
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Allie- HUGS!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,211 Member
    Today is mmmmmm, lemon cream pie with a piece of chocolate on the side.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,702 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. It's nice to see familiar faces! I'm trying to get back into doing the right things. So I'll be popping by! Meg from Omaha.

    Nice to see you Meg! Hugs!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,211 Member
    edited November 2023

    This is an easy fun test to see if you are an apath or an empath. I did as i thought, I am apathetic.


  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,702 Member
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Rebecca, what a good idea re the piggy bank for Athena. I'm sure she will love feeding the piggy! Beautiful jewel tree that represents such cherished memories.

    DH takes indomethacin for his gout....not sure the spelling is right. This is day 3 of taking it at one pill a day. It does work and the gout pain is easing. Today he said he has a bit of a headache and is feeling somewhat dizzy. I know last time he was on it, he got vertigo. Thinks he might have to take it one more day. He has been careful with his diet...staying away from red meats, processed foods and sugar with the exception of a piece of apple pie last night. Advised him not to eat it but he did. At least he didn't put ice cream on it which he usually does.

    Made perogies this morning. Big chore and glad it's done. Christmas perogies and cabbage rolls all tucked away in the freezer. Have to start thinking about doing a bit of baking but not getting carried away with that as I don't want a lot of leftovers for hubby and I to take care of as neither one of us needs it. Concentrating more on a nice meal with a bit of sweet treats to have later in the evening.

    Hubby is now laying on the couch after eating lunch. Said he might not take any more pills as doesn't like the dizzy feeling. Usually has a gout flare up once a year and seems to coincide with him eating fruit like pears and grapes. Also have been having cauliflower probably a bit too often so will stop doing that. He eats a varied diet so I know it is not just meat that is causing his problem. He really likes fruits and vegetables but certain types of those are high in purines....unfortunately those are the ones he likes.

    Enjoying a relaxing afternoon now. Watching the Pine Grosbeaks feeding on our crabapple tree that I can see from the living room window. They are quite a beautiful bird. About the size of a robin and the male is mostly red with black wings that have 2 white stripes on them.. quite distinct. They migrate here from further north in the winter and we never see them in the summer. They started coming here a couple of years after we planted that crab tree.


    I don't have a problem with being the practical grandma, and the other grandma can spend oogles of money.😂. Athena has SO many toys, I will either just get her money, books or arts and crafts stuff for and present.👍🏼💖🤗
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,162 Member

    I don't have a problem with being the practical grandma, and the other grandma can spend oogles of money.😂. Athena has SO many toys, I will either just get her money, books or arts and crafts stuff for and present.👍🏼💖🤗

    I like your idea of books or arts and craft stuff- both will really be enjoyed. The craft things she can have fun with dad and mom or with you when you visit. Great fun and great memories

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,463 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    kevrit wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Rita - I try to live my life with 'loving detachment'. I don't always succeed because I am an empath. :) Most spiritual principles require practice and discipline, and they get easier with practice. I am still practicing. :p

    Love Heather, still recovering from her empathy with the poor pigeon. UK xxxxxxxx

    I'm more of an "apath" :smiley:

    Although I feel more empathy toward animals than people.

    But you took me by surprise. From your posts, I would have put you slightly closer to the apath end of the "empath---apath" scale than to the empath end. Of course, I don't know you in person.

    M in Oz

    I had to look up the difference between apath and empath. I think you are correct, I try to have empathy, I used to be good at that until the divorce, and some other things that happened during that time. That pushed me more toward apath. I am now trying to get my empathy back. Being on 3 depression/anxiety medications takes a lot of feeling away….


    BTW when I referred to apath, I was thinking along the lines of being apathetic. Not out to hurt anyone, but low on the feelings end of things. Like someone on the autistic spectrum.

    I understood Machka. I was a little upset at first but then, I know you didn’t mean it as a bad thing, and yes, I’ve never been tested but strongly feel I am on the autistic spectrum. Hate crowds, deal better with dogs than people, a loner, hate noisy environments, etc… Maybe I’ll look for an online test to try..


    I'm pretty sure I am on the autistic spectrum. I also hate crowd, don't like people standing too close to me, don't like being touched, don't like being hugged. I'm sensitive to noise, light, heat. I'm very much an introvert.

    But on the other hand "attention to detail" is one of my strengths and I like doing things where I can focus on the details for hours and hours. Like data work or even weeding a garden.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,614 Member
    Forgot to say, "Hiya Meg! Great to see you. <3 "

    Had a long chat this afternoon with my old uni roommate. We had four terms sharing a flat in Bristol. I hadn't spoken to her for months, but it was as if we had seen each other yesterday. Good feeling. I love that you can just pick up again like that.

    My friend G is now back from Singapore, seeing her granddaughter. I had a quick chat with her this morning as she is feeling a bit discombobulated. She was away for two and a half weeks. Big jet lag. Like me, she is a slow readjuster.

    Tomorrow afternoon I have my quarterly MDMD meeting in The Lanes. I couldn't go to the last one as I had a streaming cold, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. I will pop in to M&S on the way back and pick up some foody bits. Weather looks dry, if very chilly.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx