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  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,459 Member
    @cbabie That's good you saw your friends you hadn't seen. That's always fun. I can only nap for an hour at a time but it feels good. I love the way hot dogs taste on the grill, too, and I smoked them so they were even better!

    @fabgeekmom Thanks! I was able to take a nap. It felt good. I'm glad most nights, you sleep ok. It's still a bit cool here, in the low 60s. I hope you enjoyed your bike workout.

    @theslightedgeforever Interesting. I wonder if I would prefer them? I think I've only had them one time. The musical was really touching and good. It was at Broadway, I think: https://playbill.com/production/next-to-normal-booth-theatre-vault-0000001652

    Hi all. I had a nice day yesterday: I hadn't planned on going anywhere but my husband wanted to go somewhere so we went and walked around our favorite neighborhood. We stopped at the used bookstore where I got a book that I had been hoping to find and then went for coffee and read a bit. Then we went to the pet store and then home. We sat out on the walkway in our chairs for a bit while I smoked the hot dogs. Dinner was really good, I'm looking forward to the leftovers for lunch. Dinner tonight will use the grill again, Jalapeño Pepper Jack Turkey Burgers with either more pasta salad or air-fried french fries.

    Water yesterday: 12 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
    @cbabie Oreo Thins are a good substitute. 4 cookies for 140 cals. I can't imagine not cooking without salt. I'm probably a bit heavy handed on the mayo. I do try to use the light version though. Ocassionally I will mix plain yogurt and mayo but it just doesn't taste the same. In July I'm going to have to increase my Apple ring goal for movement. So I can push myself just a bit more. I'm sorry about your friend. We are getting to the age that we will see more and more of that.

    @gemwolf110 I'll look at that what the the health. I like fooducate.com I read a blog from there ages ago about how Kraft Mac and Cheese in US is made differently and sent to Europe. They have higher food standards than we do. If they can make it healthy for the rest of the world they can do the same for us. It's all about the money.

    @fabgeekmom Ediets was basically like MFP. They had mealplans and challenges, a community, etc. Processed food is just more convenient. Plus it's everywhere. It's interesting traveling overseas and going to the supermarkets there versus what we have here. Just a different mindset. I think. I keep some Hershey kisses in my stash just for when the chocolate craving hits. Another good one is an After Eight mint. Your menu sounds good. I love grilled hamburgers.

    @trooworld I actually prefer the taste of instant potatoes to real mashed potatoes. But I almost never buy the instant kind. I can't remember the last time I had mashed potatoes. Probably last year with my daughter when I made meatloaf. I think I'd like that mental health musical.

    Didn't check in yesterday as I was playing games with my daughter.

    Food over 8 carbs, under 180 calories
    Water 44 oz
    Exercise 21 min walk, 15 min dance

    Food under 65 carbs, under 32 calories
    Water 50 oz
    Exercise 21 min walk

    It’s a lot of products. I was watching a YouTube documentary on how fruit loops American version has all the dyes and the fruit loops that is processed in the US but shipped to the Canada doesn’t have the bad stuff.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 567 Member
    @trooworld I’m glad you had a good day yesterday. Smoked hotdogs sound good. Turkey burgers, too. Hi, all. I had a good meal and visit yesterday. I ate too much which was to be expected. This morning before breakfast DH and I went walking. It was cool and breezy. After breakfast we went to the grocery store. My son and I planned meals for this week. I worked out on the bike. Lunch was a burger on a wrap and berries with Greek yogurt. Tonight we are having Chilean sea bass that I’m going to marinate in orange juice, garlic, soy sauce and olive oil. I’ll either grill or air fry it.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,459 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you! That's good you went walking and did the bike. The sea bass sounds wonderful.

    @gemwolf110 I hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day.

