30 Day Shred for October



  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    To track I use my HRM. but you can try high intensity aerobics.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I've always logged mine as circuit training. The burn is lower, but I'd rather underestimate than overestimate. :S
  • librarynerd81
    librarynerd81 Posts: 61 Member
    Oops. I just checked and I have Ripped in 30. I was reading reviews and it's the same thing, but there are 4 levels of workouts. If it's ok with everyone, I'm going to use this DVD instead (I really don't want to have to go buy another DVD that is basically the same thing. ):bigsmile:
  • campfirecrafter
    campfirecrafter Posts: 25 Member
    I am totally in , I did it intermittently last winter , and I need something to get me moving now that it is getting darker earlier and I can't go for walks after work
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    where did you all buy your videos? Can you pick it up at like Walmart or Target?
  • carriann2012
    carriann2012 Posts: 180 Member
    I am in :) They sell at Target also :wink:
  • I actually started today, is that ok? I know I will not be doing it everyday because I work 16 hour shifts on the weekends (I'm the only nurse for a 3 story building) So I will be just too tired, its draining enough on the weekends! And counting the trip at the end of the month I will probably be a little behind everyone anyway. BUT I'm still going to take pics and measurements :)
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I've always logged mine as circuit training. The burn is lower, but I'd rather underestimate than overestimate. :S

    It's weird, Before my HRM I logged it with High Impact Aerobics and that said I burned something like 232 calories. But when I use my HRM it says I burn anywhere from 360-500 calories.
  • count me in! like the nurse said above me, I work double shifts as a nurse so I struggle on them days but I try to do a few crunches before bed
  • sguntli
    sguntli Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds great to me! I only do it a few days and dont follow through. How do I sign up? Can't wait :)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Count me in! I did it back in the spring and hurt myself half way through. I will be smarter about it this time and be sure to take rest days.
  • djoyous1
    djoyous1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in too! I'm excited to join this group!

    CW: 165
    GW: 145
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    Im in, I had just order the 30DS program Monday on Amazon and its on its way =) Lookin forward to results!
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    I think I will try it too! whew, what I am getting myself into? lol
  • I'm in! Very new here... Hopefully this will help get me on track! Excited for 30DS :)
  • EmilioA
    EmilioA Posts: 18 Member
    Why not? I've had the DVD for 2 years and have done it once. It just sits there taunting me. Might as well do it. :)
  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    have wanted to do this...............think this is my sign to do so, count me in:)
  • Peach327
    Peach327 Posts: 40 Member
    Tomorrow is the Day 1. Ready.....set......go!! Good luck everyone :wink:
  • Keiora
    Keiora Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in if you're still accepting! :) Can't wait to start!!
  • Target / Walmart/ Kmart should all have it.
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