Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 260



  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Round 260
    May 16 2024 ~ May 25 2024

    Round 260
    Thu May 16 2024 ~ Sat May 25 2024

    My name is Tish.
    Age: 67
    Height: 5'7.5"
    USW: 260
    2024 Start Wgt: 205 (Jan1)[/b]
    RG: 96ozs to 128ozs water.


    ▪︎Day1▪Th•Apr 16-¤DNW

    (We•64gProt▪︎108gCarb▪︎64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day2▪Fr•Apr 17-¤DNW

    (Th•118gProt▪︎92gCarb▪︎64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day3•Sa•Apr 18-¤DNW

    (Fr•gProt▪︎gCarb▪︎60ozs water)

    ▪︎Day4•Su•Apr 19-¤DNW

    (Sa•98gProt▪︎78gCarb▪︎48ozs water)

    ▪︎Day5•Mo•Apr 20-¤206.9

    (Su•87gProt▪︎98gCarb▪︎80ozs water)

    ▪︎Day6▪Tu•May 21-¤DNW

    (Mo•96gProt▪︎99gCarb▪︎96ozs water)

    ▪︎Day7▪We•May 22-¤203.1

    (Tu•43g Prot▪︎70gCarb▪︎80ozs water)
    24hr fast

    ▪︎Day8▪Th•May 23-¤202.7

    (We•48g▪︎Prot▪︎45gCarb▪︎71ozs water)

    ■Day9▪Fr•May 24-¤204

    (Th•38g▪︎Prot▪︎42gCarb▪︎70ozs water)

    ▪︎Day10▪Sa▪︎May 25-¤

    (Fr•gProt▪︎gCarb▪︎ozs water)

    Intermittent Fasting

    *Round End Weights*
    {Mar 19~Round 34- lost 2.8 lbs~215.8}
    {Mar 28~Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs~214}
    {Apr 7~Round 36 - lost 1 lb~212}
    {Apr 17~Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs~206.4}
    {Apr 27~ Round 38 - lost 1 lb~205.4}
    {May 6~ Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs~202}
    •••Transition Round⬇•••
    {May 17~Round 40 - lost 3 lbs~199}
    {May 27~Round 41 - lost .8 lbs~198.2}
    {Jun 6~Round 42 - lost 2.6 lbs~195.6}
    {Jun 16~Round 43 - lost 1.4 lbs~194.2}
    {Jun 26~Round 44 - lost 1 lb~193.2}
    {Jul 6~Round 45 - no loss~193.2}
    {Jul 16~Round 46 - lost 3.6 lbs~189.6}
    {Jul 26~Round 47 - lost 1.4 lbs~188.2}
    {Aug 5~Round 48 - lost 1.8 lbs~ 186.4}
    {Aug 15~ Round 49 - lost .8 lb~ 185.6}
    {Aug 25~Round 50 - lost 3 lbs~ 182.6}
    {Sep 4~Round 51 - .4 lb gain~ 183}
    {Sep 14~Round 52 - lost 2 lbs~ 180.8}
    {Sep 24~Round 53 - lost 1 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 4~Round 54 - lost .8 lb~ 179}
    {Oct 14~ Round 55 - gain .8 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 24~Round 56 -lost 3.2 lbs~176.6}
    {Nov 3~Round 57 - gain 1.6 ~178.2}
    {Nov 13~Round 58 - gain .2 ~178.4}
    {Nov 23~Round 59 -lost1.2 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 3~Round 60 -gain 3.4lb~180.6}
    {Dec 13~Round 61 -lost 3.4 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 23~Round 62 - lost 2.8lbs~174.4}▪2019▪

    {Jan 2~Round 63 - gain 2.8 lbs~177.2}
    {Jan 12~Round 64 -lost 1.2 lbs~ 173.2}
    {Jan 22~Round 65 - gain 1 lb ~174.2}
    {Feb 1~Round 66 - loss 1.4 lb~ 172.8}
    {Feb 11~Round 67 -gain 2.4 lbs~175.2}
    {Feb 21~Round 68 - loss .6 lb~174.6}
    {Mar 3~Round 69 - gain .4 lb~175}
    {Mar 13~Round 70 - lost 3.2 lb~171.8}
    (Lowest weight 171.2~March 17, 2019)▪RETROSPECT▪This is the point when I looked too bony to myself. I purposely wanted to gain back 10lbs. I'd lost 89lbs in a little over a year, but I thought it was too fast, even though it didn't seem fast during the process!

