VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    Here is my bio: My name is Nichole and I live in Vermont. I am going to be 32 in a month and very much missed being at my goal weight by the time I was 30. I have two kids, a boy, 7, and a girl, 4. Since I have had the girl I have been trying on and off to exercise and eat right and become the 115 I used to be and thought I was fat. There is one reason I have not achieved my goal, I have given up every time and gone back to eating anything I want to. It really doesn't help that my BF eats whatever he wants, but that excuse needs to leave my head. I think I have given up too because the weight it not coming off as fast as I want it too. I was doing well, and then this summer I fell off the wagon for awhile and gained even more weight and am now the highest I have been in awhile. It's awful. I joined a boot camp in the mornings for 6 weeks, and I am in the 3rd week of that. After that is completed, I am going to do some work out videos at home, just not sure which ones yet. I am going to make it to my goal this time. AND, this time I realize, it may take quite a few months to do that and that's ok.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Hello Christi,
    Congatulatons on ur 30 lbs loss. I can't wait to hit my 20 mark. =D Have you done any other exercise programs/routines since May? Or is the C25k prgram ur first? I askbecause I've been logging for almost 2 months now with very little excersise. STILL trying t force a routine upon myself. but, it just.. SUCKS.. lol

    anyway, look forward to getting to know you and all the other vertical challengers. it's about my bed time, nighty night Challengers. Loveya all.

    I try to be active every day. I have two black labs, Mindy and Chelsea, so I like to walk them every day, rain or shine. We usually do 1.5 miles/day during the week and 2-3 miles/day on the weekends. I took a Body Sculpting class in June and plan to sign up again in November. I did part 1 of 30 Day Shred but it wasn't for me so I didn't continue. I have a treadmill that I dusted off a few months ago and will use when I can't walk/run outside. I keep my 5 lb weights in my family room and will pick them up and do different exercises, as well as jumping jacks, squats, lunges, etc., as I am watching TV

    The best thing that I did for myself was to buy a heart rate monitor. Now that I see the number of calories burned, and see how hard I am working, I want more! I have always despised exercising (in your works, it just SUCKS - lol!) but since I like numbers so much (I am a CPA), seeing those numbers on the HRM just make me want to work that much harder!

    Good luck and I look forward to getting to know you better!!!
  • Vertical Challengers
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello lovely people!!!!
    I've created a fantastic way to help us remain accountable and to also see how many wonderful shorties we have in our family. I would like everyone to fill out the roster as you feel comfortable. I have asked for people to include their profile name, real name, location, starting weight, current weight, goal weight, and lbs lost for the challenge (for those participating). As I said, feel free to provide whichever info you feel comfortable with, I just thought those tidbits would be good to know. :happy: On the top of the roster we have four names in red, which are the lovely co-leaders in no particular order.

    As we stated earlier not everyone has to participate in the challenges. However, I would love for everyone to still provide at least their profile name. In addition, to separate those who are participating and those who are not, I would like for people participating to highlight their name in blue, while people not participating highlight their name in purple. It doesn’t matter which hue of blue or purple you pick. I just want to be able to distinguish the two so we don’t “harass” people to provide a check in (only joking on the harassment of course):bigsmile: . Don’t worry about keeping the two in any order such as all participating stay together in blue because I will get that all squared away. All you have to do is fill out the information.

    Below I have provided the link to the spreadsheet, which I have enabled everyone to edit. If you have any questions let us know! Thanks and GO VERTICAL CHALLENGERS!!! :drinker:

    I can't open the document. Can you inbox it to me?
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Just Joined the spread sheet! Yay!!!!

    My name is Paula (not quite a secret based on my mfp name :) ), I am 5'1 and 135 pounds currently. I think my top weight has been a bit over 140 when I spent an amazing summer eating lots of heavy english foods- mmmmm butter, clotted cream (it's amazing I swear), scones, jelly, beer, lamb, chocolate.... I digress. I haven't been 120 since about the 6th grade so it's time to get back down or I never will. I know, based on my genetics, that it's only going to get more difficult for me. So I'm thinking I MUST get a handle on it now before my tummy reaches the point of no return. We just have these stinkin' guts in my family that stick out. even on the thinner folks. So I'mma nip that in the bud, like, yesterday. :)

