

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    bbrandi82 wrote: »
    Tonight is date night. Any tips on how to choose healthier options at a Chinese restaurant? I would like to keep it lower carb and high protein, but there's so much sauce on food items.
    Hi Brandi. Egg foo young and broccoli beef are good choices. Ask for your gravy/sauce on the side, in a separate container so you can control the amount. 🥡 🥢 🫖

    Chop suey
    Kung pao shrimp
    Steamed tofu with mixed veggies
    Egg drop soup
    Mongolian beef
    Moo shu pork
    Steamed or boiled seafood
    Lettuce cups
    Stir-fried mushrooms
    Peking duck

  • bbrandi82
    bbrandi82 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! @7freshflowers
  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    Joining again! I lost 25 lbs in total last year and although I'd be thrilled with a 100 lb weight loss, I'll consider it a success to lose 60 lbs by Dec 31. Stats: F/40/5'6" SW 275 (Jan 2023) CW 249
    Hello Kalin, well, hello kalin, it's so nice to have you back where you belong 🎶 🎶 🎶.

    Yes. I agree. A 60 pound loss would be a great success. It would put you at 189. That's 21 pounds below my goal weight of 200. Who knows? You may decide to stay there.

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    lessfluff wrote: »
    Hi ladies hoping to join if that's ok. I am down 59lbs as of this morning. I should lose another 100lbs but I would be happy with 50lbs. SW 311. CW 252. Trying to drink 120oz of water per day.

    Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. What is your name?

    A 50 pound weight loss would put you at my goal weight of 200. It's still heavy, I know. But I'm okay with that. I function well at 200. Very happy at a size 16.

    I'm also struggling with drinking more water. I don't think I've ever drank 120 oz of water in one day. I'm sure I should. Maybe I'll join you in that endeavor.

  • pnehra731
    pnehra731 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I’m Phyllis. I’m looking to lose weight and fit into smaller clothes. I’ve cut out liquor and sugar this month and have committed to exercising at least an hour a day. So far, so good!
  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    pnehra731 wrote: »
    Hi, I’m Phyllis. I’m looking to lose weight and fit into smaller clothes. I’ve cut out liquor and sugar this month and have committed to exercising at least an hour a day. So far, so good!
    Hello Phyllis. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. Congratulations on your Sugar Detox. 👏

  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    edited January 6
    Hello everyone! :)

    I'm fired up, too! I'm Susanna, 61, and I live in New Haven, Connecticut. For years, I was a little overweight (140 lbs at 5'3"), but then I quit smoking in April 2017 and traded a cigarette/nicotine addiction (2 packs/day for 43 years) for a food addiction. I always had issues around food - I tend to have problems with binge eating & emotional eating. Fast forward to covid, and experiencing unimaginable loss & trauma (I lost my only child, my companion, and my bff all within 2 years), and I've ballooned up to 218 lbs - the heaviest I've ever been. It is my goal to lose 88 lbs (I thought this is close enough to the 100 lbs to qualify joining this group) to reach my goal weight of 130. I initially joined MFP years ago to track my nutrition, being a gluten-free vegan, but realize I need the support of a community and accountability if I am going to do this. So grateful to be here.

    I have not lost any weight - in fact, I've gained 4 lbs. since October, but it is my goal to eat more protein and vegetables, and more nutrient-dense foods, not eat anything after 7pm, cut calories and start exercising again.

    I'm really looking forward to being a part of this group

    Starting Weight - 218 lbs.
    Goal Weight - 130 lbs.

    (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
    - Susanna
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    mjstewies wrote: »
    Would love to join the group. My weight loss has been slow but steady for awhile now but I want to amp it up this year. Only lost 11 pounds last year so I want to do better. I've been heavy most of my life and on Type II diabetes meds for about 5 years. Sure would be nice to get rid of those. My biggest hurdles are staying motivated and not prioritizing food. I just love to cook, eat and feed people.
    SW 256
    CW 214
    GW 145
    I'm 5'5" and will be 66 this month. Goals are 1200 cal/day logged and 3/times in the pool each week. A little walking wouldn't hurt but it's winter here, and I hate winter.

    I've lived in New England for the past 20 years, and you think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not a fan of winter, either!!! :( I also love to cook, eat, and feed people - and do struggle with motivation and perseverance - making efforts to change that mindset this year!
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    bbrandi82 wrote: »
    Tonight is date night. Any tips on how to choose healthier options at a Chinese restaurant? I would like to keep it lower carb and high protein, but there's so much sauce on food items.
    I have kept to my commitment of 30 minutes of exercise 3 days this week and it feels great to keep promises to myself. I know this will be lifelong because I'm willing to be honest with myself.

