

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,638 Member
    Morning all, I am still limping around, but I refused to just sit any longer. I can stand, it's the walking and turning that bother me. SO I just get started on something and stand until it's done. then my knee is really swollen and I HAVE to sit for a bit. LOL. I cleaned out one of the closets yesterday. Went through my cassettes. Yes I still have them. When they went in the closet, we were still listening to tapes..Now a decade later..( I found one of my Dad preaching). Today DH and I cleaned the floors..I couldn't take one more day of it. Kids are messy!!! LOL I just got a call from a place the DR sent in a referral for an infusion...don't know what that is, but I am sure I am not doing it. Waiting on a call from the DR.. :)

    @theslightedgeforever glad you put not a typo..I get 100 just going from bedroom to kitchen..LOL. Sorry your foot is hurting...I get it. Yes I am more paranoid..imagine that! LOL

    @trooworld I hate those weeks, I still have more than my share too. I want to be someone that just sits in my house..LOL. That's how I felt when I had an EEG done..oh that was fun with a little baby..

    @fabgeekmom Yea I like the chocolate ones too..double stuffed to be exact. LOL I think I only like pumpkin pie and pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting..LOL


  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 582 Member
    @cbabie Wow, cassettes! That must be special to have one of your dad preaching. Sorry about the knee. Yes, kids are messy.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @cbabie Did you get a call from the dr about your infusion? Maybe it's just infusion therapy. That's not bad. Now I'm limping around too lol Only my right foot has started hurting. So how is your food in all this. If you can't exercise you can still eat healthy foods.

    @fabgeekmom It's an old injury that gets flared up when I don't wear supportive shoes and then do alot of walking. It's basically ice and rest. I'm resting it but not so good on the ice. I hate that part. I put a compression sleeve on it yesterday that helped.

    @trooworld The other day I didn't leave the apt and just sat basically on my computer or reading. The whole thing is 777 sq ft. I've had to wear a holter monitor before. Not fun. I like to sleep on my side and stomach. Hopefully you will get through these tests and be able to schedule your surgery.

    I'm leaving on a trip on Saturday so I'm just trying to eat things in the house and not go grocery shopping. Had cereal and bananas again tonight for supper. I went to the gym but was so physically tired. I did 25 min of treadmill and then about 5 min of strength training. I just did not have the energy to continue. But I went and hit my goal for my walking club. They moved it up to 6000. Now I'm waiting on my daughter to come home. It's 10:30 and she's been gone since 6:30 this morning. Don't know if she's still in surgery or something else. Waiting is no fun.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,514 Member
    @fabgeekmom Yes, it's been annoying lol. Good job with the swim. I hope your dinner was good.

    @cbabie Your knee sounds awful. I'm sorry about that. Can you still listen to the cassettes? Do you have a player? That's fun that you found one of your dad preaching. I wonder what the infusion is for. I hope you get that call about the MRI soon. Yes, I have been quite annoyed this week lol. And on top of that, I can't drink coffee this morning or eat anything. I just want to relax, too. Oh my, an EEG with a baby, that would be hard.

    @theslightedgeforever Ah I see. That must have been nice to sit and read. No, the holter was not fun. Some of the electrodes came off and I had to randomly place them back on. I guess I should have called them but I didn't want them to tell me to come in. I hope I can get through the tests, too. Ooh a trip, fun! I hope you are going somewhere exciting. You went to the gym for 30 mins, that's great. That's good you did your walking club. That's a long day for your daughter. No, waiting is no fun.

    Hi all. Today's medical appointment is a nuclear stress test that lasts 3-4 hours. I'm groggy because I can't have any caffeine, not even decaf coffee or decaf tea. I'm ready for the weekend already.

    Water yesterday: 87.3 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 582 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I’m sorry about the foot. I know how hard it is to be active with an injury. Good job on the walking. Have fun while you are traveling. @trooworld That’s hard not having caffeine. The weekend is close and you can do the things you like. Hi, all. DS in in NYC so DH and I are on our own. I have leftovers for dinner tonight. Yesterday my SIL came over and cut our grass and used the leaf blower to get the pine straw off the driveway. He’s really good to us.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,514 Member
    @fabgeekmom It is. I drink a lot of caffeine, too. It's nice to not have to cook. That's really nice of your SIL.

    Hi all. I have an appt with my primary care doctor to see about getting a cortisone shot for my knee as it still bothers me. I haven't been to the zoo in many months because of my knee and I'm hoping I can get back to going on a regular basis. We are going to see a band at this fancy cocktail lounge tonight. I guess I'll have to find something to wear that is on the dressier side. I know we probably won't feel like going when it's closer to leaving but I already bought the tickets. It should be fun.

    Water yesterday: 74.8 oz

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • fabgeekmom
    fabgeekmom Posts: 582 Member
    @trooworld I hope the cortisone shots help. It’s frustrating not being able to do the things you enjoy. The band at the fancy cocktail lounge sounds like fun. Hi, all. Today was a busy day. I went swimming and then went with DH to the orthopedic doctor. Everything looks good and he got the bandage and splint removed. He also got a more comfortable boot to wear. Since we were near the outpatient hospital I went for a blood test that one of my doctors ordered. Dinner was steak, mashed potatoes and green beans. I decided to cook the steaks under the broiler and set the smoke detector on. It took a while for it to stop when I put the exhaust fan on and DH opened a door. I had decided not to tell DS, but he called me and said he got a message from Siri that an alarm was on. So I had to tell him. Everything was okay, though. Just scary hearing the alarm!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,295 Member
    @trooworld I hope these are the last of your tests. I would hate to have to go without caffeine. I've done that nuclear stress test. Did you go out and enjoy the band? I'm that way sometimes asking myself why did I commit to an event when really I just want to stay home. LOL Have you been tracking your food?

    @fabgeekmom Too bad your chef is gone. lol Thank God for leftovers. I have set off the alarm cooking turkey burgers. I was here in this apartment last year and I kept thinking oh no what if the sprinklers go off. Now I just airfry them. No smoke.

    @cbabie I was thinking maybe your tore your ACL in your knee or the meniscus.

    I'm leaving tomorrow and will be gone for 2 weeks so my check ins will be spotty. Sometimes I'm so busy I just plain forget. I went to the gym yesterday and today. Today was treadmill and weights. My body is tired. I couldn't get all my reps in for my 2 sets. I was getting about 1 1/2 sets. But I lifted to muscle failure so there's that. Today right when I went to turn on my Apple watch for a workout I noticed it was dead. :/ So my walking club will get another low number. I'm going to post a dead battery gif since I can't talk and make my excuses. lol My goal is to maintain my weight the next two weeks.