
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,588 Member
    edited September 2023
    Today’s gratitude: calm, gentle, productive chat with Joe about finances and upcoming expenses. We agreed to postpone siding work ‘til next spring/summer due Joe’s need for a vehicle with better gas mileage and my anticipated dental expenses. Channeling my inner Margaret, looked around for what I have instead of just buying more. Found a partial bag of bark mulch, channeled inner Barbiecat and used it around the violas.
    Machka wonder if the “roaring 40’s” applies as well to the northern hemisphere here on the coast? Windy forecast this weekend with gusts up to 50mph. "Doing nothing"=spider and freecell, watching TV. Don't count reading as its relaxing and can be productive ;}
    Rita ((hugs)) “I know I have no control over this. And I know that living where I do is actually saving my sanity,” hold those thoughts. Of course it still bothers you to be the brunt of everyone’s opinion. Hope you can find some inner armor to shed those opinions like water off a duck’s back. ((hugs))
    Lisa emergency joint savings to tide over possible shutdown. WTG Kels! Look forward to seeing pottery class pics. Thinking about affection for Brokenwood characters, in addition to Breen, Mike, Kristin and of course Jared, Mrs. Marlowe and Gina spring to mind. Ray of the Frog and Cheetah, lawyer Buchanan, Frodo and Mike’s boss not so much ;} Terrifying active shooter incident, thankful your family is safe.
    Allie Miles is growing so fast! :love: Homer. ((hugs)) and prayers continue for Carmine, Tracy, you and all.
    Kylia I :love: TJ’s chicken mini samosas. Dab of sour cream, touch of pepper jelly or peanut sauce. Yum!
    Ginny well done on your ‘vacation hours walks’ interspersed into your workday.
    Rebecca those are some fancy looking ramen toppings!
    Welcome @aallegra14741 in SW PA. So frustrating but not hopeless. Do you weigh your food? It’s a real eye-opener. The portion size in nutrition info can be misleading at best. Like Barbie and Kay have said, progress can be slow. I’ve been happy to average microscopically lighter each month, sometimes only tenths of a pound. ;}
    Kay yours to aalegra14741. Well said and well done!
    Rori always happy to see your smiling face. Especially thankful for the high Fun-O-Meter score ;)
    Terri I’m always impressed by your activities, both volunteer and artistic. Thanks for explaining about the rents.
    Joe’s off to Medford for glaucoma pressure check. One website says 199 is open with one way pilot traffic from 1600 to 0800 and 1100 to 1300, another says it is completely closed due to emergency repairs (rock slide?) Praying for safe travel and stable or reduced pressure.
    09/28: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, dogs to powerline, weed and mulch violas. Steps:5421
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=9 CI<CO net=157
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT, ptS. Wt:132.3
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka wonder if the “roaring 40’s” applies as well to the northern hemisphere here on the coast? Windy forecast this weekend with gusts up to 50mph. "Doing nothing"=spider and freecell, watching TV. Don't count reading as its relaxing and can be productive ;}

    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    It does get windier in the spring and autumn in the northern hemisphere because of the warming and cooling thing. And there is some of that going on in the southern hemisphere as well. But down here, along 40°S, there's almost no land to slow the wind. As the article below mentions, it's basically just Tasmania, New Zealand and the southern tip of South America.

    So Tasmania regularly gets slammed with wind.

    I used to think Manitoba was windy ... until I moved to Tasmania.

    Hot air rises at the Equator and is pushed towards the poles by cooler air travelling towards the Equator (an atmospheric circulation feature known as the Hadley Cell).[2] At about 30°S, the outward-travelling air sinks to lower altitudes, and continues toward the poles closer to the ground (the Ferrel Cell), then rises up again from about 60°S as the air joins the Polar vortex.[2] This travel in the 30°–60°S zone combines with the rotation of the earth to move the air currents from west to east, creating westerly winds.[2]

    The large tracts of open ocean south of 40°S are interrupted only by Tasmania, New Zealand, and the southern part of South America. These relatively small obstructions, which are themselves bordered by large tracts of open water along their southern shores, allow high wind speeds to develop – much higher than near 40°N, where the large continents of Eurasia and North America impede the flow of circum-planetary westerly winds.[2] Similar but stronger wind conditions prevalent closer to the South Pole are referred to as the "Furious Fifties" (50°S to 60°S), and the "Shrieking" or "Screaming Sixties" (below 60°S).[4]


    Freecell is a computer card game, as I recall. Occasionally I play Mahjong online. :)

    I rarely just sit and watch TV for more than about 30 seconds. :neutral:

    M in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    Not enough sleep after last night's excitement, up after only a few hours, and missing yesterday's exercise was a mistake - every joint hurt this morning! Definitely need to get my workout in today.