    Date night sounds fun! How about starting your meal with a hot & sour soup or any type of soup - it contains veggies and shouldn't have a ton of calories (at least I don't think) and will fill you up a little so you may not eat as much for the meal. For the meal itself, how about tofu and broccoli or, if you don't like tofu, an eggplant/broccoli dish with brown rice?
  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
    Here we are starting's a new beginning. A time to forget the past and look toward the future. It's a blank slate on which we get to write the chapters for our new story. What will your storyline read like?? For me it's going to be a #1 hit!! Welcome to all the new members of our group.

    2023 was my yo-yo year. But at the end I did manage to keep off 7% of the weight that I had dropped since May 2022. So not a complete failure but not as successful as I had planned. At the end of 2023 I had lost my motivation and partially tosssed in the towel. But as I stepped into 2024 I realized that things were not a gloomy as I was making it out to be in my own mind. Those self depreciating thoughts were a product of the onset of my winter depression. I have suffered from depression for over 30 years and take medication for it. But I've discovered that the amount of vitamin D I get from being outdoors does affect depression. And we all know we hibernate during the cold winter months as we age. So time to up my vitamin D doseage for a few months. I learn more each passing year as to what affects my eating and weight. I have no problem during the day but have terrible issues with late night eating. And once I start it can turn into an all out binge fest. So it's best to nip it in the bud before it gets started.

    So with all this new knowlege I am arming myself with new strategies. Up the vitamin D, go to bed earlier to eliminate the late night visits to the fridge, up the fluid intake and make a plan for getting body movement that is fun and not seen as a chore. What that is exactly is yet to be determined but for the month of January it's going to be walking around the corridor of my local hockey arena watching my team practise. I can cheer them from the upper deck. I feel if I change things up each month it won't seem so much like exercise. And of course as the months pass and the weather warms up getting outdoors will be welcomed. And my downtown core and mall shopping is with 1/2 hr walking.

    When I started my journey May 2022 I was looking at what seemed like an insurmountable amount of weight to drop. I was at my highest weight ever.....333 lbs. I got below 299 a couple of times but it happened right around Christmas. Sugar is a binge trigger for me and denying those buttertarts and pecan bars just didn't happen. Once I started it seemed so hard to stop. So I didn't.....till my daughter came to dinner and I sent all those goodies home with

    I have suffered from severe body pain these past 3 years with sciatic problems, periformis mucle pain, extremely painful tight hip flexors limiting my walking, severe knee pain from previous surgery, shoulder pain from 2 rotators surgeries and slipped vertebrae. With the help of a great chiropractor I have overcome all of these issues along with the usual body pain caused by natural aging. 2024 will be the year to take back my love of kayaking, biking and swimming.

    I now from experience that this will be a hard journey in the coming year but if I have a plan and do my best to follow it, I'm setting myself up for success. I started out having to drop 158 lbs which was an overwhelming to look at. I've broken that number into 10lb. increments so it doesn't look so daunting. Now this number is down to 135 lbs....still huge but not as daunting as when I started. I hope to drop 60 lbs this year.....if I achieve more than that I'll consider it a bonus. And then I'm looking at 2025 another 60 lbs. That leaves 15 lbs for 2026. At the end of that drop I will have dropped 52% of my total body weight. I'm not sure how I'll handle that in the end as I currently find thinking about losing 1/2 my body size as unachievable. So it's best not to think of the end game but in the separate parts of the journey. If we look at the smaller picture we won't get so scared and overwhelmed. So here's to the next 10 lb. drop. (I try not to say lost as something lost is something we try to find. I have found it way too often. Change of mind set here).

    Happy losing to everyone in the coming year!

  • ssauvageot
    ssauvageot Posts: 3 Member
    bbrandi82 wrote: »
    Tonight is date night. Any tips on how to choose healthier options at a Chinese restaurant? I would like to keep it lower carb and high protein, but there's so much sauce on food items.
    I have kept to my commitment of 30 minutes of exercise 3 days this week and it feels great to keep promises to myself. I know this will be lifelong because I'm willing to be honest with myself.

    Sorry this is a day late. It sounds like you are doing great! When my wife and I eat at Chinese restaurants, we pick something like "Chicken & Broccoli" or something that is meat oriented but not fried. Also, we go into the dinner date planning on bringing back leftovers. Typically, we'll split a single entre' and still have enough left over for a second meal for both of us.
  • ssauvageot
    ssauvageot Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Lisa! Congratulations on the weight loss journey. I've been active on here on and off over the past few years, but more consistently on here about a year, but never really reached-out to others. I'm starting to realize I need external motivators to meet my weight-loss goals.

