Ages 70+



  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,454 Member
    Hi all, I really must remember to come on here but I just keep forgetting with so much going on but lovely to read all about your lives.
    A new month so hopefully I can get on track my main goal to to get the 2 poodles to walk nicely without pulling me so we can walk more.
    Aiming to plant some new shrubs in the garden and do my hanging baskets, looking forward to the summer.
    Take care everyone.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    edited May 1
    @jan110144 You are a star!
    I like you words:
    I no longer try to plan just how much I can have to ‘stay on plan’ (old behavior).

    Just for today: Senior Centre attending discussions on decluttering and downsizing.

    It's snowing. It has been for two days; worst part is it is staying on the ground; best part we really need the moisture ie wild fires and drought.

    I have participated on the MFP forum NO Late Night Snacking since March/22 -
    Effective 30April/24: I have been successful Not snacking for 748days and have snacked at night 9days. I do not eat after 6pm.

    Have a great day everyone! B)

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    edited May 1
    @jonni82014 ... Knee's getting better, mostly just sore, not what I'd call pain really... so it's healing. I keep using my leg muscles as I can't let the muscles atrophy and I've progressed from the rolling walker to a cane for balance. The knee is weak and I could easily fall. Thank for asking.

    BTW, I have around 250 plumerias. Fortunately, they don't all have to be repotted right now. I had a large collection and then my dear friend passed away and left her collection to me. Those are the ones I've been working on. Growing plumerias is a fascinating hobby. There are so many different kinds and fragrances. Sometimes it takes years for one to bloom but when it does, you're ecstatic! Just like Christmas morning... lol

    @jan110144 ... IE.... What is that exactly?

    @gates6489 ... Everyone has to do what works for them. Basically, I've limited sugar, fruits, highly processed foods, commercially fried food, starchy vegetables (like potatoes) and beans. I eat whole foods: meat and vegetables twice a day over 6 hours with no snacking in-between. I drink coffee, tea and lots of water. No sodas... not even diet. I've lost 68 pounds this way over a couple of years... and kept it off.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    May off to a good start. New hvac system installed yesterday ($$ - ouch!).Window replacement scheduled for end of month ($$$$ - OUCH!).

    @annliz23 I find that daily check-in first thing in the morning really helps me stay on track. Get into a habit of walking your poodles around the same time every day and you will never miss another walk. I start getting "the look" if I am too late in putting my shoes on and grabbing the leash🙂

    @jonni82014 EXCELLENT accomplishment re no night time snacking! I have really cut down on mine primarily because late night eating tends to make it harder for me to go to sleep. Now, I will only have something if i am really hungry ... then will usually be a piece of fruit or a handful if nuts.

    @BarbMessimer glad to hear your knee is getting better. IE is "intuitive eating". I read a very good book that talked about "attuned eating" which I think is a far better word and more closely aligns with what i am doing. Intuitive eating, however, is the phrase most people relate to.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    edited May 2
    @gates6489 Glad to read that you are on the right track and successful as well. DH and I quit sodas Coca-Cola and Diet Pepsi about 20years ago. The withdrawals were severe; two days; however the results were fantastic DH lost 40# I lost 15#.

    Weather too cool to get outside; though the perennials are peeking and they love the moisture.

    @jan110144 Can you pass me the title of the book about "attuned eating" I'm curious.