    Barbara AHMOD - Hope Joe's pressures are where they should be and whooshing much traveling grace thataway for his journey there and home. Thank you so much for the compliment on feeling as if we're sitting, having coffee, watching the world lighten and brighten with the morning sun! It's how I feel about this time with you, too. It's the closest thing I've found to going home to see Mama. Pretty sure it was the reason I started drinking coffee, so I could sit with her for hours after I drove in and catch up on everyone and everything in her world and mine. I would have to back up down the hallway with both of us still chattering, so I could take a few moments to visit the bathroom! I hope my daughter feels the same way with me... OK, not the bathroom part, but the rest. :D I still hear my mother's voice, "Oh my God, did I tell you about... " and we would be off again.

    Wavering between going into town to get the tires put on today and putting it off 'til Monday, but that's just because I'm a big, fat dreader. I dread anything that means I have to leave the house these days, and when I'm tired and ouchy, I dread things even more. I need to get it done, or it's going to land in Corey's lap, and he's got enough going on. Oh, and I forgot to say, his issue for his sick day early in the week was a seriously upset stomach, and though it was gurgly the next day, he said he felt a lot better. Not covid, or even covid-like. :smiley:

    Happy Friday to those who pay attention to such things, welcome to those who are new, we're glad you're here!

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    edited September 2023
    Friday ...

    Did the longest walk I've done since June 10!


    And I've walked 52 km this month. :)


    Plus ... I've done 354 flights of 20 stairs, up and down, plus landings.

    Machka in Oz
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning ladies
    Slept pretty well, not great but ok..
    I had a zoom meeting on what I thought would help with getting me back on track..
    Dr Pompa well after an hour and a half of talking to a consultant. Who by the way was very good.. was told it would cost between 8-10 thousand dollars for a 5 month program. Thats when I sort of shut it down.. can't afford that
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member

    (((Barbara))) I am fortunate that there is a long needle pine tree in the neighbors yard at my son's house that starts to lose needles this time of year. It is a wonderful mulch for my blueberry bushes and other spots I want mulched for the winter.

    Current book I am reading is called The Tools by Phil Stutz it is an interesting follow up to Organized Enough and Stuff Your Face or Stuff Your Face. He does not offer a quick fix. He has some interesting ideas on how to deal with self sabotage, vengeful thinking, obsessive thinking, the shadow self in relation to insecurity, and will power. Some books I do skip around to read what I believe is most pertinent to what I need work on. This book I am reading more slowly and starting at the beginning. He gives examples from his practice on how the tools work. He also goes into the negative side to the instant gratification the internet promotes.

    One of his themes is that the meaning of life is found in how we handle the struggles and successes of life. One of his examples was a client who reached in his mind the success he sought. He thought he had it made and no longer had to work so hard. He quickly fell apart and was devastated that his dream was shattered and he fell into the black hole (he had no future). Phil asked him who he had seen and was able to rise after being defeated. His answer was a boxer who everyone thought was out for the count. Some spark inside him made him rise to try again. It took some time and work for his client to accept that what he was really looking for could not be fulfilled by chasing outside fame and fortune but how he nurtured his inside and looked to how he could give back to the world his gifts for the greater good. It was in doing this he found his flow and his true happiness that no one could take from him. Yes the client is still a work in progress. We all are!

    Allie I am sending Carmine and her family love balls (pink). Carmine has some hard work to do and does not know where to start. Seeing and feeling how much pain she is in is so hard on a family. What is Carmine grateful for? Try to have her name three things. It can be anything... the sunrise, a good cup of tea, a friend's smile. What is she proud that she was able to overcome? If she has trouble with this one ask who has she seen overcome something and how did she think that person did it? No right or wrong answer. Who loves her unconditionally? Pets are great for that! Is there a way to have a chance to give her a voice through art, gardening, music, writing?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,467 Member
    Morning ladies
    Slept pretty well, not great but ok..
    I had a zoom meeting on what I thought would help with getting me back on track..
    Dr Pompa well after an hour and a half of talking to a consultant. Who by the way was very good.. was told it would cost between 8-10 thousand dollars for a 5 month program. Thats when I sort of shut it down.. can't afford that

    It's probably less expensive to go to the library and read some books on your various health issues, and find suggestions of what to do.

