

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited May 14
    Tracey - You are so creative with your cards! :D<3 I remember my mother taking cold meds when she had to go on stage (amateur) with a bad cold. Day ones and night ones. It got her through.

    I will let John do the pick up today and I will rest and make frittata for dinner. I have broccoli and green beans to use up. Plus the usual frozen suspects. With feta.

    Lisa - I usually make pesto (which freezes) with that amount of basil. Or just basil oil. But you may not like that. Otherwise, I would just freeze it in clingfilm. It will wilt though. :s You can keep the herbs fresh for a couple of weeks, or more, in the fridge, by wrapping them in damp kitchen towel, and then in a plastic bag.

    Flea - You can grow basil in a pot outside, or, do what I do, and buy it from a store and take out most of the shoots, leaving three or so, and grow it on your kitchen windowsill all year. Mine is currently huge, and I must make pesto from it. In the winter it doesn't grow much, but I do use it for fresh leaves. I keep mine for ages and they even survive my cruises in a shady spot. I cut them right back before and make pesto.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Morning ladies the cat woke me up at 4 am and a few other times but luckily i was able to get back to sleep..im hoping to grab a couple more hours before I have to get up and get to the drs appointments.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited May 14
    Edited to say, I have the basil in a pot with a water reserve, to which I add Baby Bio in the summer months. The plant has completely outgrown its pot, so it is now hydroponic! :D

    Bea has a tummy bug, so John is not required to pick her up from school. My son says it's best to stay away! :o I suggested we have a painting session instead, as we have already scheduled a cuddle session on Thursday. I'm still waiting to hear about the baby, which is now overdue.

    Welcome Aon. Sounds as if you know what you are doing. :) I also don't do restricted eating, but I am very limited in exercise at the moment. I am still doing strength and isometric stuff to prepare for my operations. I haven't put on as much weight as I feared. I eat well and very healthily, but a shade too much for my present circumstances. Still fitting into nearly all my clothes. I kind of follow the ZOE model without doing all the technology. I'm hoping the 'French Paradox' will apply to me. :p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member

    I do not know the Lefse song! Need to Google that! …
    Here it is ;)https://youtu.be/GMVU1Ec05Yc?feature=shared
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,545 Member
    Morning, my chickies, up early for what promises to be a sunny day in Arkansas,

    Mo in Miss ( @mcmillonmail ) sounds like a long 17-month journey ahead of you, and sorry about the fractured foot!

    Tracey - Love the cards, you do have a gift. Thanks for the flower inspiration, I'm looking at how to do a simple gladiolus, not sure it's possible, but it will be pretty if I can accomplish it. Hope the cold can be controlled enough for you to get through your last few days... you've worked awfully hard for this.

    Heather - The basil seems to have survived the night in the fridge, and I think I will make a pesto variation this morning. I've got lots of pecans (pine nuts are prohibitively expensive these days!) and I think I can make something that will freeze well. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Aon in AZ ( @4Aon ) Welcome, and it sounds like you're working to your plan. The key is always to do something you can and will keep doing. Drop into any conversation where you're comfortable, all are welcome.

    Just barely dawn now, and a little chilly, at 59F (15C), but a dry day ahead will hopefully mean the ability to get out and get a few things done in the yard. Much of the soreness from landing on my butt on Saturday morning has faded, which I appreciate. Time to get some laundry going so I can get a few things on the line once the sun's up.

    Hope it's a lovely Tuesday, past, present or future...

    Later, my lovelies,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Have a beautiful day, and may you be happy, healthy, safe, and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    4Aon wrote: »
    Aon here, age 53 in AZ. I just finished the last full semester of my MSW grad program, and although I've maintained over the last two years of school, this final 2 months I felt like a log jam in a flash flood, and late night study sessions ended with middle of the night meals (cause I hadn't eaten in 6 or 7 hours by 3 am).
    Glad to be here with you gals. I can't wait to read your stories.

    Well done!

    I graduated with my Master's degree in 2020 at the age of 53. We're never too old for more education!

    Machka in Oz

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited May 14
    Flea herbs like rosemary, lavender are mediterranean plants so they don't need much water. Basil likes to stay moist and likes some shelter from intense sun. I pot mine separately from other herbs for this reason. When about 4-6 inches cut off tops to get it to fill out and not go to seed.

    If I want it handy I will cut off a sprig and put it in a small glass of water. If the house is too warm I will put this in the fridge. I do this with asparagus to keep it fresher. I do not grow things only in water to eat. The soil if it has not been treated with herbicides has microbes that we need for our health.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Heather--Love the leaves painting.
    Welcome to the new ladies.
    Today we are having our big monthly management meeting and the new CEO is here. He started yesterday and looks so much younger than I expected. Guess he has a good background for the job.
    So far he seems ok, at least he has said good morning the last couple days instead of just walking by like we are not here.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Beth - thinking of you this morning, hope all goes well with the "turn on".

    After over a week of wearing my left-ear hearing aid, I had to remove it early because the top of my ear was so sore from the eyeglass ear piece pressing on it for 8-10 hours at a time. :( I tried three different pairs of glasses yesterday, all hurt. Not giving it up entirely, just will wear it daily until the ear gets too sore. And wear it when I'm with others so I can hear them better.

    Mo - sorry to hear about that fractured foot! Didn't you say you are an RN? If so are you doing a desk job? Sounds like you live in a beautiful area right now.

    Tracey - hope you can knock that cold and finish your practicum OK. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Again, neat cards. I saw a report about parts of Canada -BC I think - being on fire again. Wow. Hope the smoke isn't too bad, guess it's hitting part of the northern midwestern US as well.

    Diabetes Prevention class yesterday was good, went over our goals and just more housekeeping. I will need to weigh once a week and report that to the group leader who's a Registered Dietician (RD) and also keep track of activity by minutes. I can guesstimate how much power walking I do, and I can now add in weed eating, pruning and other outside/gardening chores. It's a year long class because we should be well on our way to better habits and some weight loss goals in the first 6 months. The second 6 months is about staying on track. Great concept. :p

    She's going to email more info today, and I will share what I can.

    Time to head outside and get in some activity. I have a big "to-do" list. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Up early but feel pretty rested. A bit chilly at 56 right now- cats aren't even up yet(well, they weren't when I got out of bed). I am sure they will get up if I go back in there. Dh is still sleeping.
    Have been enjoying my quiet time with a cup of tea. Need to make a second one, and feed the cats, then wait for dh to get up/bathroom/shower/etc so I have about an hour.

    Only plans I know of today, at least for me, is walk MIL's dog for half an hour and later, work in the garden. I really need to finish. I didn't work in it yesterday. Not sure what dh has planned.
    I did get 15,000 steps in though with walking the dog, shopping and zumba last night.
    Tuesdays are the only day I don't have extra exercise planned(zumba M/W, wetlands walk Th/F) so it is a perfect day to weed/chain saw so I can get the weed block down and plant the rest of the garden so I can give away what plants I won't be planting.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,545 Member
    edited May 14
    Heather - Loving the leaves...

    Rita - The answer is "YES, you are old enough that you do not have to explain yourself." I did not want to do yoga this morning, I was a little ouchy still, and my gut hadn't settled down yet, and I was hungry and I did everything I could, from laundry to dishes to making pesto and filling the bird feeders, and used every excuse in the book. And then I turned on the music anyway, and slung my yoga mat out on the floor. And I started. And I just finished. I did not want to in any way shape or form. But you're right, I "just did it."

    Country girl yoga:
    Green = added this week:

    Time to eat something...
    Lisa in AR