WEEK 3- Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs**CLOSED GROUP*


LEVEL 2 !!!! LEVEL 2!!!!

We have OFFICIALLY taken it to the Next Level which is LEVEL 2 and Jillian has definitely STEPPED IT way up for us on this one....We are entering in the Very Focused, Correct Form, and Beastly Sweaty Burn Zone... We are well on our way to some Awesome Killer Buns & Thighs and we can depend on one another for tips so that we can come together and continue to push thru this...You guys have really be great with the updates and suggestion along with support for one another. I LOVE IT! Just shows exactly what this Challenge was all about and I KNOW I could have not done as well with the program if it had not been for each one of you..SO THANKS...Nothing is like have a GREAT SUPPORT SYSTEM.. WE WILL continue to give it our all and the finishline is not to far from here can't see light yet but it is well on it's way...Have a GREAT 2 WEEKS!!!!:bigsmile:


  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Good luck with the new phase everyone! I can't wait to see your results :)
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Brilliant job all of you in the challenge! Rah Rah Rah.... Keep pushing and don't stop when you get tired; stop when you are done:wink:
  • uniquemoves
    uniquemoves Posts: 102 Member
    congrats everyone for making it too week 3.. i didn't start level 2 today but will DEFINITELY be pushing through it tomorrow!! good luck with phase 2 :)
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Sexycook, you are so motivating and supportive! Thanks so much for being so encouraging!

    Today I didn't do KBT but did Ripped in 30 Level 3.
  • MissDwood
    MissDwood Posts: 108 Member
    Doing Level 2 today! Watch me work! :)
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    bump for later
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    think i'll start level 2 tomorrow
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    LEVEL 2.....When I tell you JILLIAN..put a Hurting on my*&&^....I was so out done when I finished...EVERYTHING was soaked...My thighs and BUTTOX...lol...was screaming for help...She came so with it...I dont even wont to imagine Level 3....I never thought I would love to hear her say this is the last level....I was shocked and impressed though..I know I did at least 4-5 advanced moves...The leaping lunges, runners whatever pose, and the side hops with arm races...and of course my FAV...The speed lunges....This is going to definitely give ME and others what they need....

    Why wait til TOMORROW when you can start today my friends!! Lets make this day Count!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    think i'll start level 2 tomorrow

    COME ON GIRL!! Get to it today!!
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Level two is so ridiculous and wild! My son was watching me yesterday and I was breathing so hard he said "Mommy there is an easier lady on the right you can do" OMG I was ROTFLMAO...He was serious too and I said it's ok baby Momma wants to do the harder ones, it will make me get faster results. He looked back at me like :noway:
    So needless to say I am going to tackle this one until I am not so winded. I absolutely love Jillian for making this video. I am actually starting to feel leg muscles. YEAH!!!!
    Let's get it in!!!
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    LEVEL 2.....When I tell you JILLIAN..put a Hurting on my*&&^....I was so out done when I finished...EVERYTHING was soaked...My thighs and BUTTOX...lol...was screaming for help...She came so with it...I dont even wont to imagine Level 3....I never thought I would love to hear her say this is the last level....I was shocked and impressed though..I know I did at least 4-5 advanced moves...The leaping lunges, runners whatever pose, and the side hops with arm races...and of course my FAV...The speed lunges....This is going to definitely give ME and others what they need....

    Why wait til TOMORROW when you can start today my friends!! Lets make this day Count!

    Congrats on doing some of the advanced moves! You are beasting it out and serious about your results. I can't wait to see your progress!!!!
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    LEVEL 2.....When I tell you JILLIAN..put a Hurting on my*&&^....I was so out done when I finished...EVERYTHING was soaked...My thighs and BUTTOX...lol...was screaming for help...She came so with it...I dont even wont to imagine Level 3....I never thought I would love to hear her say this is the last level....I was shocked and impressed though..I know I did at least 4-5 advanced moves...The leaping lunges, runners whatever pose, and the side hops with arm races...and of course my FAV...The speed lunges....This is going to definitely give ME and others what they need....

    Why wait til TOMORROW when you can start today my friends!! Lets make this day Count!

    That's my BUDDY! Get it girly!! Like Ky says - "Bring it on Jillian"
  • Frenshan
    Wow week 3 is already here ladies!!! Let's get it in!!! KB&Ts!!! Awesome dedication!!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 Level 2 complete! Today seemed a little easier than the first day! I was really dreading it this morning, but once I got into it ,I was ok. :smile: Hopefully it will get better each day or I may never move go on to Level 3!

    SexyCook - You are the most dedicated, most awesome leader I have ever seen!! I have joined quite a few challenges but I have never had anyone like you running it! You are the best!! I am glad I made your friends list before you started turning down requests!

    Good Luck everyone with Level 2. Have a wonderful day!:happy:
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    afternoon ladies!!!!! everyone is doing such a wonderful job!!! i am so proud of each & every one of us :smile: below are our updated measurements!!!! if you don't see your name it's because you didn't submit your updated stats :ohwell:

    have a wonderful wednesday everyone & have fun tackling the BEAST!!!






  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Good luck to all of you ladies. I'm definitely impressed, inspired and motivated by all of you. I'm starting with this on Monday as I'm still doing the Insanity program (this is my last week). I'm so ready!

    Keep up the good work.
  • Tiny_Tara_Time
    Great Job Everyone!!! I love myself some JM!
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    ok, so i was so busy trying to get those updated measurement pics to post, i forgot to tell you guys about my JM experience this morning...

    i decided to do it this a.m. b/c i have zumba tonight & i knew i wouldn't be able to do it later... BAD IDEA :grumble:

    that jillian michaels really messed me up this morning!!!! i had to stop the dvd @ 16 mins & take a breath... i was light headed & everything...

    so i finished the dvd, i shower & start to get ready for work & my hair is sweaty (so i have to blow dry it)... THEN i start putting on my make up & my back starts sweating:sad: i had to stop... sit down... & regroup b/c she really threw me for a loop, LOL... (daughter was late for school, i was late for work)

    sooooooo... in conclusion, level 2 is no joke :laugh: and i have to figure out an alternate time to get her in b/c this morning was crazy... the good news is i had absolutely NO knee pain!!!!!! yay!!!!

    great job to everyone doing this!!! w/all of our hard work we HAVE to see results!!
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    Today was day three of level two advance but no weights. I must say the level is getting better by the days.
    I did the advance moves without the weight. I still don't know if I will incoperate weights. I will know by the end of the week. I did decide I will try to do five day again cause I think I like level two now that I got the moves and form down. This level is intense and I believe everyone should learn the moves, correct form and work at ur pace before going hard core. You will still get a intense burn moving at ur own pace.

    Ladies that is having knee problem invested in a good pair of knee brace to support ur knees. I have a pair and use them yesterday and the workout was not so hard on my knees.

    I believe correct form, working at ur pace and good pair knee brace will help ur knees during the workout

    Ladies ya'll are killing it with workout. keep up the incredible work and progress.
  • sarahtroupe