
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    edited June 16
    Happy Father’s Day to all those who celebrate

    Did a Kettlewerx Abs DVD then took Ganon for 2 walks. When I put the gentle leader on him the second time, I could almost see the look in his eyes saying “not again!”

    I saw this strange blanket in the room where the kittens are so I asked Vince about it. Seems he bought three of them. “Why didn’t you use the one I made” “Well, it was only $8” “Do you realize that $8 would be a new towel rack for the bathroom down the condo?”

    Ginny – we spoke to Jess before we got the kittens. I wanted her to have input on names since she’ll be inheriting them if something happens to us realizing that the cats might outlive us. But with her being a vet, a few more animals wouldn’t be a big deal. She has a cat and a dog. Her hamster died and she’s talking about wanting another one. I have no doubt in my mind that when Shadow (her cat) passes on, she’ll get another one. She’s so very passionate about animals.

    Lisa – what a wonderful thing that guy did for you! We need more people like that in this world

    Lectored last night but left early and Jess, Colby and Vince had ribeye and I had a veggie burger. I’m just not a big fan of red meat. Had tater tots and veges and grape tomatoes. However...for dessert had brownies and jello. Then as I was cleaning up, munched on Kisses, M&M’s, and cheese. Why do I do this to myself?

    Think I’ll make fudge for Vince today. We finished the brownies. I did have some for Jess to take home

    We were going to NY Hibachi for Father’s Day (Vince wanted to go there) but now his stomach is bothering him so he’s telling Jess and Colby that he really doesn’t want to go. That’s fine by me. He’s also saying that he’s somewhat dizzy and is wondering if his cat allergy is acting up. Evidently that’s a sign of the allergy and he has been spending a lot of time with the kittens and they’re just in one room for now so whatever allergen is concentrated. I just told him not to spend so much time with the kittens. There’s some sort of drug (like Dramamine) that’s also an antihistame. He took an antihistamine so he couldn’t take this today but he said he’d like to get some.

    I want to buy a ceramic water dish for Ganon to keep here. Right now he's using this plastic bowl. It does the job, but it can also easily be tipped over. I'd make one but I'd like to have one asap. So when I'm out and about, if I see one, I'll pick it up.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,004 Member
    Morning ladies
    Went down and picked up a covid test at the pharmacy..took that..no thats not it..
    I have post nasal drip and my ustation tubes seem clogged up.
    Don't think its the Trulicity, think it could be sinus related
    But just to be sure im going to lay low today.
    Its beautiful outside..but im not up to it..
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    @Allie, could it be GERD? I’ve had the same thing happen to me once, but I was sitting at the table. I get GERD easily and am planning on discussing that with my Gastro next visit. My mother-in-law had a hiatal (sp?) hernia and caused her to gag and upchuck unexpectedly. You best go to a doctor and ask them what could cause this.

    RVRita who has to work the pay booth in a couple minutes at Bottomless Lakes
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Today is Fresh veggies, Turkey, Fudge and Star Trek the Next Generation!!! My kind of day!!


    RVRita 🛸🛸👽

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Took a walk with my friend. Annie insisted on going with us. Annie likes to walk back and forth and sniff and wander so it's a challenge to walk with her but she's walking farther every time. We still got to have our conversation and have fun together. For Father's Day, Jake wanted us to eat ice cream so we bought our favorite Ben & Jerry's to eat later. Our meal will be one of his favourites---ravioli with red sauce made with garlic and green olives.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Carol - Wow! What bad luck for the summer holidays. :# I can just imagine how she feels. <3

    Heated up Moussaka was fab, and we enjoyed a couple of truffles each.

    England football match tonight. John is watching it downstairs. This summer is a washout for me, as I have zero interest in sport, and it takes over the TV schedules. We have the Euros, then Wimbledon, then the Olympics. Grrrrrr. I have no objection to people following sport, but it pushes out my favourite programmes. Plus the General Election ruining the schedules. Not a happy bunny.

    John's cold is miserable.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Carol, I am so sorry your granddaughter broke her leg! Smooth healing.💖🙏

    Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes. Hugs to ya all! It was a great day yesterday, the meal perfect.
    Just kind of road the happy vibes from people all day. Was able to chat with middle son, Athena wished me Happy Birthday in her sweet tone, my eldest son texted me while out on his carrier, and today youngest son video chatted with us. All in all everyone did well! I feel blessed.😁💖
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Kylia-we cross posted this morning. Stay cool during our upcoming mess this week! (and the air quality alerts!). Hope the kitty improves.

