Women 200lb+, Let's Stay Focused This February!!!



  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    I need to get better at logging food and water. I have been so busy Hopefully gets better after this week. I went for a walk yesterday on lunch. I needed to get it done. I was super crabby. I wanted to get a second one in yesterday, but I didnt. I go one of two ways when I have super bad days. I wont eat and super lazy or I eat everything in sight. Yesterday was I didnt eat much. I keep telling myself I am going to have a better day mentally.

    With that being said my daughter is preparing for her first solo and ensemble, that is Saturday morning. She is ready for it. But, with that she plays a very difficult instrument (bassoon), and only has played this one for a year and a half. I think i am more nervous than she is. If she does well she can compete in states. But her private instructor said she is 110% ready. So wish her luck.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 82 Member
    42 years old
    SW (10/22) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0
    CW 181.8
    March 1 goal weight 177
    UGW 150 at which point I'll reassess.
    2/1: 181.8 lbs
    2/8: 183.4 lbs (was 180.4, my lowest yet, yesterday) 🙄 Finishing up my cycle and hopefully next week will show better results. 😕
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 66 Member
    This week has very busy so I am just thankful I didn’t gain!
    Feb 1- 225.1
    Feb 2- 223.1
    Feb 9- 222.5
  • carley_marie83
    carley_marie83 Posts: 59 Member
    Weigh in #5:
    Starting weight: 97.1 kilos (213.6lbs)
    Current weight: 96.4 kilos (212.1)
    Change: -.700 grams (-1.54lbs)
    Total lost: -2.9 kilos (-6.38lbs)

    Slowly getting there. I can not wait to be out of the 200s!
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 132 Member
    edited February 11
    Name: Melissa
    38 years old, 5'8" woman

    My Numbers:
    SW: 263.4 lbs (Nov 1 2023)
    Feb GW: 226 lbs (-5 lbs)
    1st GW: 199 lbs
    2nd GW: 163 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 140 lbs

    Weigh-ins: Sundays
    Feb SW = 231.6
    2/4/24 = 231.4 (-0.2)
    2/11/24 = 229.6 (-1.8)
    2/18/24 =
    2/25/24 =
    Total WL/G for the month= -2 lbs

    According to this website https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/basics/adult-defining.html
    My bmi is now under 35 so I'm obese class 1 now! 🥳 When I started I had bmi 40, or obese class 3 morbid obesity. I hope my joint pain and overall health continue to improve! 💝

    My waist is also down to 35 inches! 🎉 I'm pear-shaped and unfortunately my hips and thighs have hardly changed and are usually the last place I lose fat. 😂 I'm wearing size 20 jeans to fit my hips but the waist is way too big, so that's always a bit annoying but I'm definitely glad to be losing fat in my abdomin.

    This week my husband is planning to make borscht one night and I'm planning to try a new recipe for Japanese white stew https://www.justonecookbook.com/white-stew/ so I have some healthy meals to look forward to. We'll have a special dinner and dessert for Valentine's day but no splurging outside that one day 💞 Hope you all have a great week!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,358 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    - Exercise - 6x a week
    - Water - working towards 80 to 100 ounces daily
    - Better Nutrition *Work in Process
    - Less Alcohol * Work in process. Continuing with "damp" February.
    - Get back to 10,000 steps a day (minimum)
    My Mantra:

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!

    Not a good week. Two dinners out - one was planned. Today is Superbowl....oh boy! Not going to sweat it..refocus tomorrow and finish February STRONG!

    2/1: 215.0
    2/10: 217.0

    @dutchgirl188 ~ Congrats on ONEderland!!!🙂

    @Dia_R ~ yes progress. Keep up the good work!

    @Kristenwoods919 ~ what helps me with logging food is planning food. I put what I think I'm going to have and then adjust during the week. I too struggle with water. I've started to leave my empty water bottles out so I can see what I have (or haven't) consumed through-out the day and not depending on memory. I was late to wish Good Luck to your daughter but for sure Congratulations!!! You both should be proud!

    @Sharon81 ~ I always hit my low point on a non-weigh day!

    @robmab ~ I think if you find what works for you, that's all that matters. Congrats!

    @skintight303 ~ I think people notice but are afraid to say anything. I can only guess that it could be due to so many maladies out there...Keep on keeping on...you're the one that matters!! But yes, I take pictures and measurements and its very difficult for me to see a difference on the pictures at this time.

    @mmatcha_latte ~ great progress! BMI under 35....you got this!!!

    @RavenStCloud ~ can't wait to hear about the line dancing! Unplanned trips are difficult to navigate. I'm sure you did the best you could.
  • Dia_R
    Dia_R Posts: 36 Member
    This week has been a mixed bag.

    In other news, I've signed up for a seven-week exercise line dancing class that starts this Wednesday. While Valentine's Day is a weird day to begin, I'm really excited to go to an exercise class again instead of just my usual gym/pool routine. I hope it's fun and that everyone is nice!

    Sounds really fun! I Think Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to begin an investment in your own heart and health.

  • Rosie3579
    Rosie3579 Posts: 47 Member
    40F, 5’5”
    SW: 230 lbs (Oct 23)
    CW: 195 lbs
    Feb Goal: 190 lbs
    Goal Range: 140-150

    Just trying to stick with it. Only way is forward. Calorie deficit and IF (20:4). Working out with Heather Robertson.
  • sequimtrim
    sequimtrim Posts: 42 Member
    CW: 210
    67 years old
    My focus this month is on eating less and getting back on an exercise routine. :)
    NZMAMAOF5 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for welcoming me so warmly ladies!!! I think I’ve had a pretty good week. Managed to keep my dairy logged every day and also managed to take our pups for a walk every day.

    My husband who was also supposed to be doing this seems to have fallen off the wagon already which is a little disappointing since he was the one who wanted to do this together.

    I managed a good loss this week though I’m fairly sure it’s probably just that initial loss boost from moving my body in a way I’m not used to and that this coming week will probably be a much smaller loss once my body has decided this must be the new norm.

    SW: 115.4 kg (254.4 lbs)
    CW: 115.4 kg (254.4 lbs)
    FGW: 110 kg (242.2 lbs)
    UGW: 75 kg (165 lbs)

    4 Feb - 115.4 kg (254.4 lbs)
    11 Feb - 112.3 kg (247.6 lbs)
    18 Feb -
    25 Feb -
    3 Mar -
  • CeCeFlyy
    CeCeFlyy Posts: 23 Member
    Weekly Check In • 2/12

    SW: 237
    LW: 233
    CW: 234.6
    GW: 165

    One thing I want to improve from last week:

    Everything! I did not stick to my program at all and it shows. Back on track today with a fresh start.

    One thing I enjoyed from last week:

    I have been on top of water!


    💕 My skin is clearing up
    💕 My sleep is better