Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    So proud everyone is getting in on the burpees this week!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Day two of 50 burpees done! :D and my butt is sore!!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    50!! Wham bam thank you ma'am!!

    Man, my butt is getting lifted. I feel it.
  • Day 2.....50 burbees.....DONE.

    Dang, do these things ever get easier?????

    (whine complete)
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Is there a way to do these without making stomping sounds? My neighbor below isn't very appreciative of this weeks challenge, LOL! xD
  • Just completed day 2 of 50 burpees. Tired.
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Heyy all! So as you may or may not have seen, I was suuuuuuper sick sunday and monday so i havent been logging or working out, but I am feeling 10000% better today! Even though I didnt start the challenge with everyone on Monday, I'm still going to make sure I do it for the rest of this challenge week even though it doesnt count. ALSO, thank you so much for responding to my last post about the group logo!!! I'll get on that right away :) I'll be checking back in later!!! Keep up the good work everyone :drinker:
  • The Burpee's are kicking my *kitten*
  • The Burpee's are kicking my *kitten*

    Ain't that the TRUTH!! :P
  • I did em. Didn't like em, but they're done.

    That's about all I have to say about that!!

    * Walks kinda funny off into the distance, grumbling to herself *
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    So my buns and sides have been hurting all day. BURN BABY BURN!
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    So, I am seemingly "back on track" food-wise after this w/e. It was definitely a weekend off since I drank like a fish but didn't really do too bad in the food dept (except sodium).

    I have been stunningly tired last week and this week so have been incredibly unmotivated to exercise. I was on the treadmill for 30 min on Monday and nothing last night (barely made it to 9 pm before I headed to bed. Actually started busting a move toward bed around 8:15 but needed a shower first.) I have no energy to do my c25k whatsoever. I just totally hit a wall, which is weird. I have yet to try a burpee since I am pretty much 2x the weight of most people here.. I will have to see if there is a modified one I can do....

    On the other side, I have managed to start taking stairs at work more often so that's at least something. I am also thinking that even if I get a little exercise in during this silliness, I am not going to feel guilt or anger that I am not doing it "like I did a few weeks ago" I think that, sometimes, I get into my own head and say "well, if you are not going to do an ______(insert time amount here) then just forget it! I think even doing something for 10, 20, 27 etc min is better than 0 minutes.

    Hopefully, things will straighten out and I will be able to get my energy back. (hopefully just the course I am teaching that ends Oct 17??) then I can really get back at things.
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Day three of burpee challenge done! And omg my poor legs and butt are killing me!!!!
  • I wonder if I'm doing them wrong. I don't feel them in my butt at all -- it's all in my quads!!!
  • I wonder if I'm doing them wrong. I don't feel them in my butt at all -- it's all in my quads!!!

    Me too. And I can only do 10 at a time. But they sure are getting my heart rate up!! Craziness. :P
  • I wonder if I'm doing them wrong. I don't feel them in my butt at all -- it's all in my quads!!!

    Me too. And I can only do 10 at a time. But they sure are getting my heart rate up!! Craziness. :P

    Yeah, I have to do 5 at a time. Last week was my first real week back to exercise, so I'm pretty out of shape still, and suddenly here I am exercising in one form or another 2 and 3 times per day! My body is in shock!! Then I go home and tell myself I have to get those burpees done before I can eat my dinner...and by the time I'm done with those I'm back to sweating and breathing hard all over again, just like I was in the middle of my Jazzercise class!!

    But I can be pretty determined when I choose to be, and "challenges" are just the thing to stir up the competitive side of me -- not to compete with all of you, but to conquer the challenge itself!!

    My legs are hurting a lot today...probably, by the time I'm done with this day I'll be doing only 2 or 3 burpees at a time tonight! I already went out and ran/walked this morning (1.5 miles), then this afternoon on my lunch hour I'll be walking again (3 miles), then tonight Jazzercise. After I get home and done shuttling kids to church, then it'll be burpee time. It's gonna be a good day for calorie burning!! Tho I haven't looked to see how many calories I burn with the burpees, because I have to take so many pauses during them. Maybe tonight, just for fun, I'll do that.

    My daughter got me a Polar FT7 for my birthday on Monday, so that's gonna kick things into gear for me as well, because I know, that I'm going to get competitive with myself about how many calories I can burn up with exercise!!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    My sinuses are all clogged! Didn't do them yesterday :blushing: :grumble:
    I hope to do them tongiht
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Day 3, another 50 down.

    I'm doing em 25 & 25.

    Anyone else feel it around their ribs? I didn't even know I have muscle there, haha.
  • Day 3....50 burbees....CAKE!

    (Well, not really but I'm telling myself it's easy-peasy!! I'm getting them done though!!)
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    So, I am seemingly "back on track" food-wise after this w/e. It was definitely a weekend off since I drank like a fish but didn't really do too bad in the food dept (except sodium).

    I have been stunningly tired last week and this week so have been incredibly unmotivated to exercise. I was on the treadmill for 30 min on Monday and nothing last night (barely made it to 9 pm before I headed to bed. Actually started busting a move toward bed around 8:15 but needed a shower first.) I have no energy to do my c25k whatsoever. I just totally hit a wall, which is weird. I have yet to try a burpee since I am pretty much 2x the weight of most people here.. I will have to see if there is a modified one I can do....

    On the other side, I have managed to start taking stairs at work more often so that's at least something. I am also thinking that even if I get a little exercise in during this silliness, I am not going to feel guilt or anger that I am not doing it "like I did a few weeks ago" I think that, sometimes, I get into my own head and say "well, if you are not going to do an ______(insert time amount here) then just forget it! I think even doing something for 10, 20, 27 etc min is better than 0 minutes.

    Hopefully, things will straighten out and I will be able to get my energy back. (hopefully just the course I am teaching that ends Oct 17??) then I can really get back at things.