Ages 70+



  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @Joy1580vb ... Homemade buns! Oh my. What I wouldn't give for one of them popped fresh out of the oven. Fortunately, I'm not that good of a cook so no buns here... lol... but I make killer soups and salads.

    @jonni82014 ... Pay no attention to the scale. I find that it fluctuates too much to take seriously. I hold fluid sometimes and that can give a false reading of 3 pounds or more. (I've taken a water pill and found that out.) Just keep on doing the good things you're doing, and it will all work out for the good.

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Finally warming up here. Did some garden work this morning so everything is under control there. Tomatoes are now staked as I finally removed the covers off them. All rows are up nicely except for the cucumbers. They are just starting to pop up so I can at least see the row somewhat.

    BarbMessimer...I'm sure you do make killer soups and salads. I love homemade soup! My buns turned out very good and are now nestled in the freezer for hubby to enjoy while I'm in Newfoundland. We did enjoy one each as supper last night was a hamburger with a bit of bacon. Stayed in my calorie range so happy about that.

    Enjoy the day.

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @Joy1580vb ... How I wish I lived close by when you harvest your tomatoes. Nothing better!
  • ssfx50
    ssfx50 Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning, all! Ah...bread making. Good for you, Joy. What fond memories I have of perfect bread and biscuits. In my youth, I baked tasteless, hard biscuits and, on one occasion, a terrible loaf of bread that my husband and friends used for several weeks as a football!! Well, the battle was joined. I was to have the last laugh. I spent a decade learning to make perfect biscuits and perfect bread (sans electric mixer). Strangely, the effort morphed from cooking to something more like art as I learned that good bread making is all in the hands. It's the feel of the dough that has to be just right and gentle handling is essential. Even more odd is that it became a very relaxing past time. I don't bake any more since there are never enough hours in the day. But I still have the most wonderful memories of the smell of fresh bread baking and the slicing of a perfect loaf with a tub of real butter waiting. And now I've made myself hungry defeating the purpose of this site, LOL. Guess I need to go trip down a different, lower calorie memory lane. Have a wonderful day, ladies :)
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @ssfx50 ... So funny. I could smell the bread fresh out of the oven. One of the great pleasures in life.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Hope everyone is doing well.

    ssfx50...Enjoyed your post. Gave me a chuckle this morning.

    As for bread making, I have been making my own bread for years. It was a skill my mother taught me at the age of 12. Once on my own and raising a family I would make a large batch all by hand incorporating about 20 cups of flour. Would shape, bake then freeze the loaves. As the years went by, kids left home and only hubby and I to make bread for so I opted for a bread machine and would only make one loaf at a time....then slice and freeze. Have a Zojirushi bread machine now and make whole wheat bread. Buns are made occasionally with my Bosch machine. I also showed one grandchild how to make cinnamon buns and it is something we make together when she visits. She lives out of province and visits once or twice a year. When she was 5 she brought a cookbook with her on a visit and wanted to make applesauce from our fruit trees. We did that then I asked her if she would like to make buns and cinnamon buns and she was eager to learn. She is now 13 and still keen on baking. I'm quite pleased that I was able to pass that on to her. I have 5 grandchildren and she is the only one that loves baking.

    Off to the hairdresser tomorrow for a trim before my Newfoundland/Labrador trip which is coming up pretty fast now. Leaving next week Thursday for an overnight at the airport hotel then flying out the next morning.

    Ordered a new zippered hoodie from Amazon so hoping it gets here before I leave. If not I have another one I can take along. I think it is going to be a bit cool there especially on the days we are close to the ocean so planning on layering. I just take a carry on wheeled bag with me along with a small foldable backpack so I'm careful on the amount of clothing.....definitely mix and match.

    Enjoy the day.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! Sounds like a lovely group. You are making me hungry with the bread talk, though.
    I bake bread, too, unless life gets too busy with other things. There is nothing like that first slice of warm bread!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    oceanmelody...Nice to see you popped in and also nice to hear from another bread maker!

    We are currently under a severe thunderstorm watch. Hopefully nothing but a bit of rain comes out of it. Large hail and strong winds are in the forecast. Hopefully no damage to my tomatoes!
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    @Joy1580vb ... I had to look up Newfoundland & Labrador as I had no idea where it was. Looks beautiful and this must be one of the best times to go there. Have fun and take pictures to share with us!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Good day

    @Joy1580vb yes the storm was one of the stronger one to experience here in the City. I was in the middle of it on a main freeway; there was sooo much water on the road; I had fears of hydroplaning. The reason is there is soooo much construction that the grade of the roads have been compromised so the drainage is practically nil.
    I have watched the bread making process so many times and wanted to dive it, but have yet to. My DIL is a super duper bread maker; taught by her mother.
    Whilst on our wellness journeys we are taught not to eat breads. That they are on the NO list. I say homemade "bring it on!" "just a little slice; of the pleasure life" like @ssfx50 mentioned "Guess I need to go trip down a different, lower calorie memory lane."
    Are you going to any clambake or crab boil in the Maritimes? Our vacations only took us a far as Quebec we have yet to discover the rest of the East.

