
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited May 16
    This is the bra I'm going for. It's the same kind as Annie and Machka wear, I think. Amazon suggested L, but I went for XL, as no one ever understands how wide my back is. I may regret that, but I can send it back I haven't worn a bra for the majority of my life. :#

    Cuddles good. One of my better ideas, to schedule sessions. I have to say, like the painting session on Tuesday, it was the last thing i felt like, but that first step .... :D . Then John went out to the Co-op for his weekly veg and fruit shop. We are voting with our feet against our local mini Sainsbury, which is always out of stock. I asked him to get British asparagus, which they had. <3 We are having Tandoori chicken tonight, with asparagus, which I call, 'sparrow grass'. :p Also rice with tomato, and a yoghurt sauce. The shop also had apricots in, which John will cook. Love them. They do very nice sourdough bread.

    It looks like our lettuce pot is sprouting, but nothing from the other two yet. Early days. The rain has now dried up. It rained all morning. John went out again and called in at the fish market for smoked haddock, cod, and brown shrimp. They are in the freezer now. I see a kedgeree in my future.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Back from picking up groceries and had breakfast ,a zero sugar yogurt and some fresh 🍓
    Nutrionist said to eat every 4 hrs as to not get over hungry,and to keep logging the food and aim for walking 10 min a day..its a start.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Lannette--Your Diabetes Prevention class sounds like it would be a great thing to do. Wish I could find something like that around here.
    Beth--So happy for you about the hearing.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    edited May 16
    Tracey- such a cute picture- thanks for sharing.

    Beth- exciting news.

    Bras- I am SUPER picky with all clothes but especially bras. I usually don't order online because I need to feel them first. I wear mostly sports bras. Some are for every day and a couple are for class(need extra support for the girls during Zumba).
    If the regular sports bras start to get any piling at all on them, I start wearing them inside out. Any little thing and drives me crazy.
    Regular bras I wear rarely- have to be cotton lined, NO netting in the middle (WHY do they put that itchy stuff in their)

    Skipped going to MIL's again today. Feel bad for the dog but after what she said about me to dh, not feeling like going over there. Refers to me as "that woman" .Asking him why he is always with "that woman"- she told him not to marry me but he didn't listen. Still saying this after almost 32 yrs.
    So, I have the morning to myself and as dh was heading over there, he said he was heading up from her house to go have lunch with a friend. I have until 2 to myself.
    Going to finish my tea then work in the garden, getting more planted then walk the wetlands for at least an hour before picking Ezie up from school.
    So glad to have pretty much all the weeding in the back done. Son helped me Tuesday and I did more yesterday.

    From a jungle to ready to plant. Still more clean up to do but both big yard waste containers are full- get picked up in the morning. Then I will clean the rest of the weed piles up and mow the grass. That Bermuda grass is the worst- most is 5-6ft long, one I pulled must have been 10ft long. I put weed block and a sheet of old paneling down under the pots to hopefully slow it down.


    Napa Valley.
    A bit chilly now but will warm up some and will be perfect for walking in a few hours.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited May 16
    Super poncho, Tracey! :D
    Have fun on your meal out. <3

    Well done, Allie! One step at a time. DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD.
    Progress is better than perfect. :p

    Dinner was heavenly.

    Maigret in French tonight. Hooray! A couple of times the signal has broken up on this minor channel and we have only got a portion of the recorded episode. Tonight's recording seems to have lasted the distance. :D We love Bruno Cremer as Maigret. Perfect.

    I have my phone pre-assessment tomorrow in the late afternoon.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,517 Member
    Debbie ~ What kind of dog does your MIL have? And, WOW, you have a lot of planting going on! :)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 14min 29sec, 105elev, 2.69ap, 82ahr, 101mhr, 6.08mi= 625c
    Strava app = 744c
    Other- vacuum and mop (hands and knees) trailer, 23.55min, 86ahr, 104mhr= 110c

    Total cal 735

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Debbie ~ What kind of dog does your MIL have? And, WOW, you have a lot of planting going on! :)

    We aren't quite sure what Kobe is- we think some kind of a terrier and chihuahua. He loves going for walks but MIL gets upset because I take him out for too long and was taking him every day. He loves walking but hates going back home.
    She is always yelling at him for something- yelling at him to eat, to drink water, to go to bed, etc
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    The diabetes prevention goals look like the goals we all have. We all want to lose weight, get healthier, and keep the weight off. The trick is to do the exercise, eat the right foods, stay away from the wrong foods, and be careful about portion size. Everyone knows that broccoli is better than Ben and Jerry's chocolate therapy ice cream. The problem is how to make myself make the right choice. I'm sure your class will address that soon.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Barbie - yesterday afternoon, our Diabetes Prevention class leader sent out the lesson for next Monday. Details if anyone is interested:
    The topic will be activity, getting to 150 minutes per week. These days, I get that knocked out in a few days. But I remember a few months ago when I was on limited walking due to my injured foot, I barely got 3,000 steps per day and none of that was at a moderate to high activity level. Maybe 15 minutes on the sitting elliptical was the activity for the day.

