
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,487 Member
    @cbabie Thank you for the recipe. I am planning to make them this weekend for next week. We'll see if they get made lol.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Good job with the bike. I hope you enjoyed the baked oatmeal and shepherd's pie.

    @theslightedgeforever Hmmm I may have to get one. Good job with the tracking and exercising.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Friday!

    Hi all. Well, I'm an epic failure again this week lol. I gained 3.4 lbs. I hate this. I just keep gaining and gaining. I have gained 17.6 lbs since May 16, 2023 now. I just don't know how to put on the brakes. My hunger is out of control most days, other days, I'm eating the wrong things due to cravings or convenience. Sigh. On another note, my art opening is tonight. I have a lot of work friends coming to it and maybe two real-life friends. But it's supposed to rain so I may not see as many people.

    Water yesterday: 75 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 575 Member
    @trooworld I’m sorry you are having a hard time. Good luck with the art show. Hi, all. DH and I went swimming this morning. The water felt good. I had the last of the salmon on a salad for lunch with a package of Atkins sour cream protein chips. They were good and I’ll buy them again. Now I’m eating a lemon Think bar. I made a Crustless quiche from That will be breakfast tomorrow with coffee and toast. Tonight is steak night.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,636 Member
    Afternoon all, sorry yesterday was crazy with appointments. Today baby girl and I went to have a pedicure just to have some fun. I have eaten better the last two days, but today borderline not good. Haven't exercised yet today either.

    @theslightedgeforever Great job on hitting goals. I buy minced garlic...LOL

    @trooworld I am sorry about the gain. If you like me the more I think about the weight I need to lose, the more I eat the wrong foods, wrong time, etc. I am trying to focus on one week one goal, one lb.

    @fabgeekmom LOL the website "eatingbirdfood" doesn't sound appealing does it. I bet that quiche was good. You overnight oats sounded good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Friday to you. I always know it's you without looking, you always post beautiful pictures... Hope all is good in your little corner of the world.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 575 Member
    @cbabie I know what you mean about the website. It doesn’t sound appealing but I have found a few recipes. I modified the quiche by using spinach instead of kale. It’s good that your eating has improved a bit. Small steps….
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,291 Member
    @fabgeekmom I was busy all day and then thought about my challenge. Ugh! So I did 2 sets of 3 exercises with weights and then 5 min stretching. My oldest son who is doing a challenge with a friend acts like he suddenly found religion. Then wants to share that religion with everyone. :) He thinks my gym time does not count. YOU DO YOU is what I told him. I am working on consistency right now. Doing what I said I was going to do. Crustless quiche sounds good.

    @trooworld Sorry about the gain. Is there a little part of you that says it doesn't matter if you gain because you are going to have the surgery and after that lose weight really fast. I know that's what I would be telling myself. It's like knowing I'm going to start a strict diet on Monday for instance and so I eat all my favorite foods the night before. In the long run, I know it doesn't help me but that is what my brain would tell me. So brainstorm in terms of solutions to these problems
    • your hunger is out of control
    • you are eating the wrong things due to cravings
    • you are eating the wrong things due to convenience
    You did a great job on your water.

    @cbabie Yaaay on you eating better the last two days. Minced garlic-I'm cheap and I've read it doesn't have the same health properties as fresh garlic because of the heat in processing. Here's a different perspective on eatingbirdfood. You are so light so you can fly in the air.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Friday to you. I hope you are finding some relaxation time in your busy schedule.

    So another day of tracking and went to the gym even if it was a short time.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 575 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good job on the exercise. Do what you can and build up. Your son is obviously younger and his exercise needs are different from yours.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,478 Member
    edited April 6

    @trooworld sorry about the gain. This year seems to be one of those years. How did the art opening go? Wish I was closer would love to have seen it!

    @cbabie all is good! Ready for the weekend! Ohh pedicures that sounds fun!

    @theslightedgeforever yes definitely a busy week, planning on relaxing this weekend after getting some more cleaning/purging done.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,487 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Good job with the swimming.

