Ages 70+



  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 316 Member
    Thank you, ladies for the exercise video ideas. Will definitely check them out. I am familiar with Leslie Sansone and I think I just need to get more committed to set out a time to do them. Able to now do some walking outside as our snow has just about disappeared. Have started with two 15 minute sessions of brisk in the morning and the other in the early afternoon. My plan is to do this for one full week, then increase my time to two 20 minute sessions. Would like to work up to two 30 minute sessions. Will be 74 in a couple of months and am fortunate to not have any mobility issues. I am however about 30 pounds overweight. I know with mindful eating and some exercise, the pounds will come off.

  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited March 18
    Street ready before logging on Stats
    Week 3, day 1 of 5 ... did it!
    That said ... it doesn't mean that I am not somewhat let down. Circumstances. I had a 'bad sleep' night last night.
    Seems to be an every-other night occurrence the past few months. One night I sleep well, only briefly waking to use the potty 2 or 3 times between going to bed and getting up in the morning. Then, the next night, I fall asleep as usual but when I wake up the first time, I cannot go back to sleep; either because something is cramping or hurting so I toss and turn and cannot fall back into slumber. Then, the longer I cannot fall asleep, the more awake I become, also the more awake-but-tired. In the end, I get up, bundle up on the recliner and turn on the TV. Many nights, I eventually drift off into sleep toward daybreak and catch an hour or two more sleep. That kind of a night leaves me exhausted and lethargic most of the next day. Which easily leads to eating the wrong foods because I don't want to be 'bothered' with cooking a nutrition and diet-friendly meal. Today, thank God, I had a lunch reserved at the Senior Center and leftovers in the fridge to warm up for supper. But still. I hate it.
    PS ... Well, 'hate' is not the correct word. I don't actually hate anything. But I do dislike it greatly!
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Sounds like me, Niki.
    I slept 8 hours last night! Sooo happy today!
    (Slept 10-12, then 2-8. Still adds up to 8!)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    @nsk1951 ... Insomnia is a hard thing to deal with. I have trouble too. I started taking Magnesium once a day a few weeks ago, and I'm sleeping better. I have a sleeping pill but lately I haven't had to take it.

    I read that 50% of people have a magnesium deficiency and some of the symptoms are fatigue, muscle spasms, weakness, sleeplessness. Might be worth checking out.

    BTW, up this morning, jumped in the shower and then got dressed.

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,923 Member
    Sleeping has always been a problem for me. Doctors have repeatedly told me it’s my sleep 😴“hygiene” that’s the problem. Meaning I don’t consistently go to bed at the same time. Nor do I always avoid blue screen light🖥️ or TV. Or I’ll get caught up in reading a book 📕 long past when I should go to sleep.

    And many nights I’ll wake up at 2 or 3 am with thoughts running through my mind. I can’t seem to shut the thoughts off.

    I’ve learned to quit worrying about it. The times I’ve not slept at night I plan an afternoon nap. It is what it is. The funny thing is that no matter what I’m up at 5:30a every day.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    I was tracing my weights over the past year when I got off the beaten path and put back on a lot of my lost weight, and I'm not too discouraged. I'm actually only 21 pounds more than this time last year, and I can lose that in no time now that I have a better game plan and am focused again.... and then it's onward and "downward" to my ultimate goal of -100. Just watch me. I can do it!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    @Yoolypr ... I hear you. Now that I'm retired, I love to stay up late watching old black and white movies on YouTube. Sometimes I fall asleep naturally and other times, it's 5 in the morning and I have to take a pill. Like you, if I don't get enough sleep, I usually can nap later, although I'm not sleepy at night when I do.

    @nsk1951 ... Slept until noon.... Up, showered and dressed. Feel good. Energetic. Not on the computer until 2.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,035 Member
    edited March 19
    Alarm at 7:50, dressed and out the door before 8:00 in search of food!
    I am so lucky to have a place nearby that sells healthy pre-cooked meals. You take them home and heat them up. I can split most of them for 2 meals. Some are basic foods you take home and make what you want with them.-- Plain baked chicken breast, rice and a veg. Add your favorite sauce, leftover veg, serve a salad on the side, you might just get 3 servings--they are very generous with the meat.
    This morning I had 1/2 steak, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes. With coffee and some fairlife milk, Held me from 8:30 until 2:30 lunch. 265 calories, 33 grams protein.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    @Corina1143 ... That's great that you can get a ready-made meal nearby and then stretch it into 2-3. So happy that you're being successful with your getting dressed so early. It really makes a difference in the way your day goes, doesn't it! Congrats!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    Up, showered, dressed and ready to go out the door. Have a 5 hour round trip to make to St Petersburg, FL. Looking forward to eating at Doc Ford's Rum and Grill Restaurant on the way back. Will stay as close to my eating plan as possible. Everyone have a good day! ~Barb
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    wk 3 stats - street ready before logging on
    day 3 of 5 - did it! No misses yet. It's getting easier now.