    KJ-I am sorry you lost a friend but I do find myself questioning her concept of friendship. You are running a business and have made a commitment to your families. Hopefully she will mellow out.

    Michele-I figured Jess being a vet put you in a different situation than me!

    Lisa-I have found the cooling stuff to be helpful due to my heat intolerance. I also have one of the battery operated fans you can wear as a necklace. And of course, a variety of hats.

    Barbie-how nice of you to help Jake celebrate with Ben and Jerry's!

    Carol-so sorry you GD suffered the broken leg. Prayers for healing.

    Heather-We have an overabundance of television options here!

    Rita-my SIL had GERD and one of the largest hiatal hernias her surgeon had ever seen. Even with the repair, she needs to be careful.

    Worked around house today. Got in a good walk (3 miles). Lower back bothering me and realized I skipped back stretches for three days. Did my regular series this pm-notice a bit of relief.

    Off to clean the kitchen and need to tend to the litter boxes. Will get lunch set for tomorrow.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,232 Member
    Lisa when I would ride horseback in the heat, we would put some hand towels in a cooler with ice. By the break time, the ice had melted and we would wrap the icy wet towels around our necks for a few blessed minutes. We were already sweaty, and the water felt wonderful!

    When I was weeding, I would take a break and run cold water from the faucet over my head. Not fashionable, but very effective!

    Annie in Delaware
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,595 Member
    Good afternoon - the day is whizzing by!

    Carol - so sorry to hear about your granddaughter's broken leg. She is so active in cheerleading and different activities. Hopefully it will heal quickly this summer and she'll be better than new in a few months and able to resume what she loves to do. I know, at that age it's the end of the world.

    Michele - Vince has a soft spot for kittens, that's for sure. My old (17) shop cat keeps hanging on. Not losing weight yet but she's a matted mess, I try to cut the mats out with manicure scissors. I can generally get about 2 minutes worth of trimming then the claws come out.

    I think about if I were to get a kitten, at my age, and it lasts 17 years, I'll be 89! Probably won't be living here.

    Kylia - wonder what's wrong with that little kitten losing weight? There's a LOT going on in your world these days, hang in there and thanks for popping in and catching us up! :p

    Ginny - keep us posted on that retirement community. I'm getting excited for you!! Reminds me of when Karen moved into hers.

    Karen - when you get a second, please pop in and give us a wave. Hope all is going well in VA. I'm re-reading the Thursday Murder Club and sometimes I wonder if you are involved with someone like Elizabeth who is taking you on exciting adventures with questionable people, lol. Now, I'd be looking forward to THAT type of retirement! ;)

    Heather - glad to hear you are venturing out farther each day, and that your after surgery appointment got the green light. Moussaka sounds delicious.

    Debbie - those raspberries looked great. Sounds like local raspberries and strawberries have survived our cool wet weather and they are starting to appear at the local fruit stands.

    Lisa and all of you in the cooker right now - it was 39F at my house this morning. We'll probably see the mid 80's later this week before it cooks back down into the 60's.

    Barbara - I know you're busy. Sending good thoughts south to you.

    Machka - love what you've done with that room, neat colors. Do you have a "move in" date set? Maybe you said and I skipped over.

    Rita - thank you so much for posting your weekly "lessons" for the Healthie 80/20. I want to take time to review it before my next "class" tomorrow afternoon. Looks like it's all about logging foods. I think I know it all but coach M might have some new tips.

    Kelly - I don't blame you for standing firm about not taking in the grandkids of your friend. Doing "favors" for friends often don't have a good outcome, and you were wise to figure that out. Glad your DH is doing a good job as the "baby whisperer". :p Also you did such a good job volunteering but agree, you can't do it all.

    I'm done with volunteering, at least in "groups". Don't need to get out of the house and be around people that badly. I did my stint in Master Gardeners, for example, and endured the politics, people's hurt feelings, listening to them sniping behind each other's backs, the unwarranted criticism of those who were going the extra mile. Childish. In a way, I'm glad Covid came on the scene and stopped the required monthly meetings. I was ready to quit anyhow with DH. Now I have enough volunteer work in my own back yard and don't get any back talk, lol.