    I'm intrigued that she's starting us out on activity instead of diet/nutrition. This is a proven plan, has been going on for several years with mostly successful "graduates".

    I also like that we self-report our weight and activity level to her each week. I like having accountability on a regular basis, along with guidance if needed. Unlike WW, where I would struggle and feel like a failure if I weighed in at 1/4 # higher than the previous week ..... and once in maintenance would have to pay if I went over the 2# range, this plan is based on positive enforcement. And support.

    Beth - that's great news about your implant. Sounds like you are getting the kinks worked out quickly. :p Hope that continues.

    Annie - very good points that our struggles as females making career inroads in traditionally male fields will help other gals in the future. I look at it that way too. Sorry that mowing service is a disappointment. Is there anyone in your neighborhood that has a more reliable one that might need new customers? I know this is a busy time with lawns. Out here, once the mowing slows down, they offer roof cleaning, pressure washing and other services.

    Seasons - I haven't thought much about this, perhaps I'm still in Season 1. ;):p

    Heading out in a bit. Need to get chicken feed, a few things at the grocery, and then meet my friend M for our monthly lunch. I'm looking forward to the Caesar salad at the little restaurant we always go to.

    Make it an awesome day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I'm not surprised they focus on exercise. Google 'prediabetes and exercise' and there are articles about how important exercise is.

    Also exercise provides a feeling of accomplishment that adjusting the diet just doesn't.

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    At this morning's PT appointment hit a new personal best of 913 “steps” in 8 minutes on the seated elliptical Came home, made egg salad sandwich on whole wheat, finished yesterday’s artichoke and took a nap. Couldn’t make myself get out into the garden, “too windy” was my excuse but just really lazy.
    Barbie “oh boy! Barbie chow again!” :laugh: Likewise the holiday dinner song. Rotflmao. How long did Jake’s son live with you?
    Heather sleep disturbing pain is so very wearing. Hope your writing helped distract you from the pain. Whooshing you love and comfort.
    Belated welcome @shtbttn8gj Lisa in KY !
    Lisa in AR, “love does funny things” sure does. Glad your love story is such a healthy happy one. :love: your smile and as for Corey at 17 all I can say is “hubba hubba!”
    Tina it just stinks that regular folk can’t get tickets at face value but have to pay a middleman’s profit.
    Allie my heart goes out to Tracey and Kyle. They will need all the help they can get. Are they planning on joining a support group for parents of special needs babies?
    Lanette you are the Diabetes Prevention Program rock star!
    Beth “hearing my laugh in digital form ... it sounds like the tickle me Elmo toy. So I laugh and then laugh again hearing my own laughter” Your joy shines out! Halelujah!!!
    Rita well done on the spreadsheet, fingers X’d for the dr. appt “I got walk (in a different area)” no kidding! ;)
    Tracey what wonderful feedback from the teacher about those 4 girls. Well done! :love: Aspen’s poncho pic :heart:
    Debbie well done on the garden prep. Jealous of your sunny spot, but unwilling to sacrifice trees for sun.
    Machka what a horror story about your hoarding neighbor. Hope your Housing Services are effective. Ours are non-existent.
    Today’s gratitude: It’s never too late to start over. There are still 5 hours left today to play balance games, do knee PT and Jeopardy walk to get steps in. Standing up now . . . ;)

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :)Barbara Jake's son came to us at age 16 and stayed until he turned 18 and joined the California Conservation Corps where he learned some skills and got his GED. He attended alternative high school while he lived with us and made it to school daily because Jake drove him to school and picked him up. Another rule we made was that no matter what, he couldn't leave and we couldn't kick him out. It was a stressful time for us. It was right after my mother died so we had moved into her house which gave us enough space for an extra person.

    :)Allie, I hope you can stay focused on your own needs and that Tracy and Kyle can find help and support from others.

    :)Lanette, your diabetes program sounds a lot like the cardiac rehab program that Jake attended at the recommendation of his cardiologist---regular get togethers and lot of info and support for exercise and diet change. It helped him make huge changes in his life.

    :)Heather, thinking good thoughts for you as your surgery gets closer.

    :)Rita, good choice leaving out the wine also getting focused again on exercise.

    <3 Barbie in windy NW WA

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Morning, folks. Still wrestling with my iPhone 😞

    Tracey: That’s cute.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri