

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    Fooshki wrote: »
    Hello, I'm a bit late to the party but I would love to join this challenge. My name is Stephanie, I am 34, and I'm from California. Starting weight on January 1st: 250 lbs. Current weight: 242.4 lbs. (-7.6 lbs)

    My plan for this challenge is to focus on incorporating more exercise and to make small, manageable changes to my diet that are sustainable in the long term.
    Hello Stephanie. You’re progressing very well so far, and off to a good start with healthy, realistic goals. 👏
    Thank you for joining me on MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. Happy to have you along for the ride.

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    edited January 20
    I'm in. 36M living in the UK, and I definitely have some weight to shift.Highest weight: 420 lbs (February 2022) Current weight: 339.7 lbs Long-term goal: 199.9 lbs

    I've gone entirely plant-based, and trying to get as much walking in as possible.
    Hello. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. I admire you for being plant based, and having a long-term goal of 199.9. 👏 My long-term goal is also 199.9. Who wants to be skinny?

  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
    edited January 20
    Evelyn, Sprouts market has a 10 oz bag for about $6.00. Which is only 1 serving for me. Costco has a 4 lb bag for only $15.99.

    Go to the Puravida website ( scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on “where to buy” to find a store near you that carry’s them. Next time you travel to Costco bring an ice chest or insulated bag and a frozen thing inside.

    We don't have a Sprouts store. At the cost of food here in Canada I certainly can't afford a small bag of veggies for $6!! I'll check Costco when I go next time later in the spring when I cash my yearly cashback cheque. We can't usually go during the winter as it's through the Rocky Mtns. and it's dangerous weatherwise. You can start out nice and end up in a wicked winter storm. I've done the ice chest before and while it works, I can't buy enough to last till my next trip so try to buy more locally.
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    I'm in. 36M living in the UK, and I definitely have some weight to shift.

    Highest weight: 420 lbs (February 2022)
    Current weight: 339.7 lbs
    January goal: 340 lbs (achieved)
    2024 goal: 275 lbs
    Long-term goal: 199.9 lbs

    I've gone entirely plant-based, taking a decent amount of supplements every day (some for my weight, some for the psoriasis which is exacerbated by my weight), and trying to get as much walking in as possible (which the dog appreciates more than I do in the short term).

    Your weight-loss journey is so inspiring, and I'm always so excited to hear when someone goes plant-based and keep it going for the long term! :)
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy weekend :D

    So one of my downfalls is not shopping properly, not food prepping, and then getting hungry and eating something out, which is super easy because I live in a city where there are at least 4 restaurants on every block, and all of them sooooo good. One of my goals this year is to shop smarter and make sure I do some serious food prep on Sundays (I got out of this habit when covid hit).

  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    canyonGeek wrote: »
    Hi 👋

    I'm Mayve. I've been reading this thread (and the original) for a while now. Time to stop lurking!

    I lost 122 pounds last year and 192 total since August '22. Have another 50 to go. I know it'll be a struggle, so I'm here for a little extra accountability.

    My diet is high protein, low cal 😊

    I'm currently on week 4 of the "couch to 5k" program. Less than a year and a half ago, I was basically housebound. So, progress. I'm currently very focused on improving my fitness. I don't think I'll be able to maintain, otherwise. 40-ish with a sedentary desk job.

    Current mini-goals:
    (1) Loose ~10 pounds to be officially "Overweight"
    (2) Complete week 8 of couch-to-5k

    Aiming to complete both within 8 weeks. My next mini-goal will focus on strength training and getting fit for a hiking trip in May.

    Congrats to everyone here for making positive changes and sticking with it. You can totally do it!

    Hi Mayve! I'm so glad you stopped lurking. Your weight loss journey and fitness progress is absolutely inspiring to me! Thanks so much for sharing :)
  • CastleOfIce
    CastleOfIce Posts: 44 Member
    edited January 21
    Hello. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. I admire you for being plant based, and having a long-term goal of 199.9. 👏 My long-term goal is also 199.9. Who wants to be skinny?

    Thanks, it's good to be here. 199.9 would put me right at the border between normal and overweight according to BMI, but I plan to start lifting once I'm closer to my goal and try to build some muscle to keep the fat off.
    My family and I just recently made the switch to a plant based (vegan) diet and that has been wonderful for weight loss and energy levels.

    The biggest change for me is how much more I feel satiated. The volume of plants it takes to get to 2,200 calories is so much more than the volume of meat & dairy it takes, so I just don't feel hungry most of the time.
  • Susanna527
    Susanna527 Posts: 1,546 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    Hey everyone I'm Roz from England. 30 years old. Hope you're having a great start to 2024! I've been here and there but not active so will try to be active on here again. I'm 3 weeks in and 10.5lbs down! 😅

    Hi Roz! It will be nice to see you active on this thread :smile: I joined not too long ago, and this group is so nice, motivating, and inspiring! Your weight loss so far is incredible - way to go!!!
  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    edited January 22
    Hello everyone. Today I weigh 325. In the last 5 days, I've lost exactly 4 pounds 🎶. My short-term goal is to be under 300, and weigh 299 (or less), on March 1. ☕️

    YAY!!! way to go!! 4 lbs!! that's awsome. I dropped 2.8lbs this past week so I was at 306.8. So here's to us sticking to our plan and getting there by March 1st!!! GO US!!
    Last week on my journey, I took the wrong turn and ended up in "STALLSVILLE." So I still weigh 325.2. I plan on taking the next flight out of Stallsville ASAP.

    I traveled to Costco today, and stocked up on my favorite fire roasted vegetables, some salad kits, frozen mixed fruit for my smoothies, organic vegetable barley soup, and Skinny pop popcorn. 😀 👍

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    edited January 22
    Hello. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. I admire you for being plant based, and having a long-term goal of 199.9. 👏 My long-term goal is also 199.9. Who wants to be skinny?
    The biggest change for me is how much more I feel satiated. The volume of plants it takes to get to 2,200 calories is so much more than the volume of meat & dairy it takes, so I just don't feel hungry most of the time.
    Hello. I just realized you are a male. Happy to have you. Thanks for joining. Please give me an example of what you eat in a day on a plant based diet. Do you eat eggs? Cheese? What do you usually eat for breakfast?

    Today I ate Kellogg’s cornflakes with soy milk, coffee, 2 oranges, some mixed vegetables, and an entire 3.5 serving package of Taylor Farms Mediterranean crunch salad. The days total: 1,373 calories.
  • canyonGeek
    canyonGeek Posts: 8 Member
    I took a hit + strength training class at the gym Saturday. Two days later and I'm so sore it's ridiculous. Muscles I didn't know I needed to walk to the bus are now seriously considering making me work from home today 😂

    It's funny - I really didn't think it was that bad at the time. Sometimes it's hard to tell, I guess. Anyone else push way too hard in group classes?
  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    Hi Lisa! I’m Amy. Stats: F/33/5’6. SW: 235. CW: 223

    I’d love to join in the group if that’s okay! I don’t really have anyone to share this journey with IRL. My family and I just recently made the switch to a plant based (vegan) diet and that has been wonderful for weight loss and energy levels.

    For exercise right now I’m doing Leslie Sansone’s fitness walk videos 5 days a week and lots of yoga. I love to get outside and hike but it’s cold in the mountains right now. In the spring I have a goal to start training for a 5k.
    Hello Amy. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. Thanks for joining. Happy to have you here. Sounds like you’re off to a good start with your healthy diet and all that exercise. 🏃🏻‍♀️🧘

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    edited January 22
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I'm 54 now. I have 100 lb that I need to lose. Planet fitness just opened up in our area and I'm very excited it's a happy place to go. So I'm doing some cardio and some resistance training. And now I'm ready to start tracking my food and weighing in regularly.

    I'm just doing a normal diet. Using MFP nutrition tab to make sure I get enough protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals etc. Drinking water. I look forward to getting to know each of you over the course of the next several weeks as we go on this journey together. Highest weight 277.2 Current weight 258.8 Goal weight 150
    Hello Beth. Welcome to MY 100 POUND JOURNEY. 🏃🏻‍♀️ 🏋️‍♀️

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    Hey everyone I'm Roz from England. 30 years. I'm 3 weeks in and 10.5lbs down! 😅
    👏 Keep up the good work Roz.

  • 7freshflowers
    7freshflowers Posts: 128 Member
    canyonGeek wrote: »
    I took a hit + strength training class at the gym Saturday. Two days later and I'm so sore it's ridiculous. Muscles I didn't know I needed to walk to the bus are now seriously considering making me work from home today 😂

    It's funny - I really didn't think it was that bad at the time. Sometimes it's hard to tell, I guess. Anyone else push way too hard in group classes?
    I have, and it took me several weeks to recover. 😎

    “High-intensity exercise can cause tiny, microscopic tears in your muscle fibers. Your body responds to this damage by increasing inflammation, which may lead to a delayed onset of soreness in the muscles.”