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Ages 70+



  • Mspkmk
    Mspkmk Posts: 7 Member
    I just got my walking workout today at Costco …up and down every aisle. I checked out so many sources of protein and even bought a few. Did you know that the most expensive vehicle to operate by far is a Costco shopping cart! LOL
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,473 Member
    When I go grocery shopping, I make a point of walking the ENTIRE store completely. You can get in a lot of steps that way. But hopefully seeing everything in the store doesn’t lead to more buying.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Trying to continue positive self talk.
    Off to the Rec. Centre. Walk HIIT Fit Program 45minutes of walking 15minutes of stretching.
    50-60minutes weights.
    Yes the Costco Car is the most expensive.
    Have a great day everyone. :)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    I want to share something with you. I'm not so much embarrassed by being overweight as I am embarrassed about my age... 77. I'm very active and still feel young, like 30 or 40, but I'm trapped in this old body and people treat me like I'm old. The way I look is really not me. I still think of myself as young and vibrant, and I want to tell people that what they see is misleading but, of course, I don't say anything. It's like I'm embarrassed and want to apologize for having an old body. To say to them, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I'm really as young as you are but you just can't see it." Does anyone else understand this?
  • Mspkmk
    Mspkmk Posts: 7 Member
    I absolutely relate to this as I am 76 and do not recognize the person in the mirror. I am not embarrassed, but just can't believe how quickly the physical changes happened. It still drives me crazy when younger people call me “ dear”. That is respectful, I know, but it just reminds me of my age. Even my doctor refers to me as “a person your age”. I guess we should be grateful that we still feel vibrant and are able to make meaningful contributions.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Yes, I certainly can relate to the sentiments about not feeling inside as old as you actually are ... until I realize that I AM a geriatric woman. I've found that when I am in the company of those in their 80's and 90's, however, that they don't feel or act any older than I do ...they just have more wrinkles and move slower. Well, I'm 79 and my mom passed away at 75, so I am older than she was ... and I have to say it ... when my mom was 75, she looked old. My dad, on the other hand, had a youthful appearance physically into his 80's, except for his bald head!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,473 Member
    Oh heavens don’t be embarrassed by age! That’s just a social imposition- mainly on women. Old guys in their 70s get a pass. They run for president, chase women that could be their daughters and even father babies. In many societies older women are revered.

    I refuse to be shamed by the fact that I’ve successfully navigated 76 (soon to be 77) years on this earth. I acknowledge my age to anyone who has the temerity to ask. I look at my age as a time of great freedom from so many responsibilities of youth.

    Celebrate YOU as you are right now. Those yougins don’t know what they are missing!!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,311 Member
    edited March 2024
    Yoolypr wrote: »
    Oh heavens don’t be embarrassed by age! That’s just a social imposition- mainly on women. Old guys in their 70s get a pass. They run for president, chase women that could be their daughters and even father babies. In many societies older women are revered.

    I refuse to be shamed by the fact that I’ve successfully navigated 76 (soon to be 77) years on this earth. I acknowledge my age to anyone who has the temerity to ask. I look at my age as a time of great freedom from so many responsibilities of youth.

    Celebrate YOU as you are right now. Those yougins don’t know what they are missing!!

    I hope you didn’t Post this in response to my post. I am never shy about revealing my age. To me, my life has been a blessing and a joy, no matter what it entailed getting to today, I’m happy and grateful to have it

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited March 2024
    nsk1951 wrote: »

    I hope you didn’t Post this in response to my post. I am never shy about revealing my age. To me, my life has been a blessing and a joy, no matter what it entailed getting to today, I’m happy and grateful to have it

    No no no - just a general rant on my part. I hope we can all find joy in our life experiences. And no one should ever have to be body shamed or age shamed! I spent most of my life severely obese (still pretty chubby) and know that I was being judged. There are judgemental people in all our lives that sap our confidence. But I am determined to never question my own self worth.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    I hope this is a place where us "oldies" can share our challenges and dilemmas... doesn't have to be strictly about weight loss and getting healthy but anything that is affecting our lives, which, of course, affects our weight loss efforts.

    All that being said, I'd like your advice. I have a friend who wants us to meet for lunch near her every few weeks (she doesn't drive much). Well, lunch to her is 11 AM and it's a 45 minutes drive. I'm a night owl and sometimes can't go to sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning. When we make a date for "lunch", it means I have to try to go to sleep earlier (and I have trouble doing that) and have to set the alarm clock. Also, I don't eat until much later in the day so eating this early throws my eating plan off.

