

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Afternoon all, this has been a weird day, baby got up at 5, I came home from picking up baby girl from school, and my neighbors were in my drive talking to my DH with their 3 year old and waiting for the eclispe So I am just getting on here to say, I ate Wendy's last night for dinner. I have done much better today. I even made me a PB2 sandwich instead of JIF which I would kill for. LOL. I feel like today is just a bust (plan wise) but I am slowing getting some of my morning routine done. LOL

    @renaegry good to see you. It' good you were focused on exercise and nutrition...I totally get M-F, I am THAT girl. LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever you may have missed (1) day, but you are up to day 3, so I would say that is a win. great job on tracking and doing!!

    @fabgeekmom Your dinner sounds good..I am afraid to say that with 2 kids, and my DH who loves cookies and "stuff" it's almost 1/2 with the good food totally. We have bountiful of cookies or and Ice cream.

    @trooworld I am sorry your art event was not what you expected, but glad you both did pivot and do something you like. I just love the way you guys just move forward!!!

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Happy Eclipse Monday!

    I couldn’t get pictures of eclipse but did see it! Was cool to see even though I wasn’t in an area for 100% totality. It go hazy though. Maybe next one I will conveniently plan a trip for the next one.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Your weekend sounded like fun. Too bad about the art show although you found something better to do. @renaegry Welcome to the group. It sounds like you are doing well with your goals. @cbabie Good job on making good choices especially when you don’t get enough sleep. That’s hard. @theslightedgeforever Good job on exercising and tracking. Hi, all. We went swimming this morning and the water felt good. My son brought home some glasses so I was able to see the eclipse. Dinner is air fried shrimp, grits and salad.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @renaegry Nice to see you. You have done an amazing job. Are your kiddos still active in sports?

    @trooworld 1) I could drink 10 oz first thing in the morning before coffee. Is this a habit every single day? I hate when I don't do what I say I'm going to do. I need my own list I think. OK, give me a question prompt. What's the recipe for the Brussels sprouts. When I eat them at restaurants they are so good. When I make them at home......

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @cbabie So when the family wants Wendy's what could you order that would be a healthy choice? For instance 1)a small chili. OR 2)order a cheeseburger and remove the buns and throw it on a small side salad I found I order the same things when family decides fast food because of habit and its easier than trying to decide what else I could order because of time crunch.

    @gemwolf110 I drive my adult children nuts with eclipses because I keep telling them make sure you don't look directly at it. They are like we know Mom. lol

    @fabgeekmom I'm glad you enjoyed your swimming and your meal sounded really healthy.

    I tracked. That's about it today. Oh I lost 1.7 lbs from last week so that's a good thing.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad that yesterday ended a better day. You and your PB lol. But that's great you found a way to curb your craving by using PB2. You said you felt like today was a bust but earlier you said you did much better today. Which do you mean? Oh that wasn't "my" art event, it was just an event at a hotel that we wanted to attend. We were hoping that it had some original art but all it ended up being was mass-produced stuff! Sorry for the confusion.

    @gemwolf110 We had a 53% viewing path where I live. Not the greatest but not the worst. There was a viewing party at work with 3 telescopes and screens to show what was on the telescopes, glasses, and lots of people. It was fun but I wish we could have seen the whole eclipse.

    @fabgeekmom Yes, the weekend was a lot of fun but it went by too quickly. Good job with your swim. Your dinner sounds good.

    @theslightedgeforever It's not a habit, I haven't even started doing it lol. What is a habit is to grab my coffee and sit down in front of the computer. I need to fit it in somehow. What kind of question prompt do you want? I think what my husband did was boil the brussels sprouts for a few minutes, drain them, put them on a baking sheet and sprinkle parmesan cheese on them. He then put them in a 400F oven and let them bake until the cheese was browned. They were good. Give it a shot! Yay for tracking. And congrats on the loss, that's awesome!

    Hi all. Yesterday, we had an eclipse viewing event at work. It was fun. We could see 53% of the eclipse. I tried to take pics but they didn't come out well, go figure lol. I am pretracked for today.

    Water yesterday: 65 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Didn’t see much of the eclipse here. Only about 25% coverage.

    My go to at Wendy’s is the grilled chicken burger no cheese.

    Got in a good jog yesterday. Felt so good to get outside. Still very cool in the mornings here. Spring is very slow in coming.