    @cbabie That will be fun for you guys to have a pedicure. Are you going to go somewhere or do it at home? That's good you have eaten better. Thanks. That's good advice!

    @theslightedgeforever Thank you. No, because I'm not supposed to gain weight before the surgery so it does matter. Maybe my brain is telling me that despite having the order not to gain. Or maybe it is the order not to gain that is messing me up. Thanks. I know one thing that would really help is to get enough water and by enough, I mean 100+ oz a day. I need to find a way to make that happen. Good job tracking and going to the gym. Every bit counts.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Saturday! Thank you. More on the art opening below (spoiler alert: it went well!).

    Hi all. The art opening went very well, I had 8 of my friends and colleagues come. The man that my friend brought decided he loved my painting and bought it, so that was exciting. It stays in the gallery until the show closes and then I will deliver it to him. But it's paid for now. :D I was on a high last night from selling my painting and so stayed up until about 11:15 pm. Being in my 50s, my body doesn't let me sleep in like it used to and I got up at 4 am. I'm making your cauliflower air fryer tots tonight, @theslightedgeforever! I'm making sliders with them.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,478 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Good job with the swimming.

    @cbabie That will be fun for you guys to have a pedicure. Are you going to go somewhere or do it at home? That's good you have eaten better. Thanks. That's good advice!

    @theslightedgeforever Thank you. No, because I'm not supposed to gain weight before the surgery so it does matter. Maybe my brain is telling me that despite having the order not to gain. Or maybe it is the order not to gain that is messing me up. Thanks. I know one thing that would really help is to get enough water and by enough, I mean 100+ oz a day. I need to find a way to make that happen. Good job tracking and going to the gym. Every bit counts.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Saturday! Thank you. More on the art opening below (spoiler alert: it went well!).

    Hi all. The art opening went very well, I had 8 of my friends and colleagues come. The man that my friend brought decided he loved my painting and bought it, so that was exciting. It stays in the gallery until the show closes and then I will deliver it to him. But it's paid for now. :D I was on a high last night from selling my painting and so stayed up until about 11:15 pm. Being in my 50s, my body doesn't let me sleep in like it used to and I got up at 4 am. I'm making your cauliflower air fryer tots tonight, @theslightedgeforever! I'm making sliders with them.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

    That’s so awesome! So happy for you!
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 575 Member
    @trooworld That’s exciting that you sold a painting! I don’t do well when I go to bed later than usual. It seems that I get up the same time even if I stay up late. Hi, all. Steaks were good last night. We’ve been eating homemade salad dressing lately. The ATK buttermilk ranch is easy to make. I ate the quiche this morning and it was good. I only ate that with coffee as DH and I are meeting two of my cousins for lunch at 11:30. Afterwards we are going to Trader Joe’s as it is close the restaurant. I’m looking for protein bars and anything else that looks good.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,487 Member
    @gemwolf110 Thank you!

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! I don't do well either when I go to bed later than usual. I am struggling this morning as well. Same here, no matter what time I go to bed, I'm up at 4-5ish. We mostly make homemade salad dressing, it's so much better than store-bought. I'm sure you'll find lots of good things at TJs. I love that store! They have this Georgian seasoning blend that is really good on chicken. I t's called "AJIKA GEORGIAN SEASONING BLEND" and to us, it's not really spicy. Below is what it looks like. Here is someone describing it better than me:

    Hi all. I did not track at all yesterday. Maybe I can go back and track as I remember what I ate, for the most part. I didn't cook last night, we were out and about and split a cheeseburger and fries from this restaurant. I will make the sliders today. I'm meeting a friend for coffee this morning. It will be nice to see him. He came to my opening Friday night but I didn't really spend much time with him.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,636 Member
    Morning all, yesterday was a bust for me on food...I ate all the chocolate I could find..back to doing better. I know what triggered it and just have to remind myself of that. LOL. It's supposed to be in the 90's mid to later week. I want to see the 70's and 80's first. LOL. NO we get 60's to 90's..Welcome to my world. We went to a little shop by our house to have the pedi's done..She had so much fun.