    I'm so excited to have the support of you other short ladies (and men... do we have any men yet???) and to support you right back. We CAN do this!
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Also, let's share some recipes too!
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    Hopefully I can get the spreadsheet to work for me soon.
    My name is Rosie and I live in the suburbs of New Orleans! I love it here, most of the time. Its not exactly the place to be to when you trying to lose weight.
    I have a 9 yr old daughter and am a single mom. I am 5'2" standing REALLY tall. :)
    For most of my life I have struggled with my weight. Until my 20s. I got healthy and started being wiser about my choices...At my smallest I was 120 and stayed in the 135 or so range for most of that....It wasn't until 2008 that the weight started to creap on...I am now 184!!!!!!!! I HATE saying it out loud!
    I am determined to get it off now...I am a runner...I love it and have done 2 half marathons. My goal is to do my third in February....
    Got to get the weight off though...
  • erinmcw
    erinmcw Posts: 6 Member
    yay! :P
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Not short enough LOL
  • Hello Ladies!
    I'm Olga (5'2) ! I am a 25 year old mother of a 5 year old and wife of a 6'4 teddy bear! I work in an office Mon to Fri so I am usually sitting all day.
    I have always been on the plump side but never really cared enough to do anything about it. I LOVE food and that is usually my biggest problem.

    I joined mfp in April after hearing about it on a wedding forum. I lost about 20 pounds in the first 3 months. After that, I stopped loggin in and exercising because I had some changes in my wedding plans and had to push up the date(well that is my excuse at least).

    I started back up again last week and am really hoping that I can stay with it! Luckily I haven't put the weight back on but getting back into the routine of exercising and eating properly is HARD!

    My starting weight was 2353 (I know... pretty bad for a shorty like myself).... I am currently at 214. I will be participating in the challenge and can hopefully loose the 3 pounds before I go on my honeymoon on Oct 20th.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I'm Gina and I'm 26. I live in Long Island and commute to NYC for work. My starting weight back in February was 147lbs. My current weight is 111lbs. MY goal weight is between 105-110lbs or be toned weighing a few pounds more.
  • Hi everyone, a little about myself. My name is Bobbi and I live in Pittsburgh Pa. I have a 3 year old son and a great husband that is very supportive. I'm 40 years old (5'0) and my highest weight is 186lbs. I would love to get to 115 to 120. So far since this challange I lost 4lbs. (Yeah). So I'm in with any challanges that you might have.
    I did gain most of my weight 4 years ago, I quit smoking, then I became pregnant and I just gain about 80lbs and after I had my son I lost 30lbs, but gained 20lbs back. So I need all the help anyone can give me. My trouble spot is the exercising I can't seem to get into it right now. I did well for a week then stopped so I need to start it up again. I do a lot of walking with my son at night, but it is a slow walk. I will take any suggestions:}.
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    Is it too late for me to join????

    I'm Lindsay :) I'm a 5'2 shortie and I love it :)

    Would love to join cause I am one who tends to slack when trying by myself!
  • bethgrayster
    bethgrayster Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5'1 and just starting my journey, again. I tried starting 2 months ago when I joined a gym and got a trainer and became overwhelmed with trying to change everything at once. Now that I'm in more of an exercise routine, I feel more ready to put some attention on my diet too! I got my calorie ammounts from my trainer and doctor and my goal is to be healthy and be able to wear the clothes in my closet that I fit into 2 years and 40lbs ago.
    I'm ready to be small in all ways, not just height!
  • Hi everyone!
    My name is Tracy and I have lost 25 lbs since April but have since fallen into a rut and the scale has not moved. Well it has a little.....a couple up...then back down again... I am only 5'0'' and I need to lose at least 75 more. Not sure how these challenges work but I would love to be a part of the group for the motvation and accountability. I live in Texas, just outside of Houston.
    I am ready for my knees not to hurt every time I get up to walk! And I am ready to be able to shop in a normal clothing store for the 1st time in 10 years. Look forward to this journey with you all.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Also, let's share some recipes too!

    Lovely idea!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Is it too late for me to join????

    I'm Lindsay :) I'm a 5'2 shortie and I love it :)

    Would love to join cause I am one who tends to slack when trying by myself!

    Absolutely not! Welcome!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I received information that there were issues when adding your information to the roster. Has anyone else had any issues? Please let me know. If you haven't already add your information at the link below. Any info you are comfortable sharing. In addition, highlight your name in blue if you are participating in the challenges and purple if you are not. Thank you so much! Here is the link:

    As always... GO VERTICAL CHALLENGERS!! :drinker:
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I was able to do that last night, but now I get a page not found error. :(
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello ladies!
    I have a question, on the spread sheet it says "starting weight" is this the starting weight from when I joined MFP or when I joined the challenge for this thread?