Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 263



  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 797 Member
    You absolutely did a BIG thing! HUGE! Purging is wonderful for the soul! Personally, I think purging the hardcopy was a great exercise, and quite freeing… May I suggest holding on to your computer files? When I retired, I never thought I would go back to work – ever! I purged all my professional clothes & 35 years of files (hard-copy). This past year I got a call for some consulting work… I was so glad I kept my digital files… saved me hours & hours! I also think that only you know what is best… I think you’re going through healthy examination and moving forward clutter free! Onward!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,508 Member
    @IsMollyReallyHungry I went back into my bookmarks and found Round 69, dated March 8, 2019. It was started by Terri Richardson, if that helps.

    @SheilaBoneham I have read a couple of your books and really enjoyed them! I took a hard deep breath when I read you'd thrown out old manuscript starts, but was relieved to also read you still have your digital copies. I know it must have felt good to heave all the old papers into the trash, though! I hope you find your writing mojo again, because I think you are a talented writer with good stories still left in you. I understand going through seasons of change though, and although they can be hard, they usually lead us to a better place. I wish you peace, my online friend.
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,508 Member
    65 year old female, 5'5"
    Highest Weight: 213
    RND 252: SW-191.3, EW-187.6
    RND 253: SW- 187.6, EW- 185.6
    RND 254: SW- 185.6, EW-181.4
    RND 255: SW-181.4, EW—181.4
    RND 256: SW-181.4, EW—179.4
    RND 257: SW- 179.4, EW—178.4
    RND 258: SW—178.4, EW-177.4
    RND 259: SW- 177.4, EW- 176.6
    RND 260: SW- 176.6, EW: 174.0
    SW RND 261: 174.0, EW: 174.2
    SW RND 262: 176, EW: 173.4

    SW RND 263: 173.4

    6/15 173.6 Sure would like to keep it below 174 this time. I feel like I’ve been stuck there for a while now. I know I need to exercise more, so that will be a goal for this round. Good luck everyone!
    6/16 174. Well there it is again.
    6/17 174. And still here. Got in a good walk in the neighborhood though, in spite of the heat.
    6/18 173.4 Walked early yesterday before it was too hot. Summer is here for real!
    6/19 173.2 Got in a good walk at the library park yesterday morning. Finding my groove again after the cruise, so I have hope for the rest of this round. Sugar Kiss melons have arrived at my Publix grocery store, so it’s officially summer now for sure! They spoil me on cantaloupe the rest of the year—I love them so much!
    6/20. 173.4 Not much activity during the day other than try to keep up with a 4-yr old, so I got in a longer walk in the evening. Just had to wait till almost bedtime to do it!