    High weight 260lb
    Starting weight on here 250lb
    Current Weight: 184lb
    Goal 140lb in 2024.
  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    Susanna527 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! :)I'm fired up, too! I'm Susanna, 61, and I live in New Haven, Connecticut. I quit smoking in April 2017 and I've ballooned up to 218 lbs. It is my goal to lose 88 lbs (I thought this is close enough to the 100 lbs to qualify joining this group) to reach my goal weight of 130. I need the support of a community and accountability if I am going to do this. So grateful to be here.

    It is my goal to eat more protein and vegetables, and more nutrient-dense foods, not eat anything after 7pm, cut calories. I'm really looking forward to being a part of this group. Starting Weight - 218 lbs. Goal Weight - 130 lbs.- Susanna

    Hello Susanna. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. Congratulations on quitting smoking 🚬 👏

    Yes. This group is mainly for those who need to lose 100+, but everyone is welcome. Even if you only have 10 lbs to lose. It’s the exchange of encouragement that’s most important.

    Thank you for sharing your weight loss strategy/method. Sounds like a good one.

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    ssauvageot wrote: »
    When my wife and I eat at Chinese restaurants, we pick something like "Chicken & Broccoli" or something that is meat oriented but not fried. Typically, we'll split a single entree and still have enough left over for a second meal for both of us.
    Hello. What is your name? Men are welcome to join MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. Hope to get more of them. Stick around.

    You made me hungry for Chinese food. 😋 🥡 🥢

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    edited January 7
    Here we are starting's a new beginning. A time to forget the past and look toward the future. Welcome to all the new members of our group.

    I have suffered from depression for over 30 years. So time to up my vitamin D dosage for a few months. I am arming myself with new strategies. Up the vitamin D, go to bed earlier, and up the fluid intake. I hope to drop 60 lbs this year.....
    Yay! Evelyn! I’m so happy to have you back in 2024. You’ve been with me since MY 100 POUND JOURNEY first began, more than two years ago. It just wouldn’t be the same without you. ❤️

    I suffer with occasional bouts of depression also. Thanks for the good advice. I too, need to “ Up the vitamin D, go to bed earlier, and up the fluid intake.” I also need to increase my iodine intake because I have hypothyroidism. I refuse to take those drugs the doctor prescribed. Medicine, is a nice word for dangerous drugs. ☠️

    I’m positive if I continue to do all these things, it will increase my weight loss this year.

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    edited January 7
    ssauvageot wrote: »
    Hi Lisa! Congratulations on the weight loss journey. I'm starting to realize I need external motivators to meet my weight-loss goals. Starting weight on here 250lb. Current Weight: 184lb. Goal 140lb in 2024.
    Excellent progress. 👏 Only 44 more to go. I think you’ve got this. 😀 👍

  • deejoan
    deejoan Posts: 52 Member
    Here we are starting's a new beginning. A time to forget the past and look toward the future. It's a blank slate on which we get to write the chapters for our new story. What will your storyline read like?? For me it's going to be a #1 hit!! Welcome to all the new members of our group.

    2023 was my yo-yo year. But at the end I did manage to keep off 7% of the weight that I had dropped since May 2022. So not a complete failure but not as successful as I had planned. At the end of 2023 I had lost my motivation and partially tosssed in the towel. But as I stepped into 2024 I realized that things were not a gloomy as I was making it out to be in my own mind. Those self depreciating thoughts were a product of the onset of my winter depression. I have suffered from depression for over 30 years and take medication for it. But I've discovered that the amount of vitamin D I get from being outdoors does affect depression. And we all know we hibernate during the cold winter months as we age. So time to up my vitamin D doseage for a few months. I learn more each passing year as to what affects my eating and weight. I have no problem during the day but have terrible issues with late night eating. And once I start it can turn into an all out binge fest. So it's best to nip it in the bud before it gets started.

    So with all this new knowlege I am arming myself with new strategies. Up the vitamin D, go to bed earlier to eliminate the late night visits to the fridge, up the fluid intake and make a plan for getting body movement that is fun and not seen as a chore. What that is exactly is yet to be determined but for the month of January it's going to be walking around the corridor of my local hockey arena watching my team practise. I can cheer them from the upper deck. I feel if I change things up each month it won't seem so much like exercise. And of course as the months pass and the weather warms up getting outdoors will be welcomed. And my downtown core and mall shopping is with 1/2 hr walking.

    When I started my journey May 2022 I was looking at what seemed like an insurmountable amount of weight to drop. I was at my highest weight ever.....333 lbs. I got below 299 a couple of times but it happened right around Christmas. Sugar is a binge trigger for me and denying those buttertarts and pecan bars just didn't happen. Once I started it seemed so hard to stop. So I didn't.....till my daughter came to dinner and I sent all those goodies home with

    I have suffered from severe body pain these past 3 years with sciatic problems, periformis mucle pain, extremely painful tight hip flexors limiting my walking, severe knee pain from previous surgery, shoulder pain from 2 rotators surgeries and slipped vertebrae. With the help of a great chiropractor I have overcome all of these issues along with the usual body pain caused by natural aging. 2024 will be the year to take back my love of kayaking, biking and swimming.

    I now from experience that this will be a hard journey in the coming year but if I have a plan and do my best to follow it, I'm setting myself up for success. I started out having to drop 158 lbs which was an overwhelming to look at. I've broken that number into 10lb. increments so it doesn't look so daunting. Now this number is down to 135 lbs....still huge but not as daunting as when I started. I hope to drop 60 lbs this year.....if I achieve more than that I'll consider it a bonus. And then I'm looking at 2025 another 60 lbs. That leaves 15 lbs for 2026. At the end of that drop I will have dropped 52% of my total body weight. I'm not sure how I'll handle that in the end as I currently find thinking about losing 1/2 my body size as unachievable. So it's best not to think of the end game but in the separate parts of the journey. If we look at the smaller picture we won't get so scared and overwhelmed. So here's to the next 10 lb. drop. (I try not to say lost as something lost is something we try to find. I have found it way too often. Change of mind set here).

    Happy losing to everyone in the coming year!


    I agree with you if you just look at losing 10 lbs. at a time it is much less daunting than looking at the total amount of weight a person would like to lose. Those small goals are easier attainable. Keep up the good work. We are all in this together.
  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 109 Member
    deejoan wrote: »
    I now from experience that this will be a hard journey in the coming year but if I have a plan and do my best to follow it, I'm setting myself up for success. I started out having to drop 158 lbs which was an overwhelming to look at. I've broken that number into 10lb. increments so it doesn't look so daunting. Now this number is down to 135 lbs....still huge but not as daunting as when I started. I hope to drop 60 lbs this year.....if I achieve more than that I'll consider it a bonus. And then I'm looking at 2025 another 60 lbs. That leaves 15 lbs for 2026. At the end of that drop I will have dropped 52% of my total body weight. I'm not sure how I'll handle that in the end as I currently find thinking about losing 1/2 my body size as unachievable. So it's best not to think of the end game but in the separate parts of the journey. If we look at the smaller picture we won't get so scared and overwhelmed. So here's to the next 10 lb. drop. (I try not to say lost as something lost is something we try to find. I have found it way too often. Change of mind set here).
    I agree with you if you just look at losing 10 lbs. at a time it is much less daunting than looking at the total amount of weight a person would like to lose. Those small goals are easier attainable. Keep up the good work. We are all in this together.
    It's a brilliant idea. 💡

  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
    Yay! Evelyn! I’m so happy to have you back in 2024. You’ve been with me since MY 100 POUND JOURNEY first began, more than two years ago. It just wouldn’t be the same without you. ❤️

    I suffer with occasional bouts of depression also. Thanks for the good advice. I too, need to “ Up the vitamin D, go to bed earlier, and up the fluid intake.” I also need to increase my iodine intake because I have hypothyroidism. I refuse to take those drugs the doctor prescribed. Medicine, is a nice word for dangerous drugs. ☠️ I’m positive if I continue to do all these things, it will increase my weight loss this year.

    Yo Lisa my peep!!....I could never leave you cuz we haven't achieved our goal!! Even when we get there I couldn't leave because we both know I don't know how to maintain.....being at goal twice has shown me that. Achieving goal will be when I need even more support. Life long pals is what we're destined to

    Depression sucks doesn't it?? I'm not getting out walking as yet but go work in my office (aka craft room) each afternoon and either sew or cross stitch or something crafty to keep me from thinking about snacking. A discovery made is that if I sit and watch tv in the afternoon my mind thinks it needs to snack. So if I keep my hands busy it keeps my mind busy as well. Having a lot of ladies hockey to watch has really helped as well. Anyone else into watching the 2024 IIHF World U18 Championships or the PWHL (Professional Womens Hockey League)?? I've always said to do sports well you gotta play like a girl!! Anyway.....cheering the gals on while doing my "business" has really helped turn things around for me. Before I was busy binging, now I'm busy cheering and sewing. We have to train our thoughts to set ourselves up for success.

  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member

    After I saw this I had some thoughts about how it pertained to our journey in getting healthier. In a mindset changeup I thought this: how about we don't worry about what we're not achieving but think what we are achieving, even if it's only a very small thing. we did manage to eat healthier, even if it was only a few times. How we drank more fluids, even if only 1 or 2 days. How we moved our body, even if it was only a few more steps than before. Let's focus on the positive and drop the negativity altogether. We might not be where we want to be but we're farther along than we were yesterday. Give up worrying about what we haven't achieved. We're gonna do great things.....the first of which is to give up worrying that we won't complete our journey!! <3