Half Marathon training support group?



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi guys, I'm interested to read your ideas about water for long runs... summer is only a few months away in Australia and it's already getting warm (just not today, it's cold and stormy now).
    I've been experimenting with a few things - running carrying a regular plastic water bottle (pretty annoying to carry it for the whole run), carrying a small pouch with finger straps and a small water bottle (not as annoying as a plain water bottle, but not my favorite) using a regular old bumbag (what you Americans would call a fanny pack, but you really can't call them that in polite conversation in Australia!) around my waist with a water bottle inside.
    For now I think I'm going to go with the bumbag, at least it's hands free. I need to have a good water strategy because my HM is in February, mid summer here, so it's only going to get hotter as my mileage increases. Even if I run early in the day, it will be HOT by the time I run for 2 hours or more.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi Rubybelle, I hate carrying stuff in my hands when I'm running, especially after a rather spectacular fall last year. I've got two waterbelt bumbags, one with two tiny bottles balance either side and one with a big bottle in the small of my back. A bit like this one:

    For shorter runs, I have a hand bottle like this which are a lot easier to carry than regular bottles.:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    SLB ~ You will be fine! I only did 10 before my first half, and I finished 5 minutes under goal. You will have to remember you get the added energy from the other runners on race day :)

    Hydrating: I wear a camelbak: http://www.camelbak.com/Sports-Recreation/Packs/2011-Annadel.aspx For women, the smaller one is much more comfy!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    SLB - you are going to do great!!!

    My race is now just a few short days away too. I skipped yesterday but am going to the gym tonight. I am debating spin class, BodyPump or run. IF I run it'll be short -- 2-3 miles. I could do that AND BodyPump. OR I can go to spinning and abs class. Hmm.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    I went to the Physio last week and discovered that I have twinged a tendon. With my race on October 30th it is unlikely that I will be able to run. We're working on getting it better but I think I have pretty much given up on this being my first half marathon (boo!). For the time being I am keeping up my fitness with swimming and cycling and trying not to feel too depressed about not being able to run at all.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi guys, I'm interested to read your ideas about water for long runs... summer is only a few months away in Australia and it's already getting warm (just not today, it's cold and stormy now).
    I've been experimenting with a few things - running carrying a regular plastic water bottle (pretty annoying to carry it for the whole run), carrying a small pouch with finger straps and a small water bottle (not as annoying as a plain water bottle, but not my favorite) using a regular old bumbag (what you Americans would call a fanny pack, but you really can't call them that in polite conversation in Australia!) around my waist with a water bottle inside.
    For now I think I'm going to go with the bumbag, at least it's hands free. I need to have a good water strategy because my HM is in February, mid summer here, so it's only going to get hotter as my mileage increases. Even if I run early in the day, it will be HOT by the time I run for 2 hours or more.

    I am spoiled in that I usually run on a public running trail that provides water stations every few miles, so I usually don't have to carry water, but even with that, I do carry water on my long runs in the summer, because it gets HOT here (Florida). I wear a Nathan fuel belt. Holds four small bottles, two in front, two in back, and has pouches in the front and back for gels, keys, whatever. It's very comfortable, although sometimes the two bottles in the front get a bit annoying, so I usually just carry the two in the back, since I can refill frequently.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    I have a belt that holds my water bottle in place on the small of my back. It also has a pouch for keys, gels, etc. Here in the south, it's essential on those humid days!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I use a camelbak for long runs over an hour.

    Well I did it, I ran 10 miles. It makes me hopeful for the half! I am so tired. I inhaled my sandwich when I got home. I need more food!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Sounds like so many are getting really close to their half marathons. I ran a full before my half and always "over" my miles before a race just to make sure I can do it in my mind. I will run at least 13 prior to my next half, and plan on maintaining 13 at least 2 weeks a month through winter running.

    I use a camelpak pack occasionally but not something I prefer. I just got a new Nathan Trail Mix Fuel Belt which I will try this weekend. I was using a hand held Ampiphod but find my form isn't as good, I cross my arms in front of me more and hold my arms too high. I'm working a lot on form.

    Great job Urban on the 10 miles, I burned over 1400 calories on my 12 mile run last Friday, I never did end up within the positive numbers for calories that day. Remember Protein, Protein, Protein!
  • Thanks katapple and kimert!! You both are so supportive :smile:

    Kimert, I can't wait to hear how your race goes!

    Electriq, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury. Hopefully with some rest you'll be running again soon.

    Urbanhippierunne, great job on the 10 miles!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    slb: Thanks! I hope so too! In the meantime there is massage and stretches to be done.

    urban: nice job! I inhaled food after my last long run of 16km, total craziness that sort of hunger

    In terms of hydrating I wear a camelpak for my long runs (anything over an hour). I don't find it bothers me at all so this option works well for me. Its sort of about finding your preference really, good luck with that.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    My 12 yo wanted to run with me this AM, I generally only run on Friday or Saturday, but wouldn't tell him no. We did a fast 3.5 mile loop. He beat me home by several minutes. But I still had a super great 5K time and was pleased with my run. I'll get a second workout in at my lunch hour to keep on my regular routine.

    Electriq - I so missed something in the posts - the massage I think - but stitches? I'll have to reread. Take care.

    Also, I got a hydration belt, I bought the Nathan Trail Mix Belt - VERY pleased with it. I carry a gun when I run and was worried it may not fit, but it was perfect fit, plus had extra pouch to keep my phone by itself.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I carry a gun when I run and was worried it may not fit, but it was perfect fit, plus had extra pouch to keep my phone by itself.

    holy moly!! that's some hard core right there ;-P
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I have a belt and I tried it a couple times last year with one 8 oz water bottle, the flat king that come with the belt. It drove me nuts. I couldn't get the belt to stay put. If I tried to wear on my hips then it would ride up and start bouncing and if I wore it up high on my waist and tightened the straps, one it looked ignorant, and then my arms were bumping it with the water bottle. I have just been carrying a bottle lately, but when and if I have to do longer distances, I'm not sure what I will do. Has any else had this problem?
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Slb - thank you!! :)

    I did BodyPump last night a very very short run. I got frustrated because everyone kept calling my cell phone and I would have left the phone but I have to keep it with me because of the gym's childcare policy. SO, I gave up on running at half a mile and called BodyPump good enough for the day. I increased weights quite a bit in class so I don't feel so bad about not getting a run in.

    Tonight my plan is 5 miles but if I just go 3 I will be fine with that. The week to few days before a half marathon is tough for me because I hate trying to figure out just how much to do. I want my legs fresh. I am definitely taking a break on Fri and Sat though.

    Electriq - I hope you heal soon!

    Lots of great running going on! Great job everyone.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Did strength training, rowing, and the treadwall at the gym today. Getting ready for a 3 mile run now. Barn later! Busy exercise day.
  • Tuesday I ran a short 2 miles with my husband, which was fun. I always enjoy when he's with me. Too bad he won't go a half marathon distance. Tomorrow I'm doing another 20ish minute workout then rest on Friday and race on Saturday. I'm really starting to get nervous now, but I'm really excited. As far as water goes I carry a bottle with me but I come back to my house to refill part way through my run. I've tried the camelbak. Mine is old and moved around way too much. If I continue this I may upgrade to a new one that might stay put better.
  • So how does everyone schedule their workouts. I work in retail as a store manager and my schedule is different each week. Some days i dont go in untill noon, and others i open and am out at 4:30. Some days are close the store and open the next day. Some times i find it difficult to plan and schedule my runs so that i'm not running one night at 8 or 9 and getting up in the morning at 7 and going for another run then. Really trying to not injure my legs by over doing it.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    So how does everyone schedule their workouts. I work in retail as a store manager and my schedule is different each week. Some days i dont go in untill noon, and others i open and am out at 4:30. Some days are close the store and open the next day. Some times i find it difficult to plan and schedule my runs so that i'm not running one night at 8 or 9 and getting up in the morning at 7 and going for another run then. Really trying to not injure my legs by over doing it.

    This is one of my reasons for only running 1 day a week and doing Insanity Cardio the other 5 days. I don't work retail, but the office I work my hours are never consistent. So somedays I get up early and workout early, will start with Yoga and work out on my lunch hour, or if at night, I just a more mild routine so I know I can hit it hard the next AM again, it's all about working out best for my body. I so a upper body workout or yoga the day before my long run each week.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I carry a gun when I run and was worried it may not fit, but it was perfect fit, plus had extra pouch to keep my phone by itself.

    holy moly!! that's some hard core right there ;-P

    LOL Katie, I'm sure it would make you feel better if you knew I carry one all the time not just when I run. I never used to carry one when I ran, but a local runner was attacked by a pack of dogs and the same weekend a runner was chased by a man with a pipe, I live in the country and run roads in the middle of no where, so I'm armed purely for personal safety, if I ran in the city, I probably wouldn't worry as much, but I'm totally alone for miles and miles. It's really all what you get used to I supposed. Not to mention, I'm a danged good shot !