
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 406 Member
    edited May 1
    Welcome Jody from Florida!

    Thank you Barbie for another month.

    Finally got some much needed rain....1 1/2 inch....grass is suddenly turning green. Had a bit of snow yesterday but it melted during the day.

    Enjoying reading through the posts.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Oh that Athena. I love her to pieces. She has no idea how many aunties she has from around the world!

    I love your idea of starting with a clean fridge, pantry, and refrigerator. I would love that. But my husband believes we need at least two weeks of food at all time. In his defense, he's from southern California and has lived through a couple major earthquakes where getting to the store, or anywhere, was not possible. Then we lived in Kansas for 15 years, and there were times. 🌪️

    Willamette Valley OR
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Today: Barbie thanks for your faithful fresh start every month.
    Grateful I woke up able to move after yesterday’s burn-a-thon. ;)
    Tuesday: after 3 hours of lopping, bending over, picking up branches etc to feed the burn barrel I was wiped out. There were still three big branches poking up out, preventing me from putting a cover on it and being done. Joe got up from his nap and lopped them down to size so I could collapse. Grateful for him doing it so cheerfully, Grateful I was able to work that hard that long. Grateful the brush pile is gone. Grateful he said next time pile the big branches up near the canopy and he’ll saw them down to kindling size for next winter.
    April summary below, overall improvement from March. Still really want not so much to weigh less but to be leaner and stronger. The plan is to huff and puff more often throughout the day.
    average weight half pound lighter 132.9 than March 133.4
    Average steps 6875, better than than March’s 6025
    PT started strong but fell off mid month, only when in PT office after 4/16.
    Fuel better? No idea, lost track of sugar and CI<CO
    Dedicated time with Joe, readings, BP, consistent line dance class, dog group, bone broth, vitamins solid.
    April plan – stronger than March.
    Move - PT before breakfast, average more steps than May (7778), twice weekly: line dancing; daily-ish: PT shoulders, basic wii balance games, play with and walk dogs; every other daily-ish: knee PT, dumbbells, criss-cross with abs, hip openers, seated twist and block ab lifts.
    Fuel better: dailyish vitamins and bone broth, less sugar, CI<CO.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, dogs, readings. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    Prayers and whooshing good thoughts for Beth’s procedure and continuing care.
    Rita thanks for tying up the story. I too have had the blahs for no good reason. Let’s both take better care of ourselves, it will make us feel better!
    Lanette con VERY gratulations on the inch! Well done!
    Debbie sounds like in addition to his other attitude issues your DH is jealous of your items’ successes. That weed-eating nearby sounds aggressive and abusive to me.
    Rusty ((hugs)) and prayers for your son. What a horrible effect from the surgery, was it emergency?
    Vicki glad to see you checking in, ((hugs)) held extra long for you being your friend’s POA. Painful and hard. ((hugs))
    Linda “urgent care is to keep people OUT of the ER.” Yah no, not here. Our local Urgent Care told me when I went back after a week of swollen leg and pain that they were just like a Dr’s office but after hours, and I had to go to the ER 25 miles north. Glad I did, they were great and their ultrasound reader found “lots of clots” that the Urgent Care didn’t. Now our local Urgent Care has been converted to an ER to cash in on the “nearest ER” ambulance rules of medicare, but based on my experience I’ll still go north to the ER in the local hospital.
    Annie I’m with Rebecca and Rita, get a service, give them the mower. Getting on their schedule sooner rather than later will give your dad more time to adjust. Maybe fill his calendar with dates at the local senior center?
    Allie I enjoyed Julie/Julia until the end, was so disappointed. ;{ BUT I still laugh whenever I see a pound of butter ;)
    BONG the get up and move timer just went off so will read May thread later.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    April: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,789 Member
    Jody in Florida - So sorry I misspelled your name! Hope you stay and join in this community of lovely and supportive women.

    Beth - Been hoping that the surgery went well. Being dizzy is no joke - be careful... and if Corey couldn't cook, I'd probably live on toast and cheese. :smiley:

    Heather - glad it was a good visit... by this time next month, you'll be telling us how quickly the surgery has made a difference!

    Lisa in AR
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,694 Member
    Oh that Athena. I love her to pieces. She has no idea how many aunties she has from around the world!

