GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)



  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member
    Well no workouts for me this week, i do not want to risk any injury since i am still in the top14 for finals of the National Championship (currently at 8th place with 9 more people to play)
    So crossing fingers i am making it to the finals on the singles event.

    On doubles we are at 4th place, where there will be 7 going to finals, and it seems that spot for finals is pretty secure right now.

    Also, my wife has had surgery, so i wanna be home as much as possible to take care of her, where i would normally workout during lunchbreak, we now have lunch together

    Well this didn't go very well last sunday.
    Where i played the qualifies a very good game, as bad it was last sunday with only a 189 average over 6 games.
    I went from 8th place to 10th place (out of the 14 qualifiers) so still top 10 i guess, but i made terrible shots.
    I was not feeling well the day before already, and was coming down with a cold, so that might have a little part in it, because not being 100% always throws my game off, but still, i made terrible spare shooting, missed probably 30% of my spares, where usually that is my strong part and i miss maybe 3-5%.

    After the singles, i was also playing doubles, that went a little better, and we kept 4th place with only 42 pins behind the number 3.

    Overall i am satisfied with my playing, and i have also learned a few things about my own bowling i can improve, so gonna work on that for next years edition.
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot. I used to check in with my friends and then check in with the community and this thread. I don't feel like I connect as well in the community as I did with the people on my FL, and half the time my social anxiety makes me feel like my posts aren't received in the heart with which I post them.

    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.

    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It. (There's a bunch of MFPeeps there already), and am working on building a community of friends there again. I even PAID for a premium membership (which I never did here). LOL

    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something. Or maybe they're just not interesting (same old same old). (again - social anxiety for the "win").

    It's why I've not shared as many gifs lately. I do share them on IG and TikTok, so they're there if anyone wants to see them (same username as here)

    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.

    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    Is Lose it only a app, or also a site with forum?
    And i am glad i can follow you on IG as well Sandy, your video's/posts alwasy bring a smile to my face
  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,221 Member
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot. I used to check in with my friends and then check in with the community and this thread. I don't feel like I connect as well in the community as I did with the people on my FL, and half the time my social anxiety makes me feel like my posts aren't received in the heart with which I post them.

    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.

    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It. (There's a bunch of MFPeeps there already), and am working on building a community of friends there again. I even PAID for a premium membership (which I never did here). LOL

    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something. Or maybe they're just not interesting (same old same old). (again - social anxiety for the "win").

    It's why I've not shared as many gifs lately. I do share them on IG and TikTok, so they're there if anyone wants to see them (same username as here)

    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.

    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    You created on of my favorite threads here Sandy. I’ve enjoyed this thread and your Gifs. I’m not sure if the other site allows for creation of threads but if they do you should start the same thread there.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot. I used to check in with my friends and then check in with the community and this thread. I don't feel like I connect as well in the community as I did with the people on my FL, and half the time my social anxiety makes me feel like my posts aren't received in the heart with which I post them.

    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.

    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It. (There's a bunch of MFPeeps there already), and am working on building a community of friends there again. I even PAID for a premium membership (which I never did here). LOL

    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something. Or maybe they're just not interesting (same old same old). (again - social anxiety for the "win").

    It's why I've not shared as many gifs lately. I do share them on IG and TikTok, so they're there if anyone wants to see them (same username as here)

    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.

    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    Is Lose it only a app, or also a site with forum?
    And i am glad i can follow you on IG as well Sandy, your video's/posts alwasy bring a smile to my face

    It's an app for logging and has a community with forums and a newsfeed. I think I like the logging and some of the extras better there, but it doesn't do gifs or pics like the forums do here. You just post links to google/amazon photos or ig content.

    Thanks Gus!
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot. I used to check in with my friends and then check in with the community and this thread. I don't feel like I connect as well in the community as I did with the people on my FL, and half the time my social anxiety makes me feel like my posts aren't received in the heart with which I post them.

    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.

    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It. (There's a bunch of MFPeeps there already), and am working on building a community of friends there again. I even PAID for a premium membership (which I never did here). LOL

    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something. Or maybe they're just not interesting (same old same old). (again - social anxiety for the "win").

    It's why I've not shared as many gifs lately. I do share them on IG and TikTok, so they're there if anyone wants to see them (same username as here)

    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.

    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    You created on of my favorite threads here Sandy. I’ve enjoyed this thread and your Gifs. I’m not sure if the other site allows for creation of threads but if they do you should start the same thread there.

