30DS Challenge from Sept 20 till Oct 20



  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Ok. Today was Day 9 for me on Level 1. I completed it, but I REALLY struggled today!! I actually had to pause the DVD in circuit 2 during the strength and take a 30 second break. I spent the whole 30 seconds talking myslef into unpausing the DVD. I scolded myself and found Jillian's words in my head. "If you want results you have to keep going." I don't know if it was the heat or if I didn't eat enough today or if it was just plain weakness, but I felt exhausted. However, I un-paused the DVD and kept going. I missed one or two of the side lunge/anterior raises, but otherwise stuck to it.

    I think this is almost as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. I want to see results and I want to meet the one goal I have never been able to reach: be physically fit.

    Keep up the great work ladies!!! So glad I have the encouragement and motivation of this group!
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    Ok. Today was Day 9 for me on Level 1. I completed it, but I REALLY struggled today!! I actually had to pause the DVD in circuit 2 during the strength and take a 30 second break. I spent the whole 30 seconds talking myslef into unpausing the DVD. I scolded myself and found Jillian's words in my head. "If you want results you have to keep going." I don't know if it was the heat or if I didn't eat enough today or if it was just plain weakness, but I felt exhausted. However, I un-paused the DVD and kept going. I missed one or two of the side lunge/anterior raises, but otherwise stuck to it.

    I think this is almost as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. I want to see results and I want to meet the one goal I have never been able to reach: be physically fit.

    Keep up the great work ladies!!! So glad I have the encouragement and motivation of this group!

    I really feel for you on this. Today was rough. I'm chalking it up to just being "Monday" but was wondering the same things " I don't know if it was the heat or if I didn't eat enough today or if it was just plain weakness". I think my mind just wasn't in the right place plus I took 2 rest days (1 unintended).

    I am taking todays craptasticness and using it as momentum to do that much better tomorrow. We can do this!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    D8 L1 done!!!! Had to do it while watching DWTS! Just glad done!
  • Lesah0808
    I was a little worn today as well. I think my confidence was too high that's why I didn't just breeze through it like I thought I would. I'm nervous about level 2 as well but I'm confident that I will be able to suceed! I'm just anxious to see the end result. I know that 30 days would go by real fast if I was just sitting on my butt! Lol! I'm ready for change. Good Luck to everyone, you all are doing an excellent job! Thank you for the motivation & informative posts.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 complete!! I cannot believe that I have actually stuck with this so far!! I REALLY did NOT want to do this workout today, but I did :) I really struggled with the lunge & shouler raise....not sure that is going to get eaiser EVER lol

    I did 4 REAL push ups today. I am going to try and increase that every day. As every day passes I get more and more nervous about Level 2.

    Great job to everyone else who has been sticking to this program. Seeing all of the before and after photos and results is going to be great!!

    I myself am also nervous about starting level 2! I was SOOOOO sore the first 2-3 days but I am getting less sore everyday. I liked the soreness because it made me feel like I was actually doing something. But I know just because I am not as sore now doesn't mean I am not working it and doing good! I am supposed to weigh in Wednesday which is my normal weigh in day, But I might weigh in tomorrow because I started this last Monday. We'll see!
    And I did take before photos I believe on Monday or Tuesday I will take them on Day 30 for the after!

    Glad I am not the only one nervous about level 2 lol. Today will be day 9 of level 1. In a way I am kind of glad to switch it up so that I don't get bored, but just afraid I will get discouraged if I cannot do it. I weigh in more regularly than I probably should. I think I weigh in every few days, but that is to keep myself in check. I weighed in this morning and probably won't again until Friday. Keep up the great work!

    I feel exactly the same way! I am ready to switch it up because it does get a bit repetitive. BUT it kicks my but. I know if I am not able to do it all I will get it slowly during level 2. Today was D8 L1 for me. I did it late tonight but I got it done! I kinda didn't want to do it cause it was so late and a hectic day BUT I wanted to do it and am glad I did it!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 complete!! I cannot believe that I have actually stuck with this so far!! I REALLY did NOT want to do this workout today, but I did :) I really struggled with the lunge & shouler raise....not sure that is going to get eaiser EVER lol

    I did 4 REAL push ups today. I am going to try and increase that every day. As every day passes I get more and more nervous about Level 2.

    Great job to everyone else who has been sticking to this program. Seeing all of the before and after photos and results is going to be great!!

    I myself am also nervous about starting level 2! I was SOOOOO sore the first 2-3 days but I am getting less sore everyday. I liked the soreness because it made me feel like I was actually doing something. But I know just because I am not as sore now doesn't mean I am not working it and doing good! I am supposed to weigh in Wednesday which is my normal weigh in day, But I might weigh in tomorrow because I started this last Monday. We'll see!
    And I did take before photos I believe on Monday or Tuesday I will take them on Day 30 for the after!

    Glad I am not the only one nervous about level 2 lol. Today will be day 9 of level 1. In a way I am kind of glad to switch it up so that I don't get bored, but just afraid I will get discouraged if I cannot do it. I weigh in more regularly than I probably should. I think I weigh in every few days, but that is to keep myself in check. I weighed in this morning and probably won't again until Friday. Keep up the great work!

    Day 8 check,
    Oh i so hear you girls, still not able to do the but kicks so i jog on the spot, bit of a two sided coin, i know i'm getting comfy with the routine, but am so scared of whats coming next..
    dropped 1.6lb in the week and can see some definite body changes, so still motivated to get to the end.
    good luck for the coming week.