    Hi all. I had a good day yesterday. It started off kind of slow but at about 11:30, I took one of my dogs and walked at a local park that has a path around a lake. It was beautiful. I saw many dogs and people having fun. We only walked for about 20 minutes as it got a little hot and my dog started panting. But at least it was something. The turkey burgers we had for dinner were probably the best I've ever had, my husband made an aioli sauce for them and they were perfect: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/jalapeno-pepper-jack-turkey-burgers/

    Water yesterday: 25 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 567 Member
    @trooworld The walk around the lake sounds nice. There’s something about water that’s so peaceful. I’m glad you enjoyed your turkey burgers. Hi, all. My fish last night was really good. I have leftovers for lunch today and tomorrow. Chilean sea bass is usually too expensive to buy. My cousin’s husband works at a grocery store and got a good price for them. Today we are going swimming for the first time since last week. My son is making citrus chicken, green bean Caesar salad and boiled red potatoes for dinner tonight. It’s family dinner night so it’ll be fun.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,633 Member
    Morning all, I am not sure where the long weekend went. This I know, I gained 2 lbs since I started that other challenge. It must be a mindset that I gain when I do that challenge. I need to break that. Now that we are out of school, holidays are over, time to get back on track and work it. I don't want to end up like my friend. She was 72, had great looking skin, but I guess the insides weren't so good.

    @trooworld sounds like you had a great weekend food and fun!! I like my Turkey Burgers plain...go figure. LOL

    @fabgeekmom Good for you for the bike ride and walk...you are so disciplined!!

    @theslightedgeforever Glad you had fun with your daughter...we use instant mashed potatoes cause I am lazy and baby girl doesn't know what real are. LOL.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 567 Member
    @cbabie Sorry about the gain. It’s good to get into a routine. I have been eating stuff I usually don’t eat so it’s time to get back into my program of eating. LOL about the mashed potatoes! My stepsister died when she was 72. I’m 72 now. I hope to live a long time!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,459 Member
    @fabgeekmom It was very nice. There was partial shade, which helped. I agree about sea bass. It's expensive here, too. That's good you got a good deal. I hope you enjoyed your swim and dinner, which sounds amazing (per usual).

    @cbabie My weekend went by quickly as well. I'm sorry about the gain. I have problems like that when I try to set a "lbs by xxx date" or a challenge type situation. I'm co-captain in a team on here (Fat2Fit's Mission Slimpossibles) and I recently had to switch to the support team as I just keep gaining and gaining and I don't know if having to report my weight every week was messing with my head or what. I'm glad you finally have time to work on yourself now that school is out. Yes, great weekend. Plain turkey burgers...lol.

    Hi all. I'm fighting depression pretty badly right now with a healthy dose of anxiety. It started yesterday morning. I was at work and just felt like I was crawling out of my skin. I couldn't stand to be there. I love my job, so this is unusual. I couldn't stand to stay there. I was already supposed to leave early to pick up one of my paintings from a gallery but I left even earlier because I just couldn't sit there. I told my manager I had stomach issues and felt low energy and left. I came home and laid on the couch in the dark. After I picked up my husband from work, I took my anxiety medication. I went to bed at 6:30. Today, I can't tell yet how I feel but I think I still feel low. I've got stuff to do so I need to snap out of it.

    Water yesterday: 54 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,289 Member
    I’m here. I’m in a little bit of a funk so no exercise. I have been consistent with my Sunshine stroll each morning for 20 minutes, but I could be better on food quality. Water has been between 50 and 60 ounces each day

    I went and got a mammogram this morning and now I have to wait for the results. I hate that part.

    I’ll catch up with you all tomorrow
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 567 Member
    @trooworld I’m sorry you are suffering from depression. Hopefully by the time you read this you will be feeling better. @theslightedgeforever I’m sorry you’re in a funk. I know how you feel waiting for test results. It’s good that you went for a walk. Hi, all. We couldn’t go swimming as the center is closed due to the H vac system being down and they are waiting for a part. So no telling when they will be open. Luckily I was able to walk and ride my bike. Tonight my son is making soy glazed tofu on the grill and vegetable lo mein. DH is getting last night’s leftovers.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,459 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I'm sorry you are in a funk. Me, too. I'm glad you are still getting your sunshine strolls in. Have you had problematic mammogram results in the past? I am getting mine on Friday.

    @fabgeekmom Thank you. That's too bad about the pool. That's good you got in your walk and a bike ride though. Dinner sounds good.

    Hi all. I'm still feeling low but not quite as bad. But now, I also have the beginnings of a migraine. It's probably stress-related, I have to do a big project on Saturday for work that I've been working on for about 5 months. So, I'm a bit worried about the execution of that project. I did pretty well yesterday. Dinner was Creamy Chicken and Spinach Tri-Colore Pasta from Skinnytaste Simple. It was really good.

