๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€***JANUARY 2024 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE***๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€



  • fitforcruise
    fitforcruise Posts: 7 Member
    @takinitalloff wrote:
    I donโ€™t know how long youโ€™ve been working on weight loss, so you may already know this: weight change is not linear. Todayโ€™s number is not necessarily tied to what you did yesterday. You can be doing the exact same things every day, and still your weight loss curve will have bumps and cliffs in it. Iโ€™m not sure exactly what factors play a role in this, but hormones are a big one. Focus on stubbornly doing the right things no matter what the scale says today, and you WILL see results. This weekโ€™s โ€œplateauโ€ will be a mere blip on the radar soon.

    Thank you for your post. I do know the scale is not always reflecting oneโ€™s efforts but it does get in your head when it doesnโ€™t move like you hope.
    Thank you for your encouragement!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,151 Member
    January 15: 215.5
    January 22: 214.5
    January 29:214.5
    January 31: 213
    THERE it is! Yay! So glad youโ€™re happy with your January. Good for you for sticking with it. Iโ€™ve noticed that I often have a couple weeks of continuous weight loss, and then a couple weeks of seemingly nothing happening. Thatโ€™s when I imagine the stage hands working on things behind the scenes ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5โ€™ 5โ€ tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Start Weight (from Dec 31st, 2023 ): 183.8
    Goal Weight: 179.8 (4 pound loss)

    End of Challenge Weight: 181.6 ( 2.2 lb Loss)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (Iโ€™ll know it when I get there!)

    Weight in blue makes me blue because itโ€™s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because itโ€™s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    01/01-181.6-(Trend Weight: 180.3)-

    01/07-183.0-(Trend Weight: 181.3)-

    01/14-183.0-(Trend Weight: 181.2)-

    01/21-184.4-(Trend Weight: 182.5)-

    01/28-181.6-(Trend Weight: 183.3)- My trend weight really caught up with my shenanigans but my scale weight is beginning to come back down. Iโ€™ve had a pretty good last few days. I just need to focus on water and exercise as sometimes time gets away from me and Iโ€™m just too tired (or lazy) in the late evening. Knowing what to do and actually doing them are two different things. Yesterday I managed to get in over an hour of exercise and that helped my bottom line today. Only 3 more days until the end of the month weigh-in for me. Just like they say in the Limbo, โ€œHow low can she go?โ€

    01/31-181.6-(Trend Weight: 182.9)- Down 2.2 lbs for the month. I am still desperately trying to shake off the excess holiday weight so it is a start. I have a sneaky feeling that I will actually do better in the short month of February than I did in the long month of January. Hopeโ€ฆ..Always Hope.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250โ€™s; 240โ€™s; 230โ€™s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180โ€™s; 170's; 160's; 150's

  • Jen_967
    Jen_967 Posts: 1,919 Member
    Happy New years!! I need the extra motivation.

    January Start Weight: 240
    January Goal Weight: 232
    Ultimate Goal Weight:170

    Daily Goals:
    Move for 20 minutes a day
    Track calories
    Stay within my calorie budget (+/-10%)

    January 1: 240 ๐Ÿ˜Š
    January 8: 239.4 ๐Ÿ˜Š
    January 15: 239
    January 22: 237.2 ๐Ÿ˜
    January 29: 236.6 ๐Ÿ˜
    January 31: 233.6 ๐Ÿ˜

    I didnโ€™t reach my goal for the month. But still happy with the results. I will continue for February.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,151 Member
    January Start Weight: 205.2 lbs
    January Goal Weight: 198.1 lbs (2 lbs/week)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 lbs by September 30, 2024

    January 1: 205.2 lbs
    January 8: 205 lbs
    January 15: 204.5 lbs
    January 22: 204.3 lbs
    January 29: 201.9 lbs
    January 31: 201.7 lbs

    Weight lost this month: 3.5 lbs

    I didn't make my weight loss goal this month, but I'm very happy with my results. Had to make some adjustments, after realizing that I was inadvertently over-training and under-eating. This had led to my weight loss happening too fast for what's considered healthy, AND me feeling exhausted/unmotivated/cranky/constantly hungry.

    For the first time EVER during a weight loss effort, I didn't just throw in the towel when things got a bit out of whack... but instead I looked at all the data and info I've accumulated over the past months (food log, weight log, exercise and other health data from my Apple Watch, medical weight loss advice). Then I figured out what needed to change.

    I took some time off from exercising (because, as I now know, adequate rest is an important part of exercising). I increased my daily calories and adjusted my macros. I added in an iron supplement (don't do this without blood work evidence that you are actually iron deficient or anemic; and talk to your doctor!). I'm feeling much better and the weight has started to move again, and I'm excited for the next part of my journey.

    For anyone here who wants to learn more about weight loss in a supportive environment, please come check out the Ultimate Accountability Challenge. This group has been absolutely instrumental to my success: after years, no, decades of yo-yoing, I'm now down 70 lbs (since June 27 last year) and I feel so much better in every way. I'm never going back to my previous lifestyle.

    Hope to see you all in the February 2024 Weight Loss Challenge! Onward and downward!

    No exceptions. No excuses. ๐Ÿฅ‘
    ๐Ÿ’ Discipline is self-love. ๐Ÿ’–
  • jimmydr5
    jimmydr5 Posts: 254 Member
    January Start Weight: 86.1 kg
    January Goal Weight: 4% loss= 82.7
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 75

    January 1: 86.1 kg
    January 8: 86 kg
    January 15: 85.7 kg
    January 22: 85.6 kg
    January 29: 86.4 kg
    January 31: 84.5 kg
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,151 Member
    edited February 1
    MFP starting weight: 270.9 lbs (June 27, 2023)
    Challenge starting weight: 205.2 lbs (January 1, 2024)
    Challenge goal weight: 181.8 lbs
    aiming for a weekly weight loss rate of 2 lbs (Jan), 1.95 lbs (Feb), 1.85 lbs (March)

    Challenge weight loss goal: 23.4 lbs
    Challenge weight loss to date: 3.5 lbs

    January 1: 205.2 lbs
    January 8: 205 lbs
    January 15: 204.5 lbs
    January 22: 204.3 lbs
    January 29: 201.9 lbs
    (January 31: 201.7 lbs)

    January goal: 198.1 lbs
    January actual: 201.7 lbs
    January loss: 3.5 lbs

    (February 1:)
    February 5:
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26:
    (February 29:)

    February goal: 190 lbs
    February actual:
    February loss: 0 lbs

    March 4:
    March 11:
    March 18:
    March 25:
    (March 31:)

    March goal: 181.8 lbs
    March actual:
    March loss: 0 lbs

    Challenge final weight:

    I didn't make my weight loss goal this month, but I'm very happy with my results. Had to make some adjustments, after realizing that I was inadvertently over-training and under-eating. This had led to my weight loss happening too fast for what's considered healthy, AND me feeling exhausted/unmotivated/cranky/constantly hungry.

    For the first time EVER during a weight loss effort, I didn't just throw in the towel when things got a bit out of whack... but instead I looked at all the data and info I've accumulated over the past months (food log, weight log, exercise and other health data from my Apple Watch, medical weight loss advice). Then I figured out what needed to change.

    I took some time off from exercising (because, as I now know, adequate rest is an important part of exercising). I increased my daily calories and adjusted my macros. I added in an iron supplement (don't do this without blood work evidence that you are actually iron deficient or anemic; and talk to your doctor!). I'm feeling much better and the weight has started to move again, and I'm excited for the next part of my journey.

    For anyone here who wants to learn more about weight loss in a supportive environment, please come check out the Ultimate Accountability Challenge. This group has been absolutely instrumental to my success: after years, no, decades of yo-yoing, I'm now down 70 lbs (since June 27 last year) and I feel so much better in every way. I'm never going back to my previous lifestyle.

    See you all next week... Onward and downward!

    No exceptions. No excuses. ๐Ÿฅ‘
    ๐Ÿ’ Discipline is self-love. ๐Ÿ’–

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Thank you, @enlightenme3 !
    I'm Chris - 73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0
    January 01: 147.7 at 9:20 a.m. ...6.79 miles in 146 mins
    January 08: 149.4 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero...trainer sick
    January 15: 149.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer then both Grandsons for the afternoon
    January 22: 145.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...caught Covid...down for the count
    January 29: 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...caught Covid...down for the count
    January 31: 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...caught Covid...down for the count