and I think I will continue to see positive results. I joined a gym last week and I have my appointment with the trainer on Thursday evening, so hopefully they will give me some good ideas. I also am going to be doing Zumba on Wednesday evenings with a couple of girls from work, so I hope that will also help.

    My biggest worry for the week is that I have my first of 2 thanksgiving dinners this weekend and my grandmother is coming into town (she lives on the other side of the country - kinda by you Steph!) so I know that could be some calorie overload days..s EEPS! Hope to get another hike in on the weekend to try and offset SOME the the badness...

    Plan for the week

    Monday: Stepper
    Tuesday: (Long work day) Whatever I can get in... Stepper?
    Wednesday: Zumba, Elliptical?
    Thursday: TRAINER DAY!!! - whatever they give me
    Friday: maybe Zumba, Elliptical?
    Saturday: Hike?
    Sunday: uh.... not sure... LOL

    Good luck this week everyone! I know you all can do it!!!

    xoxo -S
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I will be weighing in today when I get home from work.

    So my biggest slip up last week was not working out enough. I worked out 3 days, I need to bust through my mid-week slump and make sure to get all 5 days in.

    Could I please get some advice? I followed MFP for my goals and it calculated 1320 calories per day for me and I am doing P90X 5 days a week. I have been finding that if I do my workout at the end of the day I am consuming too FEW calories. Like today at the end of the day I will only have consumed 800 calories. Should I increase my calories? I don't want my body going into starvation mode.
  • Good Monday morning, Sexy Clauses!!

    Last week, I totally fudged on the workout routine. I ate pretty well though. But this week TOM is here, and because I know myself, I took that bag of trail mix I had in my desk drawer and tossed it as soon as I made it to the office this morning...lol. This week I WILL stick to my workout schedule AND I WILL eat right. Oh, and the scale stayed the same for me. I'm happy with that considering no exercise and TOM showing up. That scale WILL move next Monday!
  • Question of the Day: Where did you maybe slip up last week, that you need to improve for this week?
    - I didnt work out, nada! I need to work on me and not worry about others, if I dont get the floors swept one night its not a big deal.

    So I want to shake what my mama gave me this week ;) and I think you ladies should too

    Mon- Zumba (20 min dvd)
    Tues- Zumba (40 min dvd)
    Wed- Zumba (40 min dvd)
    Thur- Off
    Fri- Going out for a friends B-day
    Sat- Zumba (20 min. dvd)
    Sun- Off
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Well last Monday I was 201.8 and checked the scale on Tuesday wad was down to 199.4! Then TOM decided to come this weekend so I'm back to 200.2. I did soo well Monday thru Friday, worked out ate great! Then I slacked and didn't workout this weekend because I felt blah from TOM and I slipped and had pizza and a little Debbie Swiss roll cake yesterday :(. Stupid TOM!!! Back at it this week because next week Monday I go in for surgery to get my tubes tied and will be restricted to no working out and minimal lifting for a whole week :(
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I will be weighing in today when I get home from work.

    So my biggest slip up last week was not working out enough. I worked out 3 days, I need to bust through my mid-week slump and make sure to get all 5 days in.

    Could I please get some advice? I followed MFP for my goals and it calculated 1320 calories per day for me and I am doing P90X 5 days a week. I have been finding that if I do my workout at the end of the day I am consuming too FEW calories. Like today at the end of the day I will only have consumed 800 calories. Should I increase my calories? I don't want my body going into starvation mode.

    I would increase them a tad and see how your body adjusts to it. I have a hard time eating back exercise calories and all of that so I am infamous for being waaaaaaay under my goal because I will burn 600-800 or so calories and then eat 1200-1400, and totally not on purpose! So I would increase little bu little and then see how that goes.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well last Monday I was 201.8 and checked the scale on Tuesday wad was down to 199.4! Then TOM decided to come this weekend so I'm back to 200.2. I did soo well Monday thru Friday, worked out ate great! Then I slacked and didn't workout this weekend because I felt blah from TOM and I slipped and had pizza and a little Debbie Swiss roll cake yesterday :(. Stupid TOM!!! Back at it this week because next week Monday I go in for surgery to get my tubes tied and will be restricted to no working out and minimal lifting for a whole week :(

