Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Confirmed the BFP today with my OB. EDD May 31, 2012.
    so exciting :):)

    thanks for the support :)

    congrats! great news!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Just a quick one from's a bit of a rant. So today we took our 10th anniversary photos and....I'm happy with some, but some have kind of sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I think we're going to have to do another day of photos.....the sweater I wore, while colourwise was perfect, made me look a little on the preggo I guess I should look at it like yeah, we have announcement photos.....from before the pregnancy?!?!?!? Seriously, in some, it's all I can see and my DH has his hand on my belly....*sigh* so we've got a good 3 or 4, but we're probably going to have to go out again. My friend is the photographer and we're doing a reciprocal photo thing...going to head up next weekend and shoot some photos of her and her boyfriend. Hopefully we'll get some great shots then. Otherwise during our week off, we're going to head to some random places for a self photo shoot as well....

    Here's a link to the best ones (and one of the preggo ones so you guys can see what I'm talking about):!117

    I know I am just being a stalker but wanted to say Pam that I loved the photo's. You guys look great. I don't think the ones look pregnant because of the sweater just the pose with the hand on the belly :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Miss you Elise!!!

    kdet - congrats!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Confirmed the BFP today with my OB. EDD May 31, 2012.
    so exciting :):)

    thanks for the support :)

    OMG Congrats!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Pam, I was also going to say that I like all the pics...there's just that one with the wrong hand placement. Other than that I think they look great! But if you aren't comfortable with them then get new ones. Trust me, no amount of positive feedback can really make up for how you really feel about them.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just a quick one from's a bit of a rant. So today we took our 10th anniversary photos and....I'm happy with some, but some have kind of sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I think we're going to have to do another day of photos.....the sweater I wore, while colourwise was perfect, made me look a little on the preggo I guess I should look at it like yeah, we have announcement photos.....from before the pregnancy?!?!?!? Seriously, in some, it's all I can see and my DH has his hand on my belly....*sigh* so we've got a good 3 or 4, but we're probably going to have to go out again. My friend is the photographer and we're doing a reciprocal photo thing...going to head up next weekend and shoot some photos of her and her boyfriend. Hopefully we'll get some great shots then. Otherwise during our week off, we're going to head to some random places for a self photo shoot as well....

    Here's a link to the best ones (and one of the preggo ones so you guys can see what I'm talking about):!117

    I know I am just being a stalker but wanted to say Pam that I loved the photo's. You guys look great. I don't think the ones look pregnant because of the sweater just the pose with the hand on the belly :)

    Thanks AnneElise (miss you!!!! Elise is so gorgeous, I can`t tell you that enough....LOL) & Meggamix....I agree - those are only the decent shots......LOL I cropped a bunch and then also photoshopped them a little (my hubby is a little sensitive about his moobs.....) so all in these aren`t bad. I also had a few more of the hand placement shots in different positions......I`m still thinking that my friend and I, her boyfriend and my hubs are going to go out - I have to shoot their photos still so we`ll catch a couple more (what can I say...I must be a model).

    Had a kind of rocky day. Not so much because ANOTHER friend announced she`s pregnant today, or because my friends posted their first pics of their gorgeous newborn twins but because an old friend posted pics of her daughter. She was the person who bought me TCOYF (Taking Charge of Your Fertility) and we charted for the first time together. After 6 months she was pregnant and I`m still waiting. Her daughter is now 8.....I guess it`s not so much the pregnancy stuff that gets to me, but more when you see children that are the age that I would have if everything had gone the way we`d hoped.....I guess the potential delay again is getting to me a little bit too.....
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Don't have much time to type, but wanted to jump in--

    YAY for our BFPs!!!

    Pam--I liked the pics--but when I saw the one of you all holding the plant, the first thing I thought was "OMG--I HOPE THATS NOT POISON IVY!!" I'm sure it wasn't. Do you even have that up there?