    I love your idea of starting with a clean fridge, pantry, and refrigerator. I would love that. But my husband believes we need at least two weeks of food at all time. In his defense, he's from southern California and has lived through a couple major earthquakes where getting to the store, or anywhere, was not possible. Then we lived in Kansas for 15 years, and there were times. 🌪️

    Willamette Valley OR

    I so get your husbands way of thinking in all fairness. I catch myself buying 3 of something just
    because. Like today, I had leftovers of a pizza we had, but I have pizza sauce, a cut tomato, fresh white mushrooms, and an opened Bobili pizza crust and salami that need to be used up. So all that trumped 2 pieces from a restaurant. I hate when I waste food, or check on some veggies only to see they were moldy. Its like the sound "wah wah wah" goes off in my head as the loser in this balance we have with food in the fridge.
    Yes that Athena. I need to tell her next time how many "aunties" she has. Maybe she'll say something in a video that I can post.😁💖
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did a stretching for Seniors DVD which I really didn’t like so I’ll donate it. Then did an abs Kettlewerx DVD and then just went in the pool and swam laps. Came home and we spread seed and straw. Then walked to the dollar store and stopped at Food Lion for bananas for Vince. Had dinner, now here.

    Warm today, in the 80’s.

    Jody – welcome!

    Beth – so glad to hear you had the surgery, get better fast, I know you will

    There is a house in my neighborhood where they had an estate sale Fri and Sat. On Mon I saw a truck from a resale store picking up things then the house went on the market. Today I saw a “sale pending” sign on it. Another house in my neighborhood I saw a “for sale” sign on it last Thurs. Today there’s a “sale pending” sign on it. Vince says they priced the houses too low, I believe it’s selling so well because this is a good neighborhood.

    Rosemarie – perennials are the plants that come up every year, right? I have to see what plants the guy who did the slope by the driveway gave me. I know he gave me some (a lot actually) juniper. I know I told him “no juniper”, but he still gave me a lot. I’m probably going to have someone put in different plants for me, I hate juniper. Too green and boring.

    I know Vince wants to get more cats after we go see a friend in the beginning of June. I did mention to him that my friend in switzerland is not going to last too long and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if her aunt in NJ has a memorial service for her. He felt uncomfortable going to visit PJ, so I mentioned that perhaps we should wait until after we went to see PJ, since I (we) really should go to a memorial (if she has one) since I’m one of three people she told about her considering the assisted suicide and she asked for our thoughts.

    Rori – your happiness just jumps off the page. I’m so happy for you

    Allie – I’m sorry, I must have missed it. What’s next Wednesday for Tracey?

    Michele NC
    who is going to take a shower and then probably watch TV some. I’m really bushed.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    Welcome @chicbuc Jody from Florida. Congrats for taking off those pounds and getting back into lifting and walking. Jealous of your cruises, take us with you, please?
    Lisa I so admire your yard work. Channeled you for yesterday’s lop and burnathon. Was sore and exhausted at the end but woke up fine, no soreness this morning.
    Heather seeing a runner at the beach yesterday gave me a pang for you, your pain and the grief you must feel not being able to do your 5K beach shuffles. Hope the time ‘til your surgeries just flies by.
    Lanette loved hearing that Stihl was the brand favored by us LOLs. Toying with the notion of getting something battery powered to help me cut branches down to size but not sure I can handle even the tiniest of chainsaws, maybe a sawzall?
    Margaret “longer exhales then inhales” I was taught to breathe out out out all the way out and your body will remember to breathe in for you ;) like Machka said “inhales take care of themselves.”
    Rusty lovely painting, allium?
    Rebecca oww. Why does it seem like when a toe is hurt, everything goes right down to it? Laughing, coughing, sneezing, hiccoughing, YOW! “turn on vacuum” rotlfmao!
    Rosemarie so glad to see you posting again. The water situation at the shelter sounds unworkable. ((hugs))
    Rori safe travels and have fun!!!
    Allie, love the do, but love your smile even more.
    Michele I dislike juniper too, It makes me itch. ;P
    Gonna borrow Annie’s “Yay me!” as I did both wii balance games and shoulder PT today before line dancing.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    April: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member