

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,117 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Evelyn I'm sorry for your losses.

    My dad wants me to mend his flag. I could do it but I just don't want to. He has asked me three times. Maybe that's why I feel upset. It's a silly little task, but I don't want to be drawn into his flag project. I resent the fact that he won't honor my answer but it's really because he doesn't remember. And women have always done his mending for him.

    Plus I'm upset with myself for eating cookies and cheese and rolls and everything else. My weight is going up again. And we have a family party on Sunday. I can do better than this.

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,432 Member
    Carol - hope the hearing aids you found on Amazon do the job. I'm thinking of going that route if my old one doesn't work out. The FDA says the OTC aids are OK for mild to moderate hearing loss - hard to hear in groups, on the phone, etc. Which is me. And it now looks like they're rechargeable. Those teensy batteries are a pain to deal with. So please let us know how you like them. Looks like Amazon is carrying some top brands. Not cheap, but well designed and reliable, and some of them are returnable. (I didn't read the fine print so maybe there are a lot of stipulations.)

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble getting affordable lawn mowing for the properties.

    Ginny - I checked the Medicare website and also my Medigap supplemental plan, and from what I could tell, hearing aids for regular old age hearing loss aren't covered through what I have. Evidently some Medicare Advantage plans do cover them. If you found links for hearing aids that Medicare pays for, I'm "all ears." :p:p

    Sue - glad to hear you are doing better. Were you going to try to find a new tenant or just take a break from all of that for a while?

    Debbie -you can handle a chainsaw? I'm impressed! I've been thinking of getting a little battery operated one (Stihl again). Great job on the walking. :p And nice your DH will be attending the show and you'll have Saturday to yourself. ;)

    Evie - wow, so sorry to hear about all of the recent deaths in your family. Had they been ill prior?

    Heather - enjoy your lunch. It's great to get fixed up and get out of the house for a bit.

    Barbie - that fireproof box sounds like the perfect solution.

    Lisa - glad your friend and her DH are settling in, they sound like the perfect guests having their own house. Glad Corey was able to tow them out of the wet spot. And fix the electrical situation.

    If your BIL does land at your house for a while, hope the job market is great and he can find good employment.

    I'm so used to being on my own and setting my own schedule, I'm starting to get a little anxious about my sister's overnight stay in July if that makes any sense. :p I did warn her about Rosie's barking and anxiety about having strangers in the house, especially since a double dose of CBD doesn't slow her down. I decided against putting her in a dog hotel.

    So if that would be a problem for sis or her DH, they still had time to make other plans and book a hotel room nearby like they'd originally planned. Haven't heard what they decided.

    It's getting light out now and I have a few more outside tasks before the rain arrives this afternoon. Managed to get the back yard mowed yesterday so all caught up.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
    edited May 3
    Lisa ~ So glad you are enjoying your company!

    Machka ~ I have never read any of Crichton's books. I seem to read the same mystery writers over and over. Probably need to extend to some new ones.

    Beth ~ Bless you for making your mom know that you were alright and ease her fears. Hope the implant will settle down and you will be able to hear really well.

    Lanette ~ Is your sister bringing her big dog? I can see why you worry about Rosie's barking but it would be sad to put her in a dog hotel.

    I agree with all who have said that no matter how old your children are you always will worry about them. We love our son and daughter-in-law dearly but worry so much when they are having rough patches. My husband and I had so many times when we probably worried our parents but somehow we are still together at almost 54 years. And, we still have our ups and downs. LOL ;)

    Carol in GA

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :)Lanette, I'm glad to hear that you won't put Rosie in a dog hotel and that it's up to your guests if they can handle your household or go to a hotel.

    :) About the safe deposit box. It's something that my parents had, so like many things, we just continued doing what we grew up with. Until now, it didn't occur to me that there was a better way. Jake just ordered a box from Amazon and it should be here in a few days. As an aside, we already have a steel gun safe that is so heavy that we had to have the floor reinforced in one of our houses before we moved in. Jake didn't think the gun safe was sufficiently fire safe or secure. I like the idea of a fireproof box because the important stuff is paper.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • CarolGaGal
    CarolGaGal Posts: 103 Member
    Barbie ~ We have a fireproof file cabinet that we keep valuables and papers in.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Barbie ... thank you for the new thread!

    Welcome ... to the new posters!

