JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2024



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    Ooo you're testing me now haha
    The ones I know off the top of my head is, Hydrangea, Euonymous, Hebe, Red Robin, Lupins, Vinca Minor and a Cupressus Goldcrest which is the tree in back right corner.

    The ones I've had to check the labels for are Virburnum and Kniphofia and I think the Kniphofia is going to be my favourite!

    So yeah, quite the selection for such a small place 😂 but that's what happens when you have decision paralysis 😂
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    This is the Kniphofia p51gknnpkoxi.jpg

    Apparently also called a "Red Hot Poker" after I Googled it for the image!
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 978 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ooo you're testing me now haha
    The ones I know off the top of my head is, Hydrangea, Euonymous, Hebe, Red Robin, Lupins, Vinca Minor and a Cupressus Goldcrest which is the tree in back right corner.

    The ones I've had to check the labels for are Virburnum and Kniphofia and I think the Kniphofia is going to be my favourite!

    So yeah, quite the selection for such a small place 😂 but that's what happens when you have decision paralysis 😂

    Yes, there's a lot to choose from! You have a nice mix, and good idea to get some shrubs for long term shape in your flower bed. The red hot poker will be lovely, I'm really keen on the reds and oranges at the moment, they're so bright and cheerful.
    Just be aware the tree in the corner will need a lot of pruning in that position, it would get very large otherwise (both upwards and outwards!) and cover more than your whole flower bed.

    If you wanted more colour this summer while the new plants are getting established, you could buy a cheap packet of annual seeds to scatter about. I did that last year and had orange Californian poppies, pot marigolds and others I don't know the names of come up. It was very cheerful.

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 978 Member
    edited April 24

    JFT Tuesday 23rd

    THINK before I eat ✅
    Log everything ✅
    Stay in the green ❌
    No more than one snack ❌ some crisps in the evening
    PF exercises ✅
    Back exercises ❌

    Had another picnic and fed some ducks, nice trip out. I just ate what I would have had at home, I know it's easy to eat extra when it's a picnic.

    JFT Wednesday 24th

    THINK before I eat
    Log everything
    Stay in the green
    No snacking
    PF exercises
    Back exercises

    5lb challenge

    SW 19/3 182
    CW 2/4 181
    CW 9/4 181
    CW 16/4 180.5
    CW 23/4 181
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,397 Member
    What I like about ThredUp is you know the brands and the things I’ve gotten from there have been high quality. It is a little more expensive than Temu or SHEIN, but I’d rather recycle.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,788 Member
    JFT for 4/24/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 4/13), unless I want sugarfree or no-sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (including candy, chocolate raisins, peeps, ice cream, Valentine candies).
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 4/17)
    4) I won't weigh again until Friday, Apr 26.
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 4/22). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey ok today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 1/20) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. No peanuts today.
    8) Chicken vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 4/14)
    9) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 4/23)
    10) Only 1 ice drink today.
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today.(last 4/22)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 4/22)
    14) No more than 600 calories for lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants
    ================== 4DW started =============
    **Not doing most of this until my eye is better

    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    This is the Kniphofia p51gknnpkoxi.jpg

    Apparently also called a "Red Hot Poker" after I Googled it for the image!

    Oh.. I love this plant!! I have not had any luck with that here though.. and also with lupins. I think our temps get too hot, and our winters are too cold or something. But Bex.. its going to be beautiful!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited April 24

    JFT, Tues, 4.23
    1. log ALL Food :)
    2. go to the gym :)
    3. go for a walk.. all my exercising is not very long, but a lot of short periods of exercise I will rebuild my lung power >:) After the gym, I didn't get out again. .but did do a little yard work instead before the rain came.
    4. concentrate on water. Helps with flushing out the kidneys, and helps with so many other things :)
    5. Tomorrow we are going to my friends visitation, and afterward hubby and I are going out for dinner. Make good choices. :) Well... dinner was 2 hot dogs, so I don't know if that was the best choice. But we were planning on going to the visitation at 3, and get a rotaissier chicken at Sams for dinner. It started storming, so we just ate at home and went to the visitation at 6.. hence.. hot dogs were a quick meal.
    JFT, Wedn, 4/24
    1. log all food
    2. make good choices. Plan is dinner with be rotaissier chicken, beans, and a baked potato.
    3. watch my snacks... drink water
    4. work outside.. time to plant my seedlings I think!!
    5. concentrate on water
    Name is Joan. Age 73; 5'11". Been married 47+ years, 2 children, 2 grandkids ( + 3 step grandkids)
    Lives in Missouri. I love to garden, go for long walks, quilt, sew charity stuff. My goal is to stay as "young" as I possibly can... to not only look good, but to feel good, have energy, be able to continue to get up and down gardening, biking, and walking.

