
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @cbabie I love steak and green beans. I have some leftover green beans I’m going to eat tonight. 100 degrees is hot! Stay cool. Walking in place is good.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @cbabie Whatever gets your heart rate up is a good thing. What can you keep in the house when you don't want to cook and just scrounge around that would be healthy and tasty? There's a thing you can buy that you use your outside bike and it turns into an exercise bike. I'd put it on the patio with a big fan blowing right at me just to make room. Yaaay on walking in place

    @gemwolf110 Local donut shops are the best. But very dangerous.

    @trooworld I'm not eating sweets except the occasional after eight mint. I still need more f&v. I was doin well preplanning but then fell off that wagon. So back to that. I'm doing one of the MFP plans and it's all about adding in the f&v and then choosing lower sugar alternatives to the current foods we eat with added sugar. My hubby would be that way about the support. He's more of a if you would just run and not walk you could lose the weight. At least I'm getting out there and doing something which is more than I can say for him right now. Since retirement, he's retired from life. Environment is everything to be successful. Ask your hubby what things is he willing to change to help you out? I'm sure he will say I'm not the one that is needing to change. That is where I would guilt-trip mine. Along the lines of "well it sure would be nice to have a loving partner to support me". That would be my mantra until he hears it in his head even while he's asleep LOL I'm getting better at choosing things at restaurants that are good for me versus what I really want. Like today. I had a chicken shawarma salad and he had a shawarma and fries. I'm no longer tempted by the fries anymore.

    @fabgeekmom I liked Edinburgh but not as much as up north in the Highlands The hills in Edinburgh were killing me. I can't wait to go to places like that and not be winded when I climb.
    My son got to see TS years ago. He texted me in the middle of it saying, guess who her special guest is right now. Nelly! I love Nelly! I was so jealous.

    Exercise is DONE for the day. I even did 31 min in Zone 2 on the treadmill. I ended up with 80 min of exercise total. I tried a new mini-trampoline video from YouTube.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @theslightedgeforever You really are in the zone! My DH is pretty supportive. He eats a lot of stuff they I don’t but basically follows a healthy diet. I have been able to eat sweets in moderation. Candy will always be available and I have learned to eat a few pieces after dinner and track it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, thank you! That sounds like a fun trip your son and daughter are going on. Are you going to do the cooking while they are gone?

    @cbabie Good job! I love green beans, too. Do you like them crisp or mushy? I kind of like mine mushy lol. Ugh that's hot. I'm glad I got it straightened out, too. Yeah, husbands! LOL I do have you guys! And another source of support I'll talk about below.

    @theslightedgeforever That's good you are doing one of the plans that is about adding in f&v. Is it a low-sugar plan? Or what is it called? That's exactly how my husband is. I've already asked my husband if he would stop bringing in sweets and he said no, that I would need to get used to being around that stuff because when I go to work, it will be there etc. so I don't think he's willing to do anything like that. But I'll ask him. I may get a "talking to" again lol. LOL I love the way you do things! That's great you are making better choices at restaurants. I am good about it sometimes. Wow, great job with the exercise!!!

    Hi all. Thank you for your support. I don't think I mentioned this yet, but I joined an online bariatric support community called BariNation. It has a podcast and support groups and classes led by therapists and doctors and patients/leaders who know what they are doing lol. I've been to 3 support group sessions in the week that I've joined and they've all been good and helpful. I joined a summer challenge and made a goal of 3 days a week of intentional movement.

    Water yesterday: 64 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld That’s good news about the support group. I’m sure that is helpful. I’m going to cook as DH does not cook. In his defense, he does the yard work, vacuuming, most of the house cleaning. My cousin is bringing us some turkey she cooked so all I have to do is make some mashed potatoes and a vegetable. She’s also bringing me some beets from her garden. Tomorrow night all I have to do is reheat a meal from a few weeks ago. I’m preparing 2 recipes from ATK on Saturday and Sunday as my son-in-law and granddaughter will eat with us. Hi, all. The pool is open but we can’t go today as we have hair appointments. But we will go tomorrow.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Morning all, Eating was a little better, but still ate ice cream before bed. I did get on my treadmill yesterday, so that is a plus.

    @trooworld that's great you found a new support group. We can all as women use all the support we can get. It seems we wear many hats and sometimes we are just too tired to support ourselves. LOL I like my green beans cooked all day! I don't eat raw vegetables at all, so veggies and I don't have a great relationship. LOL

    @fabgeekmom Sounds like you are prepared well for your kids' trip. Yea on the pool. I need to get my haircut, but I just don't want to go out in the heat, pay money for it, then come home and not like it. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever Yea on the exercise..and yea on getting back to preplanning. Yea it's the sugar that is getting me now. I have to stop...I don't want to be like mom and dad. Not sure about what can I keep around the house for healthy choices...but I will think about it.

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @cbabie Good job on eating and exercise. I am fortunate in that my hairdresser comes to our house. She does that because she had a toxic experience at 2 salons.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @fabgeekmom It seems your household environment is really good. That makes is so much easier for you. It has really become a lifestyle.

    @trooworld I like mushy green beans too. In fact I don't like a lot of crisp foods. The plan is called Building Healthy Habits. Your support group sounds really good. It's nice to be with others in the same boat.

    @cbabie Yaaay on the treadmill. Would you be open to try a new habit of eating raw veggies? It's all about finding the right recipe so they taste good. Not just throwing broccoli on a plate. Instead of thinking about stopping the sugar right now how about reducing the sugar. Have you been tracking your sugar grams? What foods do you eat regularly that you could switch up. Yes, I know. Ice cream. You WILL end up like our parents if you don't reduce the sugar. Sugar is a big culprit of both diabetes and cancer. My LAS (lower sugar alternative) food that I chose for this plan was iced coffees particularly caramel machiattos. I went from not drinking coffee to OD'ing on them. Especially in the heat. So I am going to replace them with a Sugar Free Vanilla Iced Tea at cafes except for one day a week. My other option is to just make my iced SF pumpkin latte at home. Also the cheaper option. So think of all the foods that you eat that has added sugar. That is what we need to be looking at.
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Good point about the sugar substitutes. Have you tried unsweetened vanilla almond milk? It has no sugar and has a sweet taste because of the vanilla. I also make coffee, usually flavored beans that have no sugar.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, I think it will be very helpful. Ah ok. That's good that your DH does that stuff. You have such a nice family! That's good the pool is back open. Last night, my husband made a recipe from Skinnytaste Simple that I actually didn't enjoy: it was the broiled fish with salsa verde (p 232). I didn't like the salsa verde sauce, it was too parsley-ish (which makes sense because it's mostly parsley).

    @cbabie That's two good things, awesome! Yes, I'm glad I found that other support group. That's pretty much how I like my green beans lol. I use this recipe and make them in the instant pot and they are perfect: I don't know if you have an instant pot, but if you do, you should try that recipe. :)

    @theslightedgeforever Yeah I think that's the only veggie that I like mushy like that lol. You and your sister with the crisp foods lol. Yes, I think it will be really good for me. Indeed! Thank you, I just joined that plan, I'll see how it goes!

    HI all. I weighed in and lost the pasta weight + some, I'm down to 245.8 from 250.4. That makes me feel better. I had my once-a-week approved breakfast at the cafe yesterday, I had a scramble with bacon, spinach and cheese. It was good and I didn't feel guilty. Today, I work from home. I'm going to sneak in a Zoom support group for pre-op and beginner bariatric patients this morning and then in the afternoon, I have to get a mammogram. Dinner tonight is leftovers from earlier in the week.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld I saw that recipe and skipped it because it didn’t sound good. Yes, I do have a nice family. The cafe breakfast sounded good. Congrats on the weight loss. Eating leftovers is always good. Hi, all. My cousin came over yesterday to give me my dinner and we sat in the sat in the shade and visited. I guess you can see that she is like a sister to me. Dinner was very good. This morning we are going to the pool, finally! Dinner is leftovers. Lucky me, no real cooking!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Morning all, I gave in to a craving and ate just before I went to bed a Little Debbie chocolate/peanut butter bars.. I was so. upset at myself, but I have to pick myself up and move on. I didn't exercise yesterday...but I did move furniture in my kitchen/living room. LOL