    @trooworld YEA!!! So happy that you sold your painting..that's awesome. I want to try the cauliflower tots too, just trying to find the time and menu to make them. (and not tell anyone what they are eating) LOL.

    @fabgeekmom Do you have a recipe that you like for your dressing? My family is so picky about dressings, I would like to try to make it at home and see if they like that. Great Idea to modify for the kale, I am not a kale person...but I do like spinach. LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever I can hear you say YOU DO YOU...LOL. Good job on tracking and getting to the gym...yes fly in the air..better perspective..

    @gemwolf110 Hope you have a great weekend and get your stuff done before going back to work. Including the relaxing part..LOL

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,478 Member
    cbabie wrote: »
    Morning all, yesterday was a bust for me on food...I ate all the chocolate I could find..back to doing better. I know what triggered it and just have to remind myself of that. LOL. It's supposed to be in the 90's mid to later week. I want to see the 70's and 80's first. LOL. NO we get 60's to 90's..Welcome to my world. We went to a little shop by our house to have the pedi's done..She had so much fun.

    @trooworld YEA!!! So happy that you sold your painting..that's awesome. I want to try the cauliflower tots too, just trying to find the time and menu to make them. (and not tell anyone what they are eating) LOL.

    @fabgeekmom Do you have a recipe that you like for your dressing? My family is so picky about dressings, I would like to try to make it at home and see if they like that. Great Idea to modify for the kale, I am not a kale person...but I do like spinach. LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever I can hear you say YOU DO YOU...LOL. Good job on tracking and getting to the gym...yes fly in the air..better perspective..

    @gemwolf110 Hope you have a great weekend and get your stuff done before going back to work. Including the relaxing part..LOL


    Yeah relaxing part would be nice! Got a decent chunk done yesterday. Will do some more today. It’s cold here only in the 40’s. Then should be in the 50’s low 60’s this week. I’m ready for 70’s.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,478 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @gemwolf110 Thank you!

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! I don't do well either when I go to bed later than usual. I am struggling this morning as well. Same here, no matter what time I go to bed, I'm up at 4-5ish. We mostly make homemade salad dressing, it's so much better than store-bought. I'm sure you'll find lots of good things at TJs. I love that store! They have this Georgian seasoning blend that is really good on chicken. I t's called "AJIKA GEORGIAN SEASONING BLEND" and to us, it's not really spicy. Below is what it looks like. Here is someone describing it better than me:

    Hi all. I did not track at all yesterday. Maybe I can go back and track as I remember what I ate, for the most part. I didn't cook last night, we were out and about and split a cheeseburger and fries from this restaurant. I will make the sliders today. I'm meeting a friend for coffee this morning. It will be nice to see him. He came to my opening Friday night but I didn't really spend much time with him.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"


    Nice thing about the app/website you can go back and track and retrace. I learned recently when you click on your history or type in a food you have tracked you can click off the days for the week so you don’t have to remember everyday to track it in there. I’ve been doing that with my coffee. Have the same way everyday.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 575 Member
    @gemwolf110 I’m ready for warm weather,too. @cbabie Too bad about the chocolate. The salad dressing we make is half low-fat buttermilk and low fat mayonnaise with a little white vinegar and dill. You can also use the Ranch seasoning mix if you don’t want to chop up herbs. @trooworld Thanks for the TJ tip. I’ll keep that in mind the next time I go. I hope you had a good visit with your friend. Hi, all. I had a good visit with my cousins yesterday. I ordered the teriyaki tuna on salad which was good. I bought some Barebells ( protein bars) at TJ’s. I bought a package of 10 which was less expensive than buying them separately. My DH remarked that my protein bars take up as much room in the pantry as his cookies do. LOL! Tonight my son is grilling chicken breasts. He’s marinating them in equal parts lemon juice, olive oil and soy sauce. We have done that before and it is good.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,291 Member
    @gemwolf110 How are you doing on the losing/gaining journey? Doesn't it feel so good to get rid of stuff. Interesting info about tracking for the week. I'll have to figure it out.

