Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Thanks for all your advice! You are all pretty much in line with what I thought I should be doing, so it kinda threw me off when I was told to keep it to 120. I told Bobby last night that I didn’t think it was a realistic number and that I would keep doing as I am now and modify if I felt that I was out of breath or something was uncomfortable, but he seemed really worried about this. So all the conversation about good heart rate has got my ears perked up because Bobby really wants me to get one now that he heard that from the Dr. so keep those suggestions coming.
    Also here’s a question about hiking, maybe you can answer this Heather (cause I know you like to take your hikes). What altitude is too high up when pregnant? I’m going to climb a peak next weekend in the Adirondacks and will be taking the long way up (as to not over exert myself with too steep of a climb) but wanted to be sure the air isn’t too thin. It’s only a 4,000ft climb, but I need to check the altitude.

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Yesterday i did a 15 min walk, not much because we were running around trying to get a fridge ours is broken, well time to upgrade but since I have a small place we need to find the right measurements.

    So much for a healthy lunch yesterday, there was pizza & cupcakes for a birthday celebration here at work. :blushing:

    I have been feeling more baby movement this week, it's a wonderful feeling :love: and especially at night when I'm sleeping.

    Rayna-Waiting to hear your good news!

    Holly- I agree with everyone on looking fabulous! Way to motivate us!

    Welcome our newbies heniko and jchecca. Heniko- I am right there on the overweight mommy to be. I had lost 15 lbs total before pregnancy.

    Heather- Ouch, i remember when my oldest lil butt was on my rib cage. I can relate, to the pain not being able to breath.

    I will check in later!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Here are some awesome articles to read:

    Ash as long as you are staying hydrated and are able to breath (just like any other activity). Here is what I found on high altitudes on the American Pregnancy Association website
    "Exercise at High Altitudes and Pregnancy: Some studies suggest a connection between living in high altitudes of 8,000 feet or more and pregnancy complications. Exercise at altitudes over 7,500 feet has been identified as unsafe. Although there are certainly women who live at altitudes above 7,500 feet who have been pregnant, exercised and had healthy babies."
    But of course just like anything else there are different opinions on this. I don't worry about this cause I hike in hilly areas not mountains. But if it were me and I was past the first trimester...I'd probably do it. I did go hike in the mountains in Arizona when I was 16 weeks pregnant but I don't think it was over 7500 feet. Use your best judgment.
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131

    Welcome heniko and jchecca! Jump right in! There are lots of Pregnancy forums on MFP but this one prides itself on being active and continuing with exercise (as much as possible) throughout the pregnancy as well as making a serious effort to eat healthy and stay fit. So if that sounds like something that is part of your life, we'd love to have you! This is the second board in September so I'd advise you to scan through the first board as there is tons of info on caloric intake, exercise, etc. :) We are happy to have you join us!

    thanks!! totally looking forward to joining the group!! and for me...i have always been an active person and have been staying that way through the pregnancy so this is perfect!

    and that is so exciting with all of the 20 week ultrasounds coming up!!! i am still so blown away whenever i hear that heartbeat...has to be the best part for me:happy:

    more to come later...back to work for now!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    and while i am at is a little on me:

    name: jessica

    family: my husband kory, our two dogs corona (6 year old chocolate lab) and maddie (3 year old st bernard)

    location: central connecticut

    due date: february 22nd, 2012 - baby number 1!

    gender: boy

    baby to be name: parker alexander

    hobbies: love to be active...we're always taking our dogs on walks and hikes...being outdoors and enjoying the nice weather is a must for our family!! i also love to run, do yoga (just signed up for a prenatal class that will be every wednesday in october! totally looking forward to that!!), cook, read and shop (which i need to do for maternity clothes right about now!)

    thanks again and please feel free to add me :flowerforyou: and or i will be reaching out to you for adds!! happy wednesday all!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Here are some awesome articles to read:

    Ash as long as you are staying hydrated and are able to breath (just like any other activity). Here is what I found on high altitudes on the American Pregnancy Association website
    "Exercise at High Altitudes and Pregnancy: Some studies suggest a connection between living in high altitudes of 8,000 feet or more and pregnancy complications. Exercise at altitudes over 7,500 feet has been identified as unsafe. Although there are certainly women who live at altitudes above 7,500 feet who have been pregnant, exercised and had healthy babies."
    But of course just like anything else there are different opinions on this. I don't worry about this cause I hike in hilly areas not mountains. But if it were me and I was past the first trimester...I'd probably do it. I did go hike in the mountains in Arizona when I was 16 weeks pregnant but I don't think it was over 7500 feet. Use your best judgment.
    Thanks Heather, I found similar information and seeing that I’m only going up 4,000 feet I’m not going to worry about it. I am going to make sure I go at my own pace and drink lots of water, but as long as I know the air isn’t too thin to be hiking in I feel much better about it.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    and while i am at is a little on me:

    name: jessica

    family: my husband kory, our two dogs corona (6 year old chocolate lab) and maddie (3 year old st bernard)

    location: central connecticut

    due date: february 22nd, 2012 - baby number 1!

    gender: boy

    baby to be name: parker alexander

    hobbies: love to be active...we're always taking our dogs on walks and hikes...being outdoors and enjoying the nice weather is a must for our family!! i also love to run, do yoga (just signed up for a prenatal class that will be every wednesday in october! totally looking forward to that!!), cook, read and shop (which i need to do for maternity clothes right about now!)

    thanks again and please feel free to add me :flowerforyou: and or i will be reaching out to you for adds!! happy wednesday all!

    Welcome Jessica!! :o) We are so close in due dates! My due date is February 23, 2012! :o) I don't know the sex yet, we go for our ultrasound today at lunch!! Fingers crossed that we get to see!! So excited!
    Glad to have you on the board!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Ash - So glad you found a doctor, and a permanent one at that!! YAY! HR of 120 seems low, when I asked my doctor about exercise, she said do whatever I feel comfortable doing. She did say later in the pregnancy she didn't recommend exercising on my back. She was all for it and didn't even mention a heart rate, just make sure to stay hydrated and don't over do it.

    Welcome heniko and jchecca !!! You'll love this board!

    Heather - you look so great!!!! You must be proud!!! Not too much longer, how exciting.

    Ashley - Glad you had a good b-day!!!

    Another super busy day. Work is so crazy!!! Looking so forward to having the baby just to get time off!!! Football game tonight and tomorrow! The week is flying by, just like I was hoping. I'm so anxious for Friday I figured it would just drag. Not happy about it at all, but I feel like I'm getting sick!!! Kinda fluish feeling with a sore throat!!! SUCKS! I've done well with exercise this week, been busy and active, and eating lots of healthy food. I got my maternity support belt yesterday, so I'm trying it out and hoping it helps with my back pain. Didn't get to walk yesterday, but I did do my yoga! Tonight I guess my walk will be up and down the football feild for an hour or so!!!

    It's only been two weeks, but it feels like two months since I've seen my husband!! Another positive to FRIDAY!!! Can't wait! Hope I'm not sick this weekend and we can do something fun!!! I'm hoping to have my nephew over to spend some time with us.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Sounds like Ellie is starting to wake up so I have to be quick!

    svgarcia, Heather is absolutely correct! We definitely recommend at least one preventive dental cleaning during pregnancy. The pregnancy hormones can change the way that your body responds/reacts to the plaque in your mouth and can cause inflammation and bleeding referred to as pregnancy gingivitis. I usually recommend getting in during the second trimester as that is when most people are the most comfortable, but I certainly see lots of ladies into the third trimester as well. Local anesthetic (the numbing stuff) is perfectly safe if needed during pregnancy as is the majority of dental work. Xrays are the one thing we try to stay away from, but if you are experiencing pain sometimes an xray is needed to rule out an abscess, fractured root or other issues. Taking care of your oral health is extremely important during pregnancy as low birth weight babies and preterm labor has been correlated with poor oral health. Let me know if you have more questions.

    My new picture is the three week post delivery belly. Still needs some toning! Only three more weeks until I should get cleared to start exercising - yeah! Cannot wait to have my defined belly back!

    Husband is pretty private and doesn't like Ellie or my pictures on the internet....maybe I can eventually get him to let me show you all at least one photo - she's such a cutie!!