    Need to get busy, sorry I didn't get to everyone. Sending HUGS! <3

    ***Weekly Check-In Reminder*** please get info to me no later than tomorrow noon. TIA!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning etc- 2hrs 48min 34sec, dust, vacuum, make/refill hummingbird food, trim front and back hedges, laundry fold/put away, Sweep front patio and front entryway, etc= 771c

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    edited June 16
    Annie - Thanks for the tips! Anything that keeps the heat from getting to me--we're already in the oven, and the temperature will only get hotter from here. I'm already watering Corey's garden nearly every day, and soon it will have to be every day.

    Lanette - Those groups always remind me of your little chickens, anyway, BAWK-bawk-bawk, scratch, scritch, BAKAWK! Only joined a few and can't get myself to do it again, though I do threaten to on occasion. There will be no more kittens for us until and unless Egg kicks over, so hopefully a long, long time. Wouldn't do that to her. She's only seven, so it could be a decade or more.

    Kylia - It was good to see you, glad those babies found the right home.

    Carol - I'm so sorry about your granddaughter's leg! Her athleticism will do her well in her healing, much like Heather's physical fitness has been so good for her recovery.

    Had fun with the son, his DSO and my DBIL. Lovely time to come together, eat yummy food and just sit around and eat and chat and relax together. Plus I got that quintessentially Southern satisfaction of being able to send them all off with a couple pounds of pasta salad and potato salad and cold fried chicken to munch on after they got home, even threw in some of my butternut squash puree that I froze this winter. Fun.

    Reminded me of my great-Aunt Belle--you never left her home without a car trunk full of freshly cooked food, eight or ten jars of home-canned bread & butter pickles, jams and jellies, and a bushel of corn or peas or beans, whatever was in season, and quilts, everything she lay her hands on, or could get you to take with you. Southern hospitality was still a thing then, and such a precious memory now.

    Anyway, was glad to see them, and glad to see them go... Corey and I love our lives, and open them up to so very few people, and that's OK too. Makes for good times when they're here. And when they leave, did I say that part? 😜

    Time to finish this up, turn on something mindless on the telly and shoo Corey off to his Sunday night ritual before the week begins on Monday, a long, hot bath. Hope your week is grand.

    Love from Arkansas,

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Rita – Fudge Day, and I just made fudge! Perfect timing. I’m trying a new recipe so we shall see how it goes. Update: I didn't care for the consistency so I'm adding some unflavored gelatin to see if that helps

    Carol – how sad for your son’s family. Hope your granddaughter is OK

    Question for all gardeners: I would like to put in different plants where the guy gave me juniper. I HATE juniper. Even tho I told him “no juniper”, he still gave me some. But then again, I had the hardest time trying to find someone who could do the excavating (who would I should say) that this is a small price to pay. Anyway, when is a good time to plant? I planted 5 plants already and SO FAR they haven’t died. I have 16 more that I’d like to change. I probably (I’m thinking) shouldn’t do them now, probably wait until around Sept. when it’s cooler. Am I correct in my thinking? As a point of reference, the temps are in the 80’s right now. Lisa – what do you think? Your temps are about how ours are, sort-of

    Guess I’d better take a shower and make the bed and then get to bed. Maybe watch some TV, play some mahjongg.

    Michele NC
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,806 Member
    edited June 17
    Michele - The master gardeners can weigh in better than I can, I'm sure, but it seems to have less to do with the time than to ones that have the most maturity when you put them in and that are suited to your area. My mulberry tree didn't make it, but it's not native to this area, and was about three feet tall when we planted it. The redbud was quite a bit older, and grown to about eight feet tall. Plus it's native to the area - and it's thriving.

    So, if possible, native plants, well established and healthy before you put them in the ground, and make sure they get a lot of water to get them through the transplant shock. Heat doesn't seem to matter as long as they get the water they need to get through the summer - and again, still has so much to do with the plant. If they like shade (it will tell you on the tag) put them in the shade. If it likes full sun, put it in the sun.

    Good luck!

    PS - The other option is to learn to love junipers. :wink: