Half Marathon training support group?



  • robmaguire1
    I know i'm late to this, but I would love to be a part of the group. I just started running 3 months ago today, and I have accomplished so much (3 5k runs in the book, plus my first 10k is next month). I just signed up for my first half-marathon on 4/22/12.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Here's to hoping today's race goes better than yesterday's! There is beer at the end of this one though, so maybe more of a motivation :)
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I finished my 10k in around an hour. I am not sure since there were sooo many people there it took awhile to get to the start. I am happy I did it. Most of it was downhill but going uphill sucks.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I finished my 10k in around an hour. I am not sure since there were sooo many people there it took awhile to get to the start. I am happy I did it. Most of it was downhill but going uphill sucks.

    Great time :)

    Finished my 5k in 34:44 minutes. Not great, but there were a lot more uphills than downhills. And I'm getting faster. Not too terrible for someone who couldn't do a 1/4 mile a few months ago.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I finished my 10k in around an hour. I am not sure since there were sooo many people there it took awhile to get to the start. I am happy I did it. Most of it was downhill but going uphill sucks.

    Great time :)

    Finished my 5k in 34:44 minutes. Not great, but there were a lot more uphills than downhills. And I'm getting faster. Not too terrible for someone who couldn't do a 1/4 mile a few months ago.

    Great job to both of you!!! I love hearing the race results, the rewards are so there!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member

    MLB ~ I think it's amazing you only run once a week! I might have to try that next year...except I really enjoy running the short ones ;-P Nice work on your long run!

    Thanks. I do intense cardio 4x per week (Insanity), plus Yoga daily, and 1 day of upper body weight training the day before my long run, and only run one day because with work and kids, I simply can't get out there. I will add runs on my lunch hour when I finish the Asylum workout in November. But they will be short runs, my boss gives me 1:30 for lunch so I can shower, but still makes it short runs. I will love it when the kids get older and can be alone for a bit while I run, that time will come but until then I will stick with my one day It's really helped me avoid running injuries too. I work 6 days a week and work up to 10 hour days, so if I want to get the exercise in, it's mostly in when it's still dark in the AM.

    On the winter clothes, I just ordered arm sleeves for fall. I have a thermal jacket or two I wear in real cold, but mainly a hat and gloves are the most important to me. I've read you run faster in the cold then hot weather, but I always seem to get uncomfortable faster and shorten my runs, I haven't quite figured it out fully yet.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    okay found out my official time 1:01:52

    You are doing great summertime!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I'm feeling pretty snazzy today! I can walk without pain and I wandered over to the local running store where they suggested that my tendonitis was due to being improperly fitted into Brooks Trance 10's. They had one of the foot analysis thingies there and suggested a few shoes that felt pretty dandy. I won't buy until I'm healed and can run to test them out but maybe things aren't as dire as the sports trainer suggested?.

    Luck to all of you still running! I wish you epic runner's highs :)
  • JonC03
    Today was my first run in 2 weeks. I have been nursing a sore hamstring. Biked a little after the first week but it didnt feel right afterwards. Ran just over 3 miles and walked for 15 minutes after just to try and help my legs strech out. Didnt feel bad at all during the run. After i could tell it was a little tight.

    So as everyone adds distance to their runs what do you do for water? If your on a treadmill you can easily have a bottle with you but if your running outside i just dont see it being pratical to carry a bottle with you the whole time.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Kat - the yak trax do feel weird at first! But if there is a good bit of snow the traction feels better. Not sure that makes much sense though. lol

    Ran my last long run before my half marathon next weekend. We decided since we got such a late start yesterday morning we would do 6. It was pretty speedy the first 3 miles then mile 4 was way fast (we were averaging 8:27 pace most of that 4th mile) and my legs felt trashed by mile 5 but we made it to 6 at a decent pace and overall felt fine.

    I am excited for my race on Sunday. I've done the training and just hope the race goes like I want it to.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I finished my 10k in around an hour. I am not sure since there were sooo many people there it took awhile to get to the start. I am happy I did it. Most of it was downhill but going uphill sucks.

    Thats great!! Congrats!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Finished my 5k in 34:44 minutes. Not great, but there were a lot more uphills than downhills. And I'm getting faster. Not too terrible for someone who couldn't do a 1/4 mile a few months ago.

    thats great! That was about what my first 5K was last year. I am hoping to beat that this time!! :bigsmile:
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Had a poor last week due to time constraints and just could not get out. Yesterday made it out for 2 speedier miles and today left the house with the goal of "just run, don't think, just run." Ended up out at the farmland we own that we are building a house on. That is about 4.5 miles from where I currently live. Watered animals, collected eggs from the coop and then ran home. Yay! Longest distance I have done ever! Last year I made it up to 7 miles in my training and ended up with severe stress fractures. So a slow pace with a rest in the middle but I am so pumped! Will do it again soon now that I know I can.
  • slb106
    I finished my 10k in around an hour. I am not sure since there were sooo many people there it took awhile to get to the start. I am happy I did it. Most of it was downhill but going uphill sucks.

    Great time :)

    Finished my 5k in 34:44 minutes. Not great, but there were a lot more uphills than downhills. And I'm getting faster. Not too terrible for someone who couldn't do a 1/4 mile a few months ago.

    Congrats! You both did a great job!!

    youngmomtaz....Keep up the great work!

    JonC03...I hope your hamstring continues to heal! As for water, I haven't been doing anything for my long runs yet, but I'm starting to get very thirsty during them. My sister has a camelback, so I may borrow that to try.
  • slb106
    So I had my last long run today before my race. I did 10 miles, but it was my worse run yet. I had to walk for a mile and just felt awful the entire time and now I'm starting to freak out about my race! I know that I had several things counting against me. First, it was hot/humid and I don't think I ate enough before. Second, I was gone all weekend with the middle school kids from my church on a retreat, so I didn't get to work out Sat or Sun. We did do a lot of walking though, so my legs are tired. I didn't get much sleep (imagine sharing a cabin with 15 middle school girls). Also, camp food has not improved over the years, so I ate horribly.

    I'm hoping that with a week of shorter workouts, more sleep, and better food I will be ready for my race! I'm still super excited for it, but this morning was a little discouraging :frown:
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    You will be fine. Your body was probably just tired from your busy week. I guess your half is next Saturday or two weeks? My longest run before my half last year was 11 miles and I did pretty good during the race. Of course I didn't break any records and I was fairly worn out at the end, ( I mean, I was spent for the last two miles), but I made it! I felt okay afterwards except for being tired and I didn't have any injuries. That was a big improvement over my first half. It will all work out.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Today was my first run in 2 weeks. I have been nursing a sore hamstring. Biked a little after the first week but it didnt feel right afterwards. Ran just over 3 miles and walked for 15 minutes after just to try and help my legs strech out. Didnt feel bad at all during the run. After i could tell it was a little tight.

    So as everyone adds distance to their runs what do you do for water? If your on a treadmill you can easily have a bottle with you but if your running outside i just dont see it being pratical to carry a bottle with you the whole time.

    I am all for taking it slow and not running every single day. Since I have added more cross training, I have felt better without shin splints and tight muscles. I also walk plenty after a run, maybe a half mile or more just depends. I don't bother to carry fluids with me if I am just going 3 or 4 miles. I drink before and after though. Now that I am doing some longer runs I carry a bottle with gatorade in it. I have heard of people leaving bottles of water or whatever along their route. I have tried one of those belts with the water bottle, but it wouldn't stay put and drove me nuts, so I hold a bottle with my hand. I drink it about halfway through. I am wondering now, if that gatorade didn't help me speed up my last 5 miles this weekend, hmmm. I don't know what I will do if I decide to do over a half. Might try the leaving water on my route, or make a lap past my car or house and stop in to get a drink. They also make these camel pack things you can strap on your back for really long runs. I don't know if I am into that though. Guess you have to find what works for you. I think if you are out for close to an hour or more you should be taking fluids with you though. In the heat, more often than that.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    So I had my last long run today before my race. I did 10 miles, but it was my worse run yet. I had to walk for a mile and just felt awful the entire time and now I'm starting to freak out about my race! I know that I had several things counting against me. First, it was hot/humid and I don't think I ate enough before. Second, I was gone all weekend with the middle school kids from my church on a retreat, so I didn't get to work out Sat or Sun. We did do a lot of walking though, so my legs are tired. I didn't get much sleep (imagine sharing a cabin with 15 middle school girls). Also, camp food has not improved over the years, so I ate horribly.