    Had my cochlear implant surgery on Monday. The surgery went well, but I am experiencing post-op dizziness and equilibrium issues. Unfortunately, they're getting worse each day but hopefully should start to recede soon. A common side-effect of surgery in the middle ear I'm told. Swelling, blood behind the TM, etc. Both my husband and son are taking good care of me so I'm trying to ride it out. I've looked like a cross between Ralph Macchio from Karate Kid and an aircraft flagman with the device they strapped to my head to protect the ear. We're going to remove all of that today and unpack the dressings. Hoping that helps with the dizziness. All my other complaints are minor.

    I pretty much stayed the same last month. Too much stress. And, until I can cook for myself again, my food choices are limited to what my husband makes...which seems to be a lot of toast! LOL.

    Beth near Buffalo

    I hope things start to improve as you recover. Dizziness is horrible!

    Lanette and Carol ...

    I also have tinnitus which is slowly getting worse. It started about 6 years ago, about the time my husband had his accident. 2 years ago, an audiologist tested me and told me that the combination of my tinnitus and my hearing loss are quite typical and that I will very likely continue to lose my hearing.

    For the time being, I'm using sound therapy. I need to start using it more consistently again but meanwhile, I get some immediate help when I do use it.

    At some point, I will likely start using hearing aids.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka “stairs to nowhere”?

    We're not quite sure why they were built. Maybe there's a plan for later. But for now, at the bottom, they end in an empty lot and at the top they end at the edge of the big lawn that goes around the cenotaph. And not just a lawn, there's another hill to walk over before finally getting to the cenotaph area. There's no path or anything, just a grassy hill.

    So people walk up them presuming they're going to see the cenotaph ... and when they get to the top, they're confronted with a grassy hill to climb. If you were a visitor to the area, I think you'd be confused and not sure where to go next.

    But for me, they're a great location for stair climbing!

    M in Oz

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Today is NO PANTS DAY!!!! (Shorts are ok in my book! Lol)

    RVRita in Roswell
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Evelyn - sorry for the losses in your family. It seems they all seem to go together, we lost 2 uncles and my dad the year my dad passed. There is only one uncle left now and no one sees him.

    Heather - How wonderful your friends will be coming for a visit. Your brother’s family had a lot of news, he seems to handle it all well.

    Lisa - I don’t think I could take anyone in that drank too much. We both have experience with drinkers and aren’t willing to put up with it. Hopefully if he comes it won’t be a long stay.
    I’m so incredibly happy for you to have hugged your friend. It just means so much.

    Machka - I love your synopsis of the book.

    Lanette - I think out of respect to Rosie and you I would stay at a hotel. I would want to see my sister though.

    Carol - I know my parents and grandparents and in-laws worried about us a lot. I think once you become a parent you worry for the rest of your life.

    I started a nativity set for Michaela last night at ceramics. At Christmas she told me she didn’t have one because “only me and Daddy love Jesus.” That’s not entirely accurate but Lauryn and Jonah don’t go often to church so that’s her impression.
    The set I’m making has 14 little pieces and they look like Precious Moments. I only got the skin painted last night so nothing to show yet.

    I felt like I had a win at school yesterday, there is a group of three that I’m helping and I think they all passed the quiz they were given. Also, the one that was upset with me came to me for help several times. That felt good.
    Only nine days left in this school after today. I’ll miss them.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    CarolGaGal wrote: »
    Machka ~ I have never read any of Crichton's books. I seem to read the same mystery writers over and over. Probably need to extend to some new ones.

    Carol in GA

    I looked at the books I read last year and decided that I would expand my selection this year ... with varying results.

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited May 3
    Tracey - nice that you have formed a bond with some of the kids. Of course you have! :p<3
    My brother is pretty laid back about most things. I think the transition thing is quite hard for them , as they are quite evangelical Christians, but they are loving the person and supporting them, if not the action. He tries to help everyone, including missionary work In Africa. Unfortunately, he is not as mindful of his own health as he should be, and is neglectful of his diabetes.
    I decided to write my favourite niece a WhatsApp message this morning, expressing my love and support. I got a lovely reply, and she was obviously touched and delighted. I wish I had the financial means to be of more practical help. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to travel to see them. The baby is due on the 11th. Not a good time for your spouse to be looking for work. I know my brother will do all he can. It's my DSIL's first blood grandchild, though my brother's 11th!
    I was always close to my niece when she was little, then lost that connection for a while when she went through big mental health issues as a teenager. Her spouse helped to pull her through that. Nowdays I feel we have reconnected. I think she feels a bond. :D<3

    Lunch was great! Lovely to chat with my friend. She really appreciated the sartorial efforts I had been to! Said I looked very French, the best possible compliment! She carried her best real Chanel handbag, which she rarely brings out, especially for me! Her son bought it for her, and she says she would rather have had the money. Cost a ridiculous fortune.
    The couple at the next table were French , so we chatted a bit in French. The woman had a gorgeous blue handbag, so I complimented her on it. She agreed and said it was 'Bleu Majorelle'. I said I had been to the garden in Marrakesh, which is the origen of that colour name. Great fun!
    I'm going to wear the same outfit on Monday, for our lunch with John's younger daughter, so I carefully hung it up when I got back.
    For lunch I had scallops and octopus, both fabulous, and G had grilled plaice and chips (fries)
    How lucky I am.