    This means a lot and I hope it keeps going. Would be nice to see others keep joining in and adding from time to time. I have also really enjoyed the dialog and lifting discussions we've had. It's definitely one of my fav threads! (but I'm kinda biased. Lol)

    Thanks for the kind words Chris. That means a tonne to me!
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Well no workouts for me this week, i do not want to risk any injury since i am still in the top14 for finals of the National Championship (currently at 8th place with 9 more people to play)
    So crossing fingers i am making it to the finals on the singles event.

    On doubles we are at 4th place, where there will be 7 going to finals, and it seems that spot for finals is pretty secure right now.

    Also, my wife has had surgery, so i wanna be home as much as possible to take care of her, where i would normally workout during lunchbreak, we now have lunch together

    Well this didn't go very well last sunday.
    Where i played the qualifies a very good game, as bad it was last sunday with only a 189 average over 6 games.
    I went from 8th place to 10th place (out of the 14 qualifiers) so still top 10 i guess, but i made terrible shots.
    I was not feeling well the day before already, and was coming down with a cold, so that might have a little part in it, because not being 100% always throws my game off, but still, i made terrible spare shooting, missed probably 30% of my spares, where usually that is my strong part and i miss maybe 3-5%.

    After the singles, i was also playing doubles, that went a little better, and we kept 4th place with only 42 pins behind the number 3.

    Overall i am satisfied with my playing, and i have also learned a few things about my own bowling i can improve, so gonna work on that for next years edition.

    Sad to hear that you are disappointed, but still so impressed at how well you did! I am sure that feeling sick contributed to your performance, and given how much you were off on your spares, it's even more impressive that you still placed so well! Be proud Gus, you did great!

    Congrats on the doubles standings too!

    Is there still more to come? I'm over here (across the pond) cheering for you!
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member

    Sad to hear that you are disappointed, but still so impressed at how well you did! I am sure that feeling sick contributed to your performance, and given how much you were off on your spares, it's even more impressive that you still placed so well! Be proud Gus, you did great!

    Congrats on the doubles standings too!

    Is there still more to come? I'm over here (across the pond) cheering for you!

    Thank you Sandy.
    Considering this was my first major tournament this season, and actually since 2017, i should be happy with the result.

    And no, the Championships are over now
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 398 Member
    edited June 14
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot.
    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.
    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It.
    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something.
    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.
    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    Hi Sandy, I've been silently following along on this thread for a few weeks now (not coincidentally, I've started lifting free weights on a regular basis but am a looong way from posting any GIFs), and your lifts have been so inspiring! They didn't seem showoff-y to me, or maybe it's along the lines of the old saying, "It's not bragging if you can do it."
    I have maybe two-three threads I feel closely connected to. Those are keeping me anchored here for now. I'd hate to see you leave MFP, though I get the frustration many people have been expressing these last few weeks. I lost my Newsfeed yesterday and I've been more sad about it than I anticipated. I also started a (free) Lose It membership but doubt I'll really switch over, at least not this summer.

    Best of luck, whether you go or stay. ~Amanda
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Those abs!
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,885 Member
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member

    Well done! Skipping is sooooo not my forte!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    I remember as a kid entering a school competition for who could skip rope the longest without stopping. Came in third, IIRC, and it was approaching an hour straight.

    These days, if I tried for more than about ten seconds I'd be gasping for air, lol.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Week 9 of my bench press triplet protocol, where I started doing 10 triples at 60% of 1RM and every week add 5lb. Any week I fail to complete all 10 triples, the following week will have fewer triples to perform. Repeat until I am down to a single triple, then recalculate 1RM and see if it's changed.

    Today was at 235, or 80% of 1RM. Ten sets up, ten triples down. As I had hoped, by increasing my caloric intake the last few days up to goal amounts, this morning felt far easier than last week, despite being heavier. As a scientist, I have to admit the possibility that last week was merely an "off" week and the calorie consumption was not a primary influence, but that does not support my position so I choose to move forward with my supposition that food provides energy, lol.
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,474 Member
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot. I used to check in with my friends and then check in with the community and this thread. I don't feel like I connect as well in the community as I did with the people on my FL, and half the time my social anxiety makes me feel like my posts aren't received in the heart with which I post them.

    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.