    Todays plan is a 5 km walk and a 10 or 20 min Pilates Apple fitness video.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad you had fun at your viewing party. Good job on pre tracking. @theslightedgeforever Good job on the weight loss. @renaegry Good job on the jog and exercise. Hi, all. It’s getting warmer here. Today is supposed to get up to 77. I have errands to run so exercise will have to be in the afternoon. My son is making turkey ragu for family dinner. It’s an ATK recipe that he has adapted by using turkey sausage instead of pork sausage. I bought protein pasta so that will increase the protein. When my son makes Brussels sprouts he shreds them in the food processor, adds olive oil and salt and roasts them in the oven (450).
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @renaegry Ah that's too bad. Good job with the jog.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. Oh that's nice weather. That's a good way to make brussels sprouts.

    Hi all. I had a terrible day at work yesterday. I didn't do anything wrong or get in trouble, it was something that happened. It ruined my day. Then, we went to bed at about 7:30 pm and were woken up by the smell of smoke at 8:30 pm. We went outside and it was very smoky out. We live right beside the canyon so it is concerning as there are homeless people that live in that canyon at times, and someone may have set it on fire. So I called the police non-emergency line and they said someone else had called too and that there was a firetruck on the way. We didn't hear what happened with that but the disruption in my sleep kept me up for a while.

    Water yesterday: 75 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday. I hope things are better today. Hi, all. Not much going on today. It’s a swim day. Dinner tonight will be grilled pork tenderloin, salad and some kind of starch. We’re having another warm day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. They were better yesterday. I'm glad your weather is good. I hope you enjoyed your swim and dinner.

    Hi all. Yesterday was better but I was so very tired and worn out from not sleeping well that I ended up leaving early. I came home and took a nap and felt better when I woke up. Our weather is really nice right now, yesterday it was 80F at one point. The sun was out. I wish I could have enjoyed it but at least I saw the sun.

    Water yesterday: 50 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,253 Member
    @trooworld I think it would be fun to view the eclipse through telescopes. What if you were to grab the coffee cup you use to sit in front of the computer and just fill it with water and drink that and then refill with coffee. Because you already have the habit of grabbing that cup and sitting in front of the computer. Question prompt for you to give me List three ways that you can...........fill in the blank for me.
    I guess not really a question so much as a journal prompt. Thanks for the brussels sprouts info
    That's scary you live so close to the wildfires.

    @renaegry Good choice at Wendy's. yaaay on your jog. I love spring because of the flowers

    @fabgeekmom Shredded brussels sprouts. That's interesting. I think I'd like that on a salad with my broccoli slaw.

    Today I did 30 min YouTube workout video, 15 min treadmill and 22 min stretching Did 7 days of tracking.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad yesterday was better. A nap is always good. 80 degrees sounds nice. @theslightedgeforever Good job on exercise and tracking. Hi, all. I had a short walk this morning and now am getting ready to get on the bike. My son and I went grocery shopping. We found some Quest protein chips. I ate half a pack as I was satisfied after eating my sandwich. Tonight he is preparing ATK air fried chicken with coleslaw. I’m making polenta.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Afternoon all, yesterday was a bust..Wed are so busy for me. I have to take baby girl to and from school twice. But she enjoys the afternoon class she is in. It's worth it. I still haven't exercised. To be honest, I had a thought, (short lived). LOL. What if I was to really not have any goals, just relax, crochet, read, walk when I felt like it, cook healthy food and live there is a thought. LOL Reality sits in..nope I have 2 little ones, I don't want to die early, so need to keep moving and what my nutrition, the rest will come.

    @trooworld So sorry about getting woke up by the least it wasn't your house!!! Sorry about the job issue. Hopefully today is much better with your sleep and job! Glad you had fun with the eclipse.

    @fabgeekmom great job on getting on the bike as well as doing your other exercise. I have never had protein chips..are they good? I might have to look for those. Sometimes you just need to have some crunchy food.

    @theslightedgeforever I could have made a better choice, but I have not had Wendy's in years and I love the double stack and decided I was going to eat it and enjoy it. :) You are getting back on your routine! Great job on tracking and keeping you body moving. I think I am in a slump with my exercise. I really like my treadmill, but I swear if I don't do it early in the morning, I just don't want to do it at all...and baby won't stay out of my room..I need to do it when he right now. :)

    @renaegry Yes that Chicken sounds good, I think I just wanted the double stack and just ate it...LOL. Great job on the jog. I joined the apple fitness as it's free for 3 months, but I haven't even opened good job in using your program.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @cbabie You have a lot going on. But try to improve your nutrition. I think that’s more important than exercise. Hopefully you can find easy meals to prepare. The protein chips are good. I’ve tried 2 brands: Quest and Atkins. They have the same amount of calories as regular chips but are more satisfying because of the protein.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @theslightedgeforever It would have been but there were so many people out on the veranda, maybe like 50-60, so it was hard to get to them. You didn't actually look through the scopes, you just watched the monitors and I saw a bit of those, but even getting to the monitors was tough. I think if I am going to drink water before coffee, it will have to be something like I get a cup of it and just chug it down: it takes me the whole time I'm on the internet to drink my coffee and then I have to start getting ready. And plus, my water would taste like coffee (this tumbler has history lol). Thank you for the journal prompt. Well, the wildfires that you hear about typically don't happen here where I live, they are about 15 miles east. BUT I do live right next to the canyon and it would be very dangerous if someone started a fire there (and the homeless do have campfires there sometimes). Good job with all the exercise and tracking. How do you feel?

