Hello !!! ( Newbie)


My name is Tatiana, and I’m new to my fitness pal. As someone who have always been on the heavier side this isn’t my first time trying this weight loss thing.

However, it’s my first time using an app to track my calories. It’s also my first time learning and understanding the science behind calorie counting, TDEE, and intuitive eating. Making this my first try at doing this “correctly”.

My goals arent just about weight loss. I want to become healthier, happier, and stronger. Mentally and spiritually as well.

My reasoning for introducing myself is to make new friends and/or become apart of group with similar goals.


  • RandiZZ16
    RandiZZ16 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Tatiana!
    My name is Randi; I’m a 51 yr old gal in Ontario, Canada. I just joined Fitness Pal now. My first time using it. I am trying to limit my daily calorie intake and want to up my physical activity/steps and am trying fasting for the first time- no eating between 7pm and 7am (to get out of the late night snacking habit lol)

    Want to be accountability buddies to help each other stick to our goals? We could check in with each other every few days or so, something like that? ☺️