    I am actually able to get through the but kicks now, it's the damn push-ups! UGH And the side squats with the arm raises yikes! .....oh and the jump rope!
    I will be weighing in on Wednesday and I'm anxious!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D8 L1 DONE!!!!

    My knees were hurting all day today but I did it anyway (they really only hurt during the squat and press)

    I am getting a bit nervous for level 2 in 2 days.

    But I am able to get through more and more....those darn push-ups, and jump rope!

    Proud I can finally get through the butt kicks! First round is more difficult than the last round but feeling good!

    I weigh in Wednesday and I'm anxious!

    I want to say way to go to all you ladies for keeping up with this!!!!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Day 6 completed -actually found it harder than day 5. Still can't get through the side lunges - well its the front raises that I crap out on.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Day 6 completed -actually found it harder than day 5. Still can't get through the side lunges - well its the front raises that I crap out on.

    Agreed about the side lunges...well the front arm raises whew!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    L1D5 complete.
  • Psiren
    Is it too late for me to jump in here?

    I have my copy and I start tomorrow: 28/09/2011

    (Always and forever late to everything...)
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    L1D7 Complete. 3 More days, I'm getting nervous now too. Just trying to stay positive and do what I can. I did spin as well today and am pretty tired.
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 complete!! I cannot believe that I have actually stuck with this so far!! I REALLY did NOT want to do this workout today, but I did :) I really struggled with the lunge & shouler raise....not sure that is going to get eaiser EVER lol

    I did 4 REAL push ups today. I am going to try and increase that every day. As every day passes I get more and more nervous about Level 2.

    Great job to everyone else who has been sticking to this program. Seeing all of the before and after photos and results is going to be great!!

    I myself am also nervous about starting level 2! I was SOOOOO sore the first 2-3 days but I am getting less sore everyday. I liked the soreness because it made me feel like I was actually doing something. But I know just because I am not as sore now doesn't mean I am not working it and doing good! I am supposed to weigh in Wednesday which is my normal weigh in day, But I might weigh in tomorrow because I started this last Monday. We'll see!
    And I did take before photos I believe on Monday or Tuesday I will take them on Day 30 for the after!

    Glad I am not the only one nervous about level 2 lol. Today will be day 9 of level 1. In a way I am kind of glad to switch it up so that I don't get bored, but just afraid I will get discouraged if I cannot do it. I weigh in more regularly than I probably should. I think I weigh in every few days, but that is to keep myself in check. I weighed in this morning and probably won't again until Friday. Keep up the great work!

    Day 8 check,
    Oh i so hear you girls, still not able to do the but kicks so i jog on the spot, bit of a two sided coin, i know i'm getting comfy with the routine, but am so scared of whats coming next..
    dropped 1.6lb in the week and can see some definite body changes, so still motivated to get to the end.
    good luck for the coming week.

    Er, me too! Push ups are my least favourite thing ever- most of my weight is in the hip area so I doubt I'll ever be able to do a real one! I'm at the stage where I'm ready for more at the end of the 20 minutes - fitness is definitely improving! Still too scared to weigh myself - my weight hasn't moved since the beginning of July (thanks hormones) but will stick to measuring and will provide a final weigh in at the end of L3!

    VERY nervous for L2 on Wednesday - but looking forward for some more Jillianisms to mimick - the L1 talk is getting a bit old now. :laugh:
  • legacysh
    L1 D6 completed...Whew! When do we start level 2?
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Amazing how much easier this is now...thinking of bumping up my wts a bit....anyone else? Only 3 more days of level one!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Two accomplishments for me today: Level 1 is complete with Day 10 done!! AND I got up and did it in the MORNING!!! I am NOT a morning person, so this is a huge accomplishment for me. I went to bed a little after 9PM so that also helped lol. Wish I could do that every morning! Going to start taking vitamins today to see if that helps my energy level and also going to cut back on some carbs and add more fruits and veggies!! Good luck all! Think I may even do Zumba tonight! Feeling great! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    D5L1 done.

    Some parts seemed to be harder and some seemed to be easier today. I haven't really been sore so I keep wondering if I'm pushing myself hard enough. My ankles (mostly) and my knees (a little) have been achy & tired. All I know is that I'm dripping sweat and exhausted when I'm done. I'm able to keep up with most of the video even if I am following Anita most of the time. I think I will forever be doing push ups on my knees and using one 5lb weight with both arms on the side lunge & interior raises.
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    Day 9 Level 1 is complete!!! Onto day 10 tomorrow and then level 2...pretty nervous for it , but hopefully I can do it!! I'm already feeling results!! Gotta keep going to get the the ultimate results!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    D5L1 done.

    Some parts seemed to be harder and some seemed to be easier today. I haven't really been sore so I keep wondering if I'm pushing myself hard enough. My ankles (mostly) and my knees (a little) have been achy & tired. All I know is that I'm dripping sweat and exhausted when I'm done. I'm able to keep up with most of the video even if I am following Anita most of the time. I think I will forever be doing push ups on my knees and using one 5lb weight with both arms on the side lunge & interior raises.

    If you are sweating and tired you are certainly working out hard!! lol It sounds like you are doing great. I can do a few (3 or 4) regular push ups but otherwise always doing the modified. I haven't even been able to move up weight on the side lunge...3 lbs kills me on that one! You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 9 Level 1 is complete!!! Onto day 10 tomorrow and then level 2...pretty nervous for it , but hopefully I can do it!! I'm already feeling results!! Gotta keep going to get the the ultimate results!

    Great job on completing day 9!! Also still very nervous about level 2!! Keep up the great work!