    Water yesterday: 54 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 567 Member
    @trooworld Sorry about the migraine. I think I made that Skinnytaste recipe. Hi, all. The recreation center is open but without AC and the pool is closed. I’m not working out without AC. Our plans are to go to Target after breakfast. I’ll workout on the bike and walk outside if it’s not too hot. Dinner tonight is pork chops with peach sauce (ATK recipe), rice and squash.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,633 Member
    Morning all, I did better yesterday, but not great. I think all the homemade Ice cream is gone..LOL
    No exercise yesterday...

    @trooworld Sorry about your migraine. I hope you catch it in time. Do you know what causes you to be low? Sometimes I just need some food (not sugar) LOL real food. Sometimes I just cry and I don't know why. I hope you feel better soon.

    @fabgeekmom I wouldn't work without AV either. Good thing you have equipment at home. I guess that's why I like my treadmill..but I need to just get on it.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 567 Member
    @cbabie I know what you mean about the ice cream. That’s hard to resist. I was glad when all the cake was gone!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,459 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thanks. I don't blame you for not wanting to work out without AC. I wouldn't either! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your day.

    @cbabie Homemade ice cream is hard to resist. Do you have an ice cream machine? What is your favorite kind of ice cream to make? We have an ice cream machine but rarely use it because I never think to make the base the day before. I'm glad you did better. Thanks. I did catch it in time however, I woke up this morning to another one! :( I think the reason I was so low was a combination of things but mostly just because lol. I feel better today (besides the migraine).

    @gemwolf110 Happy Friday indeed!

    @theslightedgeforever How are you doing? Still in a funk?

    Hi all. The medication took the migraine away yesterday but I woke up today to another one. Luckily, I get off at noon today since I have to work tomorrow for a bit. I have a couple of appointments so it's not like I will be enjoying myself. I did well yesterday.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 567 Member
    @trooworld I’m sorry you are not feeling good. Hi, all. The recreation center has AC but the pool is closed because the chemicals are off due to the center not having AC. Hopefully it will be opened next week. Tonight is steak night. The temperature is cooler again so I will go for a walk. And of course, workout on the bike.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,633 Member
    Morning all, I did better yesterday, I did some stretching of my hips..Kids helped..LOL. I made pork chops on the grill with corn on the cob, but I ate the meatloaf left overs. I don't really eat pork, (holds my water). It will be hot again today so no walking outside..

    @fabgeekmom Glad the AC is back on...at least you know you can get in the pool next week. We don't eat steak alot, my DH can't digest it well. But I have other carnivores. LOL So we eat it once in awhile. Enjoy you walk tonight.

    @gemwolf110 Happy Friday to you as well!!!

    @trooworld Sorry about the migraine. Hope it stops. Yea on keeping on track with your nutrition!! I just make Vanilla. I am thinking about trying other things. My sister will tell you, I am not creative with my food or really anything. I can eat the same thing over and over..I am BORING. LOL. I have a Bullet Ice cream maker that uses frozen bananas etc I started looking at different recipes for that too.. Time to get back to creative.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,459 Member
    @fabgeekmom Thank you. That's a bummer about the center. I hope you enjoyed steak night and your walk and bike workout.

    @cbabie Yay for a better day! That's good you stretched. It feels good, doesn't it? It's finally grilling season. We are grilling tonight, I think: hot dogs from Sam's Club, which are really good. Thanks. There is nothing wrong with vanilla or keeping things simple! Oh that's good to use frozen bananas. That must be healthier than the kind I make (anything has to be lol).

    Hi all. I took more migraine medication and that took away the migraine so I was able to function the rest of the day. BUT...I took my car to the dealership for routine maintenance and they found that a rat had made a nest under my hood and chewed through the ignition hose! It was a disgusting mess and cost me over $500! Then, I had to take poor Daisy to the vet and that cost another $100. So, expensive day for me that I wasn't prepared for. Ugh. I was deflated after that so I ate leftover pasta salad for dinner. Today, I have to get groceries and then a chiropractor appt and then I have to work for about 3-4 hours.

    Water yesterday: 40 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"