
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,545 Member
    The first thing I did, after telling the family, was to do a Waitrose order for tomorrow. John normally does a fresh fruit, vegetable, and salad shop on Thursdays, but this will save him from that.
    We will get the guy to leave the stuff at the door. :s

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,201 Member
    Heather hope you and DH feel better soon. This Omicron variant is more like a cold. I wonder if I've got it, although Dad tested negative at the beginning.

    My eating is on track so far today! Yay! Except for the cough drops which I didn't count.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,978 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,545 Member
    CJ - So lovely to see you. Yes, as Lisa says, just settle in slowly. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,978 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/kids- 2hrs 3min 46sec, 55elev, 2.93ap, 87ahr, 150mhr, 6.15mi= 621c
    Strava app = 754c
    * put Lucy in buggy after 2mi, put Chispa in buggy after 4mi*
    Walk home to gym- 11.29min, .52mi= 56c
    Strava app= 64c
    Treadmill slow jog- 33.37min, 5.5sp for 3mi, 7.5sp for last .10mi, 133ahr, 177mhr, 159spm, 10.49min mi, 5k= 335c
    Walk gym to home- 12.25min, .54mi= 66c
    Strava app = 66c

    Total cal 1078

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,416 Member
    Heather hope you and DH feel better soon. This Omicron variant is more like a cold. I wonder if I've got it, although Dad tested negative at the beginning.

    My eating is on track so far today! Yay! Except for the cough drops which I didn't count.

    Annie in Delaware

    Back in December, my first test was negative but I tried again the next day and it was positive. Apparently it can take a day or two to register.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,978 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,453 Member
    Worked then we cut the grass (aka weeds). Afterwards, went to see about the orthotic. I’ll get it in 2 weeks to the tune of $450 which Medicare won’t pay. Then went to Hamricks to see about shorts, but they didn’t have anything nice. So I decided to go to Conns which is right next door only they didn’t have anything nice, either. But I did get a bowl for Ganon for $5. I couldn’t make it in ceramics for that price.

    Love the kitten photos

    Kim – good thoughts being sent for your friends

    Flea – I thought NJ was the only state where you couldn’t pump your own gas!

    Kylia – so glad Cali is better and gaining weight

    Debbie – I don’t think I’d ever do zumba, but if they had Aqua Zumba I would probably give that a try. The door is pegboard and about 4” high. Seriously, I can’t reach the latch to unlatch it to get out without a stepstool. Even then it’s a stretch

    Wednesday here, I think I forgot to post last night. Anywho…..

    Did HIIT and then water class. Afterwards went to Burlington to see if they had any shorts, nothing decent. So decided to go to TJ Maxx since they are right there. Found one pair that I’m not sure I like. I was surprised that TJ Maxx isn’t less expensive. Well, part of the problem is that I’m used to buying at thrift stores.

    Then went in the pool. After dinner, I think we’re going to go to Lowe’s Hardware and then WalMart. Vince needs to get some things. I’ll probably do some shopping at WM Update: I only went to WM. I want to make gazpacho so I got most of the things I need and then some others.

    I’m getting that “see if you are human” message when I log in, too

    Annie – I have these eye drops and each time I have to have Vince open them. The only time he didn’t have to was when I got them in FL. Evidently the CVS down there has a different supplier.

    Kylia – when I went for my sleep study, they tried to put a CPAP on me that had the thing in that covers your nose. I had a bad experience as a child with having a mask on my face, and even now I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t open my eyes. FINALLY they gave me one with the tube on the top of my head and just a nose thing. That I could do. Seems I have mild sleep apnea. I have a Resvent cpap, with the tube on the top of my head and just a nose thing (like the oxygen thing in the nose). That I can handle.

    Heather – yea for the walk! You go girl! So very sorry for Johnny (and you) Bummer

    I’ve decided that unless I’m going to FL or the dollar store, I’ll go walking after dinner. Another good thing is that this way I won’t be munching (so much) after dinner.

    CJ – WB

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,116 Member

    Debbie - if I was in charge of the world I'd lock your mom's roommate in with MIL for a few days and see who survives :p . Let them go a few rounds! Who knows, it might be a good~! Regarding you pulling up stakes and moving in with your mom, could your DH be trusted to take care of the cats or is that mainly your job? I'm not sure about getting another cat but those little Siamese mixes you are taking care of sure are cute. Glad you don't live close. :p

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Mom's room mate and MIL are so similar - both are bullies, opinionated and Japanese!
    I would love to put them in the same house for a while.

    If you really wanted, I might just be up for a road trip to drop off the kittens ;)
    I understand- they are cute but I am ready for the living room to be back the way it was- it is full of the huge play pen and their other toys. Can't even get to the back door so I have to go all the way around the house to go to the garden. I could get out of the back door but it is easier to just walk all the way around.
    He could do all the cat care(he does it, for the most part, when I am at mom's but very hard on him, especially with the 4 kittens) but I am the one that does most of the feeding, etc

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,565 Member
    Popping in again for a few.
    Very belated welcome @Babytessie01 ! Please let us know what you’d like to be called and your general locale.
    Kim thank you for www.fire.ca.gov. Prayers and thoughts for Debbie’s Mom, your friends, and all affected both residents and responders.
    Allie what did the ER say about your fainting and nausea?
    Through pg 30, time to snooze.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,116 Member

    Debbie – I don’t think I’d ever do zumba, but if they had Aqua Zumba I would probably give that a try. The door is pegboard and about 4” high. Seriously, I can’t reach the latch to unlatch it to get out without a stepstool. Even then it’s a stretch

    Michele NC[/quote]

    peg board, the kind with holes? They will use those little holes for spots to grab their nails in and be over that soon. I thought the new scrathing post was going to be too big for them but they climb and sit on the top of it with ease then jump off. They are about 10 weeks old(we have had them in the house just a few days past a month). This is the one I got at Black Friday for $2.


    First one is going to his new home tomorrow we think. Was hoping she would take two but told dh just one- she has not seen any of them yet, just pictures. They do so much better with two.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Kittens just got put back in their playpen for the night-already sleeping.

    No zumba because of the holiday so friends from class were supposed to meet me at the wetlands to walk. All three canceled on me so I didn't go. I stayed home and painted the new mahogany in the hall. Two coats of it then dh put the trim up. So much nicer than the old pressed paper paneling that was up there.

    Have Ezie tomorrow and Friday- will figure out a few projects to keep her busy- have one that she started last week but didn't finish plus she will help watering the garden

    Napa Valley,CA