Daily check in for support and accountability



  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    Morning all! I'm still flying high from my scale victory yesterday and am more motivated than ever to get this thing done.

    @HASWLRS So excited for you that you're sooo close to Onederland! Cheering you on from Massachusetts!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @kholl25 Welcome! I see from your previous posts you have been here before. Did you set up your profile in MFP with your weight, height, age, activity level and target loss/week? This is what I did, and I am successful when I log my food every day and stick to the calories it gives me. We all have different calorie and macro needs, so what is right for me may not be right for you.

    Try that and good luck!

    @kholl25 I absolutely agree with Joan. We have it in our heads that after menopause, we are fighting an uphill battle. However, there are many on MFP who have successfully lost their weight after menopause. Start with entering all your information and then go from there. If, after three or four weeks, you don't see any progress, then you tweak your numbers or make some dietary changes. Maybe you are eating too many calories? Maybe you just need to incorporate some more calorie burning activities into your week? Maybe you are eating too many carbs, or the wrong type of carbs? (I personally do not restrict carbs, but I try to get them from fruits and vegetables, not pasta and bread). The point is, that this is a process, and we have to discover what works for us by trial and error. It is not a one size fits all approach.

    The one tool that I use, that is a game changer for me, is my Fitbit. My lifestyle is sedentary. So, MFP gives me 1,200 calories to work with. Personally, I cannot survive on 1,200; some people can. So my Fitbit and MFP, which are linked together, give me more calories to eat the more I move beyond sedentary. For example, yesterday I had 9,214 steps according to Fitbit which translated to 768 more calories to play with in my food diary on MFP. And I find these numbers work for me. Some people find their step tracker, whether it is Fitbit or Apple or Garmin or whatever, estimates high or low for them personally. This is where the trial and error comes in again.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @HASWLRS My coworkers and I are doing a 10 week weight loss challenge and we're weighing in on Mondays.

    And I LOST 5 POUNDS this week! I was the biggest loser for the first week! I'm so excited (even though I know a lot of it was water weight but still..haha)!

    Congratulations on being the biggest loser and for losing those five pounds!! Sure, mostly water, but that's the way it is for everyone! May it motivate you to see another loss on the scales this week!
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    @HASWLRS Thank you! Definitely motivated to keep going. Checking in here has really helped me with my accountability! <3
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    @HASWLRS Congratulations on being so close to Onederland! What a good feeling that must be!

    @GenXMissusSpags Yes, I’m finding it helpful to check in here, too. I’m still doing well, weight still going down now that I’ve stopped drinking wine every night. I’m going to save it for the occasional weekend. If I don’t bring it home, I can’t drink it, right?
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    @joandumas42 I've had to just stop drinking altogether because I have zero willpower if it's in the house. ..lol!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I don't know how far back any of you have read on this thread, but on page 21, on the first of November, Dianne (@dogwalker157) and I reintroduced ourselves to start the new month off on a positive note, hoping maybe to entice some more people to join in. So even if you read from there, you will be caught up on what is "current". What inspired me to post this was Joan's comment about me getting close to Onederland. I haven't been here that long, relatively speaking, and in May, before I hurt my knee, I had crossed back over into Onederland. Now I am attempting to cross over for the second, and hopefully last, time!!
  • kholl25
    kholl25 Posts: 12 Member
    Back for the second day. Last night was SO BAD! Don't even really know why. I am a substitute teacher and I had one class that was particularly bad - a general lack of respect for teachers all the way around. But I'm here again, and still trying.
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    kholl25 wrote: »
    Back for the second day. Last night was SO BAD! Don't even really know why. I am a substitute teacher and I had one class that was particularly bad - a general lack of respect for teachers all the way around. But I'm here again, and still trying.

    That's all you can do. Try. <3
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    kholl25 wrote: »
    Back for the second day. Last night was SO BAD! Don't even really know why. I am a substitute teacher and I had one class that was particularly bad - a general lack of respect for teachers all the way around. But I'm here again, and still trying.

    Absolutely! My actual motto is "Fake it 'til you make it!!"
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I just wrote a long post and somehow lost it. I'm running out of time but just wanted to say how great it is to see the thread so active. All of the positive energy is so inspiring. All of you are doing so well working towards your goals. It really makes me want to do better with my own.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Morning, all!

    Have to take my dad to his eye injection appt today. One hour to his place, half an hour to the appt, lunch at Tim Horton's, half an hour back to his place, one hour home. At least it is going to be a beautiful day and the drive to the actual appt is along the Grand River for a majority of it.

    Wednesday Weigh-in

    8th: 204.8
    15th: 201.2 (Not sure about this number, the scale seemed fickle this morning. Maybe new batteries are in order?)
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    edited November 2023
    Good morning! Working from home today. Doctor's appointment at 11:15. First time in a long time that I'm not dreading stepping on the scale because I know it's moving in the right direction.

    @haswlrs Boo for fickle scales. No harm in trying new batteries!

    @dogwalker157 Just one step (literally) at a time. You got this! Now go drink some water and hydrate! B)

    Make it a great day!
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    edited November 2023
    Morning. everyone! Weigh in day!

    Sat, Nov 11th: Restart day: 158.6
    Wed, Nov 15: 156.7

    Probably water weight, but I'll take it! I was actually 156.7 on the 8th, so im back where I was before major pig out with wine and carbs.
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    @joandumas42 Awesome job!!

    My doctor almost started crying when I told her I'd lost 5 pounds last week and hugged me. That's what is keeping me going today. o:)

  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    @GenXMissusSpags oh how wonderful! I bet you were walking on air when you left her office! Way to go!
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    @HASWLRS Great job on your weight loss this week!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @joandumas42 and @GenXMissusSpags Congratulations on your uplifting weigh-ins this week! Should make getting through week #2 just that much easier!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited November 2023
    Yesterday did not go to plan overall. Dad was not doing well when I got there, so I cancelled his eye appointment. That meant not going out to Tim's for lunch. Dad had his lunch brought to his room and I told him I would grab something on the way home, that I had had breakfast and I would be fine. Well I sat with him while he ate and I was getting a huge headache. I have not had a headache because I was tired or hungry for a very long time. I decided I was going to grab lunch at Tim's and bring it back to his room to eat. Because of the headache I wanted caffeine. I am not really a fan of their coffee, (and I do realize by saying this they might revoke my Canada card!) So I had a French Vanilla (cappuccino) which I do like, but it was 330 calories! I fit it into my day, but that many liquid calories does not make one feel satiated!

    Today I need to try again to reach dad's respirologist. If things go according to how I want them to go, I will be on the road again today.
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    edited November 2023
    Morning all! Back in the office today. It's so much easier to stay on plan when I'm here. Not as many temptations as there are at home. Supposed to be around 60 degrees here in Massachusetts so I'm hoping to go for a longer walk at lunch today.

    @HASWLRS Sometimes you have to just work the calories in and move on. The point is, you did it! And I'm so sorry your dad is struggling right now. Hoping this all improves soon.