    Just for today: Going to the Rec. Centre. 45minute walk on track. 50-60minutes weights and stretch.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @jonni82014 book - "The Emotional Eating, Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating and Body Image Workbook" by Judith Matz. Et al. This is NOT a "diet" or "how to" book. I found it really helpful from a mental and emotional perspective in terms of getting me out af a "diet" mindset into a healthy choices mode ... which I have no doubt will also lead to weight reduction over a realistic time frame. The release from "rules" and rigid focus on what i can and can't eat has been particularly helpful for me. The process has been incredibly freeing.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    All good here yesterday. Did go for lunch at the retirement community for which I am on a waiting list. The food was good (which I understand is not true in many facilities) and the people very nice. It is really strange to even think about making a move like this. Even more so is the recognition that I will be 80 in a few months. Very surreal.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    First day off the rails. Looking back at it today, I think I just plain under-ate the past couple of days and allowed myself to get too hungry. Resulted in mini-binge. Only positive thing was that I did not have any junk food in the house, so overate mostly good stuff. Back on Track today, hopefully. Telling myself that this was just one day in the rest of my life ... no big deal in the scheme of things.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @jan110144 .... Don't feel bad to have an "off" day and at least you ate good food. Your body might have needed it. BTW, I ordered 2 books on IE. I can't wait to read them.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    My son got on my case the other day. A month ago I hurt my knee (almost healed now) and also recently got a UTI. He gave me a lecture about my weight. Said in the past when I lost down to merely being overweight (Don't want to divulge the number), that I was so much healthier, had more energy and was out and about more and that I needed to get back to that point. I defended myself and told him to not "fuss" at me... that I keep working on it and even though I put back on a few pounds last year, I've consistently kept off 50 and am so much better off than I was in 2021. I told him I work on this every day and am working to get back to where I once was. He then said I was too obsessed with food, and I told him I have to be or I'd be like I was before. At that point, I told him to "get off my case"!!!! I know he loves me dearly and I believe his little lecture was meant to help me as he's concerned with my health. I think I do well. I'm 77 and manage a "plumeria farm" with 250 plumerias so I'm out almost every day working on them. I don't sit around watching TV and overeating. He just wants me to do better.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    @BarbMessimer It really matters what you think and do for yourself. Yes, it seems that we are obsessed with food. However in my case, I am vocal about my food choices wherever I am , so it sounds like I am really obsessed with food; to my inner circle. I learned that with certain people (my son) I now, do not talk about food. I change the subject to ask how, is his and his family's health or things that they are doing in their lives ie school, job, vacations etc? I have asked him : Are you doing all you can to keep well so I don't have to worry about you?

    I let my inner circle know (when the subject comes up) that I am healthy and well. Doing so is not placing a burden on them. At the Senior Centre health and wellness it's an ongoing conversation.

    @jan110144 Good to get back on track.

    Just for today. Catching up on laundry and housecleaning. Beautiful day for a walk 12C/53.6F
    Have a healthy day.

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @jonni82014 ... Thank you. I'm sure he's just concerned and loves me.... and I AM trying.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Semi back on track yesterday. Went to Indy for a play (matinee) and then out for a very early dinner. All good, but did not make the greatest food choices later. Missed my 12000 step goal, although did make 10,000. Back to a normal schedule today.

    Observation ... the last two days were a bit problematic. What I realize is that when my normal schedule is interrupted and I find myself hungry later in the evening, I tend to graze (which is never good and almost always does not end well). What probably need to do is just go ahead in those instances is take the time to go ahead abd hacmve a mini-meal. Now ... let's see if I actually remember this nugget the next time this happens!

    @BarbMessimer I am sure your son is coming from a place of love and concern. He just doesn't know how to be supportive around this issue. Hope you like the IE books. I am convinced that the "attuned" eating (still dislike "intuitive "😀) is ultimately the answer. But, getting away from the "rules" of the diet mindset (and the hyper focus on food) is really a challenge after years of struggling with weight issues.

    @jonni82014 Good advice re way to set boundaries around food issues. Focusing on over-all healthy lifestyle issues is really important ... health is not just about food.

  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    HA ... It seems like 'we old-timer's (I'm 79) are all pretty much in the same boat, still! We are still way overweight and struggling to get healthier. Hooray for us for continuing to be concerned and active in our health management, which includes lifestyle, interpersonal relationships, as well as our physical well being.

    Today, I feel thankful for reading the past couple of day's posts because I was feeling pretty down about myself and don't feel that way any longer after spending a few minutes reading here. So, Thanks for sharing your struggles as well as successes!

    AFM ... My weight gain is still out of control. I went on a reducing 'diet' 2 weeks ago and lost weight the first week but gained back the loss this second week. That kind of yo-yoing is how it all began for me over 50 years ago!. I am determined that I will stop this. I too lost 50 pounds using MFP in the past and then continued to maintain and lose some more on my own. But something has gotten terribly out of whack since I moved into an Independent Senior Apartment building. (This is NOT the kind of senior apartment complex that provides food and other services; it's a plain small apartment with elevator service and a community room where we can gather if we want to.) Actually, it's not even since I moved here in 2022 that my weight has started to climb, but since the cancer diagnosis last year. That, and sudden problems with my blood pressure, and heart has put me into a new class of many medications, and those medications seem to be driving my insulin resistance and appetite. Also, when I was undergoing cancer surgery and therapy last year, my doctors urged me to maintain my weight; which I did until I started to gain. It's a new struggle I am figuring out. I want so much to get back into the numbers I was a 1.5 years ago, and even to continue on my goal of losing 100 pounds. But this set back is eating up the days and months of my life, and i hate it.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @jan110144 ... I understand about when you get out of your normal routine. Same here. And I also agree that instead of late-night grazing, just plan a mini meal of the right foods and let that be it. I'll remind myself of that too as I stay up late (insomnia) and have trouble with late night eating, especially if I haven't had much to eat earlier.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Whew! After 2 rocky days, back on track (hopefully🙂). Good day yesterday, including a good night's sleep, which makes a huge difference. New recipe for the week... huli huli chicken in the grill. A keeper.

    @nsk1951 sounds like you're dealing with a lot of challenges right now. It can be a challenge to figure out what is going to workband be sustainable for you when there are so many factors involved.

    @BarbMessimer Sleep is such a major part of things for me! The first day mini-binge resulted in a really bad night's sleep which led to a second problematic day and poor sleep (although not as bad as day 1). Back on track yesterday with a bit of effort and voilà ... slept really well. Can already tell that I will be fine today. I understand what happened. Now to see if I can manage it better the next time it happens. Right now, I am grateful it was only 2 days.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    Beautiful day here! We are expecting 4 days of rain. Not great for the hairdo; but really required to quell wildfires and provide much needed moisture for areas experiencing drought.

    @nsk1951 small actions = big success.
    @jan110144 huli huli chicken? Sweet? Sour?

    We sometimes have to dig our "toolbox" and pull out experiences that serve/served us to achieve our goals. ie using MFP to record our eating. I am guilty of creating a list of items that I would like to achieve or accomplish. then I become overwhelmed. I like to use the "Just for Today..." keeps me on track. I use Just for Today for all areas of my life.

    Example: Just for today:
    1. Senior Centre 45minutes treadmill 50minutes free weights and stretch.
    2. Balance the chequebook. Cross the action off of my list.
    3. I will be a more active listener. Sit back and listen to my coffee klatch friends instead of trying to be heard. This action could be considered ongoing; but just for today.

    When the Just for Today actions are accomplished I consider the actions as a success. Done.

    There are other ongoing actions ie mindful eating, drinking water, modulating my voice.
    I consider those as a "given" unless I go off track.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just for Today ... that's something I have practiced over the years as well. It's interesting to me how things seem to come and go, ebb and flow, in my life; probably yours too. One day or moment we feel 'down' and 'defeated' and when we give it a little time, it usually improves. We don't always recognize what made it so. It's a real blessing when we do.

    Just for Today I am going to do some housework ... sort the laundry, vacuum the rugs ... cook a Monday Night dinner ... which for me is meatless Monday.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @jan110144 ... I had to google Huli Huli Chicken. Sounds delicious and will plan to make it in the future. I think it would be great paired up with Caribbean rice... just can't eat too much of the rice.

    I had a good night's sleep last night which is cause for celebration as it happens so infrequently. Looking forward to today. Lots of work to do in my plumeria farm.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Looking at a rainy day today, so need to be out of the house early to walk Abby. Yesterday good. Today will be a challenge with being stuck in the house most of the day. Dinner at friend's house tonight.

    @jonni82014 huli huli chicken involves a marinade of pineapple juice, garlic, ginger and worcestershire sauce.

    Just for today is a very good mind set for most things in life! I am very good at not getting stuck in the past. However, I am a "planner" at heart so keeping myself grounded in the present instead of jumping into the future can be a challenge.