    AFM: Birthday was great. Relaxed, and hubby took over most of the kid-care, so I got a break. Ate exactly what I wanted for my birthday lunch that I never let myself order, and then had my birthday cake and ice cream for dinner. We made a WW friendly carrot cake with cream cheese icing. Lovely. Simply lovely. When I weighed in this morning, I was up .6 lbs--major bummer after losing three last week, but I figure the cal fest yesterday didn't help, so I'm hoping this week evens it out. We'll see. In any case, here goes week three.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Pam--I liked the pics--but when I saw the one of you all holding the plant, the first thing I thought was "OMG--I HOPE THATS NOT POISON IVY!!" I'm sure it wasn't. Do you even have that up there?

    I had the same thought and was willing to deal with it on my hands (no itchiness though) but DH wanted to take a pic with it brushing my cheek and I jumped a mile.....LOL - at least it would have been a funny story - and just like me....
  • batgirlrox
    Confirmed the BFP today with my OB. EDD May 31, 2012.
    so exciting :):)

    thanks for the support :)
    That's the date I've calculated mine to be too!!

    Thanks everyone!
    One more question- How long am I supposed to wait to book a pre natal with my doctor? I have read online as soon as you think you are pregnant and others say no doctor will see you about it until your 8-12 weeks along being first ever pregnancy I'm a little confused. I know I should be swapping over to the pregnancy board but I'm afraid 2 of my real life friends on MFP will see me change and know immediately. Any help would be awesome, then I'll stop pestering I promise.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Confirmed the BFP today with my OB. EDD May 31, 2012.
    so exciting :):)

    thanks for the support :)
    That's the date I've calculated mine to be too!!

    Thanks everyone!
    One more question- How long am I supposed to wait to book a pre natal with my doctor? I have read online as soon as you think you are pregnant and others say no doctor will see you about it until your 8-12 weeks along being first ever pregnancy I'm a little confused. I know I should be swapping over to the pregnancy board but I'm afraid 2 of my real life friends on MFP will see me change and know immediately. Any help would be awesome, then I'll stop pestering I promise.

    I called pretty soon after I found out, and got an appt for 10 weeks. That's the soonest my ob sees patients. If I were you, I'd call and see...even if it's early, at least you can go ahead and make an appt. Depending on how busy the clinic is, it may be good to schedule early, anyway.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Ahinescapron, Caitlin, Suzy- welcome

    Julia- I ran into a similar issue. I generally have 27/28 day cycles but after beginning to chart I found out I don’t ovulate until around day 18. A fertilized egg does need about 14 days to implant before menstruation starts. I recommend starting to temp and use the OPK and take the data into your dr. In my case, I was given progesterone pills. But you might have had a wonky cycle.

    KD and Batgirl- Whoohoo! Congratulations!

    AFM- I held at 139 this week. I'm hoping to get to the gym this week at least 3 times but this week is going to be CRAZY. Open house is Thursday night so I going crazy trying to get the room ready and all the student projects hung. I will be happy when this week is over. Mys goals this week are
    1. Drink at least 64 oz of water daily
    2. Go to the gym 3 times
    3. continue to temp and OPK cause I should peek sometime after thursday (but I'm not sure because of the pills last cycle)
    4. get back in the grove of checking in with you wonderful ladies daily
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    just wanted to check in...i have really been slacking the last little bit :/ i will get better i promise!!! Congrats on all the BFP's!!! And lets not forget a big CONGRATS for all the weight lost on this board in the last week or so!! We all get caught up in the baby making and such and focus so much on it and are down in the dumps at time that we forget how hard we are working to lose this weight to get ready for our BFP's!!!

    AFM- my boobie is still a lilttle sore from the surgery :/ i go tomorrow to get the results and make sure everything is ok with the mass. Also i went ahead and scheduled my HSG for October 5th :) I am excited yet nervous all at the same time!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    batgirl - call your doc and they'll let you know when to come in. Some will see you early, some will not - it's up to your doc. Congrats again!
    If you need to get in touch with anyone from the preggo board you can always send them a private message, I know Ashley wouldn't mind.