    Well, today is the day, and I feel awful. Didn't get much sleep, feel tired, nose is runny, and all I want to do is go back to bed, but she'll be upset if I cancel. So, I think what I'll do is go today, not say anything, and then the next time she tries to set a date, I'll tell her it has to be much later in the day for me. I know that won't work out with her schedule as she has a husband to prepare dinner for.

    We don't talk that often and the last time we did, she said she thought I'd "kicked her to the curb". She's someone I knew 50 years ago, lost touch with and just renewed our friendship through FB last year. She's very negative (I don't remember her being like that) and talking with her brings me down. I'm thinking I need to back off of this friendship. What do you think?
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,311 Member
    @BarbMessimer ... You do not have an obligation to make your friends schedule be your own. If you want to continue this friendship, perhaps you might suggest meeting at a later time, and maybe not for 'lunch' or any meal at all, but for some other form of getting together for an hour or so. ... That's something I had suggested to a friend I used to have monthly lunches with and when she made it clear that lunch on her terms were 'it', I stopped having those lunches. Unfortunately, that friendship did come to an end, because it turned out the only thing we had in common was eating together once a month.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,311 Member
    @Yoolypr ... so glad my comment wasn't what sparked you thought pattern in your post, after all.
    I wasn't heavy all my life, but even when I was skinny, I felt fat. Funny thing is, when I got fat, I never felt any different and thus didn't recognize what a 'cow' I was becoming! Luckily, no one ever tried to body-shame me, except myself; LOL!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,311 Member
    AFM ... Happy Day! I had my 6-mo post surgery mammogram results this morning, anything left is currently benign. I'm good for another 6 months before testing again.

    I didn't post my work-in-progress stats for a while, I was too stressed out waiting for testing and results to feel motivated enough to post. However, I am happy to report that I have been up and street-ready every day before logging on to my electronic devices ... still need to work on curbing how much time I spend in a day on my computer, though. That's a work in progress, for sure!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    @mspkmk It used to drive me crazy when older people used to call me "dear". What I dislike is when someone calls me "ma'am". I usually check, tactfully, the doctor's or anyone's that states "a person your age" by saying "tell me about my age and what I might be feeling at this age" That usually quashes the conversation. I would never dream of stating to a person young or old "a person of your age"
    MY DH is 5 years younger than me . I do say to him that I "have to look after my Senior". We get a good laugh.
    @BarbMessimer You're only as old as you feel. Ageism is used towards the young and the old.
    @Yoolypr True words. When you say old guys get a pass. So do pardon me "fat" guys ( I don't like to even write these words). People will say "He's a big guy" (you all know what I mean). We have earned our rights as seniors.
    @BarbMessimer We have to take stock or inventory of the people, places and things in our life that we serve and what serves us. Sounds like your friend of the past wants to vent. Gently detach. Let her know you are a night owl and the lunch times do not agree with your schedule. Perhaps you can continue your friendship on FB and DM.

    I'm off to the Senior Centre 45minute walk treadmill and 45minutes stretch, light weights.
    Have a great day :)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    Lots of activity today. Rented a UHaul and my son and I traveled 6 hours round trip to pick up some little plumeria trees. Now I have the big job of transplanting, repotting and fertilizing them. Hoping I burn a lot of calories doing it! Tomorrow will be a rest day though.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Yesterday was my rest day. Though I don't feel it.
    I'm at a plateau. The plateau has been in motion for 2 weeks. It's bringing my spirits down. I have increased my activity. I'll just have to let nature run her course.
    Off to the Recreation Centre 45minute walk. 50-60minutes strength, weight.
    Have a great day :)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    @jonni82014 ... Plateaus happen. They certainly are demoralizing but it's just the body's way of keeping equilibrium. Hang in there!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    Have been more physical lately and am very tired today. Calf muscles are aching. Tomorrow is a busy day. Son is coming over and I'm planning a nice Easter dinner... so will rest up today. What are your Easter plans?
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    edited March 2024
    @BarbMessimer True words spoken.
    Want to breakthrough the plateau. Drink water. Heading out to (WEM) Mall for a hike, as the sidewalks and walking trails still have snow and ice on them. Safety. The mall walk is about 2hrs (if we meander); 5.45km (3.39mi). I promise myself a 1 day rest from activity. A nice smoked turkey dinner + salad on Easter Sunday with DH. FaceTime with our kids. Thanks to technology.
    Have a great day everyone. :)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    @jonni82014 ... Sounds like a good plan for today and the smoked turkey dinner sounds great. We're having ham, sweet potatoes, corn, deviled eggs and a relish tray.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    To stay motivated, I like to record numbers, make charts and graphs to measure my weight loss progress. I like to see that I'm heading in the right direction even if it's at a slower pace than I'd like. The main thing I tell myself is I'm getting healthier since I'm not following the SAD (Standard American Diet) and what I eat is good for me. I focus on not eating as much or as often as I used to (or still could) and remind myself that as I continue to eat like this, the amount of fat on my body will continue to decrease. Do you do the same things?
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Hi all. Nce to find a group of older folks who are still motivated to make changes in their lives.