    More later.
  • taldie01
    Hi ladies! I did an aquasize class yesterday and it felt great to have a work out. I need to burn off the staff BBQ we had for lunch here at work. I am feeling less nauseaus these days which is great. Im currently 9 weeks. Had a healthy supper rice, black, beans cheese, avacado and salsa (thanks Rayna!) So yummy! Hoping to get another work out in tonight not sure yet what it will be. You guys motivate me so much not to eat crap all day long and get moving!

    Anyone else have a young one at home and am expecting thier second? My daughter is 2 and I guess there are a few things that worry me about having a second like how the heck will I handle it all!! How will I get my work outs runs in with 2 kids :ohwell: I guess you just do it.

    Awsome job everyone! Keep those bumps movin!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Holly ~ WOW! I'm super duper impressed that that's your 3 week post delivery picture! Amazing. Just amazing! You look great!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131

    My new picture is the three week post delivery belly. Still needs some toning! Only three more weeks until I should get cleared to start exercising - yeah! Cannot wait to have my defined belly back!

    that is AMAZING!!!! i am praying for a stomach like that a couple of months after i deliver...let alone 3 weeks!!!! you look amazing!!!!
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    Well, I'm due May 29th, 2012 with my second child and I refuse to gain 45 lbs again!!! Please, show me how it's done ladies. I'm exhausted and I tend to get lazy with exercise and diet when I'm tired. I MUST BE STRONGER THIS TIME!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Anyone else have a young one at home and am expecting thier second? My daughter is 2 and I guess there are a few things that worry me about having a second like how the heck will I handle it all!! How will I get my work outs runs in with 2 kids :ohwell: I guess you just do it.

    Taldie...I also have a two-year-old at home with baby #2 on-the-way! Yes...I envision how crazy my life will be once this one arrives, but also how wonderful! I know my daughter will be the BEST big sister! And I plan to get a double jogging stroller for my runs. Workouts happen after bedtime (for them). I WILL do it! And I know that you can too!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Betterbalance- happy bday. Hope u enjoyed Ur day and indulged.

    Do any if u fo to the dentist while pregnant? And is the numbing thing safe?
    Amy you look fabulous --hope I get took pre-pregnancy afterwards that quick. Have u been eating clean throughout pregnancy?
    Heather I so admire u for look soooo fit and fab. That must've felt great for Ur Dr to tell u that. I saw the informercial to the tracey Anderson exercise. It looks good . May wanna purchase after I give birth.

    I went to see my dentist to fix a cavity a month ago and I called my OB before I went. I was told it's safe except x-ray. But if you HAVE to have x-ray, as long as make sure your body is not exposed to it (well protected). The dentist didn't give me something last shorter numbing time (sorry don't remember the name of it) instead the other regular one she used to give me.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Holy crap to you too Holly...doesn't even look like you had a baby. Good job.
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    HI everyone.
    So, yesterday I had my U/S and its a BOY!! this will be my second and I love it! I'm overly excited about meeting baby.
    My whole weekend was messed up and wound up in the hospital with a sick FIL and threw my whole schedule off completely. :(
    I didn't get anything done and am completely exhausted!!! To say the least. I think Friday night I had 3 hours of sleep then a 16 hour day the following. NO good.
    However, I need to get everything organized tonight. I have a fundraising event to attend and afterwards I will be hitting up the store to get a few healthy snacks. Yay!!
    I'm also feeling so emotional over everything!!!!! Hate it. I look at all the pics of you pregnant ladies and when I took mine this weekned, I feel I don't look as cute as all of you. :( I hate the, I'm fat feeling.
    I also got great news, I've only gained 13lbs and I'm 21 weeks going on 22, so that's exciting to know. :)
    Hope I can get a walk in tomorrow!!! For sure!!! 3 miles.
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Hump Day all! I am so far behind. I've read all your posts but feel overwhelmed to comment, hehe. So here is a cliff notes version. Happy Birthday to anyone that just had one or is about to have one. You mommies that just had babies look freaking amazing!!! I can't wait to hear what the sex is for those of you going for your anatomy u/s. Welcome newcomers! And to everyone, sorry for this piss poor post, haha.