    All the best!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I got slightly caught up on everything, but reading up for 3 or 4 days is a bit much! Congrats to the BFP's that's SO exciting! Seems like we have been having a lot of those this month! CA was a ton of fun but exhausting. Thank you SO much to Jalara for letting me know that an decongestiant was OK, it helped a lot on the flight out there and by the time we flew home I didn't need it. It was great to see everyone back home and to play with my siblings little ones. When i was telling them all goodbye my sisters 3 year old refused to give me a hug because "you're wearing brown, I don't like brown." LOL my brothers 1.5 year old has started calling me Auntie Elmo (which is a good thing because she LOVES Elmo) And they all think my husband is "funny" which I certainly agree with :)

    Yesterday my shoulder starting hurting like CRAZY again so i'm very glad to have an appt with my surgeon today to find out what can be done. He said he wanted to see me before I did any physical therapy or any injections. At this point, if it turns out I need surgery again I would seriously consider putting TTC on hold so that I could have it where as before I was thinking I'd just proceed with both and if I get pregnant then not have the surgery.

    I saw that Batgirl, bairly saw a line 4 days after her missed period and I suppose that was encouraging because I am SO confused! All week I was nauseous, moody as all get out, head achey and had weird tummy aches that didn't feel like gas and not like cramps. I had taken a test right before I left and it was BFN, and took one yesterday and still BFN. I don't know when my period REALLY starts because I usually start spotting on Sunday and then sometime later that week actually get AF. Well I spotted a little Friday (which I think may have been irritation from getting dried out during the deed...sorry if that's TMI) and then NOTHING, no cramps nothing, and last night also a scant amount of bleeding, just enough to see on TP and since then nothing. So AF is either coming up and I just happen to be getting sick or I'm pregnant and for some reason my hormones aren't up yet. My sister-in-law said "you really should wait to take a test until a week or two after you miss your period." Who can wait that long!!! I think I'm gonna pick up some more tests and start takeing them first thing every morning until AF shows or I get a positive. Does that sound dumb.

    Anyway, have a great day and congrats again to the BFP's
  • mrsjenfrank
    mrsjenfrank Posts: 1,016 Member
    Hello everyone! Just a quick note as my husband and I are off to look at new washer and dryer at lunch.

    Congrats! to all of the BFP's!!!

    Today was my official weekly weigh-in. It's been one week since I started my plan from the nutritionist and I had to resist the urge to get on the scale the last few days... I'm glad I waited, because I am officially down 7.8lbs!! Holy dynamite! Never would have thought that was gonna happen! It has definitely ceased any doubts i may have had about this low carb diet. I just couldn't understand how only paying attention to carbs would produce weight loss. lol

    Hope everyone has a great day!! *baby dust*
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    I just thought I would post on the board and complain how bad I need to pppppppeeeeeeeeeeeee...........damn ultrasounds......I know you all feel the same way as me when you go....

    FRRIIIIGGG LOL Feels better to complain about it to someone though! Can't exactly yell it out in my cubicle at work!

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Pam, I was also going to say that I like all the pics...there's just that one with the wrong hand placement. Other than that I think they look great! But if you aren't comfortable with them then get new ones. Trust me, no amount of positive feedback can really make up for how you really feel about them.

    i agree, they were all nice. i really liked the first and the third ones.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I think I'm gonna pick up some more tests and start takeing them first thing every morning until AF shows or I get a positive. Does that sound dumb.

    not dumb at all. that is exactly what i would do. *fingers crossed*
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Today was my official weekly weigh-in. It's been one week since I started my plan from the nutritionist and I had to resist the urge to get on the scale the last few days... I'm glad I waited, because I am officially down 7.8lbs!! Holy dynamite! Never would have thought that was gonna happen! It has definitely ceased any doubts i may have had about this low carb diet. I just couldn't understand how only paying attention to carbs would produce weight loss. lol

    congrats! great job.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    so i went an picked up my dress from the seamstress and it is exactly what i feared. what fit perfectly on friday is too big today and will only get bigger as the week progresses. :( i am not passed the freak-out stage and just resigned to my dress looking 'not right'. i think i may have another seamstress lined up for thursday in wyoming, but she has warned me that she has never worked on a bridesmaid dress before and may not be able to handle anything complicated. fingers crossed she doesn't consider taking in the bodice and waist complicated (it is, it has tons of pleats and extra material). anyway. i'm frustrated with my moods, my training for my half-marathon in two weeks, my fluctuating weight, the drugs i am on, the upcoming wedding, everything. :( i hope i start to feel more like 'me' again soon.