
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,150 Member
    teklawa1 wrote: »
    Betsy in Wasilla. -12* brrr

    Wasilla is where a very good family friend lives(up until a couple years ago, I thought she was our cousin beings I had cousins that lived up in AK)
    Her name is Edwina but goes by Winnie and drives a Winebego.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,587 Member
    edited January 27
    Annie - good job on the Thank You cards. And now nice to get a card from an old boyfriend. <3

    Kelly - I keep forgetting to ask you: Did you get any inquiries from your TV appearance? Any more kids? And, did Lauren and family get moved back up to Michigan?

    Shiitake mushrooms. Have any of you ever cooked with them and if so, how? Add to stir fries? Saute them? I keep reading how nutritious they are. Debbie and Rebecca and others - you might have some ideas for me. ;)

    Lanette B)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    Beth yes my father has some dementia. But where my mother was passive and spent hours sitting on the couch, my dad is still trying to be active. He wants to go swimming at the YMCA but he doesn't have enough memory to manage the lockers. Plus he can't hear the lifeguard.

    Annie in Delaware

    Is it possible to get a carer to take him to the pool?

    Or maybe for an hour of activity a day ... walking, swimming, etc.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Husbands?-I do not plan on another one. For one selfish reason, I don't care to bury another. Another reason (also maybe selfish) is it's nice not having to answer to someone. Might enjoy someone to just hang out with but no desire to go hunting,

    Take care all,
    Ginny in Ohio

    I'm with you.

    My current husband is 12 years older than me with an injury that they tell me will have shortened his life. I expect that he'll go before me.

    If that happens, my plan is to get a nice small place that's easy to take care of and enjoy doing whatever I like doing. :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    I am reading along and will take notes tomorrow! I have some veggies in the oven and need to go tend to those!
    However I wanted to share that recently I learned the travel group Road's Scholar had a caregiver grant and that you could apply for consideration up to two years a widow. So I filled out the application and looked at the trips. I decided I really wasn't up to seeing a city and traveling alone. I also thought if I selected an inexpensive location this might increase my chances of getting the grant.

    So I selected a yoga retreat near Asheville NC. I like Asheville. This retreat is available in August which is quite depressing in Middle GA because of the heat.

    I was informed today that I received the grant! I am so excited! Of course this means, I need to do some yoga. I was trying to do yoga..yoga on a Peloton app I think ...about 2 years ago...and the instructors were going so fast and getting down on the floor and up much faster than I could possibly do. I got discouraged. I hope this retreat isn't like this! It does say Beginners are welcome! I haven't done a downward facing dog in ages!

    I am pretty excited!


    My in-person instructors in the yoga classes I've taken have been very good. I'd recommend taking a class that is for beginners and before you sign up, ask about the pace.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,072 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 43min 25sec, 37elev, 2.95ap, 78ahr, 98mhr, 5.19mi= 494c
    Strava app= 636c
    Jog to store- 6.03min, 10elev, 10.33min mi, 120ahr, 156mhr, .57mi= 78c
    Strava app= 71c
    Walk/jog store to home- 8min, 8elev, 4.37ap, 113ahr, 152mhr, .58mi= 70c
    Strava app = 71c

    Total cal 642

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    edited January 27
    Worked then the soup kitchen. Stopped at the bowling alley to see about prebowling but it was about ¾ crowded, so went to Michael’s where I needed a picture frame so I got one for $3. Then went to Kohl’s where I got this “tooth pillow” for PJ (since he’ll soon be losing his teeth) for a little under $2. Then we prebowled. Came home, had dinner, worked some on the x-stitch for the lady who took care of my father. Now here but will soon take a shower and get to bed.

    Weather was great, in the 70’s. But it’s not supposed to be this way for a while.

    Debbie - enjoy, even if it is short.

    Rosemarie – well, my neighbor resolved the orthotic issue and next wednesday I get the tooth pulled so that’ll be taken care of. I understand he likes it to heal before he puts in whatever he will put in so that the teeth don’t grow together. I guess it’ll be a blessing that we’re in FL so it’ll heal by the time I get back.

    Kylia – I know this is late, but hamsters DO freeze. I found this out when we were living in the Poconos and a hamster died in the winter and the ground was so frozen that we couldn’t bury it so we froze it until the ground thawed

    Lanette – I don’t know about the bridge. I’m thinking that might be a good option. I’m supposed to talk to the dentist on Wednesday before the removal. What are you doing for your calf?

    I realized that there is practically no tread on my work shoes and that’s why I slipped today so after prebowling bought 2 more pairs of sneakers.

    Just skimming because realized I need to empty the dishwasher

    Annie – You’re really going

    Made hard boiled eggs in the IP earlier

    Update on Jerry saga - I understand that he was told he had to move his tent. Now this I didn't know, but the land he was on is BK land, and, of course, they don't want it to become a haven for the homeless. Have no idea what he's going to do. He did come to work Tuesday and B was doing his job and Jerry's. When he asked Jerry to punch in Jerry said "I will when the truck comes (their delivery). I understand that he didn't come to work yesterday, and I didn't see him today. Who knows? Tuesday A asked him to open the container of pickles for me, what he did was he went outside to sweep the parking lot. I called and called to him, but he totally ignored me and went doing what he wanted to do. It would have taken a minute, they were all ready just needed to be opened. Oh well......

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,072 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,795 Member
    My book is submitted for review and will soon be available on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle.
    I did the cover and Kindle just now.
    This is the blurb for 'NOW I AM - To everything there is a season ....'

    In NOW I AM Heather Eyles shares with her readers the therapeutic adventures that have made the most difference to her life. She also takes an honest look at those practices that failed. Heather does not present a rigid template to follow, but offers a compassionate, flexible itinerary through the seasons of life. The narrative of her personal experience of moving from a severely toxic childhood to self-knowledge and peace, includes the wisdom she has gleaned from ancient minds, pioneering practitioners, and her own deep dive into writing her healing memoirs. Heather warmly encourages us to have the courage to go deeper, in order that we can rise to live in a world that looks exactly the same, but is transformed.

    Now I need to breathe.... :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Yes! Happy dance for you!

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good Saturday,
    Stayed focused at work yesterday, yeah! But was mainly computer work, exhausting! I just couldn't get my feet to cooperate past 7k steps. Hit my other targets though.

    The difference between a great book and one that doesn't grab my attention.....1 day start to finish vs 4 days to get in 25 pages. :) I started book 2 of the series last night, then realized it was midnight and I needed to sleep-lol!

    Have to get ready for work.
    Page 62

    Keep moving forward! Some days we will run, others we walk, and then there are the shuffle days. Just keep moving!

    Kylia inOhio on day 6 of no sun and lots of rain