Women 200lb+, Let's Dream Big This December!!!



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited December 2023
    Hi everyone!

    Thanks as always @RavenStCloud!

    My goal for 2024 is going to be to finish my garage gym and progress in pole and chair, and to get into a split, because I practice more, lol.

    I am SO late to the party this month! I weigh in on Saturdays.
    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW ETA December 180.2

    ❄️ December Goals!❄️
    ❄️ December GW (average): 177

    💙Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week
    💙Log everything in grams
    💙Shut down the house every night

    I am bound and determined to start 2024 lower than 180 or 179 (average). I know I can, I know I have before. I literally started this year at like 179, so I guess taking months off at a time I'm not doing too badly.

    Making habits that I can put on autopilot, that's what it's about. In that vein,❄️habits for the rest of this month❄️:
    💙coffee/tea treats: the habit is very strong for a biscuit with a hot drink. Luckily, speculoos cookies are only 50 cal each, and I don't put real sugar in my hot drinks, so 1 (1!) cookie for coffee and 1 for my tea when I get to work is managable. As long as I keep it to 1.
    💙Fruit for snacks. Just fruit. For snacks. Apples are so great, grab a bag, take it to work. If I don't want an apple, I'm not really hungry, I just want sugar (again).
    💙The First Bite is the Best One (to the tune of "the first cut is the deepest"), so if I have to have a high calorie treat, take a bite or two at most, because the rest of the bites aren't as good.
    💙You're not saving the world if you finish your kid's plates. Love yourself enough to throw their discards away. You're not a trash can, stop eating like one.
    💙Log (or write down) BEFORE you eat it. Engage your brain, or you can justify anything, because you're very smart and good at that :smiley:

    Tonight at the gym is chair acro conditioning, and a chair choreography that's very slinky and sexy. Looking forward to it!

    Tag party time!
    @kristinwoods919 I love that your husband is doing it with you! That's got to help a lot.

    @justanotherjen13 your weight loss has been inspirational. Wonderful work. I've said before, and I'll say again- your husband can't expect you to work and contribute to the house AND refuse to help with housework himself. I love that your teenager is helping, though. :heart:

    @Otterlover81 welcome to the best thread on MFP! I would friend you, but I only come on this site to go into the forms, haha. I don't even use logging here, I do that somewhere else.

    @mmatcha_latte look at you go! you're doing great!

    @dutchgirl188 your plan sounds immaculate! hello!

    @kiteflyer105 I love that "keep crushing my goals" is one of your goals! I know that's right!!!! :smile:

    @sandielewis2001 you and me both, staying away and maintaining, haha. Good to see you again!

    @sharon81 it sounds like you have a really healthy outlook about all this, and I want success for you. :heart:

    @sugagirl5 tall queens! Haha. As a completely average one, I love tall queens so much.

    I think that's everything! I'm going to try to post daily for the rest of this month to keep my eye on the prize. Have a great day, everyone!

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Gooood morning everyone!

    I stuck to my guns somewhat yesterday, but today it really starts. I've done well so far, and I've got a good plan. Just have to execute it.

    The gym was great. Weight this morning was 178.2, so that's good
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning!

    179.6 today, boo, but it's fine.

    I finally (!) get a night at home, for a couple of hours all by myself, just me and some low effort leftovers and tea and a book in a quiet house, heaven. I may or may not draw a hot bath and go to bed super early, I may or may not go on a nice walk around my block before I settle in. Can't wait.
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello! Been lurking for a couple of weeks and finally decided that this is a place I want to be! My name is Linda, I'm 42, 5'9" and have struggled with my weight for a very long time. I get alot of "you're tall and carry your weight well" and " you look fine, you look healthy". Yeah, I don't feel healthy. My joints hurt and I am starting to feel the effects of age.

    My ultimate goal is to get healthy, fit, and stay that way once and for all! My biggest goal for this month of December is to stay away from the sweets (or at least go very easy on them. I love cookies and chocolate! Also love to bake!).

    SW:217.8 (Nov. 10,2023) (Biggest weight was 226 February 2018 after I had my daughter.)
    CW: 212.8 (Nov. 30,2023)
    Short term goal #1 Under 200 (am hoping by the end of this year, but if not, that's totally ok!)
    Short term goal #2 Under 180 (hope this happens before my birthday at the beginning of May.)
    GW: 165 or 20% body fat

    Have been on and off my fitness pal for years, and every time I come back, I'm either missing friends (due to deletion) or most of the time no one is very active. Some new friends to cheer on and to cheer me on would be great:) Happy December everyone!