    Or these days, find some good studies and sites on the internet to read.

    Chances are, the solutions you can do are the same ones we all can do for all our various health issues.

    Eat a healthy diet (the Mediterranean diet is highly recommended).
    Limit sodium intake.
    Exercise regularly, every day.
    Sleep well.
    Stop smoking, if you do.
    Stop drinking alcohol, if you do.
    Take steps to improve your mental health (like being social, following a faith, getting into crafts, being out in nature, etc.)

    I won't charge you 8-10 thousand dollars for that advice. :smiley:

    M in Oz

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Lisa -
    I went to bed last night not knowing about the lock down, and MFP is the first thing I do in the morning that interacts with the greater world. As soon as I read the post I got on line. So glad to hear he did get caught and it looks like without any one getting injured or killed. Thank goodness. Your daughter and Grands have been through so much! So glad all are physically safe it will take a while for the fear to subside.

    Love Kim
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hi all!
    I've had a quiet day, preparing mentally for the weekend. I brushed down the front step and porch, ready for our visitors tomorrow. Hoovered the kitchen and living room rug. They are not super fussy, so I'm not over-anxious about it. I decided to keep things super simple, so it's pizza from Pizzaface, around the corner. Excellent wood-fired pizza. I will do a green salad with it. I have some raspberries if anyone is interested.
    The wife is going swimming in the morning in the new sea pool at the marina. She is a keen sea swimmer. The man has a bad knee, so will be watching her! He has stage 4 lung cancer, which is being very well contained with immuno therapy. He is a childhood friend of my ex, and I really value that they have kept in touch with me.
    After lunch I'm planning for a walk to Marroccos for those who wish, and we can bring back ice-cream for those who don't go.
    I'm very proud of myself, because I told her on the phone, that I needed time to deflate after they left, to get my brain in order for the wedding the next day. I said that they would have to leave by 4 pm. She was completely fine with that. I need lots of space between things, always have done. They live in Cornwall, and are staying at her son's, in the north of Brighton. They came up for a friend's son's funeral today. Only 55.

    I've also given myself a pedicure and listened to some wonderful podcasts. Oh, and I wrote, or rather, edited, this morning. Oh, and exercised and did my thigh massages. Oh, and shopped for tonight's dinner. :p And napped. And upset DH by talking about the cupboard door. He feels it as criticism. I hope the man tomorrow can help as he has built three houses. I bought wood glue, Lisa.

    Still procrastinating about checking in for the flights and booking the final train journey. Oh dear ......

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Morning ladies
    Slept pretty well, not great but ok..
    I had a zoom meeting on what I thought would help with getting me back on track..
    Dr Pompa well after an hour and a half of talking to a consultant. Who by the way was very good.. was told it would cost between 8-10 thousand dollars for a 5 month program. Thats when I sort of shut it down.. can't afford that

    It's probably less expensive to go to the library and read some books on your various health issues, and find suggestions of what to do.

    Or these days, find some good studies and sites on the internet to read.

    Chances are, the solutions you can do are the same ones we all can do for all our various health issues.

    Eat a healthy diet (the Mediterranean diet is highly recommended).
    Limit sodium intake.
    Exercise regularly, every day.
    Sleep well.
    Stop smoking, if you do.
    Stop drinking alcohol, if you do.
    Take steps to improve your mental health (like being social, following a faith, getting into crafts, being out in nature, etc.)

    I won't charge you 8-10 thousand dollars for that advice. :smiley:

    M in Oz

    :) I want to echo this. Most good ideas are simple. It is following the directions consistently that is the challenge.

    <3 Barbie
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    2023 Self-Care September 2023

    Word of the year: appreciate. Today I appreciate my morning walk.
    Meditation: daily. 28/30 (82%(started Feb)(94%,100%, 74%,


    Recommended exercise: cardio 5 days 30 min 23/23
    Strength all muscles 2 x 0/8 a week
    Flexible (yoga, stretching) 1/8 a week 10 min
    Balance 5 days 10 min 2/20

    Stop B12
    Switch DHEA to every other day on sept 6
    Add folic acid, once a day
    Add magnesium to 3x a day
    Up Berberine to 3x a day

    Foods to avoid:

    Bell peppers
    Egg white
    Winter squash

    1. cut back drinking and limit to 2 days a week. 0/8–(300%,100%)
    2. Average 7,000 steps a week. 5784, 9858, 8414,6805,(7,700,100%-9851,100%-9526,100%-9,559,100%, -8347,100%—7465,100%—6328,90%—6059,87%)
    3. Update budget every 2 weeks 2/2 —(800%)
    4. Contact close family every week (4x) 213/208—(733%) should be 189 by November 1)
    5. Contact Donat and sibs once a month (8x)72/94 (800%)
    6. Weigh less last day of month compared to first until I reach 140. Start at 178.6,176,174.2,173.4,175.4,174,175.6,173.4 (500%)
    7. Develop a journaling practice by aiming to journal at least 5 days a week. 23/23 (681%,100%)
    8. Read 12 books at least this year. 38
    /12 (100%)
    9. Pay off credit card debt by January 2024 by making monthly payments to NDR/Reach Financial 9/12—(900%)
    10. Continue building emergency fund at SLFCU (min$25 a month)$25+$25+$71+700+25+25 +25+25 (900%)
    11. April started putting 4% on income in savings. 700,200,200, 107, 157,0, 500%)

    January Met —100%
    February met —-90%
    March met met —-90%
    April met——86.36%
    May met——-89%
    June met—-99%
    July met — met 81%
    August met—met 99%
    September met
    October met —
    November met—
    December met—

    1. Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish. It’s essential. Making time!
    2. Notice the things you do well, however small. I will. Talking to campers, meeting dogs, electronics.
    3. Let go of self-criticism and speak to yourself kindly. I will try!
    4. Plan a fun or relaxing activity and make time for it. Did this already! Went for a long walk this morning.
    5. Forgive yourself when things go wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. This will be hard because I tend to blame myself for everything.
    6. Focus on the basics: eat well, exercise, and go to bed on time. Will Do!
    7. Give yourself permission to say ‘no’.. I’m doing this more often now.
    8. Be willing to share how you feel and and ask for help when needed. I will try to remember to ask for help when I need it rather than struggle and get frustrated.
    9. Aim to be good enough, rather than perfect. This needs to be a mind change for me. Whenever I do something, I get upset if it is not perfect. I need to make it a point to accept what the result is while doing my best.
    10. When you find things hard, remember it’s ok to not be ok. This is apt for today.
    11. Make time to do something you really enjoy. I hope to go ‘window shopping’ today. Did this and colored.
    12. Get active outside and give your mind and body a natural boost. Went for a 20 minute walk then the rain started.
    13. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a loved one.
    14. If you’re busy, allow yourself to pause and take a break.
    15. Find a caring calming phrase to use when you feel low. “Breathing in,I am relaxing. Breathing out, I am relaxed.”
    16. Leave positive messages for yourself to see regularly. Sticky notes, here I come!
    17. No plans day. Make time to slow down and be kind to yourself.
    18. Ask a trusted friends to tell you what strengths they see in you. Forgot to do this.
    19. Notice what you are feeling without any judgement. Doing that this morning.
    20. Enjoy photos from a time with happy memories. This sounds like fun! I do have my pictures rotating on my TV as a screensaver but need to go through those.
    21. Don’t compare how you feel inside to how others appear outside.
    22. Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still. AHHH Meditation
    23. Let go of other people’s expectations of you. This is hard, but I try.
    24. Accept yourself and remember that your are worthy of love. I need to tell myself this often.
    25. Avoid saying ‘I should’ and make time to do nothing. I try.
    26. Find a new way to use one of your strengths or talents. I’ll have to think about this one.
    27. Free up time by canceling any unnecessary plans. Well I only have 1 planned thing, the monthly Friends Group Meeting, so won’t cancel that.
    28. Choose to see your mistakes as steps to help you learn. I try to do this, but sometimes it is hard to see the mistake I made first.
    29. Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself. 1. My patience 2. My tenacity 3. Teacher.
    30. Remind yourself you are enough, just as you are.

    RVRita in Roswell, NM

    Mindfulness begins with paying attention on purpose.