    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It. (There's a bunch of MFPeeps there already), and am working on building a community of friends there again. I even PAID for a premium membership (which I never did here). LOL

    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something. Or maybe they're just not interesting (same old same old). (again - social anxiety for the "win").

    It's why I've not shared as many gifs lately. I do share them on IG and TikTok, so they're there if anyone wants to see them (same username as here)

    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.

    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    Just as a fyi...this has been one of my favourite threads too! I am one of probably many lazy lurkers who looked forward to your posts and gifs and found them inspirational. You've NEVER come across as showy. I dont do IG/Tiktok/etc so wont be following anybody over there but good luck in whatever you do going forwards.
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,474 Member
    Not a lift, but here's something different!


    Absssolutely Fabulous! 🤩
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Tallawah_ wrote: »
    Just as an fyi... with the newsfeed gone, my desire to come to MFP has waned a lot. I used to check in with my friends and then check in with the community and this thread. I don't feel like I connect as well in the community as I did with the people on my FL, and half the time my social anxiety makes me feel like my posts aren't received in the heart with which I post them.

    I just find that it's so easy to get lost in the community/forums.

    So... I am one of those exiles who DID sign up with Lose It. (There's a bunch of MFPeeps there already), and am working on building a community of friends there again. I even PAID for a premium membership (which I never did here). LOL

    This one GIF thread has been a mini community for me, and I have truly cherished the conversations and interactions that have come out of it... but often I feel like maybe I'm overdoing my gifs and seeming like a showoff or something. Or maybe they're just not interesting (same old same old). (again - social anxiety for the "win").

    It's why I've not shared as many gifs lately. I do share them on IG and TikTok, so they're there if anyone wants to see them (same username as here)

    Anyhoo... I don't know that I can leave MFP entirely, but I may become less and less active.

    Lots of love to you guys. I know some of you weren't my "friends" on the app, but I still consider you friends in my heart!

    Just as a fyi...this has been one of my favourite threads too! I am one of probably many lazy lurkers who looked forward to your posts and gifs and found them inspirational. You've NEVER come across as showy. I dont do IG/Tiktok/etc so wont be following anybody over there but good luck in whatever you do going forwards.

    I do find it hard to quit this place, though I get sad when I log in and see no feed. I do find the feed at Lose It nice and active and the food diary is pretty good too, so maybe I'll just keep coming back here for this feed! HAHA. I do have quite a few favourite peeps here.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    edited June 19
    I have been finding it hard to get consistent workouts in with Baseball (Slo-Pitch) happening 2 (or 3) nights a week. I'm still trying to average 2 heavy sessions a week though and for the most part, I'm winning.

    My knee does act up on me ever since ball started, but so far it just gets puffy and not painful.

    I also took a line drive to the wrist and worried I might have broken something, but it turned out to be an ugly bruise only.

    My last lift session (Monday) was week 5 (so 3x6 @ 85%)... so I just did this GIF instead.
    I was happy with my deads - 6,6,7 @ 270lb. Bench seems to have lost some power, so I doubt I'll get a PR there (and I'm not surprised). Squat is about the same.

    During ball season, I think I'll be content if I just maintain ground, and not lose.



  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,474 Member
    I have been finding it hard to get consistent workouts in with Baseball (Slo-Pitch) happening 2 (or 3) nights a week. I'm still trying to average 2 heavy sessions a week though and for the most part, I'm winning.

    My knee does act up on me ever since ball started, but so far it just gets puffy and not painful.

    I also took a line drive to the wrist and worried I might have broken something, but it turned out to be an ugly bruise only.

    My last lift session (Monday) was week 5 (so 3x6 @ 85%)... so I just did this GIF instead.
    I was happy with my deads - 6,6,7 @ 270lb. Bench seems to have lost some power, so I doubt I'll get a PR there (and I'm not surprised). Squat is about the same.

    During ball season, I think I'll be content if I just maintain ground, and not lose.



    This montage needs the Rocky theme tune playing in the background! :sweat_smile:
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Week 10 of my bench press triplet protocol, where I started doing 10 triples at 60% of 1RM and every week add 5lb. Any week I fail to complete all 10 triples, the following week will have fewer triples to perform. Repeat until I am down to a single triple, then recalculate 1RM and see if it's changed.

    Today was at 240, or 81.3% of 1RM. Ten sets up, ten triples down. The grind is getting real, and I foresee a day very soon where I will fail to get all ten sets. But that day was not today!!