    OMG I haven't had a Swiss Roll in a while...I had to stop buying them for the house WOW those things are a weakness of mine! LOL But at least you have a week to work hard before your surgery :)
  • stace0308
    stace0308 Posts: 23 Member
    Up .2 lb.s this week hopefully water weight from first 5K yesterday!!! YAY ;0)
    Going to need to make better choices this week. I havent really been eating fruits & veggies & I know my body needs "real food" not the processed crap that 's quick & easy. Hope to post a loss next weigh in.
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hi ladies... to answer todays question..... It's confession time.... I'm so frustrated so I'm going to vent here.... and then I'm going to kick my own *kitten* for being so stupid.... last week at our first weighin for the challenge... I was up 2 lbs from my previous wi....so I started at 179...now mind you I have been teetertottering around this stupid 175 forever and just can't get to it.... like for over a month...anyways.... I did extremely well last week... I ate within my calories, and I exercised every day....Saturday I did ok..not exceptionally great...but I did exercise... I just did ok.... yesterday I went to a country buffet place, and although I tried to make ok choices.. I know I probably still went over b/c of the type of food and the choices they had there...and I did splurge some...so the last 2 days I did ok...not terrible, but not good either... then this am I weighed and I was up another 3 lbs from when I did my wi last monday...so 5 lbs in 2 weeks.... I was so frustrated and discouraged and felt like this is just pointless b/c it's like I'm not getting anywhere...so all day today I had a "fat" day... where I just felt bloated and gross...and so at lunch my coworker wanted me to go to pizza hut with her... I did and I made a pure hogglet out of myself.... I wont' even go into detail about all that i had, but lets just say I gaurantee you it was well over my calorie allotment for the day! So now I feel even more bloated and more miserable than I did this morning, and my stomach hurts b/c my body has gotten so unused to the grease and crap that I put into my system today..... So..... since I will have to eat dinner tonight.... it will be a salad.... I'm going to Zumba tonight and plan on busting it more than usual tonight to try to burn as many calories as possible to help offset earlier today... and tomorrow is a brand new day!

    I also noticed I wasn't getting in near the water I need to....so my goals for this week is to exercise everyday.... and log everything... I've gotten so used to counting calories, I've gotten out of the habit of logging everything which is really affected me....so it's back to the basics.... exercise, lots of water, and logging everything that touches my mouth... and until I get the fundamental basics back I don't think i'm going to see the scales moving...so feel free to join in the kicking of my behind for the stupidity I've experienced over the last little bit....and from here I move forward! Sorry girls for being a slack participant in our challenge and for giving into emotions of the stupid scale and TOM that seems to be lingering on and off....it comes and goes it seems over the last two weeks... my cycles are weird b/c of my IUD..... blah!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi ladies... to answer todays question..... It's confession time.... I'm so frustrated so I'm going to vent here.... and then I'm going to kick my own *kitten* for being so stupid.... last week at our first weighin for the challenge... I was up 2 lbs from my previous wi....so I started at 179...now mind you I have been teetertottering around this stupid 175 forever and just can't get to it.... like for over a month...anyways.... I did extremely well last week... I ate within my calories, and I exercised every day....Saturday I did ok..not exceptionally great...but I did exercise... I just did ok.... yesterday I went to a country buffet place, and although I tried to make ok choices.. I know I probably still went over b/c of the type of food and the choices they had there...and I did splurge some...so the last 2 days I did ok...not terrible, but not good either... then this am I weighed and I was up another 3 lbs from when I did my wi last monday...so 5 lbs in 2 weeks.... I was so frustrated and discouraged and felt like this is just pointless b/c it's like I'm not getting anywhere...so all day today I had a "fat" day... where I just felt bloated and gross...and so at lunch my coworker wanted me to go to pizza hut with her... I did and I made a pure hogglet out of myself.... I wont' even go into detail about all that i had, but lets just say I gaurantee you it was well over my calorie allotment for the day! So now I feel even more bloated and more miserable than I did this morning, and my stomach hurts b/c my body has gotten so unused to the grease and crap that I put into my system today..... So..... since I will have to eat dinner tonight.... it will be a salad.... I'm going to Zumba tonight and plan on busting it more than usual tonight to try to burn as many calories as possible to help offset earlier today... and tomorrow is a brand new day!

    I also noticed I wasn't getting in near the water I need to....so my goals for this week is to exercise everyday.... and log everything... I've gotten so used to counting calories, I've gotten out of the habit of logging everything which is really affected me....so it's back to the basics.... exercise, lots of water, and logging everything that touches my mouth... and until I get the fundamental basics back I don't think i'm going to see the scales moving...so feel free to join in the kicking of my behind for the stupidity I've experienced over the last little bit....and from here I move forward! Sorry girls for being a slack participant in our challenge and for giving into emotions of the stupid scale and TOM that seems to be lingering on and off....it comes and goes it seems over the last two weeks... my cycles are weird b/c of my IUD..... blah!

