Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 253



  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 783 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ : Wow! That's a rough mistake on their part! You have a great attitude- it's so hard with parents at this stage of life!
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 634 Member
    @judefit1 Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day – outstanding!
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 634 Member
    Sidebar: Forgot to mention daylight savings time in case any of you joined me setting clocks forward? Is it impacting your goals? This time change is not an easy adjustment for me. No sunrise walks & 5:00 dinner too early. Giving myself time to adapt.
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,404 Member
    Chapter_3 wrote: »
    Sidebar: Forgot to mention daylight savings time in case any of you joined me setting clocks forward? Is it impacting your goals? This time change is not an easy adjustment for me. No sunrise walks & 5:00 dinner too early. Giving myself time to adapt.

    Over in the UK our clocks don't change for another couple of weeks; Easter Sunday actually. I've never found it affects my eating, find it a little difficult to get up an hour earlier but lighter nights will be most welcome 😁.
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,404 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ oh my goodness what a terrible ordeal you had at the care home, I'm so sorry you had that experience. Thank goodness your Dad is ok, that would have been such a distressing way to find out tragic news. Sending you & your Dad hugs, I know how difficult it is when it becomes necessary for a parent to need expert residential care 🤗❤️.
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,404 Member
    @itladyee - not training for an event, just enjoying my walking (as long as it isn't raining!!) 😀
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,364 Member
    musicsax wrote: »
    @itladyee - not training for an event, just enjoying my walking (as long as it isn't raining!!) 😀

    That's even more impressive!! Keep it going!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    PW: 174.5
    • Tue 03/12: 173.9;-.6lbs
      ~ the scale was zigzaggy today. Put in new batteries and went with the Median
      Click for pics!
    Stayed Below SW 174🟢=Yes 🔴=No
    (Thu> > > > > > > > Next Sat)
    • 03/13 Wed ~ 7th Day
    • 03/14 Thu
      *MiniGoal: Under 172
    • 03/15 Fri ~ 9th Day
    • 03/16 Sat ~ Last Day
    Prev Days(Cliffs notes in RED):
    • Mon 03/11: 174.5;+1.7lbs
      ~ #marked-as-survived-an-eventful-weekend! 😅
      ~ Not sure how true the scale is! My activity level was super-high(for me) and I received a few badges in Stride-kick that I was proud of. But dinner last night was a Home-chef meal that was pretty carb-y and lunch was full of sodium. We’ll see what happens after TMI. Even though the chicken Parmesan was sided with zucchini, the chicken was still breaded and fried.
    • Sun 03/10: 172.8;+.2lbs
      ~ The birthday party was so sweet and my cousin was the star of the show of course! She gave such great attention to each present and smashed her birthday cupcake as we all predicted she would. <<see below for pictures>> I am always running around participating in the festivities, but I am noticing when there’s quite a few people I don’t know (and no alcohol) I go into a super-extended ADD mode. Maybe upgrade me to AdHd class! It was a nice time though and luckily they grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and I ate like two of each without the bun.
    • Sat 03/09🟢172.6;-0lbs
      ~ No movement on the scale which is a good thing in my opinion. It was wing night at my house so although I didn’t have a ton of food what I did have was full of sodium and definitely felt it in my gut ->🤰
      ~ I did have 2 light beers 🫤
    • Fri 03/08🟢172.6;-1lbs
      ~ This weekend I have plans for the first time in a little bit. My baby cousin is having her 1st birthday at a beach-park. I’m sure they’ll be food because it’s at 11am. Afterwards we’re going to the mall for a few items with some family. Both places will be filled with temptations so I need to have an eating plan in place. Day 5: No alcohol✅
    • Thu 03/07🟢173.6;-.4lbs
      ~ Im repeating this from yesterday because I just don’t think I’m taking myself seriously (for crying out loud!!)
      <<< Plan on watching old KETO YouTuber videos for mental refreshments!>>>
      Requesting everyone’s recommendations for this-please(or how did you motivate/learn yourself how to eat on a Keto diet? THANK YOU(kindly)! 😊 >>>
    • SW 03/06: 174;-0lbs
      ~ Another day another dollar!🫤 No change in the scale today. Did have a lot of keto “products” yesterday, which I’ve been trying to limit to once a day. A Hungry-ghost lingered around my stomach all day but I do believe he doubled as a Tired-ghost… neither was Friendly! Lol
      ***MUST get good sleep to reach my goals.