    @trooworld Yea on the loss. I am so grateful for zoom and other technology that we have to connect us in our world today. I will look at the recipe thanks!!!

    @fabgeekmom So sorry she had a toxic experience, but happy for her and you she found a solution. You know it seems we have more people "come to us" now, like door dash, uber, etc. I hope you have a good day today!!

    @theslightedgeforever No I am not tracking sugar, but I will start today. As mom always said forewarned is forearmed. LOL. I am not interested in eating raw veggies..LOL. Kind of like asking me to take medicine that doesn't taste good, I won't. LOL


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom You were right to skip it! :D Thank you. Yes, leftovers save money and are usually good. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your cousin. I hope the pool was nice.

    @cbabie Ooh that bar could be hard to resist. Moving furniture IS exercise! Yes, me too, Zoom is awesome.

    Hi all. I got my mammogram yesterday. It always hurts and I don't know if it is because I have more than most in that area or if it hurts everyone lol. The lady made me feel comfortable and we were laughing and joking so it went by quickly. This morning my husband and I are going to the zoo to walk. I never get tired of walking at the zoo. After that, I will come home and eat something and then go donate platelets at the blood bank. I've never donated platelets so hopefully it doesn't make me sick. I've tried donating plasma in the past and it does make me really sick. I can do whole blood and red blood cells and not feel sick. We'll see.

    Water yesterday: 20 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @cbabie Sometimes we give into the cravings. You’re right to get back into it. Tracking sugar helps. @trooworld I’m small in that area and it still hurts. I feel like my whole shoulder goes in the machine. But it’s quick which helps. Good job on donating platelets. I hope you don’t get sick I can’t donate blood as I have a blood disorder that is treated with medication. I’m sure the zoo will be fun. Hi, all. DH and I are going to the botanical gardens this morning. I’m looking forward to seeing the hydrangeas and roses. I’m cooking dinner tonight using an ATK recipe. My son-in-law and granddaughter are coming over.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,639 Member
    Morning all, well yesterday didn't go as planned. I ate 3 servings of ice cream. I did exercise though, so partial bonus. LOL. I am trying to figure out how to "make" myself use our pool this summer for exercise. It is so hot here right now and I am sure will only stay that way now until at least September.

    @trooworld good for you for getting a mammogram even though you know it hurts. I don't remember mine ever hurting, even though I know for most women it does. I don't know what makes it hurt or not hurt. I know you love the zoo...enjoy it...although isn't it like blazing hot where you are? (or is that just us) LOL. I got sick one time giving blood, not sure why as usually it didn't bother me.

    @fabgeekmom I am sure you will enjoy the gardens. I bet it's beautiful right now. Enjoy your son in law and grand daughter..what fun. (well not the cooking part ) LOL. I didn't track my sugar. I know I need to. It will probably make me think twice about that ice cream. LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @fabgeekmom Almond milk. No. Just reading the words make me go "blech" But I didn't used to like the taste of coffee so there's possibly a chance. I will add it to my try list. Yaay on the pool being open. I haven't donated blood in years. I kept getting denied because my hemoglobin was too low but now I'm menopausal so maybe that won't be a problem anymore.

    @trooworld Read my post to @cbabie about crisp foods. lol Woohoo on your weight loss.

    @cbabie So as @trooworld pointed out we don't like crisp foods. Why do you think that is? I do like raw carrots. Chips and crackers, pretzels. Those are crisp. lol But give me bendy bacon and chewy cookies. Chewy pizza. Even my toast cannot be crisp. I prefer pancakes over waffles.
    So on the pool... You have to break it down into small steps. 1) Set a time everyday for the pool at the same time. Kids like routine. Like in school they have a flow to their day. 2) go put on your swimsuit and everyone else's too. etc. What if you were to use a smaller bowl for your ice cream? Like a small ramekin. You could have 3 servings and still eat less sugar than what you are doing now. If you are tracking ALL your food in MFP, then the sugar grams are already tracked for you. You just have to go look.

    Exercise done for the day. Last couple of days I haven't done anything.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, I feel like that, too! Thank you! I didn't get sick, thankfully. The zoo was fun. The botanical gardens sounds fun. I hope you had a nice dinner.

    @cbabie What's up with the 3 servings of ice cream? Is it the heat you are having, are you trying to cool down? Good job with the exercise. Do you ever do water aerobics in the pool? I really enjoy that. Yeah, it really hurts me. Part of it is I have these cysts underneath my breasts from my skin rubbing, right in the creases, and when they do the mammogram, they stretch that area, and that hurts really bad. It's not too hot in the city right now but out east, it is. It was in the mid-70s yesterday. Yeah it bothers some people to donate.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah, that's good you are replacing the caramel macchiatos. Good job with the replacements! Good job exercising.

    Hi all. I'm doing really well. The zoo was nice, although we only stayed an hour (it was getting busy). We went for breakfast/coffee afterward and I got salad with my breakfast panini so I count that as a win. We went to two malls and walked around (my husband hates the mall, so I count this as a personal victory lol). I ended up with over 10,000 steps for the day. I was really tired but made dinner anyway: salmon with salad and roasted sweet potatoes. This morning, In my bariatric group, I committed to 15 mins of intentional movement 3 times a week for a "Spring Into Summer" challenge (it actually started in May, so I'm really late to the challenge but I figure I can go at my own pace even after it ends). I scheduled to go walk at the lake this morning with my dog. I want to go before the sun comes out so my dog doesn't overheat.

    Water yesterday: 60 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld That sounds like a great day! Lots of steps and good food choices. Salmon is always good. The challenge is a good thing to do. Hi, all. The botanical gardens were nice. It was cool when we were in the shade but hot when we were in the sun. The hydrangeas were awesome. We were too tired and hot to look at look at the roses but we got a quick glance at them on the way to our car. My dinner was good. I was pleasantly surprised to see that 4 servings were actually 6. So less calories and leftovers for next week. Tonight I am doing a slow cooker pulled chicken recipe. I’m doubling it to have leftovers. I will give my son-in-law some to have for the week.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,516 Member
    edited June 10
    @fabgeekmom It was! I'm glad you enjoyed the botanical gardens. That's good the recipe made more than you thought.

    Hi all. I did make it to the lake to walk around with Violet. We walked twice as far as the last time, we walked two times around. Maybe next time, we can do it 3 times. It's a bit stressful when I take Violet because she's pulling trying to get to people. I should have distracted her with treats but I didn't. It wasn't too busy, which was nice. Food was pretty good until my husband broke out ice cream bars and I didn't say no. I made turkey meatloaf for dinner with lightened-up mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli.

    Water yesterday: 48 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"

  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 583 Member
    @trooworld The lake looks so peaceful. Too bad you had trouble with Violet. Dogs do get excited to see people. The turkey meatloaf sounds good. I have several servings in the freezer. I totally get the ice cream bars. That’s hard to resist! My Achilles Heel is when my son bakes something from ATK. Hi, all. We went swimming after breakfast and now are on the patio. It’s a bit cooler and peaceful. Lunch was last night’s chicken with coleslaw and fruit. I’ve been eating more fruit lately as everything is in season. Tonight’s dinner will be leftover pasta from Saturday.