    Goals for 2024:

    Staring weight: Jan 7, 2024: 209.0
    Goal weight at the end of 2024: 175-180, and learn to maintain
    Goal to lose 25-30 lbs this year to be in healthy range
    Weight Goals:
    1st goal weight: 199 - reach this by March
    2nd goal weight: 185 - reach this by July
    Ultimate goal weight: 175- reach this by September
    Weekly Weigh-ins
    Jan 7: 209.0
    Feb 1: 206.2 (goal was 205)
    March 3: 206.2 (Goal was 199)
    March 10: Did not weigh in
    March 17: 207.2 -- not going anywhere!! Starting the 5 pound challenge
    March 24: 205.8 -- did pretty good all week until yesterday. Hoping to get back on track today!!
    March 31: Did not weigh ... Easter sunday, and we were out of town.
    April 7:
    211. 9. Down 2 pounds in 2 weeks... but not feeling well, and not eating nearly as much, but also not exercising.
    April 14: 206.8 -- no exercising at all, spending most of my days just sitting around. Hoping soon to feel better.
    April 21:
    April 28:
    5 pound challenge
    5 pound challenge
    SW: 207
    GW for May 1st end of challenge: 202

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,788 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,525 Member
    edited April 24
    I realized posting has been hit or miss lately. Plus my weight has plateaued. Not what I was looking for in the challenge.

    JFT 4/24 W
    1) Schwans fish, veg & side salad for supper / log all food / 64+ oz. water
    2) Walked dog :sunglasses: 4.13 miles happy dog & happy me
    3) Chores / read / other?

    Hubby and I wandered around our botanical gardens this afternoon... I wanted to see all the daffodils before they died back. I didn't realize some tulips were starting to open, along with lots of hyacinths. I'll try to share some photos. Too bad I can't share video here, there were several wonderful wind spinners and a little babbling brook. Garden photos:

    5# Challenge (ends May 1):
    SW 184 on 3/18/24
    3/23/24 = 182.5 most likely sodium/water drop plus keeping portions proper
    3/30/24 = 182 working hard to clean house & prep food for Easter dinner, no dog walks for one week due to that & weather
    4/6/24 = 184 too many Easter treats & too few dog walks due to nasty weather
    4/12/24 = 182 still some Easter treats, but more dog walks too
    4/20/24 = 183.5 ack! too few dog walks due to weather & overnight travel, plus still some Easter treats around
    Challenge Goal 179

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    66 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2024 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be thrilled if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes Unfortunately, no wall oven until mid-Feb or later & sad me, but try slow cooker & stove recipes... wall oven installed 2/26 but no new recipes yet.
      * lentil rice sausage tortellini soup ~ very good, recipe is keeper
      * glazed lemon cookies ~ everyone loved them at Easter dinner
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x):
    January: 5 days x2wks, 4x1, 3x1, 1x1 [1 wk lots of snow & 1 wk bitter cold so shoveling, treadmill & PT, 1 wk 4 day trips out of town]
    February: 6 days x1wk, 5x1, 4x1, 2x1 [2 wks overnight trips to visit parents]
    March: 5 days x1wk, 4x1, 3x1, 0x1 [ack... prep house & food for Easter dinner; 1 wk overnight trip to visit parents]
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
    4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,024km challenge started on Jan. 1
    • In 2023 I logged 726.88 miles, or 1,169.8 km & completed yearly challenge 11.14.23 :star:
    • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km (knee issues).
    5) At least 7,500 steps per day
    • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps:
      Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr
    6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
    • Registered 12.29.23 for Bellin 10K race on 6.8.24 & eligible to have race fee waived ~ rats, no waiver of fee
    • Register for my other usual events, and add other possible events
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
    • Always a good idea
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
    • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in their late 80s and live 85 miles away
      canceled visit 1.12-1.13 due to blizzard
      canceled visit 1.21-1.22 due Mom's bad cold
      Mom's bday visit 1.31 with all siblings, in-laws & aunt
      overnight visit 2.12-2.13 / breakfast out with Mom/ladies & aunt, youngest brother stopped over
      overnight visit 2.27-2.28 & eldest brother stopped over
      overnight visit 3.14-3.15 & eldest brother visited
      overnight visit 4.18-4.19 & took Mom to eye appt. in Beaver Dam
    • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others, now that I'm retired
      1.7.24 HH came over & visited at my invitation
      1.28.24 great-nephew's baptism affirmation in Oakfield, followed by luncheon
      1.29.24 Greenville: BIL's 2nd cataract surgery (hubby was his driver) / lunch at IHOP
      2.2.24 cousin's funeral & saw parents, 2 brothers, most aunts/uncles, few cousins
      2.16.24 pub food from McGeorge's & wine at La Vie with P&B / The Dirty Martinis played
      2.18.24 Greenville: visit w/ hubby's brother, SIL & niece / lunch at Olive Garden
      3.8.24 Darboy: tax docs & long visit with MJSW
      3.19.24 messaged H (his job recently downsized)
      3.25.24 Darboy: tax returns with hubby & MJSW, shorter visit this time
      plans 4.6.24 with PZ canceled b/c she forgot they're going to OH to watch total solar eclipse
      4.15.24 unexpectedly sat & visited w/ C at AVB concert
    9) Declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
    • Not as much progress as I hoped last year, but not worse.