    Tonight is half a thin, homemade pizza each with green salad.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Evelyn--Seems they come in groups sometimes. So sorry for your loss. Proud of you for not involing the cookie jar.
    Barbie--We also have the safe and I like that I can exchange stuff as needed and don't have to make a trip to the bank or somewhere. Also have one for the guns.
    Lisa--Glad you are enjoying the time with your friends, even with the little sitbacks.
    Lanette--I am getting to the point I just want to stay home with no one but DH. I will ride with him to the store, but I stay in the car. After answering the phone and dealing with people for 10 hours I just want quite. Love my family but getting to be in little bits at a time. But I still enjoy traveling where we don't know anyone and can do our own thing.
    So glad it is Friday and I have the next 2 days off. Only thing planned for sure is church on Sunday. Hope you have a great weekend.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Evelyn, condolences on all your losses. That is a lot to handle at one time.

    Beth, praying your side effects are settling down and you can start to enjoy your implant.

    Lisa, your poor visitors. I would be stressed in their situation for all the drama they have caused. You are a great hostess for handling it all in stride.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Joe thought up a prudent plan for if/when the water system guy wants to start work.
    Lazy day, didn’t get out of my nightgown, recovering from Wednesday night’s GERD. Trying to look back and identify trigger, doesn’t seem to be citrus, garlic or tomato (rotflmao) but maybe Chai latte?
    Heard back from MFP support about the huge expanded gif. “This is a known issue which our developers are working on correcting. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause until the fix is in place. If it “bugs” anyone, I’ll but barky in a spoiler. ;}
    Lanette roaring tinnitus, yuck. Glad the aid still works! Thanks for the humming / nitrous oxide reminder. Will practice for my next bp test ;) Does Rosie continue to bark at guests if you’re in the room? Our dog sitter reported that when she let Shadow outside, she barked and barked and wouldn’t come back in past the sitter. So frustrating.
    Carol sorry for the stress, could raising rents cover rising costs? 54 years? VERY well done!
    Lisa totally agree teeth are worth it. Wonder if this year’s GERD episodes have been because missing two teeth I’m not chewing as thoroughly. . . “… and might not” Fingers X’d!
    Heather great news your friends will be there for you post-op. :Love hearing about you chatting in French with nearby diners. We need a pic of you in your very French style.
    Rusty insightful point, “clean your plate, children are starving in India”. [sigh] Con VERY grats on the gone kilo!
    Beth ((hugs)) How hard to lose your hearing as a teen. Brava for reassuring your mom at the expense of vertigo and being carried in.
    Vicki so glad to hear you have this weekend off. Does that mean your workplace is finally fully staffed?
    Sue fingers X’d for the new rX but good to know the spendy one works.
    Ginny “…nsurance manages health care not our doctor in many cases.” Sad but true.
    Barbie would you share the make/model of fireproof safe you chose/ If there was a disaster here, we couldn’t get to the bank over the bridge, or if we got there and the power was out, we couldn’t access the box.
    Michele what Machka said about plants, juniper does that to me. (gentle hugs)
    Debbie you and Lisa inspire me with your chainsawing. I admire but am afraid its beyond me.
    Evelyn ((hugs)) and condolences. Was there an earthquake near you early this morning?
    Annie you (and I) can and have done better. Let’s start fresh!
    Machka “…might read a nice exciting Grade 11 Physics textbook to liven things up a bit” you crack me up! I vaguely remember enjoying the “Andromeda Strain” by Crichton, you might give that a try, but if it’s a slog in the beginning, go for what you know you’ll enjoy. Are there photos of the stairs, hill and cenotaph in your albums?
    Rita so hard to deal with your DH. When will the move be complete? Will you return to his preferred site after the construction?
    Tracey “…the one that was upset with me came to me for help several times.” What a testament! You are in the right place at the right time. Bravissima!
    Did shoulder PT yesterday (thanks pip, thanks Annie). Time to do it again ;)
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.