    I could have written this EXACT same post. Same age, same height and nearly identical weight story. I too had my daughter in 2018 (December of) and was at my heaviest (roughly 220) just after her birth. Kickstarted weight loss after that and got fit during the pandemic in 2020--then got pregnant later that year. I had my second in May of 2021 and was tried to be healthy during that pregnancy. I've gone up and down over the 2.5 years since. Ultimately--I've never fully gotten back into the swing, but I'm now recommitted! I'd love to encourage each other!

    CW: 198
    STG: 185 by March
    GW: 170
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Age: 40
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    CW Dec 1 2023: 200.4
    Goal for 2023: Under 195lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 170lbs

    Thursday weigh-ins
    12/7 - 200.2
    12/14 -
    12/21 -
    12/28 -

    This morning I went to the gym for my normal am workout. I had my run/walk (60sec/90sec) intervals set but I decided to see if I could run through my first walk interval, and then I did the next one, and continued to run 1mile without stopping to walk, then kept going and ran 30 min without stopping! I have never run that long without a walk break. I think my goal for the remainder of this year is to run my full workout without a walk break.

    I am a little bummed about my weigh in since I was lower yesterday morning, but we had dinner and drinks with friends last night so it was up a little this morning. Hopefully this goes back down quickly.

    This weekend we are going to a winery for a wine and chocolate tasting with a tamale lunch. I am going to make a plan, eat reasonably and have a great time with friends.

    Congratulations on the running! Putting those little goals out there to push ourselves can be so motivating. You really find out what your body can do.

    I too can get very tripped up by the scale not moving. Someone told me to always evaluate on a 10-day trend rather than from one day to the next. I find this to be very helpful to not derail after a night with a couple of celebratory drinks, or even a night with a harder workout. Both can affect the number and we are looking for long term results :)
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I overdid it a bit yesterday, AND forgot to take my meds, so my weight is up today (180.2! yikes!)

    I've got three parties in the next 3 days, haha, so I'm going to try my best to make good choices at them, take small portions (first bite is the best one 🎵), and eat lightly the rest of the day. So far so good.

    Yesterday was wonderful and relaxing, so I almost feel prepared for the next week and a half, haha.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    Age: 40
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 7 2021: 271.1
    CW Dec 1 2023: 200.4
    Goal for 2023: Under 195lbs
    Ultimate Goal: 170lbs

    Thursday weigh-ins
    12/7 - 200.2
    12/14 - 200.2
    12/21 -
    12/28 -

    I've been up and down this week getting as low as 198 and as high as 202. Lot's of special events where I have been eating more than normal. Company dinner and luncheon, wine tasting weekend. I'm just trying to find the balance. This weekend is the family cookie baking day and another wine/chocolate event. Next week my boss is also taking a small group out to discuss year-end activities over drinks and food. My goal is to eat cookies in moderation, give as many away as possible and make good choices whenever I can. Hopefully I will see the downward trend next week.

    Tag Party:

    @kristinwoods919 - great loss last week!

    @sharon81 - I am also a chronic everyday weigher! I actually like seeing the trends day over day and can identify now the foods that always make my weight spike in the morning.

    @dutchgirl188 - You have a great plan for reasonable calorie deficit and gym plan. As a tall girl, especially when I was over 250, I never set my calories below 1500 and could maintain pretty consistent loss on 1700-1800.

    @justanotherjen13 - It can certainly be hard when you are working and trying to keep up with everything else. You will start to get in a groove after a while. I recommend finding something that makes you feel better to avoid the junk food cravings, maybe dancing in the kitchen with the music too loud when doing dishes or quiet time with a book before bed. Find those things that help you cope and work them into your schedule and if the dishes sit for an extra day then so be it! You can do this!

    @CupcakeCrusoe - It's so good to see you still in this group and keeping with it. I am all about the healthy autopilot habits to keep me in line. It is nice when I don't have to overthink the basics.

    @skintight303 - Happy that you are recommitted and posting here. This is the best group on MFP!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    181.2 today, lol, gotta tighten up.

    I had a relaxing night again last night, we watched Ring in the Holidays, a WWE movie with Christmas themed wrestling clips, haha. Tonight is another Christmas party. I'm so tired, looking forward to that week after Christmas sloth that happens. :wink:

    @sandielewis2001 I feel you on all the events! You've got a good plan.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    Update Friday weigh in.
    December 1- 226.1
    December 8- 223.7
    December 15 -221.6
  • dutchgirl188
    dutchgirl188 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ladies! I started MFP on Oct 27th of this year. I have lost a little over 10 lbs since then. I am feeling very motivated even though it is the holiday season. I wish you all success!
    I am 5' 11"
    SW: 224
    CW: 213.6
    1st Goal: 208 (no longer obese)
    Ultimate Goal: 165
    I am tracking everything and staying around 1700/1800 calories per day.
    I am speed walking a mile and weight training at the gym 4 days per week.
    I am hoping to keep losing about 2 lbs a week.
    I will weigh in every Friday.
    Dec 1: 213.6
    Dec 8: 211.6 Yay!!
    Dec 15: 210.0 🤗
    Dec 22:
    Dec 29:
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make good food choices (going to be hard with the holidays coming up)