    Keeping my Word for the Year: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,788 Member
    edited April 25
    JFT for 4/24/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 4/13), unless I want sugarfree or no-sugar added.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (including candy, chocolate raisins, peeps, ice cream, Valentine candies).✔️
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 4/17)✔️
    4) I won't weigh again until Friday, Apr 26.✔️
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese ok today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 4/22). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey ok today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 1/20) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. No peanuts today.✔️
    8) Chicken vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 4/14)✔️Didn't eat today.
    9) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 4/23)✔️
    10) Only 1 ice drink today.✔️
    11) Bakers chocolate ok today.(last 4/22)✔️
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)✔️
    13) Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 4/22)✔️
    14) No more than 600 calories for lunch.✔️
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants✔️

    JFT for 4/25/24 (tomorrow)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 4/13), unless I want sugarfree or no-sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (including candy, chocolate raisins, peeps, ice cream, Valentine candies).
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 4/17)
    4) I won't weigh again until Friday, Apr 26.
    5) No hard cheese ok today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 4/24). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey ok today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 1/20) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. No peanuts today.
    8) Chicken vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 4/14)
    9) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 4/23)
    10) Only 1 ice drink today.
    11) No bakers chocolate ok today.(last 4/24)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) No Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 4/24)
    14) No more than 600 calories for lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants
    16) Can have lunch early due to lunch meeting.

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    **Not doing most of this until my eye is better

    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @cschmitz110515 -- Beautiful pictures!! I love our botanical gardens here.. I have not been there for a long time. But I love the path through the woods for yours. Thanks so much for sharing such beautiful pictures of a beautiful walk.
    My posts are also not everyday, and I also, am just maintaining. I lost some weight when I was sick, but it came right back on. Time for me to be more aware of my portion sizes, and also snacking.. thats what gets me the worse.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited April 25
    JFT, Wedn, 4/24
    1. log all food :) Calories way more than I should be eating.. close to 1600. No wonder I am not losing.
    2. make good choices. Plan is dinner with be rotaissier chicken, beans, and a baked potato. :)
    3. watch my snacks... drink water >:)
    4. work outside.. time to plant my seedlings I think!! >:) We mowed grass, but just not enough hours in the day to do any planting
    5. concentrate on water >:)
    Water is still my biggest habit to change. I have given up diet soda and have switched to tea, so that part is good, but I still do not drink enough water. Time to get that red solo cup out.
    My neighbor and good friend started a diet on Monday.. so she wants each of us to report to the other what we are eating. Her plan is 3 days chicken, and 3 days of fish, and 1 cheat day. I feel almost embarassed... I am reporting back to her what I eat, but my calorie intake has been between 1500-1800 each day. I guess maybe thats why I'm not losing.
    But... what she eats I think is so unhealthy. She skips breakfast, and lunch might be a piece of fish and green beans, and her dinner so far each day has just been a 35 calorie piece of toast and 2 eggs. I told her that can't even be 1000 calories. It makes me feel like I am eating way way too much. But... as much as I also want to lose weight, I just can't limit my calories that strict. Hubby says just wait.. she won't be able to stay on it. But this lady has lost and gained so many times... she goes on a strict low carb diet.. will lose 50 pounds, only to slowly put it back on.
    I'm not criticising ... at least she is able to lose the weight. Ha.. I just say fat! But, I do think my way is better, except I need to probably keep my calories closer to the 1400"? I just don't know! I am very tall, 5'11", but I am also 73 (My friend is also 73).
    What do you guys do to be successful in losing? Should I be aiming to under 1400?
    Anyhow, by reporting to her has been good for me. Its making me log my food better on here also, and making me a little more aware, especially if I want to snack!
    Anyhow, goals for tomorrow, thurs, 4/25
    1. Log all food. Aim for no more than 1400 calories
    2. concentrate on water. Get that red solo cup, and put one by the kitchen sink and one in the bathroom
    3. go to the gym. I skipped today thinking I would walk, but we mowed grass instead
    4. work in flower beds. Debating on planting my flowers. We are suppose to have severe weather friday and sunday.. ha.. I don't want my babies ruined by a hailstorm!
    5. work on quilt
    6. get back on here tomorrow. Be accountable. Rememeber the 5 pound challenge!
    Name is Joan. Age 73; 5'11". Been married 47+ years, 2 children, 2 grandkids ( + 3 step grandkids)
    Lives in Missouri. I love to garden, go for long walks, quilt, sew charity stuff. My goal is to stay as "young" as I possibly can... to not only look good, but to feel good, have energy, be able to continue to get up and down gardening, biking, and walking.

    Goals for 2024:

    Staring weight: Jan 7, 2024: 209.0
    Goal weight at the end of 2024: 175-180, and learn to maintain
    Goal to lose 25-30 lbs this year to be in healthy range
    Weight Goals:
    1st goal weight: 199 - reach this by March
    2nd goal weight: 185 - reach this by July
    Ultimate goal weight: 175- reach this by September
    Weekly Weigh-ins
    Jan 7: 209.0
    Feb 1: 206.2 (goal was 205)
    March 3: 206.2 (Goal was 199)
    March 10: Did not weigh in
    March 17: 207.2 -- not going anywhere!! Starting the 5 pound challenge
    March 24: 205.8 -- did pretty good all week until yesterday. Hoping to get back on track today!!
    March 31: Did not weigh ... Easter sunday, and we were out of town.
    April 7:
    217. 9. Down 2 pounds in 2 weeks... but not feeling well, and not eating nearly as much, but also not exercising.
    April 14: 206.8 -- no exercising at all, spending most of my days just sitting around. Hoping soon to feel better.
    April 21:
    April 28:
    5 pound challenge
    5 pound challenge
    SW: 207
    GW for May 1st end of challenge: 202

  • rhododendron33
    rhododendron33 Posts: 64 Member
    edited April 25
    JFT - Tues April 23rd

    ✔️Maintain a calorie deficit
    ❌️Exercise for at least 30 minutes
    ✔️Don't order takeout
    ✔️Choose tea, not coffee
    ✔️Take my meds
    ✔️Log all food

    Nightly Commitment: I won't eat over my calorie limit and will take my meds

    Tomorrow, Thurs April 25th
    -Choose tea, not coffee
    -Exercise for 30 minutes
    -Take meds
    -Log food
    -Maintain defecit
    - Drink at least one full bottle of water
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member

    Wanted to reply about your neighbour. I think it's great you can both do that! And I do kind of agree with you that she is eating too little and that isn't healthy.

    But I can sense from your post it's made you wonder alot about your diet and what you're doing.

    Don't compare yourself!! Remember everyones journey is different! And she will not be judging you because your diet is so different to hers.

    You've lost weight before doing it your way aswell!
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 978 Member
    Love the daffodil pictures! Daffodils and tulips are my favourite flowers.

    @mytime6630 I agree your neighbour's diet seems very low in calories. I would have thought you would be okay on 1400 calories, that's what mfp has me on at the moment to lose slowly, but I'm 5'5". I should really drop down to 1200 but I find that difficult to keep up for too long.

    JFT Wednesday 24th

    THINK before I eat ✅
    Log everything ✅
    Stay in the green ✅
    No snacking ❌ half a snack! Can you believe I actually halved a biscuit as I really wanted the taste but didn't need to eat the whole thing lol. So 65 calories used up.
    PF exercises ✅
    Back exercises ❌

    JFT Thursday 25th

    THINK before I eat
    Log everything
    Stay in the green
    No snacking
    PF exercises
    Back exercises
    Housework/tidying day

    5lb challenge

    SW 19/3 182
    CW 2/4 181
    CW 9/4 181
    CW 16/4 180.5
    CW 23/4 181

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    Well I've had enough again. Too many biscuits, all the time. Yesterday we had another blow out and we bought 2 packs of donuts, a share chocolate bar and a pack of smarties.
    I think I had 2 do it's yesterday, ash had 3. And we both woke up feeling like rubbish.

