
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    Good morning ladies:

    Had not realized the length of my disappearance so will definitely not be catching up on all comments. Since I last checked in, my brother now has a definite Alzheimer's diagnosis.
    We spent a night in the emergency room with him a few weeks ago (at my disappearance time). He was completely delusional-people were trying to kill him, etc. He was shouting to God asking for forgiveness and many other things. It was sad watching his pain. This past week they started him on seroquel. He slept three nights straight, the fourth night he again heard the voices and was manic for over 25 hours. Last I heard last night he was sleeping. Everyone coming to my house tonight for pizza. Will get SIL out of house for a bit and see how he does in different environment. Oldest brother is in from out of state. My YS and DIL are bringing baby over to meet her great uncles.

    And speaking of my youngest grandchild-I babysat her four days Memorial Day weekend (Thursday through Sunday).
    I arrive and they tell me she had a fever earlier but went to the doctor and they believe some viral ear thing. No temp when I arrive. Doctor has a script on hold at drug store if needed. Off go Mom and Dad to Maryland. She ran no fever over the weekend, was a tough fussy by nothing bad. Kept to her sleep schedule. Ate a lot (right at 6 month mark so growth spurt. They need to get her on solids! But we had a good time playing, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, exercising, etc. By time Mom and Dad return Sunday night I am staying there until Monday am. My through is getting scratchy by they point. Monday morning upon awakening no doubt I caught something. Went to Urgent Care Tuesday-they said some viral thing gave m nasal spray and cough pearls. Worked from home. Went in to office Wednesday and to a meeting-made it through the day somehow. Wednesday nigh had horrific body aches-was running fever by now. Friday morning back to Urgent Care-got antibiotic and steroids to help with cough. Feeling much closer to human now. And Luna, of course, was completely over whatever she gave me long ago!

    Flea-I do seem to recall you receiving some very good news! How exciting.

    Allie-twin girls sounds exciting. From the one picture it looks like Carmine paid a visit to Miles.

    Annie and Beth-the memory issues are real and scary. SIL wants to keep brother home as long as possible-not because of money, etc. (they don't have any) but because she views it as to what you do for family.

    Terri-glad you sorted out all of your tech issues.

    Heather-glad surgery went well. No doubt a bit more pain to experience but I found it a different type of pain and it doesn't last-small steps!

    Pip-I get it sometimes the being overlooked can get to you. But you have a pretty good family on here! Welcome to my side of older age!

    ok-missed so much I apologize but with the way the last couple of weeks have been it was good to have you ladies to come back to. Oh-and somewhere in there I put a hold on a condo unit at the complex I want to move to. It is on the walking path and has direct access to fishing pond. Going over to check it out in a couple of weeks. It won't be ready until end of year so good timing. My brother's rapid changes has made me realize I want to make more memories with my family-not my work.

    Need to get house ready for guests. Will check on Kylia here in a bit,

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

    I am lucky to have you guys
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Machka - part of my yen for those drawered cabinets was that I couldn't stand looking at all the markers, brushes, drawing pencils, etc., standing up in containers. Just too chaotic. I think your bins could be just the thing, but you're right you'd need them to sit on a surface. My daughter has something similar but quite a bit larger for her kids' toys, so they can find what they want reasonably easily. Once you have the bins, there's all the fun of deciding whether to store them by color or by type or both. I was heartbroken when my labelmaker went kaput. I may have to buy another one--but for now, I'm making do with labels printed on my inkjet. Not the same at all...I may not be diagnosed as neurodivergent, but I have a feeling there's a strong streak of it in my makeup. :smiley:

    I get it!

    It's driving me a bit crazy that I've got pens in all sorts of different containers around my chair now. In the new place, I want something more uniform and neat.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,819 Member
    Lisa: Those drawer cabinets are so useful, and they keep everything tidy and out of sight.

    Heather: Just keep taking those forward steps.

    Ginny: Good to see you posting again. (((Hugs))) for your brother. Sorry that Luna was a tad too generous 😝

    Had an active rest day. Decided against the Sea Festival. Wasn’t in the mood for crowds of people. Nice family Skype was just the ticket.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Ugh, I feel like a drama queen. I swear, we are usually a low drama - super healthy family, but this is a weird time. My 17 year old just informed me that he gets a weird feeling in his heart sometimes, that makes his left arm feel weird. I think he had covid about 3 months ago. The oldest tested positive but he didn’t. However, they were sick at the same time and the tests are not reliable anymore anyway. If the say “yes” then you know it’s true, but if they say “no”, then it’s a crap shoot. Honestly, we were just taking them for fun because we were going to follow the same health and safety protocols anyway.

    One of the stupid side effects for boy in that age range is a short term effect on the heart. So, I’m a little worried and I have to try and get a doctors appointment first thing in the morning. I’m going to do a couple hours of work tonight and go in to work super early. I’ll also let my boss know that I may need to jet out to a doctor’s appointment at the drop of a hat. I tried to get one online, and his doctor has no appointment until August.

    The other piece is that his PT found that he has weird muscle issues where his brain loses connectivity with his muscles and the one he is using just starts shaking instead of working. And the heart is a muscle. So is that related? Who freaking knows - hence a doctor. But it isn’t very fun being me right now, downplaying everything and staying calm so that he isn’t worried.

    Anyhoo - I’m only writing about it here- I’m not sharing with anyone else other than my husband because I don’t want to answer a bunch of questions and deal with other people’s worries.

    This is so dumb.

    @skuehn48 - I’m so sorry about your sister’s circumstances. That must be really hard for you to manage. There are some really great care homes out there, but if she is afraid is that afraid of them, she won’t be able to see that.

    @cityjaneLondon - So glad your pain has turned the corner!

    @grandmallie - Love the picnic table! Littles love a place there size that is like the adults. It must be strange to exist in a world where nothing is your size. Your lawn is amazing as well. I am trying to get clover in mine, but the wild rabbits keep eating it.

    @pipcd34 - car shows are the best! I love the hot rods. The car from your year is super cute too!

  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I may not be diagnosed as neurodivergent, but I have a feeling there's a strong streak of it in my makeup. :smiley:

    Glad to find another one of us! We are everywhere!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,793 Member
    Good to see you, Evie, Rori. Hope your first night home is restful and healing, Heather!

    The weekend's drawing to a close... Did a little flit to the stores this afternoon.

    Really wanted to replace some older, tattered lilies that kept hanging in there in one of the beds up front, and found blueberry bushes at Lowes - but of the pink lemonade variety. Won't bear this year, but possibly next if I can get them rooted and healthy before the heat of summer. My mulberry tree for last year's birthday didn't come back after the winter, though we tried everything we could think of... It just persisted in doing its best imitation of a dead stick until we finally believed it. Maybe the blueberries will like it better. Hope so.

    Also found some lovely pink vincas. I have the purple ones all along most of my fence lines now, because they only get about a foot high, and make great ground cover. They love the shade - but supposedly this kind likes the sunshine, which it will have to in that front bed - it gets about 12 or more hours of sun a day in the full summer. Hopefully they'll make it.

    That was the excitement for the day. We'll have the brother-in-law and our son and his DSO on Father's Day for lunch, but I'm pretty peopled out for now. Glad that's two weeks away!

    Hope it's a good week for everyone.
    Cheers, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,586 Member
    Pip - love those bunnies and all of the neat improvements you and Kirby have made at your place. I think you should be featured in "Sunset" Magazine. And by the way, we're darn lucky to have YOU and your boot! :#:p

    Heather - so very happy to hear your hip is not hurting at rest now. Glad you are home.

    Jenn - hope you can get your son in to the doc quickly and crossing fingers his symptoms are no cause for alarm.

    Lisa - Pink lemonade blueberries are delicious. Hope your bush makes it through the summer and gives you a nice crop next year!

    The rain and wind continue. It was a good day today.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,150 Member
    got home a few hours ago- cooked dinner for dh, now trying to catch up on emails and MFP.
    Had a good weekend. A LOT of work, especially today-5hrs straight of planting and setting up the water lines.
    Had the talk with mom about the property- she hasn't completely decided how it will be divided or not. I will be executor and she knows how much I want to keep the property and will do what ever I to keep it. She also knows my sisters will both sell it as soon as they can. One sister actually asked for hers years ago(that did NOT set well with my dad). We had a good talk. It would have been better if the room mate wasnt there.
    Going to try and catch up on all the posts.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,819 Member
    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Barbie - I don’t find jeans comfortable at all anymore, maybe I just need to find the right ones.

    I'm with you! I have a couple pair of jeans that sort of fit, and I can wear them for work, but they definitely aren't the sort of things I would lounge around the house in. Definitely not that comfortable.

    I actually don't find pants in general that comfortable.

    Machka - that’s a lot of work.

    So I'm discovering! One more wall to wash, but there are a lot of windows so it shouldn't be too bad.

    There are cobwebs at the top of the walls because there are always cobwebs at the top of walls in Australia, plus the place sat empty for a few months. So I want to get all that off.
    There are scuffs and things on the lower part of the walls from 10 years of furniture. So I'm scrubbing all those marks off.

    My arms are out of shape.

    Lisa and Machka- funny you both think you’re neurodivergent and have completely different ideas of organizing. I think I have some tendencies too, but my daughter was diagnosed. For years I tried to help her organize and would go for bins and baskets that hide the stuff, like Lisa’s drawers. Apparently her ADHD requires things to be more open like Machka’s bins. Since she has learned this it has helped her more.

    I would much prefer everything to be "hidden" and that is the goal for my new home office - everything filed away neatly.

    But when it comes to these pens, I use them just about every evening, and so I want them accessible and neatly organised by colour and style. Right now, I've got several different containers of them all over the place near my chair and that doesn't work for me.

    Interestingly, my husband does not like stuff to be closed away. He likes it spread out all around him. I've known he doesn't like things tucked away in drawers, so I tried open baskets. Nope, that didn't work. The basket ended up in the office. Then I tried trays to see if he'd go for them, and he did for a little while but it wasn't long before I discovered the tray in the office. So I'm not sure what, if anything will work.

    The Oilers are going to the Stanley Cup Playoffs. It will be exciting being here for that. They haven’t made it this far since we have lived here.

    I remember the Oilers from way back when!

    Machka in Oz

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,229 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Jenn you must be so worried about your son's heart. Hope it turns out to be minor.

    Beth and Ginny we are keeping Dad at home for as long as we can. But it's hard because he doesn't trust me. Even on a stupid issue like where is the trash bin, he doesn't believe I know. It's insulting, but usually not dangerous.

    In a home, he would be locked up. I toured the closest one, and it was way too expensive. So we will carry on for a bit. Neither path is perfect.

    I'm excited. I bought more murder mystery books. Yay! I spend a lot of time in my chair monitoring my dad, usually with a book. I read a Laura Griffin last night. Next up is a Sue Grafton.

    Have a wonderful day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member