    I have been through a difficult time for me starting with Covid and then a sequence of other challenges. I have slowly added weight during that period and now find myself a good 25 pounds over weight. Equally important is that I have also developed very vad eating habits which also impact how I feel physically and emotionally.

    So ... time to change!!! While I am watching calories, my first priority is making sure that I am eating a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. I am also trying to focus on improving sleep patterns. These will be my focus for April. At tge end of the month I will assess how I am doing and, most importantly, how I am feeling.

    I am looking forward to meeting everyone and supplying any support I can. Wishing everyone a great month!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    edited March 2024
    Happy Easter to all celebrating! B)
    @jan110144 Welcome true words spoken regarding the impact of "what" we eat or maybe "do not" eat.

    Focusing on a new challenge or learning to do something new is a good priority.
    I like to sit down between 2:00-3:00pm with my 1/2 cup of coffee and have a snack.
    My April challenge is to choose a healthy snack in the afternoon and choose almond milk for my coffee instead of almond creamer.
    Today is my rest day Back to the Rec. Centre tomorrow.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Happy Easter to everyone. I am one of the lucky ones who grew up with both a Western and an Eastern religious bend, both Christian .. I got to know and follow the Eastern traditions long before the Western ones and so to me I always associated the Western one with lighthearted fun and the Eastern one with a somber and spiritually deep-thought period of time that came to a joyous climax on Easter Day. But actually, both of them are celebrated, traditionally, because of one belief: resurrection.

    In April, I want to resurrect something in my life. I want to make certain to get outdoors every day and enjoy the fresh (well, as fresh as living down-town can offer) air and sun light. It's so easy, with mobility issues and living in a comfortable high rise building to just stay indoors too much. Time to let the sun provide some Vitamin D instead of the drugstore!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    @jan110144 ... Welcome. This is a new group and one I look forward to coming to everyday. Women our age often give up on their weight, especially after a lifetime of battling the bulge... but it's more than the weight issue... our health, the quality of our lives and longevity depends on our addressing the issue. I've lost 68 pounds and no longer have diabetes or chronic kidney disease. I'm sure there are many other health reversals too but those are the ones that really stand out.

    We have a nice group of ladies here and we all understand what each is going through. Mobility challenges especially impact our efforts, making it take longer to lose weight than if we were more active but, as we lose weight, our mobility increases so every bit of effort towards that end is to the good. That's what motivates me the most!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    @nsk1951 ... I like your April goal of getting outdoors more. I'm trying to do that too. I have plants to attend to outside, and if I didn't, I'd probably stay inside with the air conditioning and do nothing. Getting outside connects me with nature and makes me feel more alive!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Well. I guess starting this journey with a combined holiday feast and birthday party may not have been the best timing! Pretty much nothing went according to plan!

    So ... today is day 1.2. Not much on the schedule, so will do some homework and try to get two decent walks in ... my dog is very helpful in making sure I get some daily exercise.

    My goal for April is 30 days of planning, cooking and eating healthy food and walking at least 2 miles a day.

    @BarbMessimer CONGRATS on your weight loss and health improvements. You are an inspiration!

    @nsk1951 I love that we are done with winter. Getting outdoors is a must do for me. May have to dodge raindrops the next week or so, but temps should be good.

    @jonni82014 thanks for the welcome. Finding something new is on my list. I am finding myself with way too much time on my hands. I retired my last horse in November and have found myself feeling somewhat lost. Horses took up so much of my time and were also a major social outlet. Struggling to find something to fill that void.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Hi I have been away from things for a while due to family issues now i need to refocus on myself so I can be strong for my family.
    Hope you all had a good Easter and that I can join you again.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Reading all of the positive messages; keep me motivated to continue to do what I need to do for me first. The rest will follow. DH and I walk from our home to the River Valley paths. There are many cases of stairs to attempt. I remember a few years ago; the first set of stairs I came across. Going up 62 stairs to be exact I thought I would have to be air lifted out of the River Valley. :) Now those stairs and another set of 412steps (I take 3 breaks while climbing) are not so intimidating as I have learned to embrace them instead of dreading them. Makes the work climbing them easier. Hip replacement helped as well. :)
    Walking is my form of meditation even though DH is with me. For today we are off to the Rec. Centre. as the River Valley still has skiffs of snow and ice. Safety first. Have a great day everyone!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 362 Member
    @annliz23 ... Welcome back!