    I totally appreciate you venting about this! It happens...no worries. I have a feeling though it is a little water retention going on...5lbs in 2 weeks doesn't sound like a normal amount to gain especially since you weren't just pigging out like crazy for the past 2 weeks! Just go back to the basics girl and you will see the weight drop, I am sure of it.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Hi ladies... to answer todays question..... It's confession time.... I'm so frustrated so I'm going to vent here.... and then I'm going to kick my own *kitten* for being so stupid.... last week at our first weighin for the challenge... I was up 2 lbs from my previous wi....so I started at 179...now mind you I have been teetertottering around this stupid 175 forever and just can't get to it.... like for over a month...anyways.... I did extremely well last week... I ate within my calories, and I exercised every day....Saturday I did ok..not exceptionally great...but I did exercise... I just did ok.... yesterday I went to a country buffet place, and although I tried to make ok choices.. I know I probably still went over b/c of the type of food and the choices they had there...and I did splurge some...so the last 2 days I did ok...not terrible, but not good either... then this am I weighed and I was up another 3 lbs from when I did my wi last monday...so 5 lbs in 2 weeks.... I was so frustrated and discouraged and felt like this is just pointless b/c it's like I'm not getting anywhere...so all day today I had a "fat" day... where I just felt bloated and gross...and so at lunch my coworker wanted me to go to pizza hut with her... I did and I made a pure hogglet out of myself.... I wont' even go into detail about all that i had, but lets just say I gaurantee you it was well over my calorie allotment for the day! So now I feel even more bloated and more miserable than I did this morning, and my stomach hurts b/c my body has gotten so unused to the grease and crap that I put into my system today..... So..... since I will have to eat dinner tonight.... it will be a salad.... I'm going to Zumba tonight and plan on busting it more than usual tonight to try to burn as many calories as possible to help offset earlier today... and tomorrow is a brand new day!

    I also noticed I wasn't getting in near the water I need to....so my goals for this week is to exercise everyday.... and log everything... I've gotten so used to counting calories, I've gotten out of the habit of logging everything which is really affected me....so it's back to the basics.... exercise, lots of water, and logging everything that touches my mouth... and until I get the fundamental basics back I don't think i'm going to see the scales moving...so feel free to join in the kicking of my behind for the stupidity I've experienced over the last little bit....and from here I move forward! Sorry girls for being a slack participant in our challenge and for giving into emotions of the stupid scale and TOM that seems to be lingering on and off....it comes and goes it seems over the last two weeks... my cycles are weird b/c of my IUD..... blah!

    I know I feel like this sometimes. I know for me, that once I allow myself to falter a little one day it becomes a slippery slope. I have the all or nothing attitude, which sucks because it gives me an excuse to let it all go. I think you have done the most important par though - recognized that you need to make some changes and identified what they need to be. I am bad about the water too, and I have seen that when I slack on the water, my weight goes up and I make poor food choices.

    Don't give up though! You are awesome and worth it! And you're not "a slack participant"! You were honest and have rededicated yourself! That takes a lot of strength and shows you are wanting this! So, "you go girl" (ya that's right, I went there!).
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Week 1 270.5
    Week 2 265.4

    difference...some kind of water weight situation i'm sure.....

    Last week I did fairly well I have to say....this weeek I'm already stuggling. I do need to work on keepin gtemptations OUT OF THE HOUSE. I think I"m going to start saving treats for when we go out...because the fignewman cookies I bought for a treat here and there...became a 2 day unstoppable binge!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I do need to work on keepin gtemptations OUT OF THE HOUSE. I think I"m going to start saving treats for when we go out...because the fignewman cookies I bought for a treat here and there...became a 2 day unstoppable binge!

    I hear ya there sister! I need to keep the Loft House frosted Soft Sugar Cookies AWAY!!!!! @ 180 calories a pop and they come in packs of 10, well lets just say I know I can eat a pack in one sitting.... Not pretty!

    We got this girl!!! Keep it up!!!!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks guys.... I went to ZUmba... and then came home ate a pretty awesome salad... :) so yay for at least trying to rectify my day haha....I love all of the support here so thank you... I've also had 60oz of water, and want to finish 2 more bottles before bedtime..that will be 100oz for the day :) tomorrow will be better for sure!