    {Mar23~Round 71 - gain .4 lb ~172.2}
    {Apr 2~Round 72 - gain 2.6 lbs~ 174.6}
    {Apr12~Round 73 - gain 3.6 lbs~178.2}
    {Apr 22~Round 74 - lost 2.8 lbs~175.4}
    {May 2~Round 75 - gain 1.8 lbs 177.2}
    {May 12~Round 76 - lost 3.2 lbs~ 174}
    {May 22~Round 77 - gain 4 lbs~ 178}
    {Jun 1~Round 78 - lost 2 lbs~176}
    {Jun 11~Round 79 - lost .2lbs 175.8}
    {Jun 21~ Round 80 - gain .2 lbs~ 176}
    {Jul 1~Round 81 - gain 1.4 lbs -177.4}
    {Jul 11~Round 82 -gain .8 lbs -178.2}
    (*Round 82 • LIFE STRESS ROUND* gains begin)

    {Jul 21~Round 83 - gain 2.8 lbs-181}
    {Jul 31~Round 84 -loss 1 lbs - 182}
    {Aug 10~Round 85-gain 1.6 lbs-183.6}
    {Aug 20~Round 86 - gain .6 lbs - 183}
    {Aug 30~Round 87- gain .6 lbs -183.6}7 1.2 lbs -184}
    {Sep 29~Round 90 - lost .8 lbs -183.2}
    {Oct 9~Round 91 - gain .4lbs~183.6}
    {Oct 19~Round 92-lost 1.8 lbs 181.4}
    {Oct 28~Round 93 -gain 1.6 lbs~183}
    {Nov 8~Round 94 -lost .4lbs~182.6}
    {Nov 18~Round 95 - gain 1 lbs~183.6}
    {Nov 27~Round 96 -lost lbs~183.4}
    {Dec 8~Round 97 - gain 1.8 lbs -185.6}
    {Dec 18~Round 98 - 185.6}
    {Dec 25~Round 99 -185.6}

    {Round 136 - 215 EW}Dec 31 2020(1/01)
    {Round 137-209.8 EW}Jan 11 2021
    {Round 138- 209.5 EW}Jan 21 2021
    {Round 139- DNW EW}Jan 31 2021
    {Round 140- EW}Feb 10 2021
    {Round 141- 211 EW}Feb 20 2021
    {Round 142- 215 EW}Mar 2 2021
    {Round 143- 215 EW}Mar 12 2021
    {Round 144- 215 EW}Mar 22 2021
    {Round 145- 214.3 EW}April 2 2021
    {Round 146- DNW EW}April 11 2021
    {Round 147 - 216 EW}April 21 2021
    {Round 148 - 216.3 EW}May 01 2021
    {Round 149 - DNW EW}May 11 2021
    {Round 150 - 216.7 EW}May 21 2021
    {Round 151 - DNW EW}May 31 2021
    {Round 152 - 216.2 EW}June 10 2021
    Round 153 - 215.6 EW}June 20 2021
    Round 154 - 216 EW}June 30 2021⬅
    Round 155 - 212.6 EW}July 10 2021
    Round 156 - 209.4 EW}July 20 2021
    Round 157 - 208.8 EW}July 30 2021
    (???? is diet break)
    Round 158 - 206.6 EW}Aug 9 2021
    Round 159 - 204.6 EW}Aug 19 2021
    ????Round 160 - 202.6 EW}Aug 29 2021
    Round 161 - 200 EW}Sep 8 2021
    Round 162 -196.8 EW}Sep 18 2021
    Round 163 - 198 EW}Sep 28 2021
    Round 164 - 197.6 EW}Oct 8 2021
    Round 165 - 195.2 EW}Oct 18 2021
    Round 166 - 197.6 EW}Oct 28 2021
    Round 167 - 197.4 EW}Nov 7 2021
    Round 168 - 198 EW}Nov 17 2021
    ~illness spanning next 4 rounds~
    Round 169 - DNW EW}Nov 27 2021
    Round 170 - 188.2 EW}Dec 7 2021
    Round 171 - 189 EW}Dec 17 2021
    Round 172 - 191 EW}Dec 27 2021
    Round 173 - 193.6 EW}Jan 6 2022
    Round 174 - 194 EW}Jan 16 2022
    Round 175 - 196 EW}Jan 26 2022
    Round 176 - 197.8 EW}Feb 5 2022
    Round 177 - 199 EW}Feb 15 2022
    Round 178 - 199 EW}Feb 25 2022
    Round 179- 205 EW}Mar 7 2022
    •March 15, 2002- 202.5lbs
    Round 180- 203 EW}Mar 17 2022
    Round 210- 210.4 EW}Jan 11 2023
    Round 211- 211.7 EW} Jan 21 2023
    Round 212- 212.5 EW} Jan 31 2023
    Round 213- 215 EW} Feb 10 2023
    Round 214- 212 EW} Feb 20 2023
    Round 215- 211.8 EW} Mar 2 2023
    Round 216- 212.6 EW} Mar 12 2023
    Round 217- 209.3EW} Mar 22 2023
    Round 218- 208 EW} Apr 1 2023
    Round 219- 206.8 EW} Apr 11 2023
    Round 220- 202.9 EW} Apr 21 2023
    Round 221- 203.7 EW} May 1 2023
    Round 222- 203 EW} May 11 2023
    Round 223- 202 EW} May 21 2023
    Round 224- 201.6 EW} May 31 2023
    Round 225- 200.3 EW} Jun 10 2023
    Round 226- 199.6 EW} Jun 20 2023
    Round 227- 199 EW} Jun 30 2023
    Round 228- 198.1 EW} Jul 10 2023
    Round 229- 196 EW} Jul 20 2023
    Round 230- 195 EW} Jul 30 2023
    Round 231- 195 EW} Aug 9 2023
    Round 232- 196 EW} Aug 19 2023
    Round 233- 193.5 EW} Aug 29 2023
    Round 234- 195.5 EW} Sep 8 2023
    Round 235- 196.8 EW} Sep 18 2023
    Round 236- 196 EW} Sep 28 2023
    Round 237- DNW EW} Oct 8 2023
    Round 238- 196 EW} Oct 18 2023
    Round 239- 198 EW} Oct 28 2023
    Round 240- 198 EW} Nov 7 2023
    Round 241- 199.5 EW} Nov 17 2023
    Round 242- 199 EW} Nov 27 2023
    Round 243- 199 EW} Dec 7 2023
    Round 244- DNW EW} Dec 17 2023
    Round 245- DNW EW} Dec 27 2023
    Round 246- 204 EW} Jan 6 2024
    Round 247- DNW EW} Jan 16 2024
    Round 248- DNW EW} Jan 26 2024
    Round 249- 205 EW} Feb 5 2024
    Round 250- 203.5 EW} Feb 5 2024
    Round 251- DNW EW} Feb 15 2024
    Round 252- DNW EW} Feb 25 2024
    Round 253-206.5 EW} Mar 17 2024
    Round 254- 202.4 EW} Mar 26 2024
    Round 255- 202.8 EW} Apr 5 2024

    Round 256- 204.3 EW} Apr 15 2024
    Round 257- 204.3 EW} Apr 25 2024
    Round 258- DNW EW} May 5 2024
    Round 259- DNW EW} May 15 2024
    P h
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 954 Member
    @jspecies11: I am so sorry for your loss, and the stress of distance must be so difficult for you. I've heard the flooding there is catastrophic, I hope others in your life are safe <3
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 2,052 Member
    edited May 25
    PW: 165.5
    • Sat 5/25: 167.2; +1.7lbs
      ~ This increase seems like it should have happened yesterday. Delayed reaction maybe?? Either way I didn’t work out both days so this is probably a fair scale reading with all that has been going on in my life lately.
      Log / Und-Cs&Cs / 1Hr-Ex
      Yes Days: 6 out of 10
    Stayed Below SW 168.3 🟢=Yes 🛑=No
    (Thu > > > > > > > > Next Sat)
    *MiniGoal: Under 164 lowering to push myself a little extra this round

    Prev Days:(added Cliff’s Notes):
    • Fri 5/24🟢165.5; -.7lbs
      ~ Can’t believe I came out of yesterday with a loss. I had spent the evening with my brother who surprised everyone with a visit from South Carolina.
    • Thu 5/23🟢166.2; +.9lbs
      ~ Post TMI was 164.6(that was cool seeing that proceeding 4… I haven’t seen those numbers in 1.5 years!)
      ~ Survived my brother’s grad-night dinner and I’m sure the sodium count caused the bump up. I stayed away from alcohol and still had a nice time.
      I counted the hours of walking all over the parking lot and the fair grounds stadium stairs as a total of 30 minutes of exercise + plus the 30 mins of ACTUAL exercise in the morning.
    • Wed 5/22🟢165.3; -.7lbs
      ~ Got a couple of those “did you lose weight???” exclamations when I went to my strength training class at Planet Fitness. Either I was wearing the right outfit or I hit that threshold where people start to notice. Either way, felt nice to have my efforts to being acknowledged. #feelingencouraged
    • Tue 5/21🟢166; -.6lbs
      ~ Ate more than I should have but still stayed under goals .. barely. Had a small smidge of a gummy which probably contributed to my appetite
    • Mon 5/20🟢166.6; +.9lbs
      ~ Needed a rest day yesterday
    • Sun 5/19🟢165.7; -.7lbs
      ~ The poker game was successful and the food wasn’t tempting in the slightest .. and there was a good salad option. I drank 6 or 7 Mich-Ultras last night. I logged ahead and overestimated (just in case) I also stayed on my treadmill instead of my couch, while I binge watched a tv show. (Roughly 3 hours)
    • Sat 5/18🟢166.4;-.9lbs
      ~ I tossed and turned, trying to go to sleep last night.. considered a snack but ultimately decided not to sabotage my weigh in this morning. So proud of me! ☺️
      ~ Today I have another poker game and the food will be questionable. I’m going to tryyy not to drink alcohol but it’s so hard as it helps calm my nerves at the start of the game.
    • Fri 5/17🟢167.3; -1lbs
      ~ Same as yesterday💪
    • Thu 5/16🛑168.3; +0lbs
      ~ Getting back in the game!!💪💪
    • SW 5/15🛑168.3
      ~ This round my plan is to stick to my daily goal 8 out of 10 days: I’ll give myself a ✔️if I do the following: Stay under Cals&Carbs;Log every single food; Exercise for an hour
  • Vio_let23
    Vio_let23 Posts: 40 Member
    I see this is the last day here. Looking forward to the new thread tomorrow.
    I'm same weight - 185.