

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,415 Member
    And another thing about going to town - I'm still vain enough that I want my hair to look half decent (recently washed at least) maybe a little blush and pull on nice cleaner clothes, earrings, the whole she-bang. Unless it's 6 am at Walmart where I could get away with wearing PJ's, most days it's not worth the effort unless I really, really need something :p

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    edited September 2023
    Guests have left and I've had a half hour nap. I sent them away at 4 pm, and I think they were ready to go. The wife had only come back from a holiday in Turkey a couple of days ago, back to Cornwall, one day at home, and up for the funeral yesterday! She enjoyed her swim in the new pool. She was falling asleep after pizza and ice cream!
    Nice to chat and catch up. I got news on my ex's son, that he decided he didn't like uni, gave up after a term, and is now training as a chef. :D
    I've sorted out jewellery, bags, etc for tomorrow, but just realised I will have to pack some lunch to eat in the car. I will make a gluten free sandwich for my son. Wedding breakfast won't be until late afternoon. Luckily my son forgot to register the girls for the cycling competition, (!!!!) so we will be able to leave in good time and not rush.

    I hate leaving the house too. I love my daily routine and can't be bothered to go out. Sometimes I don't set foot outside for days! Now I'm not running, I hardly ever get to the seafront. I really have to make a big effort to get out of the door. Especially if it involves clothes and face.
    Plus people exhaust me. :/

    Easy left over frittata for dinner. Might heat up a few fries for DH. We shared a pizza.

    Rita - (((HUGS.))) Zooming love and strength to you. Sometimes disappointing people is the only way to grow. Nedra Tawwab is very good on all this stuff. Her first book on boundaries, and another one called Drama Free, about families. I listen to her podcast, You Need to Hear This. This week's was about family expectations.

    Lisa - Love all the greenery-yallarry! :smiley:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,945 Member

    I’ll have it in numerical order for tomorrow. Only have half of it right now.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Harvesting honey ...


    Machka in Oz

    honey looks so good!!!
    We had a couple hives when I was growing up. Only had them a week or so, if I remember right- it was NOT a smart move for dad to have them bring them out as he was deathly allergic to them.
    Almost lost him one time when he got stung. Mom drove him into the hospital-should take 15 min to get into town, it took her about 10- they said if it had taken that extra five minutes, he would have been dead. After that, he carried the epi-pen with him in each vehicle and in the house.
    I have not been stung so not sure if I am allergic to them or not. My younger sister is but not as bad as dad was.
    He loved honey so much and with the 1 acre garden, thought it would be ok if they stayed away from the house. Don't remember exactly what happened but I do remember them taking the hives back.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    I am really enjoying a very quiet morning. Son left for work at 5:30, dh was up and ready to go to a Comic-Con with his buddy-supposed to leave at 6:30 but guy was late, like always, left at 7.
    The amazing part is, beings he fed all the cats(inside and out), I got to go back to sleep a few times with them not bugging me- each time I woke up, said, oh, 5 more minutes and fell right back to sleep- that doesn't ever happen. Usually, I am up early and the cats all want to be fed. Slept in until 9:45.
    I have the whole house to myself- Son won't be home until 2:30 or later and not sure if he will be staying home or going out with his girlfriend. Dh won't be home until around 7 I think.

    Planning on clearing the back deck- need to organize a bunch of totes- find the fall decorations.
    Need to down size and get rid of stuff out there that I won't use. Stuff is just taking up space

    I also need to get to the very back corner of one shed(may not happen today) because that is where I have a huge box of candy molds that I have been wanting to pull out each year and haven't done it. With me having more time off this winter, I really want to use them again and make the Christmas candy boxes extra special, not just lots of fudge, caramel corn and toffee.

    It is so nice right now- only sound I hear, is the humming of my computer(desktop)

    I picked a small bucket of sauce tomatoes yesterday(they said it was going to rain last night and today- blue skies so far)- going to make a little pot of sauce with some fresh basil and herbs.

    Love being able to just stay home and do what ever I want with no interuptions- dh always wants to go shopping some place. I have been telling him no thank you the last few times.

    Have a great weekend ladies

    Napa Valley, CA

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: woke up with no shin pain.
    Yesterday’s gratitude: Joe made it safely home the long way, Dr. is happy with pressure and Joe doesn’t have to go back for six months.
    September average weight 131.0 = less than August’s 131.7 so still creeping in the right direction. Monthly summary tomorrow.
    Stumbled on new TV series “Irrational.” Liked it, reminiscent of “Bull” using psychology to defuse hostage situations or get to the truth in criminal investigations.
    Machka ;) not much land here to break the westerly winds either and it’s a long way to Eurasia but ok yes now I get it. There really is a whole bunch of empty ocean west of Taz ;)
    not much landhwyktz8rdbgf.jpg
    long way to Asiaz8m97genag5w.jpg
    ok now I get itymddk1jq048k.jpg
    Yes Spider is a flavor of solitaire. I waste too much time watching TV but yesterday I used the time to brush Tumble. Wish Shadow fit on my lap…:laugh:
    Lisa ((hugs)) ”…missing yesterday's exercise was a mistake - every joint hurt this morning…“ doncha’ just hate that form of motivation? “excep the bathroom part :laugh:
    @Joy1580vb has popped into my mind too in recent days. Hope she’s just busy with harvest/end of season activities.
    Allie $8-$10K? Yikes!
    Margaret thanks for the “The Tools” by Phil Sturtz recommendation. Will look it up after I finish Organized Enough. Struggling with it as I can only read it on my iphone (Hoopla) and I much prefer holding a hardcopy book in my hand. Now if it were available in an audio book. . . then I could listen while actually decluttering :laugh: :noway: :laugh: Wish your solos were available on YouTube or FB or Zoom.
    Barbie what you said about following the (healthy) directions consistently. It’s a challenge every day. Today I decided to treat myself with tea the way I used to have it, Lemon Lift with sugar. Ugh. Too bitter even with 6g sugar. Back to the Sweet and Spicy unsweetened.
    Rita ((hugs)) vent here that’s what we’re here for. I’m thankful that at least they are physically far away, how much worse it would be if they were always nearby. Whooshing you strong boundaries. Thankful to hear your son got re-hired. Praying he passes the physical. Back to work would be the best thing for all.
    Rebecca “squid” :sick: :noway: :laugh: Eating with chopsticks doesn’t slow me down. When I broke my right wrist the first time, forks and spoons were a struggle with my left, but chopsticks, heck, I didn’t even realize I was using my left, just naturally baled it in! :love: Eli’s smile and Wow, Athena looks so grown up!
    Vicki, Heather, Barbie, Rebecca, Tracey, Terri, Lanette, Kylia yours to Rita, Amen, sisters, amen.
    Tracey con VERY gratulations on your high grade! You really are doing well.
    Welcome @Shuleran ! Can you forgive yourself and be proud of starting over? Do any of the seated / chair exercises appeal to you to help keep the activity habit going? ((hugs)) and whooshing good thoughts for successful surgery and quick, complete recovery.
    Ginny yours to Shuleran, truth!
    Lanette thanks for the Wellen exercises and snow pea reminder Hopeful ours will produce until/unless we have a snow. I blush to remember the dumb, unnecessary, hurtful things I’ve said. [sigh]
    Kylia 12 polyps? Glad they caught them.
    Looks to be a few beautiful days so will take advantage of the softened earth to do some weeding before/and/or/after dog group.
    Whoops, where does the time go? Tumble just announced that it’s way past TummyTime so get with it Ma’!
    09/29: Move: 2 sets PT w/D, line dance class, Jeopardy walking. Steps:7903
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=21 CI<CO net=626
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, AF, ptT, ptS, ‘nother load laundry, brushing Tumble and Shadow while listening to TV. Wt:

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth. Never miss an opportunity to keep the mouth shut!
    2023: Be of good cheer.
    Heehee, its all fish to me. In the miso soup, it all tastes of miso.😂
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Well today we went to a frame shop, and the NEX (Navy Exchange) to look for frames for my Scrabble family names thing. Thinking I need to glue the board game onto a colored matted paper, so the board stays open. I mean the tiles are glued on but the fact that the board game can fold makes it not sturdy (well how my brain is working it anyways). The trick is getting a frame thick enough for the game board, and tiles thickness, also have it with plexiglassed. I want to be able to add to the board in the future, if I can. Of course no such luck on any frames there. We will look online.
    Then went to Wal-Mart and bought a guest sized heated blanket for our bed. Man there were some fancy app enhanced, voice activated ones for $100, which was silly to buy as we just have the stupid phone. Ended up buying a reasonable priced one with just on/off with 12 settings. We came home and removed our heavy Korean bought mink blanket and affghan throw blankets. It will be nice to not have the weight on me, but still be warm.😁👍🏼
    Today I am making a pizza, then this evening just having my miso soup. Yesterday I put all my crab chunks on parchment covered cookie sheet and froze. I now have a container in the freezer of beautiful crab bits for whenever. The jar was Phillips crab meat and was $18 so I do not want it spoiling! Husband rolled his eyes at me on that purchase! I think I just used a bit of back talk, and a smig of classic whining.
    We are currently watching sailboat racing "France Sail Grand Prix". Our normal sumo wrestling is over for this latest tournament, so we have to be patient until the next quarter. We are such an Odd Couple.😂
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) It is afternoon here, suppertime on the east coast of the US, bedtime in the UK, and morning in Tasmania so this seems like a good time to post the new thread for October. Here is the link:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    worked for 2 hrs on the back deck- did pull out the fall/Halloween stuff out. Got the totes all labeled and organized against the side of the house and covered with tarps.
    A few minutes after I finished, it started raining.
    Also got a pot of tomato sauce simmering on the stove. Picked the tomatoes last night and the basil,rosemary, oregano this morning. Don't make sauce very much so hopefully it will be ok- Added half a bunch of spinach that I needed to use up.

    Has been a nice quiet day- I am really enjoying it- Son came home at 1:30(hour early) but he is in his room as always- I did make him a quick lunch.

    Napa Valley, Ca
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 21min 43sec, 86ahr, 102mhr,, 2.90ap, 4mi = 418c
    Strava app= 490c

    Cut walk short, packing up to leave for home tomorrow
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    And another thing about going to town - I'm still vain enough that I want my hair to look half decent (recently washed at least) maybe a little blush and pull on nice cleaner clothes, earrings, the whole she-bang. Unless it's 6 am at Walmart where I could get away with wearing PJ's, most days it's not worth the effort unless I really, really need something :p


    I almost don't go to all that trouble to go to work!

    I shower (which includes washing my hair) on the days I go to work.
    And I put on clean work-appropriate clothes.

    But makeup is usually just a skiff of foundation.
    Jewellery is often just earring studs. I have got a collection of birthstone studs for the different colours, but often I'm wearing the blue ones day after day because they work.

    On the weekends, I turn up in the shops in whatever I happen to be wearing:
    Cycling attire
    Dirt-covered gardening cloths
    Stretchy relaxing clothes (one step up from PJs)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Lisa, I, too, don't care to leave my house (except to walk in my neighborhood) so you dread resonated with me. Every five weeks I drive my friend to the retina center for macular degeneration treatments. It's an easy drive and I sit in the car and read or nap while she has her treatment. Yesterday at the end of her treatment she told me the date of her next treatment and wondered if I could take her later in the afternoon than usual. I told her that leaving the house was the hardest part for me, it didn't matter whether it was at noon or 4PM. She thought I was very flexible and was grateful for my help.

    <3 Barbie

    My mother struggles with agoraphobia too.

    Agoraphobia develops over time
    Agoraphobia usually begins with a stressful event – for example, a person loses a job or a relationship ends. They feel distressed and limit their contact with the outside world (this is called ‘avoidance behaviour’). As time passes, they may consider more and more public places as ‘out of bounds’ until they are eventually confined to their home.
    In other cases, a stressful life event triggers a panic attack. Since panic attacks are so unpleasant, the person may avoid any situation or place that they think might trigger another attack until many situations and places are eventually feared and avoided.

    For a little while after my husband's accident, there were places I couldn't go without having a panic attack, like the grocery store, which was a bit problematic because I hadn't started ordering groceries online then.

    M in Oz

    I think my mother has agoraphobia. And I suspect my DH has a bit of this as he never wants to go anywhere but shopping or the park work-shop. Me, I’d love to go everywhere if I had unlimited finances that is. But visiting neighbors doesn’t cost anything. He doesn’t do that. He prefers people come to our campsite.

    Thank you also for the wise words. You all don’t know how much you mean to me in my life! I talked to my son yesterday and fear he is not taking his medications. I can tell by how he talks and his mood flips up and down quickly for no apparent reason. I had him on speakerphone as my DH was driving and he even mentioned it. I am letting go. All this ‘cra?” Is getting to me. I don’t need that. It is why I moved where I am. I need to distance myself from all this bickering. It is affecting my physical health as well as my mental health. My DS did say yesterday, “ Don’t call them, let them call you if they want to talk to you (care)” I’ve heard that from many of you here as well as my YDD. It hit home coming from him. Please keep him and me in your thought and prayers.

    RVRita, hoping to change her thinking at 67 and get healthy (especially mentally !)

    You're calling your family ... and they're saying negative things to you?

    Yes, your son is right. Don't contact them.
    Don't call them.
    Don't email them.
    Don't text them.
    Snooze them for 30 days on FB.

    Take a break.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    edited October 2023
    Barbara the church The Grove of Woodbury does put our service on Facebook. If you look it up the also stream it live too!

    Vicki I love the passage you shared so true for so many things. We never know the struggles someone has in their life. A reminder to met those with kindness and compassion!

    (((Rita))) Surrounding you in loving thoughts :heart: I am so proud of you for all you are doing to keep yourself as strong as you can. There is nothing wrong in telling your son that you hear he is starting to show signs of his illness. (When someone is starting down that road they lose their perspective.) Remind him you are one who knows him and you want what is best for him. It is those that know him or her to alert them to go see a health professional they trust. He may or may not heed what you say. It might help to remind him what happens to him without help. Remind yourself that you are dealing with an irrational person. Do kind things for yourself and set those strong boundaries to help yourself like you have been doing!
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,513 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) It is afternoon here, suppertime on the east coast of the US, bedtime in the UK, and morning in Tasmania so this seems like a good time to post the new thread for October. Here is the link:

    Don't forget to come over and join us in October!