    Serving size Potassium content % of the Daily Value (DV)
    Dried apricots 1/2 cup (190 grams) 1,100 mg 23%
    Cooked lentils 1 cup (198 grams) 731 mg 16%
    Cooked acorn squash 1 cup (205 grams) 644 mg 14%
    Cooked potato 1 medium (167 grams) 610 mg 13%
    Canned kidney beans 1 cup (260 grams) 607 mg 13%
    Orange juice 1 cup (236 mL) 496 mg 11%
    Banana 1 medium (115 grams) 422 mg 9%
    Sirloin beef steak 1 ounce (85 grams) 315 mg 7%
    Milk (1% fat) 1 cup (236 mL) 366 mg 8%
    Natural Greek yogurt 3/4 cup (214 grams) 240 mg 5%
    Tomato 1 medium (123 grams) 292 mg 6%
    Brewed coffee 1 cup (235 mL) 116 mg 2%

    Try this today: Aim to have 2–3 potassium-rich foods each day. For example, a banana for breakfast, 1/2 cup (130 grams) of kidney beans at lunch, and white potatoes on your dinner plate.

    Personal freedom is mine for the taking. No matter how close the ties of love and concern that bind me to my family and friends, I must always remember that I am an individual, free to be myself, and live my own life in serenity and joy. From ‘One Day At A Time, ALANON.

    “When I know I am free within myself, I will be better able to give loving thoughts to others.”
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: calm, gentle, productive chat with Joe about finances and upcoming expenses. We agreed to postpone siding work ‘til next spring/summer due Joe’s need for a vehicle with better gas mileage and my anticipated dental expenses. Channeling my inner Margaret, looked around for what I have instead of just buying more. Found a partial bag of bark mulch, channeled inner Barbiecat and used it around the violas.
    Machka wonder if the “roaring 40’s” applies as well to the northern hemisphere here on the coast? Windy forecast this weekend with gusts up to 50mph. "Doing nothing"=spider and freecell, watching TV. Don't count reading as its relaxing and can be productive ;}
    Rita ((hugs)) “I know I have no control over this. And I know that living where I do is actually saving my sanity,” hold those thoughts. Of course it still bothers you to be the brunt of everyone’s opinion. Hope you can find some inner armor to shed those opinions like water off a duck’s back. ((hugs))
    Lisa emergency joint savings to tide over possible shutdown. WTG Kels! Look forward to seeing pottery class pics. Thinking about affection for Brokenwood characters, in addition to Breen, Mike, Kristin and of course Jared, Mrs. Marlowe and Gina spring to mind. Ray of the Frog and Cheetah, lawyer Buchanan, Frodo and Mike’s boss not so much ;} Terrifying active shooter incident, thankful your family is safe.
    Allie Miles is growing so fast! :love: Homer. ((hugs)) and prayers continue for Carmine, Tracy, you and all.
    Kylia I :love: TJ’s chicken mini samosas. Dab of sour cream, touch of pepper jelly or peanut sauce. Yum!
    Ginny well done on your ‘vacation hours walks’ interspersed into your workday.
    Rebecca those are some fancy looking ramen toppings!
    Welcome @aallegra14741 in SW PA. So frustrating but not hopeless. Do you weigh your food? It’s a real eye-opener. The portion size in nutrition info can be misleading at best. Like Barbie and Kay have said, progress can be slow. I’ve been happy to average microscopically lighter each month, sometimes only tenths of a pound. ;}
    Kay yours to aalegra14741. Well said and well done!
    Rori always happy to see your smiling face. Especially thankful for the high Fun-O-Meter score ;)
    Terri I’m always impressed by your activities, both volunteer and artistic. Thanks for explaining about the rents.
    Joe’s off to Medford for glaucoma pressure check. One website says 199 is open with one way pilot traffic from 1600 to 0800 and 1100 to 1300, another says it is completely closed due to emergency repairs (rock slide?) Praying for safe travel and stable or reduced pressure.
    09/28: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, dogs to powerline, weed and mulch violas. Steps:5421
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=9 CI<CO net=157
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT, ptS. Wt:132.3
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.

    Amazingly, simmering the ramen bits makes them kind of like fresh! There were noodle long things in the miso broth that I can only guess was either the cabbage or it was the squid. But they were tasty! Today I will do the same, but without the egg in the rice. The company is called Ramen Bae for the dehydrated bits. It was $20 but the bag is huge and should last me a long time.👍🏼
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    I will be singing The Lord of the Dance and Go Now in Peace this Sunday at my church The Grove Woodbury for the offering 9:10-9:20 CT (Lord of the Dance) and about 9:50-10:00 CT Go Now in Peace. I haven't sung a solo since the Pandemic . I have been practicing the last couple of weeks so I am ready.

    Oh nice! Happy singing! I am happy and proud of you!