What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Ghhaa. Friend called, wanted to go to movie/dinner, of course I said yes. All I had time for was the satisficing level of activity to keep up with the low-goal C2 challenge currently in play, so I did a mere 2 x 500m rowing machine, with 1' easy rowing after each. That's a whopping 7 minutes of workout, folks . . . and not Tabata-paced, either. :D

    Movie was good, though; and so was dinner.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 996 Member
    edited January 21
    I really am pretty poor at logging.

    Here is some recent stuff:
    Climbing, 3 hours. It was a high gravity days; I was out of form.

    Climbing, 3.5 hours. Decent, I got a load of v3s and one v4. I also probably did around 12 miles' walking; due to a slight miscalculation about where the gym was.

    <Non-temporal ordering>
    It was around minus 5. I really should have investigated if the local lake was frozen; i',ve always wanted to try ice diving. Instead, I made do with an 8 mile walk.
    </Non-temporal ordering>

    14 mile walk and 2 hour's climb. I started pretty well but faded; I got loads of v3s but no v4s.

    Rest day, so 9 miles' walk.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Upper Power

    Bench Press 5x5
    Cable Row 5x5
    Machine Decline Press 5x5
    Machine High Row 5x5
    Seated BB OHP 5x5
    Cable Woodchoppers 3x10 (High, Cross, Low)

    Got the full 5x5 for the second week in a row, but figure I'll just stay where I'm at on bench for another couple weeks, increase start of February by 5# rather than the 10# jumps I've been doing.

    Over the weekend I also spent time lugging heavy totes from the basement storage room, up two flights of stairs for my wife to peruse, then lug back to the basement. She called it "spring cleaning", but considering she only generated a single small bag of trash, not sure it really qualifies.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Rowing machine, 3 x 2k with 2' row out/drink/row in between the pieces, and 3' CD at the end. 7018m all told, negative splitted the 2ks (2:33.4, 2:28.6, 2:26.5 at 18 spm). 7:50 in Z4, 18:31 Z3, the rest of the 37:25 below that.

    Followed that with a slow, light upper body dumbbell circuit, mostly push movements.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,537 Member
    Strength training day back at the gym. Mostly machines as usual. I wonder if I'll ever "graduate" to something more. At least many of the machines have more than one plane of motion.

    It had been ten days because of the ice storm. It was surprisingly more crowded than the first two weeks of the year. I wonder if others also kind of stay away at first to let things "calm down." Or maybe it was just a popular day/time. Hmmm.

    Between the rest from being away ten days and eating pretty darn well, I was able to increase the weight and/or reps on every exercise. That felt like progress. I had significantly dialed it down when I went back in October after being away for my active outdoor season, and then getting sick again set me back. Well - progress awaits.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Lower Power

    Rack Pull 5x5
    BB Hip Thrust 5x5
    One-Leg Press 5x5 <superset> Leg Press Calf Extend 5x15
    Roman Chair Knee-Ups 4x20

    Swapped days for the cable crunches and the knee-ups, since the Roman chair is right next to the leg press for Tuesday's workout and the cable crunch is right next to the leg curl machine for Friday's workout.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,537 Member
    If anyone would be interested in commenting on the routine I use, I'd welcome the feedback. At some point I'd like to change things up. For now, when I do strength training, I do:
    • Leg press (machine)
    • Leg curl (machine)
    • Leg extension (machine)
    • Chest press (machine - now using converging chest press machine)
    • Row (free-motion machine)
    • Pec fly (free-motion machine)
    • Lat pull (free-motion machine)
    • Dumbbell curl-to-press
    • Triceps pull-down (machine)
    • Lat raise (machine)
    • Deadlift (free-motion machine)

