

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,879 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited January 29
    KJ, Tracey, Rita, and any others that are buying the book. Thank you! :D<3

    I put something up on Instagram and Facebook yesterday, but I still have to work my way slowly through my contacts list and then broaden out. I'm not rushing it.

    Today I'm going to get my passport photo done at the booth. John finished his application last Friday. He did it all on his phone, just quoting the photo code they give you! He did have to go to the post office to send the old passport back, Signed delivery. Expensive postage!
    I can pick up a few food items while I'm there. I don't usually shop at Tesco, because I disapprove of their clubcard policy. I wrote head office a letter once. I did get a reply. The policy is being reviewed by some government ombudsman at the moment.

    Leg ache still making sleep patchy. But I'm coping.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,330 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,356 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,351 Member
    Lisa-you did indeed have a busy weekend. It is good when you have visible results.

    Tracy-good description of mudding vs plastering. Sending things to historical society is a good idea.

    Slept well last night, up a bit after 4. Only one meeting at work today so hope to be productive otherwise. I have Columbus two days this week (one for medical, the next for work). Tomorrow will most like work from home (usual day). I have PT at 11 and hair at 3:30 so will work around all of that. Going to get morning workout in.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Kylia those migraines are so awful! I've had them but mine seems to be mild and infrequent now. It may be the meditation. Hope you find peace.

    I'm keeping up my Spanish on Duolingo. Every Sunday night I have to get experience points to stay in my group for the week. It's such a game. But I am learning some. The rest of the time I play Solitaire.

    I started reading The Housemaid by Freida McFadden. So far I don't find the main character very compelling. So I keep putting it down again.

    I need to take my father to the bank and get my mom's name off the accounts. I'm not eager to do that.

    Dad was pretty good yesterday. He went out at three and got home just at dark. Then he watched football.

    Maybe some sun on Wednesday. Meanwhile it's muddy season.

    Stay warm and dry, my friends!

    Annie in Delaware

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,124 Member
    Migraines ... I used to have painless ones, with a lot of other symptoms than pain, many years ago. Then I cut way back on my caffeine intake and they went away. But in the past couple years, I have had 2 and they have been so painful I have had to go lie down in a dark room with my eye mask on and sleep. There was no way I could have walked around.

    Weighted lifting ... for many many years, I carried a heavy backpack full of textbooks and binders and things on relatively long walks to and from various schools, universities etc. I no longer do that. My back shows signs of wear and tear (and pain) from all that extra work I made it do for so many years. Doing that may be why I don't have osteoporosis, but now I can only carry slightly heavy bags (backpacks, purses) short distances before I am in a lot of pain. 😞

    M in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :)Kylia, I love your calendar for keeping track of your successes. Giving yourself a "gold star" or some variation of it has been helpful to me.

    :) I have found that over time (years???) I don't have to reward myself in any way for my successful habits because they have become part of my life. It's like how at some point you don't have to remind your child to brush their teeth. I want my good habits to be as natural as teeth brushing, shower taking, and other things I now do naturally.

    :) Our next door neighbor put her house up for sale and moved out quietly without ever saying anything to us. We had high hopes for her when she moved in a few years ago but she has become increasingly negative and not easy for us to talk to. It's sad that she didn't say anything to us, but we won't miss her. Houses are not selling well in our neighborhood so it could be a long time til she finds a buyer.

    :)<3 Barbie in NW WA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,503 Member
    Good morning from the bright sunshine of the Arkansas River Valley,

    So nice to see the sun come back again... it always does, but I appreciate it every time.

    Had a long post with comments & answers, but lost it, so just know I'm keeping up, sending hugs to all in need of one. Just the usual Monday morning in progress, meds for the week, laundry, dishes, cleaning etc. Trying to distract myself from what appears to be a UTI. I've got a message in to my VA medical team, hopefully I'll be able to get in and get an antibiotic within a reasonable amount of time. These do get old.

    Hope it's a good week for us all...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited January 29
    Kylia Thank you!

    The service is on youtube for family and friends who couldn't make it.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Kelly - thanks for the update on your DD's move. It will be fun when she comes to visit, maybe you two can tour some neighborhoods ;) and she can get a feel for some good places they'd like.

    I remember when physical tasks started to get hard for my DH, I'd volunteer to jump in and do them - like push the garbage can to the curb, shovel snow, etc. It wasn't until the last year of his life that he'd let me. He still needed to be able to feel useful until then, even though it was a struggle and painful and he'd complain a little. He relied heavily on the weed-like substance that shall not be named here for relief. It probably didn't help his dementia but at that point, I didn't think it mattered anymore. :(

    Joy - So glad to hear your TV situation got settled. We dumped Direct TV when high speed internet came onboard, and it's been fine. Saved us a lot of money. And good that your weather is nice enough that you can walk be outside with the dogs again. Bet Miss Lucy really appreciates it. I wonder if the severe cold is over for the winter or if we're in for another dose?

    Margaret - glad the funeral is over and everything went well, and that you had help.

    Rebecca - it's fun hearing about your preparations for the boys. :) Love the car story.

    Carol - sorry to hear BIL is ill. He's had a lot of challenges the past month or so. Wishing him well.

    Squat question - I went to move the 20# container of cat litter from the garage to the shop this morning. Wondered what it would be like to grab the thing and slowly lift it up and set it down by only bending and straightening at my knees, back straight. Is that a type of squat? Whatever it was, I need to do it more often. I did ten reps and I could really feel it.

    5K - this morning I messaged my buddy T and asked her if she'd like to do a walk/run 5K with me on March 16th with the "Run Amok" group. We used to have a small walking group that would meet once a week 7 or 8 years ago. She said YES! and we'll try to get as many of the old group together as possible. I hope the weather is nice (no snow, ice or pouring rain) so we can show up. And encourage each other. We are probably all at different levels.

    Caught up for now. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
    Squats squats with weights (cat littler) is awesome for beefing up your legs! Any kind of squat is really… Adding weight or more squats when you can helps to continue the healthy benefits of us women, especially to be able to get up off the floor easily!

    Shopping for one thing then…. Once, we had bought a new Honda Accord that had 3 recalls within a year of buying it. I had brought it in for an oil change and came home with a CRV! DH didn’t complain at all, I was shocked!

    Songs I don’t know who mentioned it but now I have “Puff the Magic Dragon” stuck in my head!!!!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Kylia@“. Gets right to the point! LOL 🤪

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Today is Puzzles! Do digital jigsaw puzzles count? I see that the Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl. Tribute to Kansas Day today!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,405 Member
    edited January 29
    MFP seems to want to cut off the bottom of this post! Have a good day, ladies! Lanette SW WA State.

    I’m not sure what is going n with MFP, but I wrote and posted 2 lots of comments this morning and they are now missing. I know they posted, as I edited one of them.

    Anyway, too tired now to rewrite.

    ✅ Terri

    Terri - they just might show up in a day or two. :o Sounds like your leg is getting better, hope it continues.

    - so sorry to hear about your mom's dog. 15 years is a good, long life. :( Glad you were there and were able to bury it for her. Sounds like a taste of summer weather in your area.

    Annie - glad to hear your dad had a better day yesterday. Do you feel the urge to get back into your writing?

    Lisa - your kitchen storage/pantry redo is super.

    Kylia - sorry about that migraine. I really like your calendar chart, gives me some ideas. I currently write things down in my little pocket size monthly daytimer and it's getting crowded. Happy Birthdays to your DH and your upcoming one. <3

    Barbie - sorry that neighbor didn't work out. I consider myself so very, very lucky that we all get along and at least smile, wave and speak to each other on my short block. It could easily change. I'm surprised homes aren't selling like hotcakes in these 55+ communities. Maybe the economy/higher interest rates have slowed things down.

    Pip and Ginny and Rita - Thanks for the squat info. I'm going to incorporate this - either with free weights or kitty litter - into my routine several times a week.

    Interesting really short Ed Deboo video about prunes helping bone density:

    Beautiful pink sunrise. Make it a fabulous day, ladies! <3

    Lanette B)
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Betsy in snowy Wasilla
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,526 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Pip-those walls look good (even without paint!)

    Kylia-strange about the heart issues. Lady at work had some mysterious heart rate things-they have yet to figure them out. Hasn't really seemed to impact her much.

    Barbie-after all the chatter about "Atomic Habits" I have it downloaded to my kindle-haven't started it yet.

    Tracey-I think it is wonderful you have so much of your family history.

    Annie-I'm glad you had a nice lunch with Craig. And I still love singing 'Puff the Magic Dragon."

    Margaret-glad the funeral went well. It was such a relief to have that over for me.

    Joy-I only use streaming services.

    Lanette-yes, that is a squat. Using a kettlebell or dumbbell might be a bit more manageable than the kitty litter!

    Carol-I hope BIL has a mild case of Covid.

    Rebecca-I must ask-did your husband get the stamps when he got the car?

    Allie-hope all goes well for Tracy.

    Did a variety of things today, While vacuuming I decided I want a better stick vacuum. I purchased a cheap one a year or two ago to see if I liked them. The one I got really isn't up to the cat hair and would like better battery. After checking out some things I went ahead and got a Dyson. It will make cat hair pick up and baseboard cleaning easier.

    After continuing tiredness I did home UTI test and yes, it's back. Started antibiotic this afternoon. I think I am catching this one early (based on overall symptoms). Foot feeling better today. Don't know if it was Friday electrical stimulation treatment, weather or what but I will take it. Got my two mile walk in today. I did order one of the plantar fascia splints-figure it won't hurt to see if keeping it stretched at night helps. It should be here tomorrow. I don't think there are any other conditions I can get in that one foot! I did not do anything for work since Friday evening, but my house looks much better!

    Off to get ready to climb in to bed (clean sheets!) and watch a bit of the second half of football game.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    Nope he clean forgot! Once he was in car buying mode that little tidbit of info went out the window!