    So we got up today, done and exercise which neither of us were motivated for but we did it!
    And Im now having egg and one piece of toast for breakfast. Had to have white bread though as we ran out of brown

    So my goals today are no biscuits and eat properly! No more rubbish today! And try drink more.
    No more caffeine until later on as I have pre-workout before my exercises and that has more than enough caffeine 😂😂
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,397 Member
    5# Challenge
    SW: 189.0
    3/20: 187.0
    3/21: 185.6
    3/27: 187.6
    3/29: 187.0
    3/30: 185.2
    3/31: 184.2
    4/1: 183.2
    4/2: 182.2
    4/3: 183.2
    4/4: 183.2
    4/5: 183.2 - Glad it didn't go up, had Mexican for dinner and ate too many chips...
    4/6: 183.2 - consistent but annoying
    4/7: 184.2 - hubby wanted to go out and watch the basketball games last night. Calories were a little high and I had a great drinks.
    4/8: 184.8 - bumped up, but was within cals yesterday, not too worried about it.
    4/9: DNW
    4/10: DNW
    4/11: DNW
    4/17: 183.6
    4/18: 183.6
    4/19: 183.4
    4/22: 188.2
    JFT Tuesday
    - Meetings from home :smiley:
    - Work by 8:30 :smiley:
    - Meetings :smiley:
    - Log food :(
    - Stay green :(
    - Home by 4:30 :smiley:
    - Infusion :smiley:
    - Dinner in :(
    - Hockey :smiley:
    - Bed by 11:00 :smiley:

    Guess I didn't post goals yesterday. Just as well, I would have missed most of them.

    Today is bring your kids to work day at the chemical plant. It's for 3rd - 8th grade students whose parents or grandparents work here. The do science experiments in the morning, have lunch with their parents, then take a tour in the afternoon. The 3rd-5th get to go to our science show after their tour. Leo and I do the show, it is great fun. We do a few things here that we can't do at the schools. Today I get to do all of the pyrotechnics experiments, and a few chemical reactions. I look forward to this every year. One year Leo caught his hair on fire and I had to tap it out with my hand. The kids got a kick out of that, but it scared me. He still does the flaming bubbles experiment, but he's a little more careful these days.

    Will go to mom's after work. Nothing much planned this evening. Probably finish watching Solo; Star Wars movie then watch some hockey. We are going to Star Wars Trivia next weekend so I'm "studying". We are also dressing up. I'm going as Leia and Tim is wearing a Jabba the Hutt t-shirt.

    JFT Thursday
    - Pick up doughnuts :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 :(
    - Study my reactions for the show
    - Figure out some budget things
    - Science show
    - Home by 4:30
    - Infusion
    - Finish the Solo; Star Wars movie
    - Hockey
    - Bed by 11:00

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,788 Member

    JFT for 4/25/24 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 4/13), unless I want sugarfree or no-sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash ok today (including candy, chocolate raisins, peeps, ice cream, Valentine candies).
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 4/17)
    4) I won't weigh again until Friday, Apr 26.
    5) No hard cheese ok today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 4/24). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey ok today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 4/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. (last 1/20) Additional nuts in a meal are ok. Like almonds already in green beans. No peanuts today.
    8) Chicken vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 4/14)
    9) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today.(last 4/23)
    10) Only 1 ice drink today.
    11) No bakers chocolate ok today.(last 4/24)
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    13) No Harvest Snaps(22-30 pieces) ok today. (last 4/24)
    14) No more than 600 calories for lunch.
    15) No real butter today, unless in cooking.. Can have at restaurants
    16) Can have lunch early due to lunch meeting.

    ================== 4DW started =============
    **Not doing most of this until my eye is better

    4DWs (4 Day Wins) are here, in a shared file:



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    JFT - Thurs Apr 25
    Log all Food
    1.5L of water
    Move 20 Mins
    Weight for 5# Challenge - 194.8

    I don’t know if I trust my scales, but I’ll keep going at it.

    @mytime6630 - I agree with Bex we shouldn’t compare, I wouldn’t like checking in with someone that was that strict.
    I personally am just being more aware right now and have my MFP calorie goal set to 1200, I am usually over by 300 or so each day though. I’m 5’5”, I know you are taller than me.

    I’ve given a lot of thought to my evening snacking over the years and I don’t eat breakfast to allow myself some calories to have for the evening. I never liked breakfast though even as a child. I don’t feel well if I eat when I first get up. I usually eat around lunchtime, supper and then in the evening.

    I wonder if evening snacking is something that we started doing as electricity came into being. My grandmother never snacked in the evening not a bite, she said that they were in bed early growing up and it wasn’t anything she ever needed. I wonder if we fight the biological need to go to bed earlier by eating. I know if I’m tired I tend to eat more.

    I need to start eating healthier again. I love Coke and potato chips. I seriously could eat those for lunch and be happy with it and for years of my life I actually did that.
    I have had chips and Coke in the house on a regular basis again and I need to stop!

    More I wanted to comment on, but forgot to take notes.