

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    Mom2Cubs wrote: »
    Hello. I am Tina and trying to get back on my weight loss journey. I am 57, live in Florida and want to loose 100 pounds. I am retired from my original career and am now an adjunct professor at my local state college.

    Welcome here ... I also am 57.

    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    RoriI found Nestor's stories about how so many of us have breathing issues due our mouths becoming smaller due to diet changes...less chewing and more processed foods. These changes have been going on for generations.

    I am working on changing my diet. In doing so a low grade sinus infections cleared up and a check up of no gum disease. Now that I can breathe well out of both sides of my nose I am doing the tape the mouth at night so I do not mouth breathe. I also am starting to have a piece of celery or a carrot to add to my breakfast so it helps me chew more. I realized my breakfast consisted of all soft foods. When I sing I am going to work towards taking breaths through my nose instead of my mouth.

    I am only half way through his book the more advanced techniques he has talked about I would want to have a teacher guide me through. As I said in a previous post the most important piece I have learned so far is the importance of breathing through your nose as much as possible even at night.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    Today is a good day to review your passwords and to make them safe, use different ones for everything. Include a Capital letter, numb3r, and spec-al character, and be at least 12 characters long. See chart or this link for more startling info on passwords:

    RVRita in Roswell, NM
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,037 Member
    Regarding passwords, here they recommend pass phrases. So I have started to do that with several of mine. It means they are over 15 characters long, but that's OK. I type odd little short stories!

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Morning ladies
    Michelle- on May 8th Tracy going in to hospital for MRI,Ultrasound and see cardiologist..the smaller of the twins has what is called vaterC abnormalities and has no forearm ,no stomach and has heart issues .so they will do all the testing and have a pow wow with all the drs to figure out what to do.selective reduction is the probability
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited May 2
    Good couple of days, apart from the middle of the nights. :#

    We got through a lot of family business yesterday, because my brother has a HUGE family. It's always lovely to see them, but John finds it all a bit weird. He's very quiet today, after they popped back in on their way home. I gave Ursula one of my paintings that she admired, on the provision that she frame it properly. It's the one of the stark tree with all the colours behind it. Much better than putting it in the ever growing pile!
    During our chat yesterday afternoon, they announced some news. The husband of my niece, their daughter, whose wedding I went to in October, and who is expecting a baby any minute, has recently begun his transition to a woman. My brother and DSIL weren't aware of the decision before now, but the young couple had been planning it for some years, and were waiting for the wedding. Also they had been just about to begin IVF, as years of trying hadn't worked, when she got pregnant naturally. He didn't want to transition while they were pursuing the fertility treatment. So now she is Paige and just beginning the journey. He banked some sperm.
    A lot to cope with, a new baby and a transitioning husband. Plus, the financial job he was a probationary for, has just sacked all their probationaries just before their year was up. So no income. And looking for a job while transitioning.
    My brother will not let them fall, but it must be a worry. They have a big mortgage on an apartment.
    He is also going to put up a son, girlfriend and two children, in their house over the summer, as well as his youngest son who has dropped out of university.
    It's not a big house! :oo:)
    He has a big heart.
    He was able to say hello to my schoolfriends on the Zoom. They were speechless! :p Remembering him as a fifteen year old!

    Today, I had it in my head that I was meeting G for lunch. I texted her this morning and it's tomorrow, which is quite clearly written in my diary. Oops! John is still cooking his signature chicken stew for us, as we had planned, so I will enjoy that. I can hear him in the kitchen now. I will do homemade pizza tomorrow. The dough is frozen, so no trouble.
    G has been attending her first session of Home Starts training, to be a volunteer support for mothers who are struggling. She texted me to say it was excellent.

    Local elections in many places today, but not here. We only have the Police Liaison person. I expect the pundits are already going full tilt on speculation. G was delivering leaflets yesterday.

    So, a pretty full couple of days. I'm thinking of Lisa, and her visitors.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,080 Member
    Barbie thank you for the new thread!

    I did my twenty eight minutes on my bike and twenty minutes walking! Yay!

    Annie in Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    SMiles washing eggs at daycare this morning..something to grin about !
  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    Today’s gratitude: tea stayed down this morning. Yesterday evening I waited too long to eat and didn’t chew the first few artichoke leaves thoroughly. Triggered the longest (7:30-3:30) GERD episode so far. Nothing worked, not TUMS, not ginger snaps, not candied ginger. Could not even try to sip some flat ginger ale. Water wouldn’t stay down. :sick: This morning’s all’s well except for a slightly scratchy throat. Despite the longer than usual fast and absence of dinner, up almost two pounds this morning. Pfaugh!
    Welcome @dshortski Donna on the Olympic Peninsula and @Mom2Cubs Tina in FL! We’re happy to see you here.
    Tracey have no ideas for bringing order out from the chaotic classroom, just ((hugs)) and sympathy for your chat with mom too. Hope the ceramics and Scrapbook crop bring you some fun and relaxation.
    Evie like you, I remember our high school French teacher, fresh from college. We girls made his life h e double toothpicks and I’ve often wondered if he continued teaching. Condolences on your losses that’s a lot for one week.
    Ginny, stability and new inserts sound hopefpul, but wonder why not MRI before inserts? Safe travels!
    Lisa your cousin is so young to have had a stroke. ((hugs)) Hope no after effects. I’m excited for your friend’s visit tho it makes me miss my dearly departed BFF. (sniffle)
    Machka “stairs to nowhere”?
    Barbie “never ending source of joy and entertainment” Oh yeah. :laugh:
    Margaret Thanks for the carrot or celery tip. I’d really have to chew those carefully to avoid GERD recurrences.
    Annie what a hard time for you and you dad. ((hugs)) Yay you for forty eight minutes active, well done!
    Rita a very interesting “how long to hack password” chart but there is no way I could have different, secure passwords for everything and neither do I want/trust password managers. I’ll keep with my little paper notebook in the drawer. If we’re ever burgled, well, that’s it.
    Heather that’s a lot of news to take in, and a lot of people to host in a house that is not big. Kudos to your brother.
    BONG, time’s up.
    I need to borrow Annie’s motivation, or maybe pip’s boot, to get up off my butt and do my PT exercises.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD [little picture of barky black dog here until mfp gets this fixed.
    May: Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,386 Member
    edited May 2
    Good morning ladies,

    Sorry to hear about all of the illnesses of family and friends. Seems like they are popping up all over the place. After she was down for 2 weeks, I got in a little walk with my now-recovered neighbor. And I talked to my neighbor on the other side last night, her husband has had a headache, no energy, no appetite - hasn't eaten anything substantial in a couple days. Covid tests are negative so there's another bug going around.

    Beth - glad the surgery is over, sounds like recovery will go well after the dizzy glitch tames down. Thanks for keeping us posted. Please remind me - have you had hearing loss since you were very young?

    The tinnitus in my left ear (roaring) has gotten so bad, I dug out the hearing aid I got for that ear in 2016 after repeated infections did major damage to my hearing. I quit wearing it several years ago because that ear canal was itching so bad, I figured the little ear insert was made out of a substance I had an allergy to like latex. Well, the thing still works. :p So far no itching. If the itching returns, I'll see if I can get a new and improved ear insert. Replacement hearing aid similar to what I have is now cost many thousands. :# . I got this one through the work insurance I had at the time, small co-pay. Anyhow, the hearing aid cancels out the tinnitus. I can hear better, of course.

    Margaret - how exciting you've discovered Breath. I ran across James Nestor several years ago, and the mention of how nasal breathing creates nitric dioxide which is a natural virus killer came in handy during Covid. I took pains to nasal breathe when shopping. And humming really increases the nitric oxide, so did some of that too. Nestor's website used to feature videos by Wim Hof and others known for breathing techniques. I see those are gone now :( but there are YouTube interviews with Nestor and Wim Hof.

    Rusty - very, very nice electronic painting. :p

    Ginny - hope the new shoe insert with metatarsal pad does the trick.

    Allie - cute hair, love the color and cut. Sending hugs Tracy's way.

    Lisa - I have a 2 day window to get mowing and yardwork done. Yesterday afternoon the grass dried enough that I was able to mow the front yard, and did weed eating along the sidewalk in the back yard. By mid-afternoon today, I should be able to get the back done. Then rain returns for a week.

    Rosemarie - I believe I saw Lupines in that flower seed assortment you purchased. They are one of my favorites, love the smell - reminds me of sandalwood - and they self-seed here. I had to dig up the ones I had in the back yard, they are poisonous to chickens. I'm trying to get some going in the beds in front of the house.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State