
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,000 Member
    Back from the hairdressers and brought her a couple of things I ordered that were to large for me and they looked adorable on her.. so glad I could pass thrm to her.. just love her to pieces.
    Going to take Alfie for a walk in a bit and get some exercise..
    I did stop at McDonalds but I just bought a Coke Zero
    They have cheap fountain soda..I've cut waaaay down on that.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,586 Member
    Good morning (what's left of it) ladies.

    It's full swing allergy season here. Zyrtec barely makes a dent plus it's making me tired. A little rain moved in this morning and I can already tell things are better.

    Michele - I agree, it's the pits when we can no longer manage 10# dumbbells and have to go down to 8#. Like you said, at LEAST we can lift 8#, so something to be grateful for there.

    Kim - I'd love to have a 23 year old neighbor who needs girl advice (I have several days worth, lol) plus can manage pruning shears. I think you've always had an affinity for getting along well with young people. Your pot luck/BBQ sounded great. You are a fabulous cook. Hope Mom's doc appt goes OK.

    Lisa - you wear me out, lol. Good job getting things done this morning. I love to get outside chores done in the morning too, especially with that ball of fire in the sky in the afternoons. Can't complain about it right how, we are in for 10 days of it barely breaking 70's, Saturday in the high 50's. Tomatoes continue in suspended animation.

    Rita - thank you so much for the 80/20 link. I didn't sign in but read the blurbs on the website and it sounds like what I'm taking right now, based on CDC guidelines. Looks like it might be a good alternative for folks who don't have access to other programs. I'm not sure what the price is for folks who are taking my class (Medicare pays 100%) if they aren't eligible for Medicare and their own insurance doesn't pay.

    Yesterday's Diabetes Prevention Class:
    Based on yesterday's class, I have a really good feeling about the program. It's going to take me a little bit to switch my brain around to fitting foods into the "plate", but I think I was going in that direction anyhow.

    She said women should aim for 30 to 45 carbs per meal. As I look back at my MFP daily diary, that's where it has been landing. No suggestion for protein but we'll get to that down the line.

    She did mention a website with recipes - for folks with diabetes or anyone, for that matter. My only criticism is it doesn't track fiber, but we have MFP to supply that info. Here's a link if anyone is interested:

    Make it a super day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,071 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,000 Member
    Oh Pip so sorry I try and either swerve and or tell them to scoot..
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,793 Member
    Beth - I'm so sorry, I totally missed your report on the implant! So pleased for you that it's going beyond their expectations.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,819 Member
    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Went to ceramics tonight. They celebrated the birthdays. I admit, I haven’t had kolachi (real) in a LONG time and I over-indulged in them. Well, I probably won’t again for a long time. Didn’t get any painting done, mostly chit-chatted. No ceramics for the next 2 weeks as the gal is going away and the other gal can’t do it.

    Annie - $30 a day is soo worth it to give you a little break. I hope your dad likes it, too

    So far so good. The plants I planted haven’t died (yet). I do water them almost every night if it doesn’t rain.

    Had a gal at ceramics call me today to ask me if I we would take this kitten that was found. I told her we were committed to getting 4. She thinks we could have 5, she didn’t think her cat would take to a kitten and J didn’t think hers would either. I just told J that we were committed to 4 and thank you for thinking of me. Really? Try to see if they don’t get along. And if they don’t, surrender it to the Humane Society. They kept telling me how cute the kitten was, if so, it will get adopted in no time. We’re not a cat rescue. Oh well….

    Rita – It is so sad when parents just aren’t there for their kids

    Went in the pool then my walk then ceramics, now here and will probably get to bed soon

    Beth – so happy for you that the implant is going so well. So sorry about your mom. You are a wonderful daughter

    Allie – I read that McDonald’s had done away with soda fountains in the store, you had to get your drink from the counter (I’m talking walk-in, not drive thru). I thought “oh, this must be a hoax, they wouldn’t do something like that”. Well, we stopped at McD, I wanted to fill my water bottle. And, sure enough, they did away with the soda fountain that you can access yourself. The next time we had to stop, I said to Vince “anyplace but McDonald’s. I can’t even get water there”. Wonder what people who need to get water for their pet do? They have to wait in line for the person behind the counter to get it for them. Sad if you ask me.

    Vince is thinking that after Jess finishes her residency, we’ll have to help pay for a wedding. I don’t know, honestly. I’m 99% sure there aren’t any children in the future. Marriage will make Colby’s mother ecstatic, if that’s in the future

    pip – feel better fast

    Need to get ready for the gym tomorrow. I’m thinking that I’ll do an incline interval workout then walk some on the treadmill (to get some steps in) then take the water class. Wait, maybe I’ll skip the treadmill and just do “my thing” in the water since I have the orthopedic doc appt tomorrow about the “callous” on the bottom of my foot that I don’t think is a callous.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Annie ... keeping my fingers crossed that your dad does well at the adult day care program!

    Heather ... Yay for getting out of the house and walking on uneven sidewalks! You are doing an amazing job with recovery.

    Sleep ... nothing, absolutely nothing is allowed to interfere with my sleep. Both my sons slept through the night within weeks and no pet has ever been allowed to awaken me on a regular basis. I train both humans and animals well! :D

    Emotions ... internally, I am very emotional. I can cry at a Folger's coffee commercial. But never in public... I'm too private for that. I am empathetic and have to guard myself as well. My son is tortured by his level of empathy ... which is one of the reasons I won't cry in front of him.

    My mom ... closed out her assisted living apartment on Saturday. Large furniture is in storage but my house is full of bags of stuff and clothing. I am ruthlessly purging or my basement is going to be featured on a future episode of "Hoarders." I confess I'm having a hard time going through the things my mom has saved. My mom is currently parked in a room in rehab although she is not receiving rehab. Waiting for a room in long-term care to open up. This is brutal on her. No engagement with anyone but an aide and the person who brings her meals. She sees no one all day and is taking its toll on her already fragile mental state. Found her wandering the facility yesterday in her wheelchair ... unknown to the staff ... and she was upset because she "couldn't find" me!

    Cochlear Implant Update ... yesterday I had a hearing test to see how much hearing I've regained since the activation 3-1/2 weeks ago. The values on my audiogram prior to surgery were in the subterranean zone and I was considered profoundly impaired. Yesterday, my values were vastly improved and I'm considered mildly impaired and I am not yet at my full correction. They told me that I am currently the star patient with Cochlear as very few people achieve so much success so quickly. It often takes over a year for people to reach the point I am today! So I'm feeling good about it all and working to get better.

    My eating behavior is still stupid but my son shared with his dad and I that he has hired a personal trainer to help him regain his health. He will soon be asking me to help by purchasing the food his trainer recommends (low to moderate carb with proteins and veggies) and this will automatically benefit me because I do not have the energy to cook two meals each night!

    Beth near Buffalo

    I am sorry about your mother's situation.

    But I am glad you are doing well with your Cochlear implant!

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,793 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    edited June 12
    Machka - I don't envy you still working, believe me. In fact, I struggle with getting anywhere at a specific time. So, of course, I fell through the medical looking glass, and everything has to be at a specific time... Grf.
    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Fortunately, I have a flexible start time. No one is too fussed as long as we're there by about 9:30 am. I'm usually in between about 8:40 and 9 am.

    exermom wrote: »
    I read that McDonald’s had done away with soda fountains in the store, you had to get your drink from the counter (I’m talking walk-in, not drive thru). I thought “oh, this must be a hoax, they wouldn’t do something like that”. Well, we stopped at McD, I wanted to fill my water bottle. And, sure enough, they did away with the soda fountain that you can access yourself. The next time we had to stop, I said to Vince “anyplace but McDonald’s. I can’t even get water there”. Wonder what people who need to get water for their pet do? They have to wait in line for the person behind the counter to get it for them. Sad if you ask me.
    Michele NC

    Not that I've been to McDonald's in probably a decade, so they may be different, but it seems to me that most reasonably quick food places we go to don't have self-serve fountain drinks.

    At Zambreros and Banjos, we have to buy bottled drinks, including bottled water.
    At Subway, some used to have fountain drinks, but we had to buy a cup to be able to use the fountain. It wouldn't surprise me if they've put them behind the counter by now.

    Many places have a bucket of water outside for pets. Otherwise yes, we all stand in line waiting our turn.

    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Machka: Where are your bees? Will you resume beekeeping at your new house? Your upgrades all look beautiful.

    Colorado Foothills

    We don't have bees at the moment, but hope to again in spring when we're all settled. :)

    The beehives are already at the new place and will be put in their spot soon.

    We've also got plans to plant bee-friendly plants ... right now we've got a completely blank slate!

    Machka yes I bet climbing stairs really helped with painting on ladders. You must have strong quads!

    Annie in Delaware

    My quads have been my strong point since I was young with all the running, cycling, climbing mountains etc. :) Climbing stairs helps keep them that way when I can't run, cycle, and climb mountains.

    Machka in Oz