    My grandson loves to bake; his father (son) and mother are the guiding hands.

    @BarbMessimer when are you heading to Alaska?

    Still raining here.
    Today we are off to the Rec Centre 45minute walk 50minutes cable weights.

    Have a great day everyone B)

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    The storm passed over us last night and we got about an inch of rain but thankfully no hail. Still raining a bit and the forecast is for it to continue today and into the weekend. Hopefully will be nice on Sunday as planning a bbq with daughter, son in law and grand kids.

    Newfoundland looks beautiful and I'm looking forward to my trip. I have seen all provinces in Canada except for Newfoundland/Labrador and Quebec. Quebec is on my list for next year although I have been thinking about a trip to not sure which one it will be. Might put off Quebec until the following year.

    Off to the hairdresser this morning.

    Enjoy the day.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 346 Member
    MFP discontinued the news feed, so I won't be here any longer. I don't count calories or have regular exercise to track so other than logging in my weight, I have no need for it. Having friends who were supportive on the news feed on a daily basis was the only reason I was here. Their support was instrumental to my weight loss, and I felt I was not alone in this long journey. Fortunately, I was able to join some of my friends on a FB group.

    It's been nice getting to know some of you, and I hope you keep this group active. So many community groups fall by the wayside. Wishing you success as you reach your weight and fitness goals. Bye! ~Barb
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    BarbMessimer...Sorry to read this. Have enjoyed reading your posts and wish you all the best going forward. I will certainly miss you.
  • ssfx50
    ssfx50 Posts: 7 Member
    I second Joy. Sorry to see you go Barb. I too enjoyed your posts. Live long and prosper :)
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    jonni82014....Went to the Maritimes a few years ago so this trip is Newfoundland which also includes one overnight stay in Labrador where we will visit a whaling station which is a UNESCO world heritage site. The Newfoundland part circles the province covering quite a large area. i'm sure we will be treated to a lot of sea food and looking forward to it. Quebec is on my to do list.

    I think the city got more rain than we did. Still raining here though. Took me a bit longer to drive to the hairdresser as the roads (gravel) were pretty soft. Lots of slipping and sliding....glad to be back home.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @BarbMessimer sorry that you are leaving. But before you go: When you state newsfeed; what do you mean? I do not log calories but I do log exercises will my ability to do so be gone?

    @Joy1580vb I probably have asked is your trip a tour?
    We went whaling watching in Vancouver and we were successful as the orcas were very active that day.
    Our Senior centre is offering a Safari tour for ladies (because there are many) and a Rum tour through the Caribbean islands (men and women) Have a wonderful Fathers Day BBQ.

    We are getting excited about our Europe trip at the end of July. Our grand twins are growing up so fast before our eyes
    Though our kids are at a distance we still celebrate Mothers and Fathers day; at home here.
    Roll out the smokerOn Sunday I think DH deserves a big steak. I'll have a little one :D

    Today is a run around day before the rain starts.

    Have a great day everyone. B)

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    @Joy1580vb enjoy Newfoundland and Labrador. I love it there. I would probably live there if I didn’t have so much family here in Ontario.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    edited June 13
    Melwillbehealthy...Thank you. Looking forward to it.

    jonni82014...Yes, my tour is an escorted bus tour. Decided to pay extra for a small group tour and there will be 24 of us as opposed to 50 on the larger tour. That is nice that your senior center is offering a group tour.

    Will you be meeting your grand twins for the first time? I know it is your first time to Europe and you are in for an amazing time for sure.

    Went to Costco this morning and just got back. Got quite a bit of meat including steaks so we should be good for awhile. Will try to bbq steaks on Sunday when family visits but will depend on the weather as rain is again in the forecast.

    Enjoy the day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    I have been on mfp a long time but still don’t know every thing about it. However I can kind of explain about was a tab you could select when logging in to that would allow you to connect with friends you made in groups. You could see that other people had logged in for the day and could like their logging stats. I found it to be a great way to keep in touch without having to post on a group. Also my previous group seemed way too time consuming. I only had a few friends on newsfeed but it was a nice part of my day. Then one day poof it disappeared! I had to contact support to find out it was being retired.
    I am still logging but no one else can see it. All I can do is message my friends.
    Anyway I would love to go to Newfoundland! Have been to the other beautiful maritimes but drove to them. Guess I need a plane.
    Yesterday ue2210icdath.jpeg
    we walked in Watkins Glen.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,479 Member
    @joy1580vb Yes we will be meeting our twins for the first time; they will be 8 months old. Difficult at times to have grandchildren at a distance. Thanks to technology we keep in touch to Europe and USA every month.

    @oceanmelody I would have a difficult time leaving Watkins Glen. Is it in New York area; is it part of the National Park in the area? Or is my geography way off.? It's so beautiful, serene and peaceful. One always needs a place to go to unwind, our place is the River Valley. We are about a 3 hour drive to serene looking areas like Watkins Glen. Banff and Jasper National Park.

    Today we are off to the Rec Centre 45minute walk 50minute cable weights routine.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)