    I have another routine I was using for a while that's mostly bodyweight exercises with a few other things added in that the person I was working with had me doing as giant sets - cycling quickly through four exercises, then a very brief rest before moving to the next set of four. Four sets of four movements. It can totally kick my butt.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    As a whole, without knowing your sets/reps/rest, I'd say your routine looks pretty good. You hit all the planes of motion, start with legs before moving to torso before moving to arms/shoulders, all very correct. Everything looks good...right up until you land on deadlift as the very last exercise. When you are tired across the body, that is when you try to perform an exercise which taxes the entire body? It should be the FIRST exercise done, or at the very worst following the leg press.
  • AllaboutDaCake
    AllaboutDaCake Posts: 624 Member
    Today was boxing class
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,537 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    As a whole, without knowing your sets/reps/rest, I'd say your routine looks pretty good. You hit all the planes of motion, start with legs before moving to torso before moving to arms/shoulders, all very correct. Everything looks good...right up until you land on deadlift as the very last exercise. When you are tired across the body, that is when you try to perform an exercise which taxes the entire body? It should be the FIRST exercise done, or at the very worst following the leg press.

    Thanks for the feedback. I wrote them in the order I do them. I will absolutely move the deadlift. That's actually something I had thought of a couple months ago. I think the only reason I do them last is I added them to the bottom of my list. Thanks for helping me realize it DOES make sense to move them to first or second. Duly noted!

    I am working back up to three sets, but now just do two because... I don't know why. I'm striving for 15 reps, but sometimes can't complete them all. I've recently read about doing lower weight and higher reps for strength, and I'm considering that.

    For what it's worth, the other routine I was doing was:

    Cardio warm up

    Three rounds each:
    Goblet Squat
    Right Lunge
    Left Lunge

    90 second rest

    Three rounds each:
    Smith Machine Incline Reverse Pull-Up (that's what I call it)
    Dumbbell curl to press
    Assisted (weighted) pull-up

    90 second rest

    Three rounds each:
    Triceps Press
    Dead bug
    Static Back Extension

    Cardio cool down.

    The person I worked with wanted to give me a routine that I could complete in an hour. What I didn't like about it is that I was running all over the workout floor from one place to another and back over and over. It felt silly, and while I really don't care what other people think, they often gave me a funny look. I felt funny actually.

    I often do a short swim after. I like to swim on days when I don't do strength work.

  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 391 Member
    Another 30 min. walk on the treadmill at 3.0 mph.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Back to stationary bike, 15k at 113W, 3' CD at 96W. 82% Z3, nothing above.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 996 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day, so 6 miles' walk and 750 metres relatively slow swim.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,637 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    nossmf wrote: »
    As a whole, without knowing your sets/reps/rest, I'd say your routine looks pretty good. You hit all the planes of motion, start with legs before moving to torso before moving to arms/shoulders, all very correct. Everything looks good...right up until you land on deadlift as the very last exercise. When you are tired across the body, that is when you try to perform an exercise which taxes the entire body? It should be the FIRST exercise done, or at the very worst following the leg press.

    Thanks for the feedback. I wrote them in the order I do them. I will absolutely move the deadlift. That's actually something I had thought of a couple months ago. I think the only reason I do them last is I added them to the bottom of my list. Thanks for helping me realize it DOES make sense to move them to first or second. Duly noted!

    I am working back up to three sets, but now just do two because... I don't know why. I'm striving for 15 reps, but sometimes can't complete them all. I've recently read about doing lower weight and higher reps for strength, and I'm considering that.

    For what it's worth, the other routine I was doing was:

    Cardio warm up

    Three rounds each:
    Goblet Squat
    Right Lunge
    Left Lunge

    90 second rest

    Three rounds each:
    Smith Machine Incline Reverse Pull-Up (that's what I call it)
    Dumbbell curl to press
    Assisted (weighted) pull-up

    90 second rest

    Three rounds each:
    Triceps Press
    Dead bug
    Static Back Extension

    Cardio cool down.

    The person I worked with wanted to give me a routine that I could complete in an hour. What I didn't like about it is that I was running all over the workout floor from one place to another and back over and over. It felt silly, and while I really don't care what other people think, they often gave me a funny look. I felt funny actually.

    I often do a short swim after. I like to swim on days when I don't do strength work.

    I'm with @nossmf... The major compound lift should be first (i.e. Deadlift, barbell squats, bench) then move to the rest. Either way, the workout looks killer! :)
  • AllaboutDaCake
    AllaboutDaCake Posts: 624 Member
    Rest day but still went for a walk.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,537 Member
    Back to the gym for weight machines.

    This time deadlift first. I really had been wondering why I was doing it last since it was a compound movement focusing on legs and bigger muscles. Fixed. I went ahead and upped the weight and was still able to do more reps than my target. I was able to increase weight and/or reps on all other movements. There was one that I thought I had done fewer reps on my second set, but when I went to write it down.... Nope. Two more than last time.

    Still just two sets.

    I decided to utilize some of my rest time between sets by going ahead and working opposing muscles. I did let curls and leg extensions one after the other without a rest between. By the time one was over, that was rest for the other movement. I did the same with the dumbbell curl-to-press and triceps pull-down. I am a lazy person so wanted to speed things up. I think I used the "bonus" time in the sauna....
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Upper Hypertrophy

    Incline Bench Press 3x10
    DB Bench Press 3x10
    BB Row 4x10
    Pulldown 3x10 (1 set each hands over, under, neutral-grip)
    Face Pull 3x10
    Cable Lateral Raise 3x10
    Preacher Curl 3x10 (3-second negatives)
    Cable Pushdown 3x10 (5-second negatives)
    Perloff Press 3x15sec
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    I think I used the "bonus" time in the sauna....

    At my age, I consider time spent in the hot tub after leg day as a mandatory part in my recovery process, lol.

    Glad the workout worked out for you, including doing supersets to accelerate things. Just remember as the weights go up, you need to factor in adequate warmup for the first exercise per body part. As in warmup on deadlifts before going heavy deadlifts, then other leg exercises should be good to go without further warmup; but once you start your chest/back work, the first one for each needs warmup as well. No warmup needed for the shoulder or arm work, they already get adequate warming through the chest/back work which precedes it.

    How much warmup needed? Depends greatly on the weights being used, but a good rule of thumb is 3 warmup sets at 25%, 50% and 75% of working weight. Once the weight is high enough that the 25% jumps are more than about 50 pounds, then break the warmup into as many 50 lb jumps as needed. In other words, since you deadlift first now, if you deadlift more than 200, your warmups will be 50, 100, 150, etc.

    Not trying to brag, but my squat routine requires me to do 7 warmup sets as I slowly increase the weight, making sure my muscles are primed to work hard without the shock of suddenly working hard out of the blue.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    I think I used the "bonus" time in the sauna....

    At my age, I consider time spent in the hot tub after leg day as a mandatory part in my recovery process, lol.

    Glad the workout worked out for you, including doing supersets to accelerate things. Just remember as the weights go up, you need to factor in adequate warmup for the first exercise per body part. As in warmup on deadlifts before going heavy deadlifts, then other leg exercises should be good to go without further warmup; but once you start your chest/back work, the first one for each needs warmup as well. No warmup needed for the shoulder or arm work, they already get adequate warming through the chest/back work which precedes it.

    How much warmup needed? Depends greatly on the weights being used, but a good rule of thumb is 3 warmup sets at 25%, 50% and 75% of working weight. Once the weight is high enough that the 25% jumps are more than about 50 pounds, then break the warmup into as many 50 lb jumps as needed. In other words, since you deadlift first now, if you deadlift more than 200, your warmups will be 50, 100, 150, etc.

    Not trying to brag, but my squat routine requires me to do 7 warmup sets as I slowly increase the weight, making sure my muscles are primed to work hard without the shock of suddenly working hard out of the blue.