    I'm hoping that with a week of shorter workouts, more sleep, and better food I will be ready for my race! I'm still super excited for it, but this morning was a little discouraging :frown:

    When is your race? I am going out for 10 miles tomorrow. My half is Oct. 15th I am so anxious! That 10k felt kind of hard, but it was my head messing with me. I didn't have music to distract me.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Today was my first run in 2 weeks. I have been nursing a sore hamstring. Biked a little after the first week but it didnt feel right afterwards. Ran just over 3 miles and walked for 15 minutes after just to try and help my legs strech out. Didnt feel bad at all during the run. After i could tell it was a little tight.

    So as everyone adds distance to their runs what do you do for water? If your on a treadmill you can easily have a bottle with you but if your running outside i just dont see it being pratical to carry a bottle with you the whole time.

    I am all for taking it slow and not running every single day. Since I have added more cross training, I have felt better without shin splints and tight muscles. I also walk plenty after a run, maybe a half mile or more just depends. I don't bother to carry fluids with me if I am just going 3 or 4 miles. I drink before and after though. Now that I am doing some longer runs I carry a bottle with gatorade in it. I have heard of people leaving bottles of water or whatever along their route. I have tried one of those belts with the water bottle, but it wouldn't stay put and drove me nuts, so I hold a bottle with my hand. I drink it about halfway through. I am wondering now, if that gatorade didn't help me speed up my last 5 miles this weekend, hmmm. I don't know what I will do if I decide to do over a half. Might try the leaving water on my route, or make a lap past my car or house and stop in to get a drink. They also make these camel pack things you can strap on your back for really long runs. I don't know if I am into that though. Guess you have to find what works for you. I think if you are out for close to an hour or more you should be taking fluids with you though. In the heat, more often than that.
    I live in the desert and water is a must when running. My mouth dries out because the air is so dry, even when the temps are mild (which isn't now!).

    My son uses a Camelbak from time to time but I don't like the way it feels. I guess it wouldn't hurt my training to run with the extra weight, though.

    I have a 1 mile route, and a 2 mile route that I've mapped through my neighborhood. I'll often leave a bottle of water at the bottom of my driveway and swing by, get a drink, and keep on trucking, depending on how long I'm going, how dry it is, etc. I've also carried water bottles but I hate when it starts sloshing around. It makes me think of one of those shake weights. :laugh: I just bought a water belt this past weekend with some small bottles and can't wait to give it a try on my long run this coming weekend.
  • slb106
    So I had my last long run today before my race. I did 10 miles, but it was my worse run yet. I had to walk for a mile and just felt awful the entire time and now I'm starting to freak out about my race! I know that I had several things counting against me. First, it was hot/humid and I don't think I ate enough before. Second, I was gone all weekend with the middle school kids from my church on a retreat, so I didn't get to work out Sat or Sun. We did do a lot of walking though, so my legs are tired. I didn't get much sleep (imagine sharing a cabin with 15 middle school girls). Also, camp food has not improved over the years, so I ate horribly.

    I'm hoping that with a week of shorter workouts, more sleep, and better food I will be ready for my race! I'm still super excited for it, but this morning was a little discouraging :frown:

    When is your race? I am going out for 10 miles tomorrow. My half is Oct. 15th I am so anxious! That 10k felt kind of hard, but it was my head messing with me. I didn't have music to distract me.

    My race is this Sunday (Oct. 2). My longest run for my training program was 10 miles. I did 10 miles last week too and afterwards I definitely felt like I could run longer. So hopefully I'll have another good day like that on Sunday since I'll have to crank out another 3 miles! Good luck with your 10 miles and your race!