🌞 Just Give Me One Month - June 2024 ⛱️



  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 54kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg
    13 June – 54.4kg
    14 June – 54.4kg
    15 June – 54.6kg
    16 June – 54.8kg
    17 June – 54.9kg
    18 June – 54.7kg

    Earlier than usual weigh-in for me this morning. Am expecting parcel delivery and was rattled out of sleep by the doorbell ringing. Rushed downstairs and ..... nothing. Must have dreamed it.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
    12 June 24 = 12.03 the scales are laughing at me. Same weight morning or night
    13 June 24 = 12.02 yes I gave the scales a talking to.
    14 June 24 = 12.02 happy to still be on this number
    15 June 24 = 12.02 new goal this month any number starting with 11 stone.
    16 June 24 = 12.02 ok with this
    17 June 24 = 12.02
    18 June 24 = 12.02 trying harder today would like to see this number go down
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2
    Jun 11: 212.4
    Jun 12: 212.6
    Jun 13: 212.7
    Jun 14: 212.7
    Jun 15: 211.5
    Jun 16: 212.5
    Jun 17: 213.0
    Jun 18: 212.4

    Hi everyone. I was back to plan yesterday after a long weekend with family and food. Walked 2.4 miles yesterday, and salad for dinner. Hoping to drop back to 209 here at some point. Water bloat is ridiculous. Wish my cycle would just start already and shift out of this. Perimenopause truly sucks. Everything you knew about yourself goes right out the window.

    Trying to catch up on everyone's posts. Hope you all had a good weekend, and are back into the swing of things. <3
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 227 Member
    @ManifestingToday Happy to see you back. Perimenopause 100% sucks.. I am right there with you. Now that our company is gone, we can get back to focusing on ourselves ! I don't have true cycles thankfully because I had a hysterectomy back several years ago but still have what I call "sputtering ovaries".
    I recently was told about the Galveston diet for women dealing with menopause. Google it, she is an OBGYN doc who now has become the menopause expert. I am considering her book but she also has a podcast.

    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    June1 201.6- I might have this wrong, it might have been 202.6? I scaled and then didn’t write it down right away
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7
    June 12- 200.1
    June 13- 200.8
    June 14- 199.6
    June 15- DNW- family in town
    June 16- DNW- family in town
    June 17- 201.1
    June 18- 200.5
    * 20 minutes eliptcal and upper body workout early yesterday morning. Today will be a late evening workout. maybe just a walk. Busy day.
    My smart watch ( a cheaper version of the apple watch which had great reviews) arrived and very excited to have a way to more accurately track my activity and sleep. I got just over 7 hrs of sleep and 1hr 15 mins of deep sleep (which I guess was in the normal range)

  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    edited June 18
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152
    April 24: 150
    May 24: 147
    June 24: 148

    June 3: 148
    June 4: 148
    June 5: 149
    June 6: 148
    June 7: 148
    June 8: 148
    June 9: 150
    June 10: 150
    June 11: 150
    June 12: 149
    June 13: 150
    June 14: DNW but probably 150
    June 15-17: 150
    June 18: 151 😳

    Not doing as well as I thought. I added up all the calories from last night, and I ate well well over maintenance. Even with the 5 mile run.

    Pros: did first weight exercises in a month, cut out sugar snacks in the daytime, more accurately logging my embarrassingly high food intake. And also run everyday with step count over 20K.

    Cons: resumed night snacking. Oh and a drink here and there. And logging all of it too late.

    I guess I can see *where* the issue is.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 54kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg
    13 June – 54.4kg
    14 June – 54.4kg
    15 June – 54.6kg
    16 June – 54.8kg
    17 June – 54.9kg
    18 June – 54.7kg
    19 June – 54.4kg

    Back to last weeks pre-wine weight. Did a 20 min aerobic workout at home yesterday. This is a set routine and after a warm-up, I do as many reps as possible in 20 mins. Haven’t done it since August last year though and my aerobic fitness is definitely down. Probably should attempt it more often but I do not enjoy it at all.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
    12 June 24 = 12.03 the scales are laughing at me. Same weight morning or night
    13 June 24 = 12.02 yes I gave the scales a talking to.
    14 June 24 = 12.02 happy to still be on this number
    15 June 24 = 12.02 new goal this month any number starting with 11 stone.
    16 June 24 = 12.02 ok with this
    17 June 24 = 12.02
    18 June 24 = 12.02 trying harder today would like to see this number go down
    19 June 24 = 12.02 waiting for the number to go down again
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 227 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    June1 201.6- I might have this wrong, it might have been 202.6? I scaled and then didn’t write it down right away
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7
    June 12- 200.1
    June 13- 200.8
    June 14- 199.6
    June 15- DNW- family in town
    June 16- DNW- family in town
    June 17- 201.1
    June 18- 200.5
    June 19-199.8

    While the scale is not moving as fast as I wanted for June I do feel like now I atleast have some control over my weight. I have never done daily weigh in's. It was always something I avoided. Didn't want to know. Now my mindset has shifted. I want to know and it helps me stay on track with my goals. Frustrating some days but knowing what I need to do to control the upward swing most of the time does help give me hope for the long term.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    edited June 19
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2
    Jun 11: 212.4
    Jun 12: 212.6
    Jun 13: 212.7
    Jun 14: 212.7
    Jun 15: 211.5
    Jun 16: 212.5
    Jun 17: 213.0
    Jun 18: 212.4
    Jun 19: 212.4

    @HappyDonkey75 Congrats on being back on track. And I will look up The Galveston diet. Thank you.
    @kellyswimmer Hope you see the number drop soon!
    @SofaKween I go through in/out with aerobic routines -- I enjoy them for a bit, then get bored. But love going back to them. I was doing a lot of that before my knee issue, and it might be time for me to return to that. I hope you find a routine that you enjoy enough to want to do it. <3
    @Plasicage Sending you some positive mojo. You can get back on track; I know you can. ✨

    I'm going to walk today after my last meeting. Gotta get that scale dropping again. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 54kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg
    13 June – 54.4kg
    14 June – 54.4kg
    15 June – 54.6kg
    16 June – 54.8kg
    17 June – 54.9kg
    18 June – 54.7kg
    19 June – 54.4kg
    20 June – 54.3kg

    Walk in the sunshine yesterday, hay fever in overdrive this morning. Getting closer to my goal but also to the weekend when I let wine sabotage my weight loss journey. I wonder if alternating a glass of water with each glass of wine to keep me better hydrated would help – worth a try I think. I need to get a weights workout in today but my legs are still sore from Tuesday so needs to be an arm focus.

    Hope you enjoyed your walk yesterday @ManifestingToday and your knee is not too sore today.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Started 211
    Goal for June 200
    Overall goal 175
    Today 208.2
    Scales finally moving in the right direction - getting lots of walking in and working on reducing stress
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2
    Jun 11: 212.4
    Jun 12: 212.6
    Jun 13: 212.7
    Jun 14: 212.7
    Jun 15: 211.5
    Jun 16: 212.5
    Jun 17: 213.0
    Jun 18: 212.4
    Jun 19: 212.4
    Jun 20: 212.4

    I've had a rough couple of weeks with my schedule - work ramped up a bit, and that's made for later evenings, later on the treadmill, and more snacking. I have to spend some time this weekend figuring out some extra low cal snacks that I can rotate through, without sabotaging myself. I feel like I'm eating the same 10 things and I need more variety. Also, I need to stay away from bread. I love you, Bread. 🍞

    Thanks, @SofaKween - I've been managing anywhere from a mile to 2.5 miles. If I start to notice pain, I slow down and assess, and decide if I can keep going or stop for the day. I'm doing better today; yesterday I tried a 1/% incline and it took a few hours for that to show up in my knees -- Message received; flat walking only for now. But overall I do feel like I'm better. And YES, the hayfever! My poor sinuses.

    Hi @tmbg1, glad you're seeing progress, and keep up with the walking! And yes, stress doesn't do any of us any favors. <3

    So glad that Friday is in sight, and it's almost the weekend. :)
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
    12 June 24 = 12.03 the scales are laughing at me. Same weight morning or night
    13 June 24 = 12.02 yes I gave the scales a talking to.
    14 June 24 = 12.02 happy to still be on this number
    15 June 24 = 12.02 new goal this month any number starting with 11 stone.
    16 June 24 = 12.02 ok with this
    17 June 24 = 12.02
    18 June 24 = 12.02 trying harder today would like to see this number go down
    19 June 24 = 12.02 waiting for the number to go down again
    20 June 24 = 12.02
    21 June 24 = 12.03 !!@ could not stop snacking last night. Concerned I may end the month with not weight loss. Need a big push to the end of the month.
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 285 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194
    Apr 192
    May 194
    June sw 194 go 190

    June 1 194
    June 7 196 ugh. Zero clue there unless it’s from ovulating two days ago. I can tell I’m bloated. I need to push myself to be more active after work. So easy to make supper then sit and relax and not do much else for the day.
    June 10 196. Sucks but I’m ok with it since we did eat out Friday and Saturday (anniversary) and had a couple drinks. Now to push water and workout this week.
    June 14 196 idk even know how I climbed to this number and now it won’t go away. Ugh. Going out of town this weekend so will try and be conscious of my food (and mommy drink) choices.
    June 21 195. Sick this week. All I’ve done is go to work and sleep. Body is all achy from coughing. :(
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 351 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 54kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg
    13 June – 54.4kg
    14 June – 54.4kg
    15 June – 54.6kg
    16 June – 54.8kg
    17 June – 54.9kg
    18 June – 54.7kg
    19 June – 54.4kg
    20 June – 54.3kg
    21 June – 54.4kg

    Weights yesterday not as bad as I thought. The scales have rewarded me with a rise. Thanks scales.

    I need to work out how not to sabotage my weight loss with weekend wine. I still log what I eat (weigh everything when I'm at home) and factor in the wine calories, so I know i'm not over-eating calorie-wise. I don't want to give up my wine - it's my only vice. :'(
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Started 211
    Goal for June 200
    Overall goal 175
    Today 207.8
    Getting a massage today- yay!
  • CAtoVT
    CAtoVT Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 21
    I have struggled with my weight for 13 years. I have been consistently gaining weight during that time. Morbid obesity, diabetes, and heart disease run in my family. I don’t want that for myself and I am ready to shed this burden once and for all! I’m tired of constantly thinking about how much weight I have to loose everyday. My stats: 42 yo female, 5’3”, 186.4 lbs. goal weight is 135-140.

    My goal today is drink more water and track all my food!
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 227 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    June1 201.6- I might have this wrong, it might have been 202.6? I scaled and then didn’t write it down right away
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7
    June 12- 200.1
    June 13- 200.8
    June 14- 199.6
    June 15- DNW- family in town
    June 16- DNW- family in town
    June 17- 201.1
    June 18- 200.5
    June 19-199.8
    Jun 20-DNW
    June 21- 199.7

    It has taken me a week to get back to being below 200 again. Crazy slow.
    I lost consistently in May and now in June it is HARD to get things to budge much. I feel like I am doing better with sticking to my calories compared to May but yet.....

    Anyone else doing Intermittent Fasting? I have not had luck in the past with it but I am not sure I did it right. I am reconsidering giving it a go to help move things along?

    @ManifestingToday - glad to see things are getting back on track for you. I think its easy to get in a food rut . What are you favorite low cal snacks? I struggle with this too. Finding things that I enjoy that are low cal. A plate of veggies ? yes its good for me but I don't enjoy eating it! haha ...

    @kellyswimmer - I feel the same frustration with the slow stuck progress. I know more water and more activity help for me, but also too much muscle strain causes me to retain water so .. it s a balance. I don't know why but my muscles tend to get very sore, beyond what should be normal soreness for walking/biking/etc. Its gotten worse in the last couple of years . Maybe perimenopause related?? not sure but it can be limiting on my fitness levels.

    @SofaKween - I sure miss my wine but not the gain it causes. Its hard to give up for sure. I will let myself have a glass of wine right now once a week , knowing that even though I am within my calories, I may still see a gain.. (yep one glass is all it takes for me!) I have seen non alchoholic options for wine but haven't tried any of them. Might be an option to consider.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    @HappyDonkey75 not menopause for me. Straight into menopause after the birth of my daughter at 41. She is nearly 18 now.
  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 570 Member
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2
    Jun 11: 212.4
    Jun 12: 212.6
    Jun 13: 212.7
    Jun 14: 212.7
    Jun 15: 211.5
    Jun 16: 212.5
    Jun 17: 213.0
    Jun 18: 212.4
    Jun 19: 212.4
    Jun 20: 212.4
    Jun 21: 211.9

    @kellyswimmer It's ok. .1 more. Deep breath. Tomorrow will be lower. <3
    @jennigerding19 I'm sorry, aching from coughing sounds so awful. I hope you can get some rest and that you feel better soon!
    @SofaKween I know that feeling -- I feel like I've given up enough vices already. Do you have a smaller wine glass to drink from, so that a smaller amount looks like more than it is? Kind of like the *eating from a smaller plate* theory? I liked your idea of water between refills -- could you pour a 0-cal sparkling water into your glass, so that it's something a little more fun to sip between refills?
    @tmbg1 Excellent progress! Go enjoy that massage!
    @CAtoVT Welcome to the group and happy to see you. Wishing you success as you start this journey with us. <3
    @HappyDonkey75 Congrats on being back on track! I haven't really experimented with IF -- some people really have good results with it. But for me, I'd have to wait until 11am to eat, so I could eat dinner within the window with my husband -- or I'd have to have dinner insanely early. I don't know how to make it work well for me. As for low cal snacks, I was thinking of a small apple, or celery -- I know I won't eat the celery though. 🀣

    Happy Friday, friends! I hope you have an amazing weekend!