    @fabgeekmom Thank you, me too! It was really nice. I hope you enjoyed dinner. Good to know about the protein in those chips.

    @cbabie If you did that you may be happy for a while but when your weight crept up, you would be unhappy. Keep moving, as you said! Yes, I was glad it wasn't my house. My job thing: it had to do with a troll on the internet lol. We have a Facebook page for my job and I posted a nice post and some troll got me down with multiple responses trying to tear me down. I had a much better day yesterday.

    Hi all. Yesterday was a really good day. We had a celebration for National Library Week and there was a lot of excitement. I tried weighing in this morning but my scale is dead. It said "LO" so I am charging it but I can't tell if it is charging, I may have to get a new scale.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, jumping on here before the day really gets going..LOL. Had a sick kid at home from school yesterday, so not much was done on my exercise or nutrition. I didn't even get to sleep well last night, but it's Friday, she went to school today and I am determined to get somethings done this weekend.

    @fabgeekmom Yes you are correct, when I went to WW, I lost a lot of weight and never exercised. It was more about getting my weight down. Its funny we lose sight of what is right and take the bunny trails. Thank you for the reminder, nutrition is the first, the rest will follow. Especially if I have the energy to do the things I need to do.

    @trooworld hate those trolls..LOL. my cartoon brain kicked in... maybe it's a sign your weight is "LOwer" this week? I always take those signs and run with them. :) I can "hear" your scale talking to you.
    Seriously how would you like to live in my brain? NOT, if you think I am weird, you should have met my Mom. You are right if I put weight back on...I would be miserable to be around. LOL I would feel lethargic and my kids would have no one to do things with them.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 473 Member
    @trooworld Happy Library Week! My daughter is a librarian so I especially appreciate the work librarians do. Good luck with the scale. @cbabie It’s too bad baby girl was sick but good she went to school today. I hope you get back to healthy eating. Hi, all. I’m sluggish today. I had gone to bed last night and was awoken by a weather alert for a possible tornado in our area. When I first heard the alarm I thought the house was on fire! Luckily there was no tornado and the wind died down. I was able to go back to sleep but I didn’t sleep well. And of course, I woke up at the usual time. We went swimming today. Tonight is steak night.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,121 Member
    @cbabie Oh no! I hope it doesn't spread through the house. I hate those trolls, too lol. HAHAHA I hope my weight is lower, but I don't have high hopes considering I've gained every week for a while now. Your brain is something else lol. I like it! I bet your mom was just as wonderful as you and your sister are. That's right, so keep that in the back of your mind.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you! That's cool your daughter is a librarian, too. Oh gosh, that tornado alert would have kept me up too. I'm glad there wasn't a tornado.

    Hi all. Well, I could never get the scale to charge, the place where you put the cord to recharge it seems a little wonky like it got bent out of shape so I ordered a new scale that is coming this morning. I shall see what this LO is about, @cbabie lol. It's supposed to be cold here this weekend which is a bummer because while I was at work all week, the weather was beautiful lol.

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,594 Member
    Morning all, it was warm here yesterday, but baby boy was cranky, sneezing wiping his nose all day and night. So I didn't really get much done AND we had pizza for dinner.. I never eat pizza, but I didn't feel like cooking anything, so...YEP I am swollen today. AND I have heartburn. Tell me again why I ate the pizza? LOL. Going to sit down and meal plan today, get food and hopefully that way next week will be much better nutrition wise.

    @fabgeekmom I have never been in a tornado alert that I can remember. That would have freaked me out. Hopefully you got some rest last night. Yea on your swimming. LOL I just read a note from the teacher to all parents..please let her know when your child will be out on Friday's (assessment day) seems to be a lot of MIA's on Fridays.. Glad mine wasn't one of them. LOL

    @trooworld Thank you for you kind words to me. Yes my mom was wonderful and I miss her. I hope your scale gives you good news.. :). jumping on the scale to me is kind of like trying to tip toe in the house and hope the floor doesn't creak..cause then EVERYONE knows your up..LOL