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    December SW: 215.6
    CW: 213.4 (12/15)
    GW (short term): 200
    GW (long term): 165

    12/15 update: Still trying to figure out what works best keeping my eating in check now that I'm working. Wednesday was my birthday so I finally gave myself permission to just eat whatever without logging or worrying about any of it. Started after work on Tuesday when I bought two bags of Ruffles chips. I hadn't eaten more than 1 or 2 chips since July so I think I did pretty good. Over the next 3 days, I finshed the two bags, had dip with one of them, ate ice cream and cake and extra portions of stuff. And I didn't care. I went from 212 to 216 but now I'm back down to 213.4. So in the end, I was up only 1lb since last week. Which really isn't that bad. I know the next couple weeks will be a struggle because the kids have started begging for Christmas cookies. So I'm just going to slack off a bit until after Christmas then I'll get back on the train come the new year. I'll still do portion control of my main meals but will allow myself cookies and other snacks from time to time without guilt.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    35 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW ETA December 180.2
    12/16: 181.4 :(

    ❄️ December Goals!❄️
    ❄️ December GW (average): <del>177</del> 178 that goal was maybe a little too lofty, haha. Not to mention I'm so busy I can't even string two thoughts together these days- it was too much to think I could dedicate myself to weight loss right now.

    💙Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week❌
    💙Log everything in grams❌
    💙Shut down the house every night ❌

    We're aiming for disaster mitigation until January, similar to @justanotherjen13, lol.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm up to 183.something today :no_mouth: no idea what this is about. But, another day, another chance to do my best, so here we are.

    No gym today, just good choices. And preparing for Christmas. One week from today. Yikes. Have a great day everyone!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 77 Member
    Forgot to post on Friday. Holding strong all week at 187. I have fluctuated day to day and am at 189 this morning. I have been highly stressed with upcoming trip and just coming off my cycle and emotional... Today marks the one-year anniversary of my mother's untimely death and I didn't realize how much it was going to affect me today. I have remained at a calorie deficit all weekend but am up this morning. I think tho, that it's the crap food I ate. It was not nutritious and was more holiday/comfort foods. Also did not get my water in over the weekend as I tend to "forget" to drink. SMH. Anyway.... here's my Friday weight.
    December 1- 190.6
    December 8- 188.0
    December 15- 187.0
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    December Start Weight: 200.2
    December Goal Weight: 192
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    December 1: 200.2
    December 8: 198.4
    December 15: 196.3
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:

    I had been very discouraged over the last week. I've been taking the stairs at work, weighing food, going for a 3 mile walk/jog every other night and just being on-it. The scale each morning was up over 201+. I decided to just ignore that since I KNEW I was doing the things. On Friday, I had to blink 3 times when I saw the number.

    Today (Monday morning) the scale is at 196.5. I had a bottle of prosecco over the weekend (2 flutes on Friday and 2 flutes on Saturday, a couple cookies (but 2 when I wanted 12 was a VICTORY). We also had a lovely lunch out on Saturday--but I did choose sensibly and stopped with food still on the plate (this has been uncommon for me). Baby steps.

    Good luck y'all--I feel like I'm in Charlie IN the Chocolate Factory
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 77 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    December Start Weight: 200.2
    December Goal Weight: 192
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    December 1: 200.2
    December 8: 198.4
    December 15: 196.3
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:

    I had been very discouraged over the last week. I've been taking the stairs at work, weighing food, going for a 3 mile walk/jog every other night and just being on-it. The scale each morning was up over 201+. I decided to just ignore that since I KNEW I was doing the things. On Friday, I had to blink 3 times when I saw the number.

    Today (Monday morning) the scale is at 196.5. I had a bottle of prosecco over the weekend (2 flutes on Friday and 2 flutes on Saturday, a couple cookies (but 2 when I wanted 12 was a VICTORY). We also had a lovely lunch out on Saturday--but I did choose sensibly and stopped with food still on the plate (this has been uncommon for me). Baby steps.

    Good luck y'all--I feel like I'm in Charlie IN the Chocolate Factory

    Way to go!!! incredible progress!!!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 77 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm up to 183.something today :no_mouth: no idea what this is about. But, another day, another chance to do my best, so here we are.

    No gym today, just good choices. And preparing for Christmas. One week from today. Yikes. Have a great day everyone!

    Great attitude!!! Here's to a better today!! (Me too)
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    183.0 today, coming down slowly.

    I'm logging in mfp again for now, because after work is so crazy for me, so the only time I can log is during the workday. That hecticness works in my favor for stopping snacking after work, though.

    Have a great day, everyone!