    AFM: I have been so busy at work. It has been insane. I am trying to train someone new for when I am on maternity leave and my boss is finally realizing how much I really do and is starting to freak out, hehe... I went to Zumba this morning. I seriously can't watch myself in the mirror because I look absolutely ridiculous. I'm still feeling great though and a lot of people complement me on how great I look and how cool it is that I'm still going to class. I've also been doing the treadmill while watching tv. I like to do the mountain climb setting since my thighs and butt think they are pregnant too... I leave for my baby shower on Friday. It's in PA which is about an 8 hour drive from my house in NC. I'm driving with my friend so it should be fun. I'm so excited to see all my friends and family from up north... I was supposed to have my maternity pics done last Saturday but it rained all day so I'm doing them next Saturday. I did get my hair done though. I cut off about 7 inches and my hair feels way more healthier.

    Well I better get more work done. My husband and I are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary tonight. It's really on Friday Sept 30th but we both are traveling apart then so we decided to celebrate tonight.

    Hope you all are doing well:flowerforyou:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Wow, Busy board today!

    So we went in for our first appointment today! I was afraid it was going to be a long sit down answering a bunch of questions, but it wasn't! I met with my OB and she was so excited to hear the clomid worked on only the second try! We got to see our little bean! (only one :frown: ) He/She was squirming around and has a very healthy heartbeat (wish I would've heard it). Yeah, I think it's pretty real now. :happy:
    He/She is measuring 8weeks and 6days (just a few days off our expected), which puts EDD May 3-5. We have to go back in 3 weeks and have the big evaluation appointment, including the history questions, blood work, full physical, and another u/s. I don't know why they couldn't do some of that today... we waited almost 40 minutes for the doc to come in anyways! She isn't the most "timely" doctor, but I can deal with it she is SO nice.
    **VENT ALERT** BUT, I almost broke down in tears right there is the office! She told me that i CANNOT zumba anymore! :sad: She says that it is too intense (she does it herself). :noway: And I should keep my HR under 140. LOL that's my warm-up! Her answer to me opposing was "you have all your life to workout..." She even suggested not lifting any weights or doing any ab exercises. REALLY!? I'm thinking she is just being extremely cautious, because I am not high-risk or anything, so I really don't understand the restrictions. She did mention walking, biking, and swimming as approved workouts, but come on, I have been dancing ALL my life and have been doing zumba for about 2 years now. I just know that if I stop moving as much as I have been I will become a blimp! Ash, I mentioned to hubs that I was going to continue, but just watch my HR closer and he also became quite worried. I really don't know what to do. Also, my MIL was yelling at me for moving a door at the rental (it was a light storm-door still in the box, and I was sliding it across the room not throwing it over my shoulder) and she said that she was going to come and live with me and tie me down. I am not one to just do nothing! Heather, I completely agree that many docs have many different views on activity, I just wish mine was onboard like yours is!
    DH and I decided to tell everyone now. I came into work and told my boss and coworkers, and they are all really excited. (We are a pretty close "family") My boss and I are the only ones in our department so, I wanted to tell her right away, because we are in the midst of starting a new partnership with a new dance company and it is going to be a lot of planning and we will need to start thinking about an assistant for me. Also, we have a ballet company coming in to perform (I work at an Opera House) the last weekend of April, which might be a bit interesting. :laugh:

    Holly you look amazing!!!

    Better_Balance (Ashley)! Glad to hear you enjoyed your B-day. GREAT JOB HUBBY!! Can your hubs call mine and give him some pointers?!! LOL

    H_82, I’m a planner too! I don’t want to buy anything until we know if it's a boy or a girl. Haha

    Heather, Ouch! Drop baby drop! Drop baby drop! I hope she listens to my little chant.

    Emrogers, Congrats!! Yay for a boy!

    TTFN, back to work…
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Kim, that is silly that she said not to Zumba. I'm 28 weeks and still Zumba with the best of them. I don't even worry about my heart rate. I just drink lots of water and if I start to heat up too much I tone it down. Especially for how long you've been doing it. You just have to listen to your body. Depending on how you feel you may want to try a new doc.

    I'm actually considering changing my doc. I really want a natural birth and last time I met with my doctor I had the feeling she is an intervention pusher. she wants you on IV and won't let you go longer than 41 weeks even if they monitor daily and so on... So I'm meeting with a midwife next month to see if I like her better. I've heard fabulous things about her from my hypnobirthing teacher.