    @trooworld How far are you away from 100 oz? List me three ways you could close that gap. Woohoo on the painting. Now I can tell my friends I know an accomplished artist. I have my cauliflower tots frozen still. I'm leaving them to pull out when I need a good comfort snack. I put them on a tray and in the freezer and forgot all about them til yesterday when I went looking for some pepper strips.

    @fabgeekmom I'll try your son's grilled chicken. That sounds good.

    @cbabie I'm the queen of perspective much to my friends dismay.

    I didn't do my two day challenge. :/ I missed yesterday. But I exercised today. 15 min treadmill, 21 min of weights and 10 min of stretching. So now on to 3 days. I tracked my food.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited April 8
    Hey all. Been ages since I have been in the chats. Started taking some new Tranont products Activate and Transform so got my focus on to exercise and eat well (at least for Monday to Friday). Lol.

    Weighed in last week at 160.8 (lowest weight was 158). But have prob lost 7in since last been on. Been back at the treadmill doing at least 5k and Apple fitness workouts. And just got back to doing bench presses now that it has warmed up and I can get out to the garbage (location of weight bench).

    Plan on being more active in discussions again.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,487 Member
    @cbabie It was a bust for me, too, don't feel alone lol. 90s whoa! I'm glad you had fun getting the pedis. Thank you, I'm happy too! :) I didn't end up making the tots yet but I know they will be good.

    @gemwolf110 Yeah that is nice.

    @fabgeekmom I did, thanks! That salad sounds delicious. That is a good marinade.

    @theslightedgeforever Well, yesterday, I was 88 oz away...during the week, I am usually about 40 oz away. 1) I could drink 10 oz first thing in the morning before coffee. 2) I could have a goal of drinking 2-25 oz tumblers during my workday 3) I could drink 25 oz of water on the way to and from work. Boom that's over 100. Hahahaha I've sold more than this painting, so you already knew one! ;) I haven't made the tots yet but I am looking forward to them. I'm sorry about your 2-day challenge but glad you exercised yesterday. Yay for tracking your food!

    @renaegry Hey nice to "see" you! Good luck with the new products. Sounds like you are doing well. It would be nice to chat with you.

    Hi all. I had a nice but busy weekend. The art event Friday night, Saturday my husband and I went to a horror art expo but only stayed 2 minutes because it was stupid. We went for coffee instead. Sunday, my husband and I drove 25 minutes away and went thrift store shopping, all I got was a cool t-shirt. We also went for coffee. I made a new piece of art. I made sliders last night which we had with parmesan-crusted brussels sprouts. Today is back to work.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,636 Member
    Afternoon all, this has been a weird day, baby got up at 5, I came home from picking up baby girl from school, and my neighbors were in my drive talking to my DH with their 3 year old and waiting for the eclispe So I am just getting on here to say, I ate Wendy's last night for dinner. I have done much better today. I even made me a PB2 sandwich instead of JIF which I would kill for. LOL. I feel like today is just a bust (plan wise) but I am slowing getting some of my morning routine done. LOL

    @renaegry good to see you. It' good you were focused on exercise and nutrition...I totally get M-F, I am THAT girl. LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever you may have missed (1) day, but you are up to day 3, so I would say that is a win. great job on tracking and doing!!

    @fabgeekmom Your dinner sounds good..I am afraid to say that with 2 kids, and my DH who loves cookies and "stuff" it's almost 1/2 with the good food totally. We have bountiful of cookies or and Ice cream.

    @trooworld I am sorry your art event was not what you expected, but glad you both did pivot and do something you like. I just love the way you guys just move forward!!!

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,478 Member
    Happy Eclipse Monday!

    I couldn’t get pictures of eclipse but did see it! Was cool to see even though I wasn’t in an area for 100% totality. It go hazy though. Maybe next one I will conveniently plan a trip for the next one.