    Yesterday was a busy day for me, so I didn't check in here. Glad to read to the messages everyone posted.
    @BarbMessimer that's a good tip about the Magnesum; I'll need to clear it with my dr's. ... I take a lot of prescription medication and want to make sure about it. Good travels today and enjoy your meal at Doc Ford's.
    @Yoolypr you are right to not worry about your poor sleep patterns; because worry solves no problems, but it can stress you so that sleep becomes even more difficult to a good nights worth.
    @Corina1143 that meal you shared sounds really good. I've never been able to keep portions small enough to have steak, eggs, and potatoes come in at just 265 calories! Lucky you...
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    Big day out. Traveled 6 hours (round trip) in heavy traffic to pick up plants that were gifted to me by a friend who recently passed away. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the big ones, but my son is going to rent a U-Haul truck and we'll get them all on Saturday. Her husband is in bad health and can't take care of them. Early dinner at Doc Ford's was great. I had crab cakes, coleslaw and clam chowder.

    @nsk1951 ... My doctor said she often prescribes magnesium and wasn't surprised it helped my sleep.
  • Mspkmk
    Mspkmk Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been yo yo ing for my whole life. Started when I was 13 and continue now that I am 76. Eight years ago, I lost 94 lbs on WW, then quit when I hit my goal weight. Slowly, it came creeping back. A year ago I had a hip replacement and decided that it was time to get back on the wagon. Unfortunately, the wagon became a merry go round. Clothing became too tight and I remembered MFP from years ago. So I have been recording daily meals here and have started to lose again. Cravings are going away and I am finding it easy to control what I eat with better planning. Arthritis and cold weather have been my excuse for the lack of exercise, but my goal is to get moving. I have enjoyed reading your posts.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,442 Member
    edited March 21
    @BarbMessimer @nsk1951
    DH had knee surgery; at night; during recovery he used to cramp up. He started taking Magnesium Citrate. Works very well.

    @kwiatpatt254 Great to read that you are recording meals and having success. I haven't been recording meals; though I do exercise. I am a strong believer that recording meals=success. I have to get back to it. I had a hip replacement 4 years ago. I still do the physio exercises in between my exercise outings.

    Has anyone done the 5% challenge here at MFP? I'm thinking and debating. Thought didn't do a heck of a lot, did it? :D
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    @kwiatpatt254 ... Glad you're back on track, and welcome to our group. This is a good group for us older ladies. We have so much in common. Sometimes when you get a certain age, you want to give up and eat any and everything you like... Afterall, there's not that much time left so why not have that piece of pie or two even.... but the benefits of having less weight to carry around far outweighs the pleasure of the moment. At least that's my philosophy.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,923 Member
    I know exactly what you’re saying Barb! Basically I have reached the average life expectancy for women. Doctors are sometimes a bit condescending because if something changes you hear “it’s to be expected at your age.”

    My lab tests are good but I could still lose 10-20 pounds. So why am I beating my head against the wall? But then I remember how restricted my life was 💯 pounds ago. I was miserable. I want to experience and live happily in my body for the rest of my days.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    @Yoolypr ... Congrats on being down 100 pounds! That's my goal. I have a long ways to go so you'll be seeing a lot of me here... lol
  • Mspkmk
    Mspkmk Posts: 7 Member
    I used to think about weight loss in 10 lb. goals. Then as time went on, I thought 5 lb goals were less daunting. Now I look at one day at a time and even with minor normal daily weight fluctuations, each pound (or even part of a pound) keeps me on track and honest with myself. This weight didn't come on overnight, so I celebrate each day's minor victories, on scale or off. I would like to lose 30 lbs. but my doctor said that a 25 lb loss is probably more realistic “ at my age”. Whatever that magic number is, it is a goal which is in sight and I am determined to get there.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,442 Member
    @kwiapatt254 Yes a release of weight in any way (mindful eating) shape (clothes fit) or form (more energy) is success.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 319 Member
    edited March 22
    I weigh and record my weights daily in a word document. At the end of the month, I record the lowest and at the end of the year, the total lost for that year. This helps me to look at the big picture instead of getting upset with daily fluctuations.

    2021 -36 lbs
    2022 -30 lbs -66 cumulative
    2023 -2.0 lbs -68 cumulative

    Although right now I have some weight to lose to get back to my -68, I have the whole year to do it and lose even more. My goal is -